Crunchy Bread & Butter Pickles//Pickle Recipe//Sweet Pickles//Sweet and Spicy Pickles

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[Music] hi there Louie here I just got done with some bread and butter pickles bread and butter pickles started as a staple in some of the homes of the Great Depression era so they would use the leftover cucumbers from the garden harvest and make these pickles and it would be a really fast really filling dinner to just have bread with butter and these pickles I like this recipe because you can kind of change it around a little bit I like mine kind of spicy but I didn't have my spicy peppers because they're not ready in the garden yet so mine just has bell pepper this time but you can switch around to a hot pepper if you want to you can adjust sweetness and it doesn't really affect the pickling so this is something that you can really play with and you can make these pickles your own but this is the base recipe that I started with so I'm gonna go ahead and show you today let's get started [Music] I've got about a week's worth of pickles I think this was somewhere around fifteen or sixteen pickles but this is what those market mores have been producing every single week consistently which is awesome because I get about four quarts of pickles but I'm just washing those up making sure there's no grit in there before I start slicing them up and processing them [Music] I do cut the ends off of my pickles my grandma said that if you don't it makes them bitter and I've never tested that theory so I'm cutting the ends off and then I'll cut them about somewhere in between a quarter and half inch thick I'm not super accurate on my cuts Jay likes the thinner ones I like the thicker ones so I just kind of mix it [Music] with those I'm also going to thinly slice an onion and a bell pepper the I usually do hotter peppers like even a Cayenne or a jalapeno but those aren't ready in my garden right now so the bell peppers are what went in there just because I didn't have anything else at this time [Music] [Music] [Music] now you're gonna see me throw on an insane amount of salt this is sea salt you can also use kosher salt or pickling salt but I just put it on some sea salt and mix them around and then I'll throw those in the refrigerator and just let them sit from anywhere for to 2 to 4 hours mind set about 3 hours you can stir them as you go but what you're trying to do here is release a lot of the water so your pickles will stay good and crisp now you do want younger pickles not older pickles because the older pickles will be a bit mushy and won't hold their shape as well so that's why I usually do mine a week or two old and no more than that if I've picked them already but you can decide what you want to do there but just test it out and see what works for you so once they sit in the fridge for a while you're gonna see that they release a lot of water so what I'm gonna do is just drain off that water and then rinse the poo out of these things now you rinse them for a long long time the best way to do this would be to get a colander and rinse them and you're just trying to get all that salt off now it did absorb some of the salt which is why I usually wait about a week before I open these and start eating them but yeah we're just gonna try to get the majority of that salt off but if they feel a little salty when you first take a bite of them right after you process them just wait a week and they'll probably be good now I'm making my brine and I'm just using three cups of white vinegar and one cup of apple cider vinegar and I'm mixing that up with 4 cups of sugar and I'm gonna dissolve that sugar then we're gonna add in 2 tablespoons of whole mustard seed one teaspoon of celery seed [Music] one tablespoon of turmeric and that's just for color but I like to put it in there [Music] I also add a teaspoon of peppercorns and a teaspoon of whole cloves you can use ground cloves - I would just use a little bit less and my favorite ingredient would be the two cloves of garlic I probably was a little heavy-handed and added one more I don't think that you can add too much garlic personal opinion here but I'm a garlic lover now you're just gonna let that simmer to meld all the flavors together you don't really wanted it to boil we're just melting the sugar here and then letting it simmer for a little bit not too long so I'm just gonna put those rinsed veggies in here and just pack them pretty much as full as I can I ended up with those 16 cucumbers I ended up with four and a half quart jars so that's not too bad for a week's worth of cucumber [Music] [Music] if you've been around for a little while you know I only have one burner so the way I get away with sterilizing jar lids and stuff is I just put them in a bowl and then put boiling water on top of them and let them sit that kind of works for me I'm just gonna prep the water bath canner with hot water it takes forever for my water bath canner to actually boil water so I'm just gonna do that with hot water so maybe it'll speed things up a bit and I make sure I put on the lid I would normally use a funnel to fill these but I can't find mine I think that it's over at my brother's cuz we pickled over there last time but I'm just filling these up with the brine just making sure that they go over the pickles and then I'm going to take out the air bubbles from the sides as much as I can and put the lids and rings on and then they'll be ready to water bath [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I got my water bath canner at Target for like 15 bucks it was a whole kit for 15 bucks because it had a chip on the top and I really don't care what it looks like and that doesn't really hurt anything so that's a good tip if you're learning to can you don't know if you're gonna stay with it it's just to grab one off the clearance rack I've seen them every single year at Target on the clearance rack so there were a little bit rough on their counters over there and shipping or something so maybe check their if you're looking to can for the first time now these will just water bath for 10 minutes and make sure that you have an inch of water over the top if you turn out to be short you can add some boiling water on top I do that all the time because I never estimate the correct amount of water to go in my water bath canner [Music] I really hope you enjoyed this now I have some that I can put right in the fridge and then four cans to put away for later if you're afraid of pickling stop don't be afraid it is pretty simple it's pretty easy it's a little bit hard to mess up if you are having problems with your pickle stain crisp because that's one of the common problems make sure your ends are cut off make sure your pickles are not too old and seedy those can make squishy pickles and if you're putting them straight in the fridge then maybe put them in the brine and let them boil for or simmer with the brine for about five minutes and then put them in the jar and stick them in the fridge I don't do that because I water bath mine so that gives them the cook time that it would be just to put them all in the brine thank you so much for watching if you have any questions about these pickles let me know I will definitely be doing my dill pickle recipe as well they're a very unique pickle it's my grandma's recipe and it's not like a pickle you'd get at the grocery store so I don't know why it's different but it tastes so much different what do you do it yourself but I'll be sharing that with you on my next batch of pickles thank you for watching and I can't wait to chat with you in the comments let me know if you have questions and I'll see you next one bye [Music]
Channel: Homestead Homemaker
Views: 81,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pickles, sweet pickle recipe, bread and butter pickles, depression pickles, sweet pickle, bread and butter pickle recipe, pickle recipe, cucumber recipe, pickling cucumbers, the best sweet pickles, crunchy pickle recipe, crispy pickle recipe, how to make pickles, spicy sweet pickles, homestead homemaker, homemaking with me, making pickles, what to do with cucumbers, preserving cucumber, canning pickles, canning, water bath canning
Id: p0OI7omQtgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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