Crete Carrier - Why did you leave coach

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hello everyone this is Jason Pope the trucker's coach coming to you guys live while I'm getting offloaded from the cab of my illustrious truck here tonight and I've seen your comments I've heard them I've commented on some of them and I'm gonna answer your questions because I get I've been getting lots and lots and lots of emails and Facebook messages why'd you leave Crete what did they do to you what did they do that why are they a bad company this that the other so hang on just a second here my phone's trying to go dead on me and that is the $15 question that everybody wants to know so let me tell you guys Crete is a great company great company one of the I will say this and I say this not loosely Crete was probably the best I've been treated in the trucking industry since Walmart in 2008 those people treat you good they treat you very good they're personable people they do you right and I've made some videos for Crete since I've lived I have not one bad thing to say when they tell you as an owner-operator you when they tell you that they give you 100 percent of the fuel discount they give you 100 percent of the fuel discount I mean I've got in the 60s on the field discount there's no doubt about it I got what they told me every time the total I've been in contact with those folks I've talked to them since I've left they are a good outfit well Jason do you still recommend them yeah absolutely I recommend them as a company driver or an owner operator if you're wanting to get into owning a truck you put that you know your down payment whatever they require for the down payment whether it's a thousand two thousand or three thousand depending on your credit and go get on one of those trucks I mean they got extended warranties on them it's a good deal and it's not at least cuz a lot of people are asking me Jason is this a lease purchase oh is it zeroed out no this is a finance company through capital it's a finance agreement through capital casualty okay they're gonna give you a good interest rate okay and you're gonna be able to get into that truck and do really really well and they they do again they do what they say when they say you're gonna drop and hook you're gonna drop and hook when they say you you know that they're gonna pay you detention they're gonna pay you detention when they say you're gonna get good miles and heavy miles you gonna get good miles and you're gonna get heavy miles when they say you can go home whenever you want you go home whenever you want when they tell you they're gonna give you three low choices I made a video about it they're gonna give you three low choices when they tell you if you don't like any of those they're gonna give you three more they'll give you three more I never had to do that though who would I recommend more SFI or Creek Creek and I'm gonna tell you why because of the truck no the biggest thing is the truck note because cretins Crete is paying you by the mile practical okay it's not hhg household moving guy so they're paying you what you actually drive and they're giving you the big field discount when I was there I was averaging about dollar thirty one dollar 32 with the field discount okay am i making more money doing what I'm doing now absolutely but you have to take things in consideration I pam-4 trailer over there I never got sixteen hundred miles a week at Crete I never got sixteen hundred miles a week I was always two thousand plus always two thousand plus but it's not about miles when you when you go to percentage why did you leave Jason why did you leave why did you leave okay I had some issues with my truck I had are you a company driver or you a owner operator I'm talking I never drove for them as a company driver but the company drivers I taught two aren't getting sixteen hundred miles but I don't know what side of the company you're on but whether you're on Crete Shaffer or hunt or website you're on but the biggest thing is you you know what you're doing ahead of time where when you're playing this game when you're playing this game here I have to book at the last minute to get the best brake I can't book two or three days ahead okay so if I'm doing like for instance I've already got my Loeb book that I'm taken to Carbondale Illinois tomorrow but I had to book it at the last minute yesterday to get the best rate I can't go on and pre-plan myself out like like they can do for you okay so you know the trucks are cheaper at Cree and at Schneider you are going to get about the same ballpark you know especially factoring in that big old truck no I mean cuz that that big old truck no good Snyder is 25 26 32 I've heard some people that span a 8 something a week for the truck just the truck and I mean it's it's it's up there but that Creek you have to put money down it's not a well I think you got to put money down at Schneider 2 and and you're not gonna own it let's pay a balloon there's no balloon it creatures you're behind so there's a big big difference there you know so you have to really weigh everything out do you want to book your own loads so the reason I left creep was I had a truck issue okay I had to get that situated and it took a little bit of time took me it took me a little bit over a week and during that time I had talked to a tenor and talked it over with the alive whenever I decided to make this move and we decided this was the right move for us to make at that time and so I can't would I go back to Crete if something chaotic happen and the truck blew up and I was I couldn't do anything else if I didn't have the financial resources or whatnot I think they're a great company you know and I think that you're not going to do bad by going with them especially if you're a first-time owner operator that program set up for you to succeed it's not set up for you to fail I can tell you that so many guys want to go out and buy their truck booked their own words because they've been a company driver and they think that