Crema Design Challenge | 2021 Demos

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we're missing someone she didn't want to go first oh oh there she is oh dang it that was our plan right to all come in on yeah i was just uh you guys just forgot about our plan wait i did i did well hello we're live right yes i think so technology fantastic well welcome everybody to our design challenge um so just to give anyone some background for anyone who wasn't um around this morning or didn't see our stories basically what the design challenge is is every year for two years in a row now um we get all of our designers together everyone comes up with a concept for an app um and they are given seven hours to execute it so we were allowed to do branding before um but no actual designs for screens or anything like that was supposed to be done prior to today so um basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna take about 10 minutes we're going to walk through and show you what each of us have come up with um if there's any time at the end of each of our personal times we'll take directed questions and at the end we'll take additional questions um for the group so that being said i guess i can go ahead and start hopefully nothing broke since i last checked it um here okay that's a good point i should run through mine so my app is called tvd um originally that was my placeholder but then it made a lot of sense um my idea for my app came from um my husband and i uh we have a jar of uh movies and we just put 25 different titles in there we don't know what each others are and every time we don't know what to watch we just pull a movie instead um excuse me spend a lot of time uh browsing through all sorts of different streaming channels trying to figure out what to watch and so i thought about how much time that it actually saved us and i was thinking i wonder if we created an app for that concept but you could use it for anything we help people save time on those crazy choices that sometimes just take too long or maybe adding an element of surprise things make things more interesting so i'll show some examples of different ways this could be used but my app's called tbd so without further ado um this is a loading animation that i spent a significantly too much time on early this morning um and at about 10 30 i was like okay i just have to stop um i i've gotten very used to animating in webflow and figma doesn't quite have the same finesse but i did did what i could so i think it turned out pretty okay um so the way i've set up this app is we have the dashboard um your jars which are basically like um ongoing groupings that you would like continue to pull from over time um you can add and then you would have like your friends list and notifications and your settings so right here when you land you can see any of your active jars um so i kind of the way that i was thinking about this is like you know you have things in a jar it's more long term if you pull a slip out of a hat it's like a short-term one-time thing um and so that was kind of how i'd set this up for different options which i'll get into when i show how to add but um when you land here you can see your long-term like jars where you'll be pulling from things so like if you had like a list of ideas for weekend trips and whenever you want to take a weekend trip you could pull one or uh game night games outdoor activities and you can see the different people who are in these with you who would have submitted ideas and you can see how many um they have of their ideas have been drawn it's like splurge items so i don't know if you guys have this but i have a bunch of things that i would love to buy but i just can't buy them all so i have like a list of things whenever i have a little money saved up i can buy some things this was i thought it would be nice to have like a randomized splurge list um or if like your kids get big achievements they could submit their own ideas of things that they wanted to get um for like big accomplishments school that sort of thing um and then down below i just have all of like the recent draws so you could see uh by category whenever you make one you would assign like a color and an icon so that shows you which one it is over here um it would tell you which one was drawn the date it was drawn on and who was the person who submitted it so those are some examples of how that would work um and then you could click over here and it just shows you all the jars so again jars long term and hats temporary um it's a little bit out there i don't know if it would quite translate so that might be something no it totally works okay cool glad i'm glad you get it sean that makes me feel a lot better people are gonna be like what is she doing talking about jars and hats um if you were to go and add um it would just pop this little bar up here at the bottom um where you could do have three options you could do a coin flip so you don't have a coin whose coins anymore you click on this and i was gonna try and animate this actually having like a coin flip on the screen and you could have heads or tails um and then the hat draw which is like a single use uh set of items that you would put in there manually and then the jar draw is multi-use so this is the process that i built out so you'd start by putting in again a name for it you'd select an icon and a color and then you would choose um after an option an individual option is john do you want that option to be returned to the jar removed from the jar or a place for the new item so i was trying to find ways where you could set it up so you could either have like an ongoing list or for different situations you could handle it differently so if you choose return then that second option disappears because it only applies if you hit remove because the second option is when no options are left and that would only happen if you were consistently removing items and not putting them back or replacing them um so that would be if you hit remove then you would like when no options are left do you want to return them all again um do you want to archive the jar or do you want to replace all um so i could talk through all the examples of when these would