Crossbreed (Full Movie) 2019, Sci Fi - Vivica A. Fox | NEW HD Movie

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(pleasant music) (bubbling) (glass clinking) (ambient music) (electrical fizzling) (ambient music) (ominous music) (computer beeping) (electronic beat music) (lasers buzzing) (whooshing) - [Computer Voice] Elevator arrived. (suspenseful music) (groaning) (man groaning) (gunshots popping) (gasping) (footsteps clinking) - [Man] Fuck you! - [Computer Voice] Elevator arrived. (elevator door buzzing) - [Gunman] Where is it? (groaning) (thudding) (suspenseful music) - Come on! (yelling) (crunching) (chains rattling) - Come on! Come on! (yelling) (thudding) (yelling) (gagging) - [Computer Voice] UCT monitor will self-destruct in 10 minutes. (alarm buzzing) (ominous music) (dramatic music) UCT monitor will self-destruct in nine minutes. - Murphy, here. Cargo secured. - [Man On Radio] Copy that, Murphy. They initiated self-destruct in four minutes. - You guys think you could get your fucking act together real quick and get me out of here? - [Man On Radio] We got your back, Murph. Stay frosty in there. We'll see you soon. (ominous music) - Thank you, Murph. - So that's the way it's gonna be. - Correct. (dramatic music) - Yeah. I figured it would be you. How about you take good care of my kids, okay? I deserve that much. - [Computer Voice] UCT monitor will self-destruct in eight minutes. (laser blast booming) Welcome to Sector Nine. Blue Collar Wing. (exciting rock music) Have a nice day. - Woo! Call the team! I'm ready to work! - Fighting fuck! - [Big Man] I'm fucking ready, woo! - [Waitress] Hello, boys. - [Big Man] What's up? - There's some blood and some germs for the gentlemen. How're you guys doing tonight, good? - We're doing great, Amy. It's Amy, ain't it? - It's Ashley. - That ass looks like an Amy, so I'm calling you Amy. - [Big Man] Yeah, I like Amy. Yeah, right? - I got a question for you? - What can I get for you? - What do you think you can get for me? - Yeah, tell her, Chulo. - I want that neck. And when I'm done with that neck, I wonder what time those legs open or business. - [Big Man] Yeah, what time? - [Chulo] Fuck all night long. - Actually, they're closed for the holidays. - Yeah right, you could be paying me at the end of the night. - Come on, mamacita. You're just turning me on. - Fire it up! - [Big Man] We'll have a good time. Keep fighting, you're turning me on. - Hey! Leave the girl alone, finish your drink and get the hell out. (laughing) I took shrapnel in the ass during the war. Little pissants like you, you ain't never done shit. You ain't never worked for a goddamn thing. Now get the fuck out! - [Big Man] Whatever. - [Chulo] You're a bitch. - Gentlemen, I believe you were asked to leave. You're headed the wrong way. Door's that way. - [Big Man] Who are you, the busboy? - Fist time here, guys? You know, I'm gonna go back to filling up the salt shakers real quick, but first, you guys need to learn the rules. (thudding) - [Big Man] Yeah, fucking right! Woo! - That's strike one. - [Big Man] Hit him again harder this time. Woo! - That's two, yeah. (crunching) You see that sign over there on the wall? - [Chulo] Yeah. - I think this is a good time to tell you, it's my sign. - You're the boss, huh? - I am, indeed. (thudding) ♪ This time I have made enough mistakes ♪ (thudding) (knife slicing) (groaning) - Fucking dead, old man. - Ow, that hurt. How're you doing, Ryker? - Call me Boss. - [Officer] It's not wartime anymore. - It is here. - Thank you. - You okay, honey? - I'm fine. Don't worry. Take the rest of the night off, okay? I'll cover for you. - Okay, thanks. - Aw. Still extending the helping hand to the unfortunate. How lovely of you, Adam. Some things never change. - She's young. There's no family. It hasn't been that long. - It's been 15 years. (groaning) - Why are you here, Weathers? - I've got a job offer. - No thanks, I've got a job. - And your job sucks. No offense. And I hear you're behind on your payments. - Oh yeah? Where'd you hear that? - The President of the Unites States. President Henricksen, ring a bell? Back in America, on the planet Earth. Spins around, spins around. It's got one moon. Mercury, Venus, the one we fucked up with the nuclear weapons. - Were you unconscious on your way up here, man? I don't live there anymore. Want a drink or something because I got a lot of shit to do. - I need two minutes, Adam. Hear me out. - You were always needy as fuck, man. You got two minutes. - You look good too. New fall fashion, what do you got on there? - [Adam] Two minute, asshole. Ron, I need a few. - [Ron] I got you. - Last time I saw you, you were sweet on Henricksen. You were still running around the country soaking up all that "war hero" bullshit. - Yeah, well, I settled down. I got a wife and kid. Lost both. Came up here when they started the settlement. Henricksen's president now? - She is. Pretty good one too. You don't keep up on much, do you? - Not by choice. All right, Weathers, I'll bite. What's the job? - Spacecraft UCT monitor carrying an alien life form was commandeered by mercenaries. We need you to bring it back, Adam. - Who are the mercs? - It was Murphy and another team unknown. - Okay, so where's Murph now? - They killed him, Adam. The unknown team. And they made off with the life form. - Fuck me. Who hired the