Criminal Lawyer Reacts to Testimony from the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard Trial

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[Music] hi this is bruce rivers welcome to another episode of clr criminal lawyer reacts i'm bruce rivers board certified criminal defense lawyer which means i actually go to trial i don't hold your hand and and strike a deal unless it's the right deal so i but i do try a lot of cases and and i know my way around the courtroom and that's what makes analyzing the johnny depp case uh interesting now when i did our first video i'll have to admit i didn't i love johnny depp and i um didn't really know who amber heard was didn't know how long they had been together i didn't know much about uh the whole saga didn't know about the uk trial um and so i i was kind of on the fence in terms of who's at fault you know why why bring all this crap out you know because it really is just a bunch of mud slinging and [ __ ] right i mean how could you live with all the [ __ ] drama that he went through with her um i i just uh can't even begin to even imagine although i've been there um so we're going to analyze a couple different pieces of testimony here today and one of the things you have to be careful uh is when you ask a question you never ask a question you don't know the [ __ ] answer to and it's and and that happened over and over again with the with the defense lawyers in this case amber's lawyers so we've got the limo driver the security guy the psychologist there's so many different times where they ask a question and then they step in a pile of their own dog [ __ ] because they didn't know what the hell they were asking or even why they were asking so let's kind of get into this let's let's start with the the limo driver and the security guy first of all some of the witnesses are people that have provided services to johnny depp and his people and they and they're first-hand witnesses they they're not like reputation or whatever they they've seen things they've heard things and they can actually speak to what they've seen the psychologist in the case she is uh has done what they call an adverse medical exam and one of the reasons that they're able to do that is because amber put her own psychological well-being at play so then what do they do they do a forensic psychological exam of her johnny's not saying he's he's saying he's economically damaged by what she said not psychologically damaged so they don't have the same tit for tad on that issue johnny depp's security guard has been with him for over 20 years and when you have somebody that's worked with somebody for that long that that connotes uh stability and a stable relationship in terms of in a loyal one at that but so let's let's look at his test department and then the hospital join you i have no further questions all right cross examination um mr connolly uh you still work for mr depp i do yeah okay and you've worked for him now for about 18 years no well two years ago you said you worked for him for 16 years so two more years would be 18. no i i worked with him i didn't work for him i worked for a guy called jerry judge and music and arts johnny depp never paid me johnny depp started paying me two years ago okay so now you're being so you you were working jerry judge was your jerry judge was your boss until he passed away is that right okay and now and now you get paid directly by mr deb correct right you paid a salary by mr depp no okay and you mr ducks also provided you gifts correct gifts gifts money gift yes so one of the things he's doing by going through this line of questioning is to try to establish a bias that he's going to somehow lie for johnny depp and that is he he can't be believed because he's received gifts and and one of the things when you look at his testimony this is the security guard or the you know his detail it is he's he comes off as being credible and and i just love his response here watch this yeah she's just don't you give me guest stuff game 20 good and you've had she's given you gifts over 8 500 correct over 8 500 i don't know where he got that figure and it really doesn't [ __ ] matter 8500 yeah you give me a lot more than that oh he's giving me a lot more than that you gotta love that it's such a candid response and and look at johnny depp's response and you're loyal to mr depp right i'm yes of course i'm loyal to myself i'll be loyal to you if it's working for you okay um now going to australia you said you went to australia in 2015 with mr deb correct are you one before mr depp but you you were there to work for mr deaf correct all right and jerry judge was also there no but i already know but he eventually was jerry judge was eventually in australia correct right and nathan holmes was also in australia's as well right right and mr depp came to australia in february of 2015 correct all right and when when mr depp first came to australia amber was not with mr depp right i don't recall i don't recall romero ranked this johnny or a you don't know one way or the other no and mr deputy stayed at a house in australia correct right and you and the security team were about 40 minutes away from the house mr depp was running correct 25 30. 20 30 40. yeah you could yeah you're correct if it's a traffic day you have 40 minutes or more and alcohol was in the house in australia correct right and mr so when you you hear his candid responses he he's actually getting credibility even more so uh through this cross-examination than less so i mean what he's really doing is is not really hurting uh johnny's case at all consumed alcohol before amber arrived in australia isn't that right yeah he would have done yet okay and you know if mr depp consumed illegal drugs before amber arrived in australia i don't know objective speculation i wouldn't know good and do you know if mr def spent any time with marilyn manson in australia before amber arrived don't recall i don't recall i don't recall marlon manson being there so you know so as mr def security you don't know if if mr deputy was with marilyn manson so i mean this line of questioning is just he doesn't know the answer he and he's