Cruising on the River Shannon Ireland - We Rented a Boat to try it out…

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hi i'm steve ross good morning and welcome to carrick craft here in carrick and shannon in ireland we're here today to take you out on a cruise of the river shannon on this boat here it's 38 feet long about 60 horsepower from its small little engine so yeah we'll only be running about six to eight knots on this boat and we're going to take it up through the river shannon probably go through a lock park up more up at various locations and i'll take you on a full interior tour of this boat as well so this is known as the lungford class you can see they have long for their road on the side of it and we have the lungford flag so we brought the longford flag so if anyone is watching from the long for caa we decided to fly your flag there and of course we have the irish flag this is proper etiquette when you take one of these boats out you should always fly an irish flag so let me just take you on a tour of it here three steps up here onto the top deck now you can steer it up here and you can also steer it down below so there's no ignition key up here so you literally just have your rev counter there and that's just letting you know how your steering is so left and right and yeah we have a bow thruster here as well so it'll move the bow in and out which is very good it's worked on hydraulics it's not uh yeah so it's not going to overheat which is very good and the steering wheel there and we have the accelerator here so yeah it's in neutral at the moment forward and reverse so yeah it's all pretty straightforward we have a speaker here you can operate the stereo and it'll come out here through the speakers we also have a fridge in here as well which is very good let me just open it up there and give you a look at the fridge on the top deck that's a very nice touch and yeah just close that back up there and we have a nice table here you can have people sitting around here enjoying the sun which is uh hiding behind the clouds today but loads of boats here at carrick craft and i think this one is going out for higher as well this is from limerick there you go this is the limber class so the make of this again haynes okay guys we're on a hanes boat here okay we just found out i wasn't sure it's not a broom 42 anyway that's for sure so into the cabin we go and this is sarah say hello sarah's joining me on the cruise and yeah we just decided to hire out a boat see how it goes we're not being paid by car craft in case you're wondering this is not a sponsored video and we have a big sunroof up here as well nice painting on the wall so this is a fairly new boat for foreign craft this is fairly modern now and we have a nice table here which is very good and you can fold it down on that side and this is the map so we are here so we're thinking of going up to litrum around here so it's only about 45 minutes and then come back and then we're going up here tomorrow for the night in coote hall because we're having dinner at the waterfront restaurant sorry thanks sarah here we're we're parking here for the night no we're going here tomorrow uh lucky big lake up here and we can moor up as i said already myself and sarah did the online tutorial it took us an hour and a half on the laptop going down through all of the ins and outs of the boat and learning how to um keep it afloat [Laughter] yeah so i there there is one very important thing sarah that we have to do before we set off i'll just let them know what that is but we have all the groceries here all stocked up now it all comes the boat comes with all these cups glasses pots pans knives forks it all comes on the boat and say for instance if you were coming from a different country and you didn't want to be going around looking for a supermarket you can have all this shopping bought for you and left on the boat on your arrival which is very good and this is a good size fridge as well so i like that and yeah you can have all your storage here underneath the sink as well so all of this equipment comes with the boat when you hire it all of the pots and pans yeah and there's even something here for your coffee okay and yeah all of the cooker and all it's operated on gas so yeah you can switch it on there and the kettle as well all gas so let me just hop up onto the uh the helm the helm we've been learning the boating jargon so bow stern helm um starboard side port side yeah and the steering wheel is non-adjustable so yeah um not not great it's not adjustable so you can hear the engine slightly revving there at the moment so it's recommended to do this if you're turning on the night heater and you just want to warm up the cabin just to have it kind of ticking over like that and then we can knock it in like that now we're in the neutral position so back and that way just to kind of get the revs up so say for instance if the engine is not warm and you want to warm up the water this is what you would do if the engine's not warm so yeah forward reverse simple enough and here we have our battery gauges so we have three of them and yeah your water temperature there and your oil pressure rev counter and that's for the steering as well so you'll see it move there when i turn the steering wheel there you go and our water tank as well so there's plenty of water on this they reckon you'll have about 60 hours of cruising with the diesel tank it's 450 liters of diesel so um yeah and that's our 12-volt socket there as well and when you start the engine in the morning we do have a little glow worm here that you have to hold