mercs? - Omni Tech Universal. - Omni Tech Universal shut down, they're out of business. - That's what we thought too. Intelligence tells us that they have a satellite hovering around the earth, right now, as we speak. We believe they're going to use it as a platform to launch chemical weapons against the United States. This is a matter of national security, Adam. We need you to pick a team of five men and bring it back. - Why just five? - This is a snatch and grab, solider. Not a firefight. (sighing) - [Adam] What's the pay? - 10 million credits to be disbursed, as you wish, amongst your team. - Yeah, that definitely takes care of a few things around here. I'm in. - Knew that you would. Here's my briefing. All the information you need. - Thank you. - No. Thank you, Adam. - Don't think me yet. - [Weathers] I'll take that drink now. - I bet you will. - It's on you. - [Adam] Always is. (dramatic music) (thunder rumbling) - [Weathers] The mission has been accepted. - Who took it? - Our old pal, Ryker. - Ryker. He still putting on the stoic act? - Indeed. - Doesn't make me happy. This guy's got a rep. - He's a decorated war hero and the prime reason we're alive today and walking these halls. - I know his record and I know you served with him but this "war hero" is now a citizen of the moon. That makes him a deserter in my eyes. - This isn't about nationalism. We need someone who can do the job and Ryker is the best candidate. - Best candidate, maybe, but that doesn't mean he's upping our chances of pulling this off. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you mean? - This isn't the same Omni Tech that cloned game hens to feed the homeless back in the 2020s. They're biological revolutionaries. They're dangerous. If they're doing what my intel suggests, should Ryker and his team not pull this off, it could be bad. - Bad? Why? - I think that Miller's concern lies with the cargo. It was taken from the Sharak System. They're pirates at best. Interstellar revolutionaries. Thieves. But nevertheless, they are quite dangerous. - Then what are you assuming, Miller? - If you don't mind, I'm kinda on a roll now. What Miller is suggesting is that if Ryker is unsuccessful and that cargo does not end up in the hands on the Sharak team, then most assuredly, World War Four will not be instigated by mankind. (tongue clicking) - Yeah. That's what I'm saying. - Then Ryker has no choice but to succeed. Set aside a bonus of another 10 million credits. Don't let him know until it's deposited. If he doesn't succeed, turn those credits back into the military. You're dismissed. - I just one time wanna do that. "You're dismissed." Love that shit. (whooshing) - [Computer Voice] Greetings. May we interest you in a decontamination and zen vacation? Guaranteed to be nuclear fallout free. (somber beat music) (computer chiming) Good evening. Identify yourself. - You know who I am. - [Computer Voice] Ryker, Adam J. Approved. - I need you to look up some old friends of mine. Load mission. - [Computer Voice] Loading known affiliates. Ryker, Adam J. Rejected. Rejected, rejected. Rejected, rejected. R'Reon Jones. Codename, Degenerate. (exciting beat music) ♪ Run it back (toilet flushing) - Yeah. ♪ But the only one that matters is I won't be defeated ♪ ♪ So keep talking, pray that I lost it ♪ ♪ I keep it cool, my attitude's defrosted ♪ ♪ And I'm pretending to bring the revolution ♪ ♪ They're far too many problems and far few solutions ♪ ♪ Started to stress and march towards the hills ♪ ♪ Marching towards dreams to be fulfilled ♪ ♪ The man is fretting and I'm making him sign a bill ♪ ♪ Letting down our future is hard on me still ♪ - You gotta move, baby. - Don't you want me, baby? - Oh, you know I do. Move up your trashy and fill it up with. But seriously, you gotta move. - Don't you want me, baby? - Two seconds, three seconds. - [Computer Voice] Incoming mission from Ryker, Adam J. To accept this mission please say-- - Skip it. I'll take the job. (sighing) Damn it. Only for you, boss. - Don't you want me, baby? Baby, baby, baby, baby. - [Computer Voice] Rejected. Alexander Murphy, deceased. Rejected. Rejected. Rejected, rejected. Alfonso Sihft. Codename, Four-Eyes. (exciting beat music) (whooshing) (beeping) - Hit me. (watch chiming) - [Computer Voice] Incoming mission from Ryker, Adam J. - Hit me again. Life can change in the flick of a wrist. What's it gonna be? - Play or bust? Would you like to play again, sir? - Hold that thought. This could be some more spending money. Take 200 for you. - [Computer Voice] Rejected, rejected. Ray Stephenson. Codename, Slaughterhouse. Would you like to invite to mission? (computer humming) (somber music) - What are you thinking about? - This is perfect. I love being here with you. - You're happy, I'm happy. Your refined peace is where I wanna be. - I'm happy because, you know, you calm the demons in my head. This is a fresh start for all of us. - Ray. I love you. - And I love you. - [Computer Voice] Mission accepted. Selection complete. Have a wonderful evening, Ryker, Adam J. (dramatic beat music) - Ah, you're getting slow in your old age, Stephenson. - So is you, man, don't you forget it. - Okay, I got friends like you keep reminding me. - [Ray] You haven't been down to Earth in awhile, have you? - No, I haven't. - After we wrap this up, man, you should come back and