be used but um i think there's applicable reasons you could use all of them so i was trying to make it as versatile as possible without it being too much work so um then you can say if you want a set number of options or if it can just be as many as you want i see this being good if you want to have like collaborators um ad options and you want to all put in like the same amount so you could say let's say the set number of options is five and then i could choose some friends if i wanted friends to be in this group so let's say i have movie nights with friends once a week and so i add um some of my friends i can search add another friend and then now these are my friends in this group and i'll create the jar and now i can go through and i can add my five things to the list um so i can go in and i can add these fantastic movies and it tells me how many i have left up here at the top if you did if there wasn't a limit you could just put as many as you wanted and then you can see that you have zero options left and i say you know what i really really wanted to put another movie so i'm gonna remove one another so we can absolutely have moana on the list as needed so um and then you can submit your options and it would tell you that movies has been created so you can see here oops that was so you can see here that um now movies is actually here on the dashboard screen and then at this point if you anywhere you clicked draw slip you would get this that comes up so you would have your jar and it would have the right amount of items in it and you'd shake your phone um and so i tried to animate this pretty quickly here at the end but it doesn't look fantastic but the idea is all these things would respond to your phone so you could shake them and then you could click and drag out the option that you wanted and that's as far as i got but the idea was that it would expand and you would see the movie name and then everyone in the group would be notified the point being that you were probably doing these things when you're together but if they're just notify everyone and basically keep track it would also keep an additional running tally so you could see who had you know the most um we like to keep score of ours because we're competitive in all things so um it was a really simple idea it wasn't meant to be anything crazy but i thought it would be something that i would use um and so i just wanted to explore it i'm pretty happy with what i did within the within the time frame so um yeah i think it turned out pretty well so um any questions but i i was i remember you saying you kept the tally in somewhere so i was curious if that was going to be part of it and by the way you just said oh that's all i got what do you mean you designed an entire app yeah um no i i i didn't think i was gonna get very far past the um initial like building and like setting up of a jar um but then once i had that done everything else just really came together pretty quickly so um yeah i think it turned out i i was actually pretty surprised with how much i got done this is very impressive aubry i love it i have one question this is more of like a feature idea um i have found a lot of use in like random number generating tools for funny like picking of a certain number for something do you think there would be maybe some set jars or set hats that you could include as like a a preset or something that you think users would want without them having to go in and add content yes and now so i was trying to so sean and i had talked about this a little bit yesterday on if would it be smart to like have movies be won and then it would actually like incorporate movie info from like another website and give you details on things um or having some of those preset options i initially thought that it'd be better not to because i think people could use this in all sorts of ways and i would like if we were to actually make this an app i think it'd be cool to see what people think of using it for um i think kind of the the options are kind of endless like you could put in one that constantly repeats that's a two option and it could be who's taking out the garbage and it randomizes between you and your significant other right so my initial idea was movies but i really think that if it was made and people liked it it could be applied in all sorts of different ways um so that was the reason i was kind of trying to go away from presets but if people were going on and doing the same things consistently i think that that could be a good idea or at least maybe having like recommended options even if there's not built-in options there nice i like how simple it is thanks um any more questions i'm almost at time i see you opted for a dark dark mode was that intentional like you you prefer that or you wanted to to try it dark and colorful yeah i don't usually design um in dark mode and i don't usually design with color very much um well bright colors and if i have the choice not to so i was just trying to do something a little bit different from my typical um style and scheme so um i've really gotten into dark mode in my phone recently so i just thought i'd try it out it's it's a little weird um i don't like how you have to be so intense with things like drop shadows to actually have an effect it just feels like a little bit of designing um but i do i do like it it's fun um yeah i definitely i definitely am going to the dark side on phone things okay great well that is it for me um i think next up we have chris hey everyone um yeah so i had to introduce my app so the app is called place but to introduce the app uh it really kind of came out of me and kind of how i think um i can't for the life of me remember um names of places or uh and or anything like that so it's always like location based so um if my wife asks me like hey what's that place that we went to blah blah blah blah like i have no idea but i can look it up on a map like that so i go on google maps and i'm searching and i can find it really fast and so for whatever reason my brain is so wired spatially um and so i thought you know how what if there was a way of being able to log and track things that are personal to you based on geolocation whether