바삭한 치즈 베이컨 토스트 / crispy cheese bacon toast / korean street food
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Channel: ETTV 이티티비
Views: 4,609,953
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Keywords: food, foodie, street food, cook, cooking, ettv, ettv 이티티비, tasty, yummy, travel, 길거리음식, 맛집, 먹거리, 여행, ETTV 이티티비, korean street food, korean food, Street Food, toast, delicious food, 토스트 만들기, Cook, 길거리 음식, yummy food, Asian food, 토스트, Tasty Travel, Cooking, Delicious, Tasty Food, 한국 길거리 음식, Egg Toast, crispy cheese bacon toast, 바삭한 치즈 베이컨 토스트, cheese, cheese bacon toast, 치즈 베이컨 토스트, 남양주 먹거리, 남양주 맛집
Id: HFhAWrvn67E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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I know Reddit has a hardon for this kind of stuff, but comeon... It's sweet white bread, American cheese, over done dry eggs, less-than-crispy bacon, topped with cabbage and sweet sauce.
I mean I would try it, but I'd go into this with low expectations.
What are the sauces they put on these?
What’s the egg mixture at the beginning?
But then their is the glory of Issac's Toast, sent to us from god
i would love to try korean street food someday, it allways looks so appetizing
Could these videos be three minutes long instead?
It always looks so good untill they drench it in sugary sauce and mayo, South Koreans have the culinary taste of a toddler.
Looks like that griddle has some hot spots and some cold spots
I desire this.