visit. You should stay awhile. - I can't, man, I can't. I've got the bar to look after. Settlers like to roughhouse. It's a mess. - That's an unfortunate. - It is, it is. How're the girls doing, man? How's Abby? - Girls are doing good and Abby about to go to college. - Oh, come on. - [Ray] Trust me. - [Adam] Kidding me? - Grew up right in front of my eyes, brother. - That's hurtful. - Yeah. - Seriously. She don't any boyfriends yet. - I hope not, man. I ain't old enough to be handling the whole shotgun hand when some punk kid come take my girl on a date. - You're right and I tell you, when that time comes, you let me know, I'll send the porch with you. - Hey man, I'm gonna hold you to that. - Please do. - Seriously. - Hey, it's good to see you, man. (laughing) Roughneck. I missed you. - Man, it's been too long, brother. Too long. - Too damn long. (dramatic beat music) (rumbling) - D! You son of a bitch! Where you been at, man? You still living up in that strip club attic in Jersey? - No, man, I got me a fine piece of cybernetic ass up on the Kennedy Station. - Holy shit. Is she the one? - She's one of the ones. One of the girls in the club. I got me a fucking woman. - Okay! That's enough, thank you. Mount up! (beat music) No. No. That's you. (computer chiming) - [Computer Voice] DNA recognition, Noob. Accepted. - Noob? What hell is a noob? That like newbie or something? - That's your name now. N-O-O-B. - Noob. Hey, didn't you ever play Halo? - What's that? - That's you being a fucking noob. (men laughing) - He is a noob, big time. - Where's you find the infant, boss? - Bartender recommended him. - Ron? Jesus Christ, I hope he's stronger than Ron's old Bloody Marys. (laughing) - [Adam] Yeah, like you handled them. - All right, baby, give me good news. (computer chiming) - [Computer Voice] DNA recognition, Four-Eyes. Accepted. - Oh fuck. - [Computer Voice] Would you like to stun, maim or kill? - Woo. Too long, been too long. Missed you, baby, welcome back. - She missed you. - [Ray] Yes she did. - [Computer Voice] DNA recognition. Slaughterhouse accepted. Would you like to stun, maim or kill? - Say my name, bitch, say it! - [Computer Voice] DNA recognition, Degenerate. Accepted. - That's what I like to hear. Talk to dirty to me, baby. - So what's with the DNA coding? - It's not coding. It's a highly committed, physically explicit relationship. Give it a feel. - Leave the kid alone, D. - If you want, D can give you some DNA coding. - Look, Noob, just don't use someone else's weapon. That's all you need to know. - Okay. - I said it's a physical. - Okay! Thank you. Focus up! Gentlemen, this is a simple snatch-- (laughing) - Sorry, boss. Sorry. - I thought you at least got out of the third grade. This is a snatch... (snickering) and delivery. Omni Tech Universal has a alien life form and our client wants it returned. - Alien life form, what kind? - You're looking for an alien. Did I stutter? You'll know it's an alien because it's the only alien in their laboratory. Need you guys sharp on this one. You need to pay attention. No one gets hurt. This is going to be clean and by the book. No unnecessary casualties. The pay is 10 million credits. That's 2 million credits a piece. That is a hell of a lot of play money for all of us. - Fuck yeah. - Put my little girl through college. - I'm gonna pay my bar off and I'll share that tuition with you. - I'll hold you to that. - I'll pitch in and get a hooker for the kid. (laughing) Right. - Come on, kid, what's the matter? Don't you like hookers? - Like them just fine. - You know what a grapefruit and a pussy have in common? - Store the filth, D. I said cut the shit! - You're not the kind of me. - Actually, when I'm not around, Slaughter's in charge. So he is the king. - Fuck. - Let's go. - [Degenerate] That's not funny. - It's kinda funny. And what the fuck is up with your hair? It's like sonic boom. ♪ 'Cause I'm a man ♪ 'Cause I'm a man Hey, scientists! Your lab is a fucking bastard. - Really good to have you, Mr. Ryker. Really, really good. Your reputation precedes you. - You can stop now. - Sorry. - What's going on? Are we ready to roll? - We're having a bit of trouble hacking the OTU server at them moment. - Okay, what does that mean? - As soon as Gus, over here, finishes up his work, you'll be golden. We're going in ahead of schedule but I think we're fine. We don't need anyone caught mid-particle stream. I've seen it happen, it's not pleasant. (chuckling) - Get it right. - [Noob] What happens if you don't make it? - You implode on a molecular level. - [Noob] So basically, you're dead. - Sorta dead. - Sorta dead? - Yeah, it means even if they get you back, what comes back ain't sexy. - Most people come back turned inside out. It's kinda like the end of Timecop. Have you seen that? - Dude, Timecop, fucking classic. - Hell yeah. Boom! - I fucking love Timecop! Bros! - No, I fucking hate Timecop. - Fuck Timecop. - So, anyway, once you're inside, there's a small window of time before they figure out security is down and reboot so, hit the ground running. - Okay. (beat music) Ron swore by you. You have a job to do. Can you do your job? (sniffing) - I-- - Yes or no, Noob? I didn't ask for a goddamn speech. Can you do your job? - Yes, I can do that job. - That hesitation can get people killed. My people. I need to know that we can rely on you. That