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[Music] thank you hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching uh today we've been called by a local police department we have a uh commercial motor vehicle crash with injuries as always we do ask for prayers good thoughts well wishes for all involved uh all we know at this point is that it is a box truck loaded and when hit the guardrail went off into the woods is what we're being told right now anyway gotta go [Music] thank you we'll stop back here in case we have to reposition yeah I don't need that anymore May mean a little bit of a walk but that's okay because we need to see what we're dealing with first and right here before this guard rail seems like the best place to do it all right let's go [Music] a lot of people ask why we park away from it that way it allows other emergency responders to finish their task and have an easy egress before we move in and start doing our chore unless we're needed for stabilization or anything like that we stay out the way [Applause] watch back just because everybody's sitting here closing this Lane off don't mean until be ready to hop up on the bridge not over it but yeah here's where he hit foreign [Music] just trailer into the tree a little bit of a fuel leak not very much at all do we need to bring something up look at this ambulance out of here okay and the officer's got everything he needs already so we're ready all right am I clear to go down okay driver out of it okay yeah that's what we were he was looking at while I was driving oh oh my gosh holy cow Well the box is just destroyed it's gonna be a problem oh my goodness well get on the other side of the truck I need to look at it anyway nice to be able to release these brakes but [Music] yes sir probably initially we'll grab it and try to just pull it back up the way it came no sir I hope not hope not yeah it's all going to be an obstacle but driver's all right man he's you ought to see this up here goodness gracious axles ripped out from under it we're gonna need more equipment yeah all right um while it's where it is see if you can get in and well once we once I get pulled up here let's get uh the brake caged on it let's reduce the resistance on it oh he had started hitting here asleep or what I don't know I don't know my goodness the rain's easing up a little bit now hopefully it's over just enough to get our clothes good and wet thank you foreign 's got a bite foreign wind is ripping you get it done okay I got it in there but it's not one to turn clockwise okay uh get on these you have to take it all the way out if the brakes are set already you have to take the nut back it out all the way or else it won't fit in there it's in there okay well you may not be in the slot I don't know if you can see in there or not I'm in the slot okay foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign didn't redo them after we did that roll over we should have let's get this white one down here see if we can get a dinner not too quick okay [Applause] what's that for [Music] uh okay I do too I do too but you guys are probably better at it than I am haha all right do something a little different here since I won is it like that foreign foreign you're able to get one or no nut I want to tighten it I got the nuts too tight oh they're still released okay they're still released out here that's right yeah that's super tied up against there and I can't get it the other one went right in that one well sometimes when they're when they're cockeyed like that yeah no where's no Flyers grab my pliers out of there take the nut spin it down a little bit take the take the pliers and push it in hopefully sometimes you have to tap it in a little bit first there you go tap it in rotate it I got it there now just just run it down yep and you're good all right all right I'm gonna go get headsets [Applause] all right I'm gonna be down here watching the truck you watch my truck please and watch traffic I'd really rather be on that frame further back for but for this initial pull this may be all we can do tree all right are you clear Dalton all right Dalton says he's clear here we go he's moving oh man drive shaft is broke off of the front of the transmission yep it's dragging yeah well we may end up having to bring the semi and load it on the semi I don't know yet foreign yeah let's let's get it more off this tree see if we got any fuel leaking my goodness what a mess I have not unfortunately I have not heard anything about the driver all right yeah okay all right hold on driver side or passenger side ah we got all kind of stuff going everywhere don't just just watch where we're at right now let me get it over this little ditch that way we can contain everything on the uphill side of the ditch yeah we're good I'm watching just just having hang tight right now oh my goodness this worse when I've seen in a while all right while we got some room let's come down here grab these body uh uh truck body parts and throw them in the bed try not to get too too much in front of it because it's free rolling if something should break loose go ahead and get her get this stuff in the bed yes just put it in the back for now please yeah I think we need a little bit more than just a toe from the rear I don't think so I know that's what we thought we were going to tell it with the Western Star don't know yet this is going to be pretty we may end up hauling it back on the semi broke loose well the whole thing's broke loose it's in bad shape thank you any word on the driver um one of these bad laceration over the left hand