Crosswind Landings in Extreme Wind Conditions
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: TravelTV
Views: 1,502,026
Rating: 4.1048675 out of 5
Keywords: landing, landings, take off, take-off, takeoff, takeoffs, crosswind, crosswind landing, crosswind landings, storm, extreme crosswind, go around, aborted landing, aborted landings, windy landing, windy landings, Airbus, A380, Airbus A380, Boeing, Boeing 747, airport, airports, dangerous landings, low pass, wind shear, 側風, 横風, ハードランディング, 強い風, ウインドシア, viento cruzado, Seitenwind, zijwind
Id: E-Ls-FyMFnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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