we can bank on you and you got our backs. - Yes, sir. - All right. All right. Here's the deal. Lab rats are gonna drop us into the room. We're gonna go down directly to the laboratory. I've been assured that there is no one down there, that we are in an empty space. We're going five in, we're going five out. Got it? Hoo-wah! - [Men] Hoo-wah! - Ooogah! (dramatic music) - How long's it usually take? (chuckling) - [Computer Voice] Digitizing initiated. Destination OTU Space Station. (electrical fizzling) - Noob, relax. In a matter of seconds, we'll all be digitized. (fizzling) - [Computer Voice] Digitizing complete. (ominous music) (fizzling) (coughing) - [Slaughter] Jesus. - What the fuck is this shit?! - Thought you said this place would be empty. - They said it would be. - Drop the guns, scientists, do it now! - I don't think these are fucking scientists! - Hang on. All right, all right. Hello. Hi there. Hi there, hello, hello. Oh, hey, didn't see you over there. Yeah, I'm gonna give you folks a couple options. Either come back through the way we came or we open fire. Yeah, choice is yours. (ominous music) Shit. (guns clicking) - [Computer Voice] Kill. - Well, you can't say we didn't give you any options. (gunshots booming) (booming) - Move! Drop your weapon! Do it now! What're you doing with a gun, scientist? - I'm a physicist. I have a PHD in alien biology. I know nothing about these guns. - Uh huh, all right. Okay. Tell me, physicist, you set off any alarms? - No. - Promise? - I swear. I just need to go, aye? - Okay. - [Computer Voice] Kill. (booming) - You said it would be empty! What the fuck?! - [Adam] I know. - [Four-Eyes] Well I almost got shot by a physicist. - Yeah, I know, I saw! They told me it would be empty. - Oh, they told you? What, you trust the fucking government now? - No. But their checks clear and everybody seems to be okay with that, aren't they? - Bullshit! This is not what we signed up for. This is not what any of these guys signed up for. Adam, what're we going here? - I don't wanna lose the bar. - What? - Ever since I lost Mary and Bridget, the bar has become my family. It's all I got. I need this! - We need to go, guys, let's move! - Let's move out. Chances are our arrival has been announced. Stay tight, stay on point. - Well, at least we made it through in one piece. Timecop, right? - Yeah. Yeah. Let's go. (dramatic music) - [Adam] Hey, Slaughter. - [Slaughter] Yeah, boss. - You have those blueprints handy? - [Slaughter] Yep. - Bring them up. (buzzing) - [Slaughter] We only have a 50 yard range with these kind of walls and space. - A 50 yard range is a hell of a lot better warning then no warning at all, buddy. We're headed down to cargo level five, gentlemen. That's where she's at. - We're all clear. (dramatic music) (ominous music) - Check everybody. We need to find out what happened here. - [Young Man] They're all dead, sir. - [Miller] Overcheck! I want answers now! - The digitizer logged in arrival at 10:42. - [Miller] Were any arrives cleared at 10:42? - No, sir. - [Miller] Anything on camera? - Nothing. Just a blackout logged. - [Miller] A blackout? - Yes. - [Miller] That could only be about four people on the planet. Three of them are incarcerated. I'm sure number five will be next. - [Young Man] Who's number five? - That's not important. They're here for the cargo. Ovecheck, I want you back to dispatch. Put everyone on alert. They guys are good. If they got the com tech, and I'm thinking they did, then we have a serious problem. - Copy. Come with me. - [Computer Voice] Welcome to search and define medical research level. (heartbeat thumping) (eerie music) - Very impressive. (heavy breathing) (buzzing) Hello, in there. You are about to do more for modern science on Earth than anyone has ever done in the last 500 years and I can retire. (ominous music) Continue. - [Degenerate] Have you ever fucked a steak? It's the most amazing thing. - [Four-Eyes] Here we go. - You're all making me sick. - [Degenerate] I mean, I didn't think it was awful. Don't act like you haven't tried. (ominous music) Anything yet? - [Four-Eyes] Seriously? - [Degenerate] Shut the fuck up, Four-Eyes. Just A-B-B-A back. Remember that steak I bought you last month? - Mhmm. (Degenerate laughing) - [Four-Eyes] Up close and personal. - [Degenerate] A-B-B-A. A-B-B-A. - It's looking a little vacant in here. - It's a big ship. - Geeks don't hang out in hallways. Geeks like labs and shit. - Yeah, one of those geeks almost blew my fucking head off back there. - Okay, let it go! - It was a lucky shot. Anybody can be lucky once. - Yeah, that's true. Especially with your sister. - [Degenerate] You said you weren't gonna talk about Tonya. - I can't help it. She likes to fuck. - [Degenerate] Yeah, I like to fuck, you like to fuck. So fucking what? - She's fine, man, and I don't know anybody here who hasn't fucked her. If I'm the only one, I'll shut up. - No, you're not the only one. Hell, I fucked her. Before I got married. - And I fucked her too but you already knew that. - Yeah, that's because I caught your ass with her. - That's right but at least you let me finish. All right. - Is this all you guys ever talk about? Sex? - No, we don't talk about sex. We talk about fucking. - Fucking and steak. - Seem a little crude. - Hey, when we get out of here, we get back, I am going to buy you the best cyborg lap dance that credits can buy. (laughing) - Yeah, man. Once you go neck, you never go back. (laughing) - Okay, all right, hey. Break it up. That's enough. All right, Slaughter, taker Space Jesus, head on down to security dispatch. I need eyes on the whole ship. Okay? Scum Bag One, Scum Bag Two, you're with me, we're going to cargo. Let's get this bitch and let's get the fuck out of here. - [Four-Eyes] Yes, boss. - [Slaughter] Roger that, boss. Come on, Space Jesus, you're with me, let's go. (suspenseful beat music) - Is Boss always such a hard ass? - Shit gets real and you need someone good in your corner, those are the guys you wanna call. - So D and Four-Eyes are actually useful? - Look, I trust those assholes with my life. Let me tell you something. 