really wasting everybody's time and you alienate the jury when you do that i left the studio to smuggle two dogs back out or steal your back too no no no i'm talking about it i'm talking about in the beginning of march 2015 you were that you were overwhelmed you don't know one way or the other no were you see were you seeing mr depp every day in early march no not the beginning of the duties okay so you don't know what mr depp was doing at that time correct no i wasn't with him okay and you don't know when amber arrived into uh in australia correct no okay but you do know that amber stayed with mr depp right yes okay and you talked about a resident security team that was at the um australia house is that right that's correct very rarely are there perry mason moments or aha moments and you you really need to know the answer to the question i mean through this line of questioning you're talking about this house in australia and he was in and he and you've seen this you're he's leading him all the way up to this one particular moment and then he asks them the ultimate question oh a shouting and then you saw then you went in the house and saw mr depp in the foyer correct yes correct and mr depp was trying to urinate in the four year wasn't he now do you i mean do you know what he's going to answer he doesn't know what he's going to answer no i think i would remember if i've seen mr depp's penis out i mean the lawyer looks like a [ __ ] fool at this point he just absolutely looks like a fool next question and all the laughing in the courtroom is laughing at that lawyer we're trying to get mr deb out of the house correct correct i'll try to get mr jeff out of the house yet and mr depp was refusing to leave the house was he not not so much refused he just wanted two minutes to see peace good afternoon mr jenkins good afternoon so just just to be clear on the chronology um you met mr depp in 1993 is that right correct and you've worked for him ever since often on yes okay and your your salaries paid by mr deb correct salary no you receive pay for the work that you do for mr yes correct of course yes of course and what mr depp's security is your highest priority in your job correct yes you did you're loyal to mr you're loyal to mr depp so this is this is the uh security guard and the security guard is um somebody that you know through this questioning again he's they're trying to establish you know that you know that he's biased and that his testimony is going to be biased just because he's been working for mr depp for so long and it's quite ineffective if you have i want to turn to the the night of april 21st 2016. you just just to recap you said you were working a security shift at amber's birthday at the eastern columbia building that evening correct correct and you said that your shift ended around 11 15. correct correct and you you said the boss still hadn't shown up by the time that you left the eastern columbia building right correct so you have no idea where mr depp was or what he was doing from 9 30 p.m that evening until at least 11 15 when you left the eastern columbia building right no i didn't know what he was doing he was see here's two things one he he says you have no idea where he was or what he was doing he doesn't know what the answer is going to be there's two problems with that number one it could include hearsay in which case he's just invited the hearsay answer and what's more is uh he's just given the witness a chance to expand and you left the eastern columbia building right no i didn't know what he was doing he was attending to his mother okay you aren't with him i had information okay all right that's information that you that you received but you you have no personal knowledge of that i have no reason i have no reason to doubt it it came from sean okay oh oh okay so mr mr beth told you that the boss is out there right mr bat told you that he was tending to his mother that night he didn't say mother he said the boss was out there i'm aware what the situation was the time frame he's with his mother okay all right interesting okay um and did you have any understanding that he had a meeting with his new business manager earlier that evening where he was told that he was running out of money and that his taxes hadn't been paid in years did you have any understanding of that um protection objection foundation cultural speculation i'll sustain the objection next question so one of the things that her lawyers are doing is uh they're trying they have this invective this uh this kind of um snarky kind of gotcha uh invective and whenever they ask some dumb questions like that one that was just asked and it gets the objection gets sustained they think it kind of somehow poisons the jury because the jury's already heard it that is just [ __ ] because the jury's gonna tell uh is told that that's not evidence see mr depp that night right no i didn't know so you came back the next morning to escort amber to coachella right yes and you say that amber told you that she had thrown mr depp's phone off the roof correct and did you come to understand that um mr depp had thrown her phone off the roof that evening prior to when amber threw mr depp's phone off the roof she informed me of that okay she informed you of that so when you went outside to look for mr depp's phone you you weren't looking for miss herd's phone were you she had her phone she had her phone she was trying to re-download and back it up okay so she you were only looking for mr depp's phone when you went when you went downstairs to this to the to uh to try to you found it with a with an unhoused person you said correct correct okay and you did you did i hear you right that you said it was six miles away where you found the phone correct it actually wasn't six miles away it was it was actually right below the building the ecb building correct okay what's can you pull up um does he have a way to see documents that just just him your honor yes um so he's going to try to impeach this witness impeach means to show that the person is not telling the truth and you watch all this this driver's testimony and he's extremely credible and the problem