it's easy it's not easy you have to be a businessman to do this you have to be business savvy this is big-boy trucking this isn't somebody's nobody's gonna hold your hand here you know not just here anywhere that you're booking your own break you have to be ready to be in business and you got to be ready to make that move and make that change when you go from a mileage contract to percentage to big-boy truck in and get your getting your trailer and possibly getting your own authority one day it's a step up okay the security is there at Crete because they got the trailer pool you're dropping here hooking you're doing all those things that you want to do and and that you did as a company driver but you're doing it as an owner-operator so does that benefit you absolutely when you're first getting into this business it it it definitely helps you it I'm getting emails right now hey help me apply for Crete all right but I can't help you apply for Crete anymore I'm not I'm not there but I can tell you if you want to get a hold trying to get into the owner/operator vision get a hold of my Kant or Issac Phillips and they will help you they'll talk to you and explain their owner/operator program to you that's what they do there are icy relations over there old owner/operator relations over there and now they'll help you out they're good people and but I never had any issues there and they do everything they tell you they're going to do and that is what you alright I'm back um I had a phone call had to forgot to put this thing on Do Not Disturb that's what you have to factor in when you're on a mileage contract versus percentage okay this is this is real truck okay yeah that's fine just call me before you want to do it this is big-boy truckin okay this isn't nobody's gonna hold your hand now Crete is going to help you succeed they're going to send you those three choices you can pick choose call your asset manager and say hey I don't like none of this or whatnot you can do all those things and here you run the show you screw this up you're looking in the mirror I'm looking at myself on this camera it's me I screw this up okay you at Crete have the chance to learn to be an owner/operator okay are you picking on a low board no but they're gonna send you choices to be successful they're gonna give you a good feel discount you're going to get great insurance rates and all those things and you're going to be able to buy health and life insurance through the company if you wanted to all those things that that we're even gonna offer to owner-operators to us you can buy it through the company of Crete you wouldn't have to buy it through us because there's hardly anybody that's given anything affordable to an owner/operator but Daphne is gonna be able to do it once she excuse me um once she's uh got everything going on the benefits when she gets licensed and it'll be affordable but it took us forever to find that and it's taken me forever to get her license and all that stuff and we're spending a ton of money to get her license and but we're doing that to help help people out you know people have donated to the channel and I'm taking that money and I'm putting it to good use to help people I'm not going out eating steaks with those donations you know and you if you wanted to donate to the channel you can do a super chat or you can do PayPal dot me forward slash truckers coach that money goes to this channel and anything we offer to you that does not go to Jason well it goes to Jason but Jason puts it towards this program here and as you see we're that's because I'm investing in you we invest in our we're investing in our operation the trucker's coach we're not investing in Jason wants to buy a motorcycle Jason wants take Daphne out for steak we're investing in this right here that you're watching right now so anybody that said I don't know much about the company side Shawn I can tell you that I have not talked thank you Alex for the $2 super chat I can tell you I can tell you that I have not talked to an unhappy company driver accrete now I haven't talked to very many safer drivers but on the Crete side the red side I have not talked to an unhappy driver I have not other than oh well I had to set the dock the other day stuff but you're getting paid attention anyway so they don't care about that they're not mad about it but other than the regular that's trucking stuff they're not mad at the company they like their equipment their driving brand-new or pretty new equipment and then they're selling the three-year old equipment to owner operators that want to get into that through capital casualty so it's a really good opportunity for you to get into my average rate this week on I'm gonna be at 1900 and I believe 17 or 18 20 miles something like a I'm gonna average about 197 nine I believe 197 nine that's all miles that's empty loaded and everything that's deadhead the whole nine yards 197 nine I believe to me thank you for the thank you for the ten dollars they're a flatbed machine appreciate it we are here to help you and you know we talk about various companies and create on this video this is not it's not a bad company at all folks it's not a bad company at all at all you will do good there as a new owner operator what I recommend you as a new owner operator coming out in here and doing this no absolutely not because you will fail you will fail I've been doing this for this is my ninth year as an owner operator but I have helped people book loads before this I book loads at Schneider I've helped people at Landstar book loads I've helped people on broker boards I've negotiated rates before I ever done this and that's why I'm getting the rates I get in a drive and because I already knew how to do it take the truck somewhere else if you don't like Crete know if you buy the truck through Crete you have to keep the truck at Crete until you pay it off and most of the time that's a two-year term maybe a three-year term depending on the year and the amount of the truck but you'll do good you will do good