the elbow that's it wow yeah oh man Angel's flying with him yep all right I'm gonna go ahead and bring her on up driver has lacerations on his hand up to his elbow that's it that's all right alone I guarantee you no sir he was not he best to pay this free throw somebody was flying along with him guaranteed yeah that's the battery box cover I have no idea but that's battery box cover well there's two maybe maybe all right get ready with some wheel chocks don't right there in that open [Music] yeah because I'd like to get two lines on it I'd like to get that blue line on there as well I'm gonna sift up huh on the other side yeah pull it down now what want it so I can control it [Applause] all right everybody clear in front [Applause] I just want to hold it from going back down the hill right at the moment [Applause] all right I'm gonna let off a little bit [Applause] I'm holding yeah I've still got a hold of it all right is that clear all right help me redo this here real quick Dalton I want white chain over here all right now let me get the white snugged up and then let's get that blue one over there oh hey get out from in front of there please I'm bringing it in [Applause] [Applause] do what I don't know I don't know [Applause] here step back Kenny watch out buddy it's all right that's why I wanted two lines on it that's why I wanted two lines so I could balance it back out grab that other Chuck let's not lose our progress all right glare no not yet hold on I'm getting a boom down low I want a lower pick on this our lower pull not pick I want to pull not pick it's all right I got this now let's go ahead we'll chalk up clear all right we'll chalk up all right all right Kenny what would you do I know do what yeah it'll be over hyped with the semi I'm talking we still got to get it up here on the road yeah I know the problem is once I do that right now it doesn't want to roll on us if I pick the back end up before the back end gets up here on the pavement the front end is going to want to roll I don't know if I can I don't know if I well I don't know if I can pick and swing the whole thing I can drag you because hold on a second all they got to worry about is a mile post oh hold on a second oh yeah well the back end needs to be up here some more yeah well hold on we're about to lose what we got right here all right chalk up now we're still good on chop we're still good you have to get that white remember time hammer time Dalton had a sledge right here foreign There It Is Well I also need to uh be in a different location I need that back end up here as close as I can possibly get it before we reposition all right hold on guys is that gonna hold their Kenny or no talk to anybody talk to me hold there so yeah I don't either but sometimes we got to go with what we got hold her up right there please it's all right all right stand clear Kenny yep all right I want to slow my speed down [Music] come on baby foreign just does not want to move with me well it was moving so easy earlier foreign yep all right all right we're gonna redo this here yep rechalk everything [Applause] yep there you go there you go yes sir go right ahead are you need to set your dad up with comps please also I'm on a repossession I'm going to back up a little bit [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign off of here off the Outrigger and get it up this way more and run to that axle tank thank you does not matter I don't care let's just get one on it no no no sorry tackle plevis right here that's good [Applause] yeah Kenny foreign [Music] this works like I hope it'll bring it close to us anyway I want to get it in as close as we can I think Kenny what we can do is we can probably ah once we get this up here we can either put you up in front or put me in front it doesn't matter and spin the front end around hold the back end and spin spin the front end the main thing is getting these Drive axles this drive axle up on the pavement so it's so it's uh more stable and we're just about not gonna make it trains long let's grab our chalks let's take it up as I'm gonna take it up as far as I can get it and then we'll chalk it and I know it we like don't like much darn it darn it darn it I know what I'm gonna do though I'm gonna suck that Outrigger in give us some more root chalk it tell me when you're clear coming out on white gonna hold yep gonna hold not ideal but sometimes you do what you got to do I want to get as much out of it as we can all right everybody good here we go again hold on before we do that Kenny shorten that chain up shorten that chain up let's get it as short as we can get even if we can get eight or ten lengths out of it we're better than we were good to go all right snug all right coming up [Music] ah it's much much much better I'm liking that a whole lot better all right chalk it yep what I may be able to do is I may be able to lift the front I don't know [Applause] all right take my rigging down please foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right Kenny I'm gonna go up and get in front of it I want to have you get back here behind it and probably just tie off so it doesn't so we don't lose what we got uh something let me let me get let me get in front and take a look here what I'm what I got going on bro oh come on baby knock off Foreign wow the front's not [Applause] pop it open [Music] got it okay all right foreign about here hopefully I can pick it and just swing the whole front end right over here uh well about with that yeah we can probably slide it part of the way up it'd be safer than lifting so uh while I'm moving go ahead