is is when you do this if it's not done correctly you're the one that you're the lawyer and you're the one who gets impeached you please pull up uh the witness statement mr jenkins mr jenkins do you do you remember giving testimony on mr depp's behalf in the uk trial yes i do and you gave you gave a witness statement first in in writing correct do you remember that yes and then you were examined um by the attorneys in the trial correct correct okay can you see on your screen the statement uh that's do you see a witness statement yes i see it it says witness statement of starling jenkins right and this is the statement that you wrote and signed as part of the uh the uk trial on behalf of mr depp correct correct okay if you can scroll please to page three of the document and mr jenkins i'm going to read you what you wrote in paragraph 13 okay and we can go from there on paragraph 13 you wrote in your witness statement in the uk trial find my iphone application indicated that johnny's phone was somewhere on the streets below the balcony of the residence did i read that right if that's what it says that's what it says i'm telling you the phone was in skid row okay cell phone was the gentleman that found it i have the location where the phone was found isn't skid row just a few blocks away from the eastern columbia building no it's uh it's on sixth and main i guess depending on whatever you are okay so so one of these two swarm statements either what you just said in court just now that it was found six miles away or this one of these is false correct uh it's just inadequate as far as the location the location is not below the penthouse it's not on broadway it was found on broadway by the unhoused man and then he lives off of skid row okay now let's move on to coachella please yes and there are thousands of other people at that music festival too correct great okay do your do you were you pregnant and sober that weekend wasn't my information was my knowledge were you aware that amber's sister whitney threw up in a parking lot that weekend no okay to your knowledge and understanding mr jenkins there's nothing wrong with wanting to spend time with your friends at a music festival after being abused by your husband right so that is a very loaded question there's nothing wrong with uh wanting to spend time with your friends after at a music festival after being abused by your husband is there so that's assuming you know that's like the old question when did you stop beating your wife you know that just it's like it's a very improper question and uh the implication is that it happened so but i love how this uh i love how this security guard or this uh driver um handles this what abuse that's not abnormal what abuse that that is absolutely perfect whole thing to want to be around your friends correct she was partnering up with her friends and he puts it in a completely different mood she's partying up with her friends not all depressed because she's been beaten by her husband so let's go to the psychologist now the psychologist did an adverse medical exam or adverse psychological exam and they're allowed to do that because amber has put her own psychological well-being as part of her damage equation dr curry york i have to restart this because not board certified correct no i'm not not in clinical psychology or in forensic psychology correct no i'm a licensed clinical psychologist but you're not board certified no okay and you also have only been practicing approximately eight years is that correct that's not correct how many years you would think that the the lawyer would know exactly i mean her curriculum vitae is right in front of him been licensed for 10 years okay and i've been practicing for about 15 years okay now you went to mr depp's home for dinner and drinks before you were hired as an expert in this case correct so one of the things that she tries to do here very ineffectively is to try to destroy the credibility of the expert in other words well you had drinks with mr depp and you wouldn't be doing this you were so excited and you're just all enamored and you're doing everything you can to please this celebrity that's not quite right i was interviewed at mr depp's home by his legal team dinner was served you in attendance with mr depp was adam waldman correct yes ben chu correct yes camille vasquez yes okay and the dinner lasted approximately three to four hours correct yes and it included interviews correct yes dinner and i believe drinks were served okay and this was before you were hired as an expert correct yes this was an interview so that they could make an informed decision as to whether or not to retain me and don't you think that's a little odd that you're getting interviewed by mr depp to decide whether you're going to testify adversely against amber heard i was interviewed by the legal team okay and mr depp was present it was his home correct yes and he was serving dinner and drinks he was not serving dinner and drinking it was at his house at his behest correct yes it was at his house okay and you were contacted by camille vasquez somebody you knew in the community in february of 2020 is that correct i knew of miss vasquez professionally we live in the same city and i work with many attorneys and at that time you not only knew johnny depp you'd seen a number of his tv and movie roles and you believed he was a good actor correct not correct i did not know johnny depp you've seen several of his movies you knew who he was yes right and you believed he was a good actor yes okay and then you provided an expert designation in this case before ever seeing amber or having an opportunity to review any documents or records not true isn't that correct i did not provide an expert designation that's that's an attorney thing my opinions are contained in my report it says you have three opinions the first of those is that amber heard quote exhibits patterns of behavior that are consistent with co-occurring cluster b personality disorder traits especially borderline personality disorder did i get that right i'm reading that here that is not my opinion okay well but it's a current opinion but this was