you can't go home every week with buying the truck now if you got this idea that you're gonna go home every week by the truck you can forget about it because you're gonna have to stay off 14 to 21 okay you go buy a truck and you've got a fourteen fifteen hundred dollar truck no you're not going home every week okay don't look at what I did when I was at Crete because I was on the sixth day programming up and I ran five days that's what I did but you have to stay out there and you got to be willing to work in this industry okay Crete has the freight for you to go but you got to be willing to take it you got to be willing to do it they're paying for your toes and percentage who pays for my toes me they're paying for a lot of stuff the cargo and general liability who's paying for that meat so getting started that's your best option right there so if you go to Crete and you apply just tell them that the coach sent you you can put that down if you don't have anybody to refer you can put coach down obviously I don't work there I'm not getting anything but just to track my videos that's what I use that for track my videos or you can write it on top of the application I don't care or put it in the comments the truckers coach so that I can just track the videos you know from time to time off I email those guys and maybe they'll be able to give me the numbers on how many people were coming through on the videos but as far as me getting paid for anything that's oh absolutely they have very consistent frame yes sir put me down I could use the thousand there you go that guy can use the thousand and he can use the thousand and you can put me down as I saw Jason's video I ain't getting nothing but I do this to help you guys and everybody oh he's a recruiter he's a recruiter he's a recruiter no I'm not no not I give you the same message Nanak said he can use the money to put Donny Luke down - he's got his name out here and put me down as you saw my video just so I can track the numbers that's all I want to do I try to track how my message gets out that's it that's all I want to do is track how my message gets out so like right now we've had up to 65 people in here let's say five people applied to got hired what does that put me at almost about five to six percent conversion rate which is good for you too I like to be a 10 to 12 percent but I'm just throwing out that number so I try to convert my message and by converting my message I have to have you guys put somewhere on that application coach sent me so that I can know that that the message got through to you you liked the message and you went on and applied obviously it doesn't matter to me where you work I just try to see how my message works and see if I need to change my message or do I need to make it make it different if I'm getting through to you so that's what I try to that's what I try to do that's why I tell people to put coach down on the apps and stuff like that that's that's exactly why I do it for no other reason but that be sure you hit like if you're in here I'm sure there's some folks from Crete in here they do watch the live feeds from time to time if you got any questions I'm gonna open this up for questions about Crete right now so you guys ask your questions I'll do my best to answer them and if not there will be Crete drivers in here that will I know there's at least two or three Crete drivers in hand probably some corporate folks in there so answer ask the questions and I'll let you I'll try to answer if not somebody else will is there a terminal and Cheyenne I believe it's a Walmart terminal I believe they have the Cheyenne Walmart account there and I believe that they do base trucks there but I believe it's a Walmart account someone correct from wrong oh they have a regular treat okay they have a regular creek terminal there too I stand corrected see that's why they're in here what's the average gross rate per mile with Crete on owner/operator you're gonna get about a dollar to a dollar one loaded plus the fuel surcharge and if you take if you take the fuel discount into effect you're gonna be at about 130 130 131 depending on where you buy your fuel if you get that fuel solution and you pay attention to it you're gonna get the best rate for fuel both for HIPAA and for a discount so pay attention and they are giving you all that discount okay I will Don as soon as I get off load to get on the road here I'll I'll definitely get a hold of you but um guys they have just finished unloading me and I hate to I hate to cut this short but I want to render this video you guys start asking your questions how hard would it be for me to get on with Crete since I've been off the road for the last couple years you will have to go through a refresher course and then Crete does have a training program that much I can tell you I'll take like one or two more questions real fast he's waving at me here what a sec like I'm um two more questions two more and then I'll cut this off then you'll have to ask them in the comment section on the video going once going twice going three times all right everybody this is Jason poke the trucker's coach telling you guys follow us on Facebook you know that we're on Instagram now the trucker's coach on all of them subscribe to this channel ringing the bell we will be there and hey we might be a guess who knows we might be a guest thanks for everyone that super chatted and we will be live again tonight I don't know what the topic is yet but I don't know I'll come up with something we'll talk to you guys tonight bye bye now be sure you comment and subscribe and go join the Facebook group and ask your questions here and somebody will answer we'll see y'all later bye bye
Views: 11,574
Rating: 4.7325907 out of 5
Keywords: Traveloko, Owner Operator Pay, Walmart Driver Pay, Trucking, TruckingCompanies, Lil Dawg Trucker, Traveloko Lease Purchase, Numbers, USA, US Marine, Crete Carrier
Id: ydUcijdRLvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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