for 10 seconds and then start the engine uh when it's really cold and we have a pair of binoculars as well that were given to us by carrie craft and yeah so this is the the bow of the boat obviously and we have sleeping here left and right and all of the cabinets and the windows there and a sunroof there as well um i'm sure i'm sure it's not called a sunroof a porthole i would imagine and yeah all the storage here as well so let me just um open up the bathroom so this is one of two bathrooms which is fantastic so yeah we have an electric operation so it's not one of those pump ones it's electrically operated uh where you just flush it out and yeah it's even got a heated handrail here as well that's hot at the moment yeah and yeah all of the towels are provided all of the bed linen is provided it's very very well done here and yeah obviously you have your life jackets as well and yeah now let me just take you to the big bedroom the big bedroom sarah okay and have a look yeah so very nice double bed uh the duvets don't don't go the whole way across so yeah there'd be a division there and we have the towels yes and i do like the fly nets at the back here as well there's a flying out there so you can open up the window and have air coming in without the flies so that is very good and yeah we have fire extinguishers and a fire blanket of course and that is your second bathroom so let me just do a quick flush here there you go and also a heated rail there oh there's a little divider here for the shower as well i didn't see that yeah bring it and you're only supposed to use this toilet roll as well you're not supposed to use normal toilet roll this is the proper toilet roll for the boats so yeah i think it's uh i think the engine is warmed up and off let's get behind the helm and hitler hit the water not the road water i nearly forgot the most important thing we need to do before we set off put on the kettle if i fall in i better love me on camera so we are fully untied i have the boat slightly in reverse just to keep us in position powered up let's see how we manage [Music] how do we do i didn't hear any bang it's not like we're okay so myself and sarah were up here two weeks ago just to have a look at the boats just to decide which one we were going to take but um i said to sarah how long do you think it'll be before we see the first hen party and as it happened it was less than five minutes and we heard a hidden party over here inside one of these apartments so yeah it didn't take long at all now this boat can only do about six to eight knots so it's not very fast but when you're you know cruising around moorings like this you're supposed to take your time because you're not supposed to create much of a wake so you can see behind us there we're not creating much of a wake at all yeah just take your time but the steering as you can see is not very sensitive it takes a lot of input before it's like you turn it and then there's a five second reaction before anything happens so what watch now i i turn it watch wait further wait for away for now it starts to move so yeah not one bit like a car in case you're wondering we're gonna put it into cruise control and we're gonna go down to bed no we won't guys we're staying behind the wheel yeah that's pretty cool now to see a few more boats out the current and the wind i can feel it pushing the boat so we'll wait until we're past the marker and then we're going to transfer power to below and i'll just show you how to do that so uh yeah we just wait until we're past this america because we don't drift into it okay so we will put it into neutral okay are we ready yeah no other boats coming we're absolutely fine and yeah so we are in neutral now okay then i go down to the cabin and we switch below okay and yeah so you can do this you can do this very easily and then we switch this switch here then uh the arrow is actually the wrong way around it should oh no it's actually pointing down yeah yeah now we have control down here and then we ah yeah we power up yeah you see when we did this before it wasn't fully in neutral upstairs so we couldn't get any power here so sarah went back upstairs and switched it again a little bit and yeah once it's in neutral upstairs well then you can operate it down here but you can only transfer power down here you can transfer it upstairs obviously for safety reasons the etiquette when you're passing another boat is you have to wave at them this is like the boating etiquette it is so let me just move over here and give them plenty of space that boat looks very wide is it emerald stair or is that a private boat yeah i think that's a private boat huh i'll hoot the horn huh oh no it's sir it's a rental boat how are you doing how are you doing and our voltage has gone back up so that's great we don't have to worry about a dead battery well not us anyway just the previous people that rented this boat we found that out two weeks ago that the previous people that had this boat ran out of battery power and they had to call a carry craft and get them out to put new batteries in it so i'd like to thank the people that previously had this boat for getting two new batteries for us we don't have to worry about a flat battery so yeah great so we've made it into litre marina very nice set up here and there's a restaurant here boaters welcome baron restaurant and yeah all the boats are parked up here so yeah it was a bit slow parking in here guys but we're looking off we we didn't hit anything so yeah i didn't hear any bang so we're fine we're fine so um we shouldn't uh sarah we're moving out from we're moving