and get one chain around uh what's left of the axle up here [Applause] it's gracious oh shoot Transmissions right there yeah no kidding it is it is you know that's why it's not moving for me because uh it's got pieces falling out everywhere there's the starter we need to pick it up uh yeah go ahead and get get me a chain right around the axle right there and bring it out in front of that tire yep I'm moving in motion all right now cannot hey Dalton take a quick look and see where my rear end is at well I want plenty of room for us to be able to uh okay yep all right here we go stage three four whatever it is possibly down here or we may be able probably want to use a drag winch okay if we can get the drag winch on it and then that way I can use my boom I have my boom free if I need it came out the other day on that rollover yes I'm getting ready to put the Outriggers down ready or not here you come both sides will go down once I get it what what do you want to do this right now [Applause] no I just want it run from the uh from that straight to the chain [Music] oh don't worry about it right now foreign [Music] you're gonna have to be behind it and and I just want to chain to that front pin on the star you know you know what I'm talking about now that way we're just stabilizing it hold on will it come in front of that tire on yeah on the tire maybe maybe not [Music] yeah I see that that's all right we're gonna have to have a rollback or something up here to pick up all the loose pieces oh Kenny Kenny go further back go further back and I want you in the in line I want you parallel park between that or go straight back and then just nose in all I want is a chain from this front toe pin here to help hold it in place well you can try it yeah probably Gonna Roll [Applause] no in front of the tire but yeah well you lost your uh connection my fingers are in there but all right all right now go help your dad I'll get this started anyway it ain't gonna stay on the tire oh well [Applause] [Applause] I don't want that tail end to sling out into traffic [Music] I was hoping that it would hold on I don't think you're going to do any good back there Kenny yes I know that's why we're going to stop it from rolling back hopefully keep the one in the front back yourself out of the way give me a give me a bigger one [Applause] I want a bigger block I want this thing to Pivot off of these I don't want it to roll [Applause] that's fine bring it in now jam it in there look at it there you go there you go thank you all right yeah back your truck up a little bit so I can get it up here close now if I can lift the front end it's hoping not to have to do that it's holding foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] it's wanting to pop over this block here watch yourself don't [Applause] if I can get it close enough to where I can pick the front end I know I'm watching I'm watching I'm watching trust me I'm watching it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna pop over is what it's gonna do well no I don't want it to pop over though because then it might pop over those that's what's going to happen it's going to pop over that one let's get another big block and put behind it a big block tall block [Applause] whoa not not close not up close but so that when it when it jumps over that block it has that second block to catch it back a little further keep going keep it go there you go all right stay clear I'm surprised it hadn't yet Gonna Fly right towards you Kenny here let's let's put something down in front of it to arrest it all here I got blocks here well it should but it don't want it spitting that thing out and going into traffic at least this way if it spits out it this block will help stop it I'll pick the front end I could almost do it now I'd rather it roll forward when the scotch comes out but we got what we got uh can you take a minute and uh well wait a minute are we going to need the rollback for a Parts vehicle picking up extra spare parts like transmission and stuff [Applause] no that was anti-climactic which is good I'd rather take precautions and uh right good good job good job I'm gonna have to lift so we don't get that signpost please and thank you get that around in front and we'll use that as one of my lift chains hopefully cool [Music] [Applause] really well let's just get a different uh get something different then bringing her over [Applause] we're gonna actually we'll have to use two chains one on each side [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we can make a loop with it [Applause] [Applause] all right there we go no no no white here [Applause] I want to go around frame no that's fine I just want to go straight up with it just go right there with the frame and we'll go straight up with it [Applause] it's just a loop Kenny there's no there's no other hook foreign [Applause] well I I want it on this side of the we may have to take a different uh all right yeah I think let's just get a different let's just get a different chain and go around that frame right there that's what I want we'll just hold that demand I can't believe this thing's that guy survived probably the hood ties just uh other side yeah pipe cutters just cut that that damn thing [Music] [Applause] just bring it right around right in between the frame and the spring right there yep I don't think you're going to hurt it my friend right [Applause] you ready just cut the cable I don't care just cut the cable get that right behind you don't yeah I got it uh there's two of them Bob yeah hold on hold on foreign oh it needs to go on the other