Cruise Ship Crew Want Us To Know About This

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While researching this, a few crew members told  me that mafias exist onboard, and you need to know   how to work with them. That revelation threw me,   but as you will hear, there is  a real positive in there for us. I also discovered that taking pictures  of crew members could create serious   problems for them. And I  finally unraveled what the crew   really think about gratuities,  and what they would like is to do. You are about to discover these and some  other genuinely surprising cruise tips   I have gathered from talking to crew members. If you are new here, by the way, I'm Gary  Bembridge and it's my goal to make it easier   and much more fun to discover plan and  enjoy unforgettable cruise vacations. A friend of mine in the service industry  (not a crew member) once said to me,   never be unpleasant or rude to someone who's alone  in your bathroom with your toothbrush or prepares   and brings you your drinks or makes you your food.  The images that conjured up has never left me. Now, I am not saying crew do  anything suspect along those lines,   but the point my friend made is true on ships. I was told by every crew member is  that we should be nice or nicer.   As one did say to me on a recent  Princess cruise, it's straightforward,   being nice will get you way further  than if you're rude or angry. He kept stressing that the crew don't  set the prices, they don't sail the ship,   they're not paid particularly well but (as  he put it) they work their butts off for   every single passenger and are expected to  be super friendly while they do that. And   being kind and considerate in return will go  a long way to enhance and smooth your cruise. This is where the “mafia” I mentioned  comes in. It was pointed out that crew are   incredibly inter-connected and it’s often these  informal connections that can unlock and make   things happen for you. Things work not  just through the official channels,   using the informal system can be a real plus. The crew member’s roommate,  friends and people they hang out   off duty could be the very ones to get  things done for you or solve problems. Whether it's a show that's sold out,   an excursion you missed out on or any other  problems you've got they may know just the   person on board who can make it happen  – and not through the usual channels. I have found that works. I once needed to fix my   suitcase and asked at Guest Services  who said the ship could not help but   spoke to my stateroom attendant and they  were able to get a handyman friend to fix it. The tip crew members told me is  start with your stateroom attendant.   If they don't know the answer,  they will know who to ask. I once asked if they knew  of a great Indian restaurant   in a particular port and she checked with  an Indian friend where they go to eat.   So, if it’s where to buy something, best  thing to see or best place to hang out   and get free Wi-Fi, start with your stateroom  attendant. They will know or know who will. However, just how far does being nice to your  crew member go? They had tips around this too! I found this out the hard way, we were  a four-week cruise on the Queen Mary 2   and became extremely friendly with one of the  fitness instructors through doing so many of   her fitness classes. We started to meet up with  in some ports and go out and have a great time. She got into serious trouble because she was seen  out with us in a bar being, and it was felt she   was being “too friendly” and was reported to  her manager by a senior crew member. Nothing   romantic or inappropriate was happening, but  she got told off and received a written warning. I asked numerous crew members about this  area, and they had some sober and good tips. First, all crew members said ''it's  important to get to know crew members.''   Not only as they are a font of knowledge, but  crew members like us to remember their names,   take an interest in them as individuals and  not treat them as an anonymous service agent. But being too friendly can  be an issue, as we found out,   and hitting on the crew romantically  can cause them big problems. There is a strict, no tolerance rule when it comes  to relationships between the crew and passengers.   Many cruise lines train crew how to diffuse a  situation if people come on too strong. If the   crew are found having inappropriate relationships  with passengers, they are usually fired. There is also a real fear of being  accused of inappropriate behavior. One crew said to me, ''If passengers ask to take a  picture with me, I resist them wrapping their arms   and hands around me, and I never put my  arm and hands around them.'' He says he   always thumbs up gesture with both hands in shot,  so his hands are showing when anyone takes photos. If you're taking photos of the  crew, do it in a way that's   sensitive and not likely to cause any issues Get to know the crew but understand the  boundaries. Don't push it too far, and don't   ask then to take you into crew-only  areas, as that too could get them fired. I also discovered another reason the  crew are so keen for you to get to know   them and remember their names. And I had not  appreciated why it was so important to them. I’m had never been particularly diligent at  filling out the end-of-cruise questionnaire,   until I found this out. Every crew member, when