out from the birth [Laughter] now we have to try and get over to one time yeah so um yeah we need to sort that out we should be parked this way so yeah we kind of came in parallel but for some reason the rope is after loosening and we're we're over here anyway we'll jump off from the front well not jump but yeah because you can slip on the moorings there but anyway um listen more important things we're having a sandwich so we've got the moon river passing us there so if any of you know you can get this boat it's a pleasure boat from kerrigan shannon and it goes all around this lake so yeah that's um quite a favorite with the hen knights in carrick and shannon okay there you have it so we're just moored up here now at coote hall marine so just knock off the engine and that is the restaurant where we're eating in tonight the waterfront restaurant so yeah we're tied up here nice and tight because we are staying here tonight and we don't want the boat rocking in and out so we also have it uh tied here in the middle as well on the longford and let me just show you around a couple more boats oh we have another one coming in over there as well so this is a very long boat but when i was coming in i was kind of watching this anchor here on the side of the longford uh just to make sure i wasn't going to damage it but yeah you see the current is kind of pushing the boat so it took us a bit of a while to get in but we got in we got tied up and yeah so if this guy is coming in to tie up i don't know where he's gonna go maybe he can go further down but yeah so i came here the last time i was here in coup hall it must be six or seven years ago this was all derelict it was a derelict building but now it's all built up and they've done a fantastic job and looks really well yeah so this looks like a broom a broom boat coming in here yeah so uh i don't know where he's gonna park ah the sun is shining on a well there now yeah so he they've only got a few fenders look at all the fenders on the side of this look it kind of ruins the whole look of the boat but i suppose on the rentals you have to have them yeah that's a broom 50 i think yeah let me zoom in there oh it's a broom 39 yeah so it's around the same length as the hanes boat that we have but that is very nice of course it's a lot higher as well you have to be kind of wary on bridges on those boats but yeah that's got a big double bed at the back as well just like this one okay and fast forward to the following morning and we've just had breakfast on the boat and we had to plug in as well so we plugged in overnight not to be drawing too much power from the battery it's wet this is not this is um yeah it's not really a nice morning pretty wet but yeah there's a lot of boats here at coote hall marina and as i said already we had dinner last night at the waterfront restaurant there but um yeah it's all gone very nicely so so i'm just after having a shower and as you can see it is getting worryingly high and i don't want it to flow in but um because i was pressing buttons here to see when it drain out and then sarah said it's the black button i didn't know what this was for so this will drain it out this handrail does get hot as well so be careful leaning against it or resting your arm in it like i did and nearly burn my arm but anyway it has a dual purpose so it not only heats the bathroom but it'll also dry your towel so if you are washing tea towels or towels you can just hang them on this and it'll dry them so that's very good anyway so that is the review of the toilet so i like to keep over and then aim for the bridge straight on instead of coming at an angle just to make sure we have the maximum space going through the bridge yeah some really old boat there as well uh what's it called baroon or something huh yeah so all right just this is why we got this boat because it's nice and low you can nearly touch touch the top here though oh yeah we got through okay there you go and that is okay so we're just making our way towards clarendon lock i don't really like going through locks but we have to to get the lucky forest park so we just moored up here i went down and had a chat with the lock keeper there's two small bows that are also going to join us in the lock now one boat went through i didn't know would we also have been able to fit it with that other boat but anyway the lock keeper says we could have fitted through it i didn't know because i can't see around corners so i parked up here and went down had a look but anyway we got a green light there's usually a traffic light system here where it's green and then you can go straight into the lock if it's red you stay outside so is it green let's have a look for the green light is it is it no it's still red it's still red so we still have to wait so the other boat has gone through we just have to wait for the doors to open so we're gonna hold back we'll just hold back for a while it's right now oh we have a green light we have a green light so oh maybe he's gonna let us through i think so yeah yeah and then the small bows okay we're just driving out of the lap yeah so you just tie up with both sides and yeah it's only a very short lock it's not much of a level difference it was at this moment that he knew you're gonna hit there you go there you go right where's the screen [Music] okay so there's a meeting here between the swans the ducks and the crows they're having a chin wig uh and there is the langford so we had a coffee there in lockheed forest park and we're just looking at this tower so don't really know the purpose of it other than just going up and having a look outside