side of that steering shaft [Applause] yep right there [Applause] [Applause] that's all right okay thank you [Applause] I'm going to take these blocks loose because I'm going to slide it back just a little bit Danny take your truck just a little bit more yes moving back just a little bit I got to push it back to miss this signpost not much yep that's good enough right there we just don't want it going in live traffic oh man hey Kenny it broke the spindle it broke the spindle off of it the axle is still in place I've taken some uh gonna have to take our cutter and cut the dang thing off [Applause] that's all right it's doing exactly what I wanted it to do not yet no [Applause] wanting to miss that uh signpost [Applause] don't be close [Applause] so I'm pushing back on it as we go yeah I think we're gonna have to cut those wires and just let that transmission fall don't you yeah let's move it back over that way a little bit then and cut that loose well I'd like to be able to uh get that transmission out from under there but it's got those hoses still hooked to it and I don't want anybody under the dang thing yeah everything [Applause] [Applause] all right we have something long that we can reach in there and cut that with The Wire now the hoses heck is that somebody's flashlight not the lighter there they go there we go you see the two hoses we're talking about that one and then the one right to the left of it now there's only ten thousand dollars right there you wish I mean it's 12. oh it's 12 now I think yeah cost of inflation everything's more expensive opinions I'm not afraid of version that all right now there's some there's some water can you cut that cable right back there see it hanging down yep this tie bar that's Hollow isn't it yes if that's hollowed it looks bad okay yes sir the damage keep that back out though if you would that's why they make hard hats man that's why he's doing it right here in the center should be your weakest point right there in the center if you cut that for me that'd be awesome it shouldn't have any tension on it other than the weight of that tire that ain't gonna kick over on him not gonna cut it it's good no you want all again going all the way in and make sure it's squared with the bar it'll cut it [Applause] there goes there you go very thick wall yeah they're they're designed to be thick yep yep you're clear you're clear you're clear we just don't want yeah we don't want it we've made it this far we don't want anybody darn it I was hoping to wait would drag it down but we need something to get in there olive oil all right where's my side cutters place I don't want you under there we can get just with side cutters that's what he went after that and your bunker gear that's too much too ball too much bulk he can come in from the side right there and reach those and there you go all right all right Kenny is yours set up for a uh uh chain slang toe okay Sure hold on uh get the blocks out from just scoot the blocks out for a second so that I can swing this back in and back a little bit now it should there we go there we go all right yeah move it back ready [Applause] [Applause] you can always come back and get it it just a little bit so I can get past it with the [Applause] what are you trying to do there hold on hold on I'm pushing back right now I was trying to push back [Applause] [Music] okay give me some room to go back please [Applause] yes [Applause] that's good that's good set her down [Applause] we got some more rain moving in we're gonna have to kick it up what yeah I'd like to have it a little higher foreign [Applause] should be with three it should be good enough no set it set it yep set it right on top nope you said it right on top there you go all right [Applause] get clear okay they're on the other side that's why I said wait a minute let's not get on the uh in that travel Lane unless you've got room to move are you clear are you no no no no they're in the very front box that's why I said just give me here get me unhooked get me unhooked right here [Applause] who ordered this dang ring foreign heck of both Mass here man really got nothing to grab a hold of up here Kenny I know this I'm going to move out the way let's get you in here and get this stuff out of the way [Applause] [Applause] thank you all right all right Danny stay stay there for a minute let uh let Mike let Mike come up and get this stuff out of our way okay yep all right going into motion forward slow and easy that's a good question Dalton very good question are you talking about on what Mike's pulling up or on the truck itself [Music] this ain't Mike's first rodeo darn it win [Applause] just take one of the J Hooks in here one day hook over there grab me one all right Mikey foreign that's all right it's going ain't it all right did did y'all get the starter too all right yeah sir go ahead and hop uh LeapFrog in front of me tie everything down then roll out all right come on come on back yeah I know the engines broke loose too that's the issue everything's broke loose yep this may take some playing around with to get it where it's going to need to be anyway all right Dalton oh uh your dad and I are getting hooked up uh we need to we need that shaft removed from the back and that end ported or removed whichever we don't we don't want it spinning that's what we don't want well now if you're if you remove that one that one this one won't spin okay yeah [Applause] correct all right Kenny you need to come over to the passenger side about six inches pull forward and come over about six inches to passenger side now keep going forward