Crosshatch quilting-finishing a quilt-learn to quilt-straight line quilting

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[Music] [Laughter] hi sewing friends welcome to my sewing room my name is beth and it's nice to be sewing with you today if you're new welcome i finished a quilt last time i was with you we made the easiest string quilt and i finished my quilt for my daughter the backing is on i used an old tablecloth that i picked up at the thrift store it's cotton fabric and it still had a lot of life left in it and for the quilting i did cross hatching which is diagonal lines that go two different ways and i didn't double check but the biggest you want to do for your opening is about four inches and that is close to four inches i'm not exactly sure i used some painters tape to mark the quilt there's a lot of ways to mark a quilt but this time i use tape and i just move the tape as i go along so that'll be in this video and i added the binding and the quilt fits on her bed so that's always a good thing i wanted it a little bit long so that it didn't come untucked at the bottom she kind of tugs at the quilt a little bit so it's going to go right on her bed today and let's get started the first thing i did was i laid all three layers down on my living room floor the backing the batting and the quilt and as you can see the backing and the batting are just a little bit bigger i had to cut them both just a little bit bigger than the quilt top itself and i used a 505 spray to get the three layers together to baste them together it's a temporary adhesive for fabric it does warn you to do it in a well ventilated area so you can open the window and spray that on or you can pin this is the way i frequently do especially larger quilts or there's another kind of batting that i like to use that is a hops batting that's fusible and you can press your three layers together so those are two easy easier ways to baste your quilt and then i did the same thing on the other end i kind of start in the middle and move out on both ends and after getting the top nice and smooth i went to the back i turned the whole thing over and then i added the back i sprayed and added the back then i took the whole quilt to my table and i'm going to mark it with the tape and on my ruler there's a 45 degree line so i lined that up with the quilt and i got some painters tape and just followed along through the middle of the quilt and i use smaller pieces of tape because if you use really long ones it tends to bunch up the quilt and the quilt doesn't give as you as you quilt through it so i'm going to start in the middle with one long line with a lot of pieces of tape and i will take that to my machine and that's the line i'm going to start with right through the middle diagonally and i use a larger stitch length when i am doing these this type of quilting on my machine i think it's three and a half and i know a lot of you will use a walking foot at this point but i on my jukey i use my regular foot and it seems to work out the walking foot i think i might have gone too fast so it doesn't work really great the sewing machine repair guys said i had been going too fast using my walking foot so i tried it with the regular foot and it worked just fine so that's what i've been using for straight line quilting on my machine once in a while i pull out the walking foot but maybe some of you might know why that is that i can use my regular foot i don't think with other machines that is advisable but after i got that first line in i use a ruler and for this quilt i measured two inches away from the stitch line and i i just reused those pieces of tape and i kept going out from the center so i went out from the center to the right and then i went out from the center to the left to get the whole quilt quilted and then after all of those lines were in i went back and turned the quilt 90 degrees and now i'm adding the cross hatching type stitches the same way with two inches away from my quilted line and that turned out to be about four inches square and as you can see i will be eyeballing between pieces of tape so my tape is not right close together i do a lot of eyeballing when i sew i don't know if you do that too but yeah i'm going to keep sewing and getting these lines in [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i'm all done quilting this nice big quilt with those diagonal seams and i really like the way it turned out i just need to trim the edge here get the backing and the batting trimmed off and then i'll have those nice long strips of fabric to put in my scrap bin for the next scrappy quilt i'm ready to cut my binding now i trimmed the edge of this nice pink fabric and my binding strips are two and a half inches and i do have some videos on how to make binding and for this quilt i needed about seven of these strips two and a half inch strips i joined them with a diagonal line and then i press that whole strip in half so i'm going to put all my strips together and get my binding ready to go [Music] i decided to add the binding to the back first and roll it around the edge to the front i for a utility quilts i just think that's the best way to go and real life here i did not pin my binding before i sewed it on i just rolled it over as i went along and there you go the quilts ready to be used my daughter and i are both happy so thank you for joining me today and i'll see you next time
Channel: my sewing room
Views: 15,106
Rating: 4.9478488 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, quilt, quilting lines, machine quilting, crosshatch, crosshatch quilting, sew, sewing, how to sew, how to quilt, learn to sew, learn to quilt, make a quilt, easy quilt, string quilt
Id: bY-jpLTG9wY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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