but we can't get in it's all fenced off and lucky forest park is not even fully opened but they do have these tunnels that you go through and there's a door actually open there if you can see the whole way down through that tunnel and it must be something to do with this house so yeah i don't know it's a bit of a weird place these tunnels and this whole lowered section here i don't like what is it i don't know and this tower so we've just arrived here at clarendon lock it's what twenty to three and uh the lock keeper is gone he left his phone number there and then he says i'll be back in an hour that he's operating a couple of other locks for people so that's us way down there we are moored up so we seen a red light over here which means don't come through so we moored up and i could see another boat way down there moored up as well so we're waiting for the lock keeper to come back and then we pull in and tie up here and then the doors open and we go through but it's only a small level as you can see there it's not much of a drop but um yeah we're we're cruising downstream so yeah we can just walk across here the lock gates and yeah all we can do is um sit down and wait fancy a game at twister so we're still waiting for the lock keeper to come in now we have two more boats after arriving and this boat that's way down there he was there before those two we were there before those two so it's open on our end we're gonna go through first so they're gonna have to wait i'm afraid okay we're tying up there you go and sarah's tying the other end okay iron then last one so we got through that's it so an hour and 15 minutes we were waiting but that's it we can get out of here finally [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we're just moored up here in drummond so it wasn't exactly the easiest place to moor in if you can see you've got to come in at an angle like this a kind of an s so yeah it's not the easiest place to moor um there's two more boats coming in here as well so yeah i suppose it's designed this way because of the current this wall kind of stops the current from rocking the boats when they're moored up here so yeah those guys uh they might find it a bit tight parking up here beside us because there's only a few more spaces left but we got in here early so yeah it's very windy now and yeah you can go up to this restaurant as well but we're not going up there because we're having pizza on the boat so in we go sarah has the pizza in the oven let's have a look there we go uh yeah this clip here ah yes very nice [Music] we've just left drum it had our nice pizza and we're now unlock buffing at the moment this is huge huge lake here and now we're making our way up to lochbow derg lak tap and then into jamestown we're overnighting there tonight hand back the boat to carry craft tomorrow [Music] so we have all the curtains drawn and we are having dinner in the boat of course and yeah pitch dark outside a few more boats also moored up beside us for the night yeah so we're having linguini tonight yeah it's all getting boiled here very nice smell sarah off the sauce sarah has a very special ingredient in this sauce she won't even tell me what it is so oh yeah we also have some nice white wine in the fridge as well and yeah so we're going to enjoy the dinner and then we will see you guys in the morning and fast forward to the following morning and we are here at drums now end of navigation so yeah we have a man over there he has two dogs on his boat he's just taking them out for a walk so yeah we had uh three other boats join us here moored up for the night so we came in here first then three more came within a half an hour and yeah you can probably put another two boats here no problem at all so that's where we are drum sna so this place actually flooded over completely flooded over back in 2009 all of this was covered in water so yeah not a good time for drum snap but the boat it's a beautiful morning absolutely fantastic but uh yeah we just had breakfast sarah was very good she cooked a scrambled egg and yeah we had some uh porridge there as well and the coffee lovely so we're gonna get the boat uh warmed up as you can hear the engine is on and we will make our way back over to albert locke and bring this boat back to carrick and shannon so there we are we say goodbye to drums now and yeah very calm overnight as you can see the water is very very settled and sarah is taking over again driving us back to carrick okay so that is where i'm gonna wrap up today's video i really enjoyed on the longford class at carrick craft definitely hire out a boat because i mean if you buy a boat you've got to think about mooring insurance maintenance it's huge money just hire a boat one or two times a year you'll have a fantastic time along the river shannon and we certainly did and yeah i would highly recommend it contact carrick craft or emerald star they're another company as well that hire boats and get out on the river shannon and enjoy it you will absolutely love it but i'm going to leave you all there thank you very much for watching and i'll chat to you all again next time for another video cheers guys so here i am slaying over a hot stove making dinner and look at this huh sleeping beauty he nearly did stop my
Channel: Stavros969
Views: 39,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haines boats, broom boats, carrick craft boat rental, carrick craft stavros969, Cruise Boat Rental Ireland, Shannon Cruise Boats, Cruise Boats Ireland
Id: FW0TuLxVhkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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