20 years ago, we were in a bar and I had just asked my wife to marry me. Fight breaks out and someone pulls a gun. Four-Eyes clears the room and kept my wife safe. D took a bullet for me. You don't know what people are really like until you have to trust them with your life. You ready for this? - Yeah. (steam hissing) (dramatic beat music) - Get out of way! How long you looking at this for? Yeah, I thought so. (computer chiming) Fix now! - There's nothing to fix. - Reboot! Reboot system! - It's gonna reboot on its own in like 20 minutes. - It's not gonna reboot. We need to see now. We have breach, fix! We need to see when someone gonna shoot in back of head! - [Computer Voice] Maim. (booming) (laser fun chiming) (gunshots popping) (suspenseful music) - You are old as shit, man. - Just watch the fucking door. - [Noob] Boss, come in. - Here. - [Noob] We got to dispatch. Ran into some unfriendlies. - That's a real shame. Sorry to hear that. Hey, patch that camera feed in so we can get eyes on the whole place. - Give me one minute. - Overcheck, come in. Overcheck, do you copy? - Sorry, comrade. Was held up. - Doing what? - Had to dehydrate around corner. - That's disgusting. Are back at dispatch? - [Slaughter] Affirmative. - Get those cameras back online. - Understood. Over and out. - Sounded a little more German than Russian at the end there, pal. - I didn't think it sounded half bad. - Ra'hmar, take them up to level five, run a sweep. Report back to be as soon as you can. - Move out. (ominous music) (heartbeat thumping) (suspenseful beat music) (humming tune) - Fuck! (screaming) (foreboding music) (screaming) - All right. Give it a shot. Tap the side and it should cycle through all the cameras. (beeping) - Not bad, kid. All right, boss, you're good to go. We're sending the feed to your pieces now. - [Adam] Good job, kid. - I ain't standing around doing nothing. I want to shoot some motherfuckers. I'm dying for a fucking steak, man. - Just settle down. All the other feeds are clear. Everything is clean. Except level five, laboratory wing. Foggy as hell. - [Four-Eyes] Wow, that's fucking great. - [Computer Voice] Elevator arrived. (suspenseful beat music) (gunshots booming) (laughing) (rapid gunfire booming) - How many? - What? - I said, how many? (laser blasts fizzling) - I don't know. 10? 20? (gunshots fizzling) - Five of the Russians. Come on, kid, you can crack security feeds but your eyes can't count? (gunshots booming) - All right, five. - Negative, that's four. (Degenerate humming) - Degenerate, I really hope that that's the nozzle of your gun on my leg. - I'm just happy to see you. (gunshots booming) - We need more. Get your ass some target practice. (gunshots booming) - Do you have my camera feed up yet? - Yes, sir. - Keep the elevators on. I want to pin them on five. - Yes, sir. - Let's go. (elevator thudding) - It stopped. - No shit, it stopped. (steam hissing) - [Adam] Shit, someone knows we're here. Put them in. (gunshots booming) - Shit, is that an EMP grenade? (suspenseful music) (fizzling) - Well, I win. - Points for efficiency, kid, but don't get cocky. - Boss, we're good. - Boss? Visual on elevators out. Guess we're taking the stairs. (suspenseful music) - [Guard] Come on! (gunshots popping) (yelling) (slicing) (yelling) (groaning) (gunshots booming) (crunching) (gun clicking) - Shit. Come on. Come on! - [Slaughter] I'm coming. (thudding) (suspenseful music) (thudding) - [Overcheck] Come on! - Yeah! Yeah! (thudding) (yelling) - [Computer Voice] Kill. (booming) (fizzling) (slicing) - Jesus Christ. So that's how you got your fucking call sign. - I seen some shit in my time. - [Noob] We gotta go. - [Computer Voice] Elevator arrived. (steam hissing) - That's enough, they're dead. Take the bodies to the incinerator. (suspenseful music) (gunshots booming) (screaming) - [Degenerate] Boss, can we spit these fucking things out now? - You may get a shot off. You might no miss but I'll take all three of you with me. - You wanna make a bet on that shit? - Set the weapons down. Let's keep it civil. - Look at the bodies, man. I think we're way beyond being civil. - They're just hired badges. They're not killers like you. - Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I know you. - You do? - Bruce Miller. Biotech engineer. US Marines. Now Secretary of Inter-planetary Relations. Is that it? - How you been, Ryker? - Cut the bullshit. - Just being polite. - This doesn't look like a government sanctioned operation here, Miller. - It's not. What the hell's going on? - Gene splicing. Using alien DNA to benefit