not an opinion of mine then i didn't have any opinions at that time it says dr curry will testify correct that's what it says yes okay and this is a signed pleading correct on behalf of mr death i i'm not sure i understand what that means we don't understand what a signed pleading is no okay do you understand that mr depp's counsel prepared this and served it on ms heard's counsel i i'm not an attorney i don't understand necessarily all of these procedures okay are you aware that mr depp is on an audio recording years earlier she has a borderline personality disorder i was made aware of that in this case yes so you actually did the taunting but i do recall hearing that mr depp had used that phrase so it's a coincidence that you now think she has those attributes after the attorneys listed it in february 2021 before you'd looked at anything and mr death had made that accusation to ms heard years earlier my opinions aren't based on coincidences objection i'm sorry doctor yes compound i'll sustain the objection all right it's a coincidence then that you came up with symptoms of borderline personality disorder years later after mr depp has been taunting this heard in an audio tape i can't speak to whether or not there's a coincidence what i can tell you is my opinions are based on the results of my evaluation and it's a coincidence that mr depp's counsel attributed that to you that said that to you in february 2021 before you looked at anything correct i'm not sure okay now would you agree that a disproportionate number of women are tagged with the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder so the question was would you agree that a disproportionate amount of women are tagged with the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder now you should know the answer to the question before you ask it because otherwise if you don't know what they're going to say or you kind of control it so let's see what she says no that's not quite right no that's not quite right see and they constantly are stepping in their own dog [ __ ] 75 the way you phrase it is not quite right tell me tell me what's right okay so there are more women who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder than men it's more prevalent in women so when she says tell me what's right all of a sudden she was the lawyer supposed to be in charge the lawyer is supposed to be able to to control the witness control the questioning on cross-examination and what she just did is she flipped the witness and the witness is now in control and the witness said she just gave the witness more credibility now you've never been asked to testify or serve as an expert with respect to whether someone has a bipolar disorder is that correct a bipolar disorder yes that's not correct okay that's not correct in other words don't you know the answer to these questions could you no okay thank you so it really comes down to the fact that uh you know with with the psychologist she came up comes off very credible and she really substantiates a lot of what uh mr depp's or johnny depp's uh testimony in terms of uh er explains amber's behavior through both the the recordings that were happening and through a number of the other um parts of the uh story that were given in terms of their interactions so and the other thing is you know her amber's gonna probably testify next week or this coming week and her testimony is gonna be uh really attacked by a lot of the uh physical evidence by the recordings i i i don't really understand how all these recordings exist but thank god they do because they really they really demonstrate her irrationality and johnny depp's uh that he really was a victim of domestic violence during her open opening statement the defense lawyer for amber heard holds up a makeup kit a little compact and says this is what she used to uh to cover up the abuse blah blah blah which is just [ __ ] well the manufacturer uh put out a tweet saying that this is uh not possible because the item that she was holding up before the jury was something that was manufactured in 2017 well after they they had split up so there i think what you're going to see when amber testifies there's going to be a series of those kinds of things amber test uh you know there was some testimony earlier in the week about um from the uh from the aclu and that there was this three and a half million dollar uh pledge and one of the things in in one of amber's interviews that she did she says oh i've given all of the 7 million that she got from the divorce married [ __ ] 15 months by the way and she got 7 million uh and 13 million in in in uh debts that were forgiven or actually that missed that johnny depp paid but she got she said she gave it all the way to cherry to the aclu and to the children's hospital and it just isn't true and that is going to be shoved up her uh ass so bad on cross-examination that it's really going to be an interesting cross i think there's a real disparity between the the talent of lawyers johnny depp's lawyers are pretty no nonsense they don't uh they don't go for the invective they just go for the facts and uh and amber's lawyers are all about the the slight little digs that uh you know trying to get the gotcha moments so um we'll watch some more of this and uh and we'll put uh you know put your comments up and let me know what you think i know we after my first video i got a lot of comments about how johnny depp was wrong you know what i and i'm starting to come around in fact i'm pretty much there that i i but in watching the plaintiff's case johnny depp's case i think they made a compelling case um and that she lied and that she lied about uh him abusing her and that's what this is all about so we'll see you next time here on criminal lawyer reacts remember to sign up for uh patreon follow us on twitter follow us on instagram and we'll see you next time here on criminal lawyer reacts
Channel: CLR Bruce Rivers
Views: 889,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S4yNTa1CSj4
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Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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