Crispy GARLIC SMASHED POTATOES | Instant Pot | Flo Lum

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hey everyone I'm Flo Dudus behind the camera and we are all about life made simple ordinary and joyful now did someone forget to tell you that they invited a bunch of guys over for Super Bowl we have a super easy recipe for you if you're looking for a last-minute snack and these aren't just great for Super Bowl Sundays but they're also great for aside for dinner the kids love these smashed potatoes with garlic and Parmesan topping we're not huge football fans or hockey fans for that matter but when it comes to championship games we're all over it and mainly it's because of the snacks this recipe is going to go super fast so pay attention I've got two pounds of baby creamer potatoes and I already have a cup of water in my instant pot with a trivet at the bottom and I'm just gonna dump these in would you believe that's it I'm gonna put the lid on fastest recipe ever locking it into place putting the sealing knob on sealing and we're gonna cook them for five minutes on high pressure in the meantime we'll prepare the rest of it while the potatoes are cooking you can prepare the rest of the ingredients which is not a lot I melt it 6 tablespoons of butter unsalted and I'm going to add four cloves of minced garlic right into the butter and if you don't want to use all butter you can also just use maybe half butter half olive oil but the butter really does give it that extra delicious flavor and if you want it more garlicky you can always add and work our lick and if you don't want it as garlicky you can always cut down the garlic it's really up to you there's no fast rule about it and then just stir that around separate the garlic because we're going to spoon this over our smashed potatoes I'm gonna says smells so good because the butter was still warm and now it's heated up some of the garlic smells delicious mm-hmm all right moving on I'm grating some Parmesan cheese no this doesn't look like a lot but this is just a little bit that came off and I'm finally greeting it you can use a bigger grater if you want this is the bigger chunk of cheese I'm aiming for about two tablespoons to a quarter cup and again you can add more or less it's up to you and you know as much as I love chips and dips there's something about just warm yummy buttery and garlic flavored potatoes whether they be fries or these mashed potatoes that just takes everything up another level I love me some guacamole and chips and other dips but yeah when you work in that warm snack yeah makes all the difference right remember that right that you made it was bloomin cheese bread oh my goodness that was delicious might have to do that too yeah and it takes them like these bills all right just a little tip for you these rhymes from the back of the Parmesan cheese I like to wrap it up and just throw them in the freezer and then when I'm making soups and stuff you just toss it into the soup just make sure you scoop it out before you serve your soup otherwise someone's going to end up with one big salty chunk of parmesan surprise I happen to have some Italian parsley in the fridge so I'm just gonna cut chop up the leaves for a little bit of garnish you don't have fresh you can always use and dried parsley and toss that in with your butter and garlic like maybe a teaspoon all right we quick released the steam and pressure and look at that they're already done yummy you just put them straight on my sheet pan and I've already preheated my broiler you can see when I start to get impatient instead of picking up just one at a time I'll take two and then that's when I cause problems I don't know like dropping potatoes right now it's the smashing part my son who doesn't even like potatoes will gobble these up and if you don't have these little baby potatoes you can always just use regular potatoes and quarter them it's so squish them alright garlic butter here we come cue the food music [Music] make sure you scoop down because there's a lot of garlic at the bottom that wasn't being transferred no I knew it at the beginning I just didn't know how much was in there so I'm just gonna add a little bit more just some of these that feel like they're lacking just season it with salt and pepper however much you would like remember this parmesan is a little bit salty as well and pepper then again just used as much as you like and if you like pepper just omit it all together and we're gonna put a little bit of this Parmesan cheese on each one and I'm just gonna put these in the oven under the broiler for five to six minutes until they start to brown and get a little bit crispy I'm so excited mmm I think the Italian parsley really does add some freshness to it but if it's too fancy for your guys just omit them all right I know you all are waiting for mmm the taste guys really I'm a big fan of just chips all day long and chips and dip and guac all day long but something to be said about something like this it doesn't take very much it looks upscale and and deluxe but as you've seen it's pretty straightforward to put together and you can customize it however you want I'm gonna go in take one for the team probably gonna burn my fingers burn my my tongue my lips but you know what for you guys I'm gonna do it oh my goodness burn setting it right about now I don't know how close you can get to the potato but the instant pot manages to make the potato nice and soft through and through see how tender that is and then you get a crispy crust from the broiling and it smells amazing the aroma is so fragrant I'm just stalling because I don't want to burn my my mouth mmm well that potato is cooked perfectly nice and tender on the inside and that butter like garlicky butter went right through that potato so good so good the cheese in there the parmesan mm-hmm it's worth burning my tongue high as you can see these were incredibly easy and yummy snacks to make check out my other delicious snack videos over there and enjoy the game thanks for watching
Channel: Flo Lum
Views: 73,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simpleordinaryjoyful, flomade, simple ordinary joyful, flo lum, smashed potatoes, garlic smashed potatoes, super bowl snacks
Id: 33ITCAAzpkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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