Creo Parametric 9.0 - Geodesic Curve from Point and Angle

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in creole parametric you can now create a geodesic curve using a point and an angle the way that you do that is by going to the datum overflow menu and then the curve fly out there is a new command in here curve from point and direction when i click on that it opens up the dashboard and the first thing that you will pick is your start point for your surface well we'll click on that and the next thing is the direction reference for the angle so let's click in the collector i will use the datum plane called top that's visible and right now it has an angle of zero degrees as i drag it around here you can see how the shape of the curve is changing there's also a drag handle here for the length of the curve so you can control how far it's going to go on your surface the other thing that you can do is you can specify from the drop down list a different length or if you go to this drop down you can choose either to drive it to a reference like using some point to define the length of the curve or if you choose by domain it'll go along the entire extent of the reference surface here we have four side two we could choose by length and that will give us another drag handle and we can drag it along here or similarly we have this drop down list where we can go and choose this one to go by domain across the entire length of the curve and you can see as we drag the angle handle how the geopodessa curve is going to end up changing shape and then to complete the feature let's hit the check mark and there we have our geodesic curve created through that point at the angle specified and i just want to show you how this compares to the geodesic curve that was added back in creole parametric 8.0 in that situation well if you go to the curve command you can choose curve through points and then you can pick one point and then hold down the ctrl key and select the other point and there we have our curve going through then we can choose place the curve on a surface and then pick the surface and then with this option here you can make it geodesic so it'll be the shortest distance along the surface let me hit the check mark in order to complete that one and show you how the geodesic curve would be slightly different now in creo 9. we go to the curve command curve from point and direction well let's select this point and we'll select our same surface as before for the direction reference let me hold down the right mouse button to show that you can get to the direction reference collector from the right mouse button i'll pick that surface and then for our angle let me change this here to a value of 30 degrees let me flip the direction there we go now we can see the curve and let's change the length here let me choose a value of 2 for the extent and now we can grab the angle and we can drag it along over here or just like before i can change this to using the domain for defining the curve and there we can see the geodesic curve that's created at that particular angle and hit the check mark let me repaint the screen to turn off the display of the meshing so there you can see how you can use that new type of curve in the old situation
Channel: Creo Parametric
Views: 3,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creo parametric, ptc creo, creo ptc, creo parametric tutorial, creo parametric 4.0, creo parametric 4.0 tutorial, creo parametric 6.0, creo parametric 6.0 tutorial, creo parametric 7.0, creo parametric 7.0 tutorial, creo parametric 8.0, creo parametric 8.0 tutorial
Id: pP0rRxeRr3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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