they heard I didn’t always  fill it out, begged me to do it. And critically,   call out any crew member by name  who has provided incredible service. And getting their name right is so key that  they suggested I either write their name down   or take a photograph of their name badge. This  also has an added effect as it means they know   that you're going to mention them in that survey. Taking the name badge photos struck  me as a genius tip, as after on my   last cruise I only got round to doing the  questionnaire a week later, and I couldn't   properly remember everyone's name  and how to spell it. I felt bad,   because they had given amazing service  and it hadn't been properly recorded. Those end-of- cruise questionnaires are  important, because while the overall score that   an area gets can affect incentives or rewards,  more importantly the names of those called out   go to the managers and it genuinely affects  ability to get promotions and advancement. Fill out the cruise questionnaire, and make sure  you have recorded crew names to get them right. That is one tip on how to  help the crew, but what about   the most contentious topic of all?  What tips do the crew have on that? Some crew on some lines told me that they see  the list of passengers that have taken off or   reduced auto gratuities, so they know who has done  it. I don’t know if that is true as never seen   a list but consider that if you take off auto  gratuities, the crew may know that you have. Gratuities is one of the most  divisive topics in cruising,   and I was keen to see what crew had  to say about what we should be doing. All confirmed that auto gratuities, which is now  the common approach if not included in the fare,   go into a pool that's split between a wide range  of people behind the scenes and passenger facing. The crew ask, not surprisingly, we don’t take them  off as they are a key part of their remuneration. It's a separate discussion about whether cruise  lines should be paying higher base wages,   but today crew rely on  gratuities to bolster their pay. Crew don't earn huge salaries and pointed out not  everything on the ship is included in their wages.   For example, you see so many crew hanging  around free Wi-Fi spots in town or in port,   because many cruise lines  charge their crew for Wi-Fi.   So, to stay connected to their  family, there is a cost to do that. The other tips they had was that first,  of course, they appreciate extra tips   for amazing service or extra things they do,  but if you are going to do so then cash is king. I know some passengers, as I get asked  this often, like the idea of giving gifts   from home to the crew, whilst of course  that's appreciated, nothing beats cash. Many people are onboard and sending  money home to their family, kids,   parents, and grandparents.  So, cash is always king. And talking of money, there is  another big tip on this too. The costs involved can be enormous  and crew do see passengers   rack up personal scary bills occasionally.  All of which could be avoided. If those passengers had taken  out and ensured it was the right   travel insurance which includes medical, and  specifically costs from the medical centre. The crew told me that some travel insurance  policies do not cover ship medical centre costs,   which can be very expensive, including  seeing the doctor, prescriptions and so   on. Then if you must be Medevaced  off the ship or disembarked for   medical reasons into a local hospital the  costs can mount fast and be eye-watering. The tip from them is have insurance  and make sure it covers everything. When I first asked crew for tips, they said   there are 3 things they keep seeing passengers do  on every cruise, so although these are not new, I   thought I should include them as it seems  we are still not getting these right. People forget to put phones into  airplane mode and ramp up crazy costs. Many passengers forget to set their  watch, clock, or phone onto ship time,   and so arrive early or late for breakfast,  excursion meet times or almost (or do) miss   the ship sailing in the evening. This is  most common when passing through time zones. And the third is passengers  not booking everything early,   particularly on big ships where there are  lots of options and they get sold out quickly. They stress using pre-cruise  online planner to book,   dining, excursions, activities, spa treatments,   and so on as they spent so much time with  passengers frustrated things that are sold out. They said if you don't do it before on embarkation  day, the minute you get on board go and book,   with one of the quickest ways via  the interactive television or app,   which means no lining up to get it sorted. The crew have these tips but there are more  tips that you can learn from in the video where   I look at the 7 things the smartest cruisers  do, starting with how they ignore the advice   that you will find in many cruise articles,  blogs and videos. See you over there
Channel: Tips For Travellers
Views: 1,173,934
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Keywords: cruise tips, tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge, Cruise Tips For Travellers, crew member, advice for crew members, cruise tips and tricks, cruise tips and hacks, crew cruise tips, cruise crew tips
Id: c10ABSfddVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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