ours and it will pay me more than an entire career in politics ever would. - Take us to it and we won't kill you. - You're dumber than you look. That would be a federal crime. - And that's why we're calling the POTUS when this is all said and done. - It'll be your word against mine. None of you have the best reputation. You really don't know what you're deal with here, do you? (ominous music) - Wanna see if you can drop that faster than I can pull the trigger? - Francis, I knew it was you. (laughing) - Francis? - Your name's fucking Francis? - It's Frankie. Frank. Noob's fine. - The only person I knew who could hack into the network here. - You know this asshole? - Yeah, I did my grad school internship at the White House. (laughing) - Well color me fucking impressed. - Means a lot, D, thanks. - You're welcome, Francis. (laughing) - I'm pulling the trigger now. - Go ahead. I'll drop it anyway. - Do it, I'm a good catch. Besides, I can tell by the sweat in your brow that you're bluffing. - I drop this, I do you all a favor. - But you won't. It's not your style. You like money too much. - You got me. - Damn good work, kid. - Take us to it. Now. (beeping) - [Computer Voice] Welcome to Sub-level Five. - Clear. - Clear. What the hell? Is this the right room? - Damn. - I tried to warn you. - [Adam] Are you kidding me? This was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab. What the hell is going on here, Miller? (ominous music) - [Degenerate] Oh, God. - You didn't put a lot of thought into this mission before you took it, did you? So you're gonna lose the bar. Big fucking deal. Look around you! This is a fucking suicide mission. Tell him. Come on, tell these guys! Tell them what they're doing here, risking their lives for a simple, what is it? "Snatch and grab?" This is bullshit, boss. All of it. We're not even supposed to be here! (ominous music) Let's just go. - You're on thin ice, my friend. (eerie music) Where else are we supposed to go? - [Four-Eyes] You're gonna get a shot in my fucking side. - [Adam] Seriously? - [Four-Eyes] Is that's what's gonna happen? - [Adam] Are you fucking kidding me?! - [Four-Eyes] There wasn't supposed to be anybody here. - [Adam] That's what I was told. We already had this conversation-- - Boss! - [Adam] This is horse shit! You know what's horseshit, your fucking attitude! - Boss! I can't look away! I can't look away! (menacing music) (alien screeching) (gunshots booming) - Son of a bitch! Goddamn it! (Four-Eyes screaming) (Degenerate whimpering) D, no! Oh, no! Oh, no! Help me! Help me! Do something! D! (sighing) No, no, no, no, no. Hey, hey. Hey, buddy. Come on. No. D, D! (ominous music) This is on you. This is on fucking you! - We gotta keep moving. Five pieces down, set the motion. (dramatic music) - Ah, D, come on, man. Come on, we gotta go. We gotta go, let's go. - You gonna be all right, man? - D? (dramatic music) (huffing) Son of a bitch. (dramatic music) (space station humming) - Keep moving. (ominous music) (beeping) So what can you tell me about this thing? - You didn't see enough yet? - Just talk. What is this thing? - It's from the Sharak System. - Warriors. - Half truth. It's half Sharak Ti, half something else. Crossbred with another specials from the system. - What species? - We don't know. But something much worse. The Sharak Ti seem to have created it as some sort of bio weapon. The Sharak Ti aren't exactly happy. POTUS wants to sway an interplanetary incident. (squelching) (growling) - Why? I know something more dangerous. - Yeah, us and D. (ominous music) (beeping) - It knows we're here. It's smart. We're sitting ducks here. - Shut up. (thudding) Thank you. (scratching) (beeping) - Shit. (scratching) (growling) - Left! (ominous music) (growling) Above! Up! (scratching) - Watch my back. - Only if you watch mine! - That thing killed my brother. - He was my brother too. Don't get stupid! (foreboding music) (squelching) Get away! Get away! Get away from it! (suspenseful music) (growling) - Four-Eyes! (gunshots booming) Four-Eyes, answer me, goddamn it! (gunshots popping) (suspenseful music) (alien screeching) (growling) (gunshots booming) (screeching) - Adam! - I got you, I got you. I got you. (groaning) - Help me. - Oh, man. Stay back, this is spreading. You're contagious. - Can we help him? - Yeah. We could put him out of his misery. - For Christ sakes, boss, we're in a medical research lab. - We'll never make it! He's dying. We have no choice. Alfonso, (gasping) I am so sorry for throwing you into this. (gasping) This is my fault. You were one hell of a solider. You were a better friend. I failed you, buddy. (gasping) (coughing) Slaughter. - Yeah, boss. - Come here, man. Pick him up. Pick him up. (gasping) God speed, buddy. (gagging) (groaning) Oh. Motherfucking son of a bitch! This is all your fault! You knew about this! You knew! - [Noob] Boss! - [Adam] Slaughter. - [Slaughter] Yeah, boss. - We gotta finish it. We gotta finish it. If we don't, I lose the bar. - So that's what's up? - Yeah, that's what's up. - Alfonso was right? - Yeah, man. He was right. If you were in trouble, why didn't you come and talk to me? - You got a little girl, you got a family. I couldn't do that to you. I couldn't drag you into this. - You've had my back since we were kids. I say let's go turn this asshole to the government and let's get