turn right go forward hard right hard drive well if we don't if it doesn't chain lift real easy we're just going to go get the semi and drag its butt up on there are left it on there whatever we got to do um big hard lap and come back some your underreach needs to be straddling that white line that white line is the center of the truck hard right hard right I did I thought my bad yep keep on coming hard left hard left hard left hard left all right now now straighten out a little bit okay straight straight back right back all right now hard left hard left and come back just a little bit a little more okay stop hard right and go forward just a little bit you got this you're almost you're almost there just not much just a little bit not much just a little bit forward whoa right there right there [Applause] all right chains chains chains [Music] foreign and we need to go utter behind the axle well we need to go back behind the axle I'm not sure that we're going to be able to get to though the way this thing's on frames twisted and everything pushed back we can't get it can't get in it Cavs playing on it right back there huh so it looks like right back there the Cab's laying on the front [Music] cross members are gone here so if we tie to the frame itself here it's just going to go like this yeah here watch yourself Mike go back as far as we need to to grab the frame [Music] can you get can you get it there so come up and over the frame maybe or no you want to Loop it oh my goodness it's okay yeah watch out there's uh blood here on the step I got it what do you need oh just short arms after you guys reach it up there's times well it's got a dead gun ring or something here there we go I'm not worried about the airlines because it's all done for him right all right now foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] exactly what I wanted Mike but let's go let's go limited on what you got though yeah I know it all right Dalton I'm gonna give it a test lift everybody clear get clear please while I do this test lift [Applause] all right hold on it ain't working what are we missing over there Mike what's up I think we're gonna have to cross it gonna happen aren't we I'm caught here but I'm not caught over there is it or is it not we just need to tighten it up some more don't we take it down take it down and tighten it some more [Music] quite a bit more over here well it's going off to the side though uh [Music] don't like it [Music] ah I mean look [Music] darn it man [Music] about all we can do ain't it [Applause] if it goes anywhere else it's probably gonna have to go on the semi a chain is too far over that way isn't it axle yeah [Music] huh this side's this side's wrapped good yeah if you want to ride with it let's ride with it let's just get it out of here all right go ahead all right man Michael carry take care of this stuff up here [Applause] [Music] it ain't going nowhere it ain't going nowhere [Music] well it's still it's going to come out that frame right there yeah main thing all this is doing is holding this axle up anyway and it's pulling in towards it so yeah we're good [Applause] we've got it's where it'll at least roll we're going to go up on the exit that way you guys can clear get off this I know you got other things to do thank you all appreciate it very much I just want it up here on this exit right now it's all at one it's all of us Mike you just leave yours where it's at with the air board on Danny you go ahead and jump around us I'm gonna have Mike on his blocker let's just get on this exit that's all we need to do foreign just nice and easy that's all right just nice and easy foreign [Music] go ahead Kenny you got people trying to come in the exit Danny you got people trying to come in on the exit yes please foreign people have plenty of line of sight on us [Music] all right you're good shaft came out no it quite literally came out laughs that's all right Mike Mike got the strap I was gonna get one in you can get the other but oh it's a lightweight okay that's all right we're good oh now that could be strapped up yeah now I can be strapped because it won't turn just grab your strap it yeah it broke it yeah I'll lead and we'll have Mike run uh run sweep gonna have to wait a second make sure I don't get my rear end plowed with all this traffic because it's backed up for a long ways all right we'll give Mikey a second hold on Mike's not in his truck yet all right Mikey is good let's roll yeah just stay on the shoulder oh there's a semi coming up too guys [Music] yeah we're in good shape yeah we're in good shape we're all right yep we're good people are being nice all right you can stay on the outside Lane if you want bike walking yeah because we got to jump out here and just turn immediately back on get on the interstate thank you good here we go oh what a mess [Music] yeah for anybody that didn't hear that because I don't have the comms in Dalton said yeah there's a scrap yard let's just drop it off right there oh we We Gotta Laugh We Gotta Laugh all right anyway thankfully driver wasn't injured severely we hope at least that's the initial report we're getting we're headed back to the shop finally cleared got ourselves a little bit wet but that comes with the territory all right as always thank you for watching and God bless foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 1,460,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 91t-JVB-W7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 48sec (6348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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