the fuck out of here. Maybe they can figure something out to help you. - Yeah, right. The last time I trusted them I lost my family. But that doesn't mean we're not making a phone call. - Let's go asshole. (dramatic music) (ominous music) (crackling) (growling) (squelching) (growling) - What the fuck was that?! - Keep down! Move! Go! (ominous music) (people chattering) - Once again, thank you, everyone. Prime Minister Girardi and I are very proud to take credit for our two nations forging and unprecedented partnership through this strategic dialogue. But today I want to come by and express my gratitude to all in attendance. Not only to Secretary Murdoch but to Prime Minister Girardi and everybody in this room who are actually doing the hard word of advancing the goals set forward by the Prime Minister and I in our bilateral meetings. (ominous music) - Call her! - Do it! (computer chiming) - Unprecedented partnership? Is that what you call a trade embargo that lines the pockets of the prime ministers here? Children are being wasted in sweatshops in Tyrone. - Congressman Lawton, I can assure you that this has been investigated and there has been no evidence of these so-called sweatshops in Tyrone. (Waethers clearing throat) Once again, thank you everyone and I look forward to a positive future. (ominous music) Miller. What is this? - There's been a malfunction. - Good morning, Ellen. - Call me Madam President. - Madam President, got a bit of a problem up here. Your alien liaison hasn't been entirely honest with you. - Adam? - You can call me Boss. - Boss. What is the issue? - The issue, Madam President, is that Weathers hired my team and I to extract an alien life form that we now know to be a biological weapon owned by the Sharak Ti. While returning it would be a really nice gesture on our part, your friend, here, has some other plans! Why don't you tell her all about it, friend? (suspenseful music) - What are your other ideas, Miller? - I moonlight with Omni Tech. Shit, I own the company now. I hired a mercenary team lead my former Navy Seal Alexander Murphy. - Who he killed. - To board a Sharak Ti vessel and apprehend a bio-weapon they were crossbreeding on their home world. - How do you know about this crossbreeding? - Through a radio transmission I intercepted. I am your Secretary of Extraterrestrial Affairs after all. That's why you appointed me. - You mean to tell me that you hijacked a hostile alien vessel for profit? - That I did. The American dream is still alive and well. - Oh, not anymore. I am relieving you of your duties. If interplanetary was was to happen, I'd rather have the guy standing next to you, who has already saved our asses once fighting for us, than you. Your services are no longer needed. Goodbye, Miller. - Real sorry to hear you lost two jobs in one day, buddy. Let's go! - I don't know about you but I'm selling all my shares at Omni Tech. - Yeah. Fuck him. (ominous music) (squelching) (growling) (crackling) (growling) (roaring) - I guess we got no other choice now but just to shoot you. Any objections? - None from me. - No. (menacing music) (grunting) (growling) (snarling) (roaring) - All right, Miller. Sorry to have to do this. (ominous music) - This thing knows how to operate a power generator now. - Of course it does. It's smart. - How many times do I got to tell you to shut the fuck up?! - [Miller] Go ahead, pull the trigger. Why stop the inevitable? (stomping) (stomping) (growling) (stomping) - We got company. (stomping) Real slow, guys. Real slow. - Shit. - We already saw what this thing can do. (grunting) I got an idea. Everybody behind Miller. - Oh yeah, thanks. - Consider this a tax payer's thank you for all your years of wonderful service. (growling) - I'm sorry. (ominous music) - Let's move, let's move, let's move, let's move! - Up those air holes now! Digitizer room's gotta be around here somewhere. (suspenseful music) (growling) (crossbreed snarling) (laser blasts fizzling) (roaring) - Through here. - Come on, kid, so you know what you're doing on that thing? Can you make it work?! - I can figure it out. - Let's go, don't get fancy. First coordinates you find let's get the fuck out of here! - Come on, kid, let's move! - Got it! - [Adam] Come on, let's go, let's go! - [Noob] You guys ever been to the White House? - [Adam] What house, yeah, that's great! - [Computer Voice] Thank you, Space Jesus. - Where the fuck is your gun, kid? (booming) (Adam yelling) - Boss! (gun clicking) - [Computer Voice] DNA recognition rejected. (fizzling) (yelling) (gunshots booming) - Boss, stay with me! Boss. (groaning) Stay with me, boss. Stay with me. (dramatic music) (coughing) I think he's hit. - Boss, are you okay? - I'm fine. It's nothing, it's nothing. - Come on, man. It's just a little scratch, come on. - I think we're under the White House. - Underground railroad. Yes. - What? (crossbreed roaring) - It's here. It's here. It's fucking here. - [Adam] Let's go, get the gun! Get my gun! (dramatic music) - Go! Go! Go! (groaning) Come on, we gotta go. Come on, we can make it! Faster, come on! (dramatic music) (ominous music) - Slower, kid, slower. (growling) - All right, we're almost there, boss, almost there. - Just a flesh wound. (chuckling) (ominous beat music) (growling) (snarling) - It's thinking. I can see it, it's thinking. Just like us. (eerie music) (growling) I can see it in its eyes, it's thinking. - Great. Kill the motherfucker. (snarling) - What's your plan, kid? You set him up and I'll take him out. - Do it! Do it! Take him out! (fizzling) (yelling) Take him out! Take the shot! Take him out, goddamn it! - You got it. (snarling) Almost there. - Fuck! (laser blast fizzling) (fizzling) - Gun is jammed! - Goddamn it! Slaughter! Drop the goddamn shooter. Save the kid! Save the kid! (laser blast buzzing) (yelling) - Adam! No! No! (growling) Come on, kid, let's move! (groaning) (dramatic music) (screaming) (grunting) Come on, kid, let's go, let's go! (dramatic music) (whooshing) (rumbling) - What was that? - I don't know but it definitely came from underground. You think it's an attack? - I've fought in wars. That was barely a tremor. (somber music) - Well, well, well. If it isn't fuck and you. How the hell did you get in here? - Same way Kennedy got out. - And each one after that. They all had their affairs. Where's Ryker? - He's gone. - Gone? - Dead. - I see. - I'll mourn at the funeral. This is business. - What kind of business? - Payment. - Where's the cargo? - It's in the tunnels. - That wasn't part of the deal. - We really didn't have much of a choice. - We couldn't very well let this thing follow us up here. Could we? - The Sharak Ti are coming for it. You know that, right? - Yes. There are still a few pieces left. You're one of the good ones, Ellen. You're not corrupt. You're idealistic and I saw that in you. But if you wanna win another term, now's the time to prove why you deserve it. And don't forget that pay. - So that's two million credits for each of your, right? - Correct. Plus the shares from the others. We need them to go to D and Four-Eyes' next of kin. - Okay. - I have both of their files. I'll track them down. - What about Ryker's share? - Oh, don't worry. It's gonna be put to good use. (dramatic music) Madam President. - Thank you. - [Noob] Better prepare for war. (whistling) - Well played. (dramatic music) Our old pal, Ryker. (chuckling) (ship humming) (door thudding) - Yo, where's the old man? - Hey busboy, where's boss! (cracking) - I ain't the busboy. (dramatic music) - Thank you, everyone. The Sharak Ti are going to be looking for it. The Sharak Ti are coming for it. - [Man] Does this mean war? Madam President, does this mean war?! (ominous music) ♪ Whoa (exciting beat music) ♪ Whoa ♪ Good old Jezebel ♪ She's got something to sell ♪ Standing three feet from the door ♪ ♪ I said, you better run ♪ She's a loaded gun ♪ Now we're headed off to war ♪ Now three days gone, there's nothing to show ♪ ♪ From the whisky drinking drama queen ♪ ♪ Have I lost my mind ♪ I think she took my soul ♪ Now she's headed down to New Orleans ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ Whoa ♪ Whoa ♪ Good old Jezebel ♪ I pray thee tell ♪ The stories high and low ♪ And if I see you again ♪ Why don't we just pretend ♪ Our poor chapter was never told ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ Yeah ♪ Whoa ♪ Whoa ♪ Never told, yeah (dramatic beat music) (exciting beat music) (people cheering) (woman screaming) (exciting rock music) ♪ You ♪ Subconsciously ♪ Challenge everyone ♪ No one remains ♪ You wanted this to fuck everyone you know ♪ ♪ No one to fly ♪ Kill ♪ Everyone ♪ That you see ♪ That there is nobody left but me ♪ ♪ That's okay ♪ You'll never live ♪ Another day ♪ You did this to you ♪ Did this to you ♪ Did this to you ♪ There's no one awaiting ♪ It's so frustrating ♪ Do I ♪ Do I ♪ There's no one awaiting ♪ It's so frustrating ♪ Do I ♪ Do I ♪ You did this to you ♪ Did this to you ♪ Did this to you ♪ You did this to you ♪ Did this to you ♪ Did this to you ♪ Kill ♪ Everyone ♪ That you see ♪ That there is nobody left but me ♪ ♪ That's okay ♪ You will never live ♪ Another day (exciting rock music) ♪ There's no one awaiting ♪ It's so frustrating ♪ Do I ♪ Do I ♪ There's no one awaiting ♪ It's so frustrating ♪ Do I ♪ Do I (exciting rock music) ♪ There's no one awaiting ♪ There's no one awaiting ♪ There's no one awaiting (exciting rock music) ♪ This time I have made ♪ Enough mistakes ♪ For you to bear against me ♪ Endure and break ♪ Now original ♪ I give you what's due ♪ Betray your trust ♪ Like all your brothers ♪ Nice ♪ Shit ♪ A piece of shit ♪ Alive in you ♪ Never enough ♪ To be here now ♪ This time I have made ♪ Enough mistakes ♪ For you to bear against me ♪ Endure and break ♪ Now original ♪ I give you what's due ♪ Your betray of trust ♪ Like all your brothers do ♪ Where is your loyalty now ♪ Where is your loyalty now
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 263,862
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Keywords: crossbreed, free movie on youtube, Popcornflix, Full movies English, popcornflix full movies, free movies popcornflix, free full movies on youtube, popcornflix movies on youtube, daniel baldwin, crossbreed movie, vivica a fox, crossbreed 2019, sci fi, science fiction, free movie on youtube 2019 full movies, sci fi movies, new movies 2019 full movie, independence day, action movies 2020 full movie english, action movies 2020, sci fi music, independence day resurgence, Syfi
Id: wxe331280wM
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Length: 85min 39sec (5139 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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