that be photos or notes or videos or tags whatever you want all kind of connected to a geo location and so that was kind of the introduction or not the introduction the the concept behind this app called place so i'm going to start in here so i've got my app i'm going to open it up here um and so it's going to drop us in where we are on the map we've got a couple little icons here but here i am on habersham street and i just had a really great meal i had met some friends and we went out and we went to this place called a green truck pub and we had some good burgers and i was like man i want to come back to this place so i'm going to add a pin and so i get my little card here and so i'm going to go in here i'm going to name my my uh my pin give it a name green drug pub but i want to add a few other things i took a few photos of my food um so i'm going to add a photo i could select whether i want to take a photo with my camera or whether i want to select a photo from uh the photos that i've already taken i i've already taken some photos so i'm going to select a photo and i've got a few photos here and so i'm going to select these two and those will work fine so we've got that uh so we've got our photos added we'll go back in here and also i'm going to add a note because i want to i want to have a little more context to what this place is on my map so i'm gonna go in here i'm gonna add some notes in here great spot uh you know for pub food local locally sourced food made in house ketchup and pickles they make right there in the restaurant the trailer park burger is really good has the has really good pimento cheese so we've added our note gonna add that and the day really caught up on me and i thought oh that's all i'm going to get to so we're going to save that pin and now you can kind of see it's behind my pin right there so but if i were to go and click on that pin i've got my my pin right here i can edit it if i wanted to but that's the place so yeah that's that's my my that's my app anybody have any questions uh i this is awesome because i'm the same way like i use google photos like map feature um i think this is so rad and also one two questions how much of this is based on a real world experience because it sounds like legitimate and that sounds like a tasty burger every day every day this is how my life works and so the search like how do you envision the search working like you can search by like you know note that you've taken or like location or something like that yeah so it could be like a note or a tag or a listing so i would imagine it would pull up a listing of places and you could filter by nearby or by tags or you could actually search um for specific tags that was the that was one of the main interactions i really wanted to get in there was um being able to set tags and then and probably show that uh the other one that i really wanted to build out in this but i totally lost track of time was uh notifications so if you're coming up on something like hey this is this thing that you saved in your area so another scenario i think of is like if you're a cyclist and there's this really terrible pothole that never gets fixed and it's always up there and it could kind of notify you hey by the way 200 feet pothole so maybe it could kind of come through your air pods or earbuds or whatever it is so yeah a couple thoughts there i don't know if that answered your question did that answer your question yes totally yeah tags like notes and things that's the the aspect that you're searching for for sure yep so maybe you had this in there and i just didn't see it would you have an option to have your pins be like public or private like along with the pothole idea yes um so public or private and my kind of thinking kind of like how aubrey had it so it was like expanded to more than just movies i would see this as kind of a platform for if you're a blogger or something like that and you're going around like hey here's all the places i'd recommend you could make that public to people or you could make it private to yourself that's so cool i really want to use this it's really awesome also i think your animation at the beginning was really cool oh thanks um i spent way too long on it but you know i guess that's animations right can you show us again chris which the animation animation just run it again yes that's simple so cool nice work thank you did anybody not spend too much time on animations today i spend far too much time on animations i think it's the symptom of being in the design challenges you spend time where you don't always get to spend time so maybe next year we could have all of our screens made and the whole day is based on animations ooh that's so cool i like that last year yeah i took it i mostly focused on like animations and transitions because that's what i found fun and don't often find myself doing fair enough that's fun any other questions oh nope cool i think mary's next perfect okay hello everyone um here we go here's my screen um i decided to design an app that i called pedal and this came out of the experience of moving from kansas city to new york city and i have had to furnish an apartment from nothing so i've been really relying on apps like facebook marketplace to find used goods at like a pretty affordable price and it's a little bit more eco-friendly way to shop and it's been really good so i enjoy using facebook marketplace there's a lot of issues that i have with it but something i have found in talking with a lot of other new yorkers especially people my age a lot of people don't have facebook anymore or sometimes facebook marketplace is the very last reason why they still have facebook so um there really aren't a lot of marketplace apps that are um for people who don't want to have facebook so i also think that there's some kind of issues with the way facebook marketplace is created i think the fact that um you know people don't go to facebook to purchase things and i think there could be something more dedicated for just a localized digital market and i also added some fun features in here that felt really relevant to what it's like to live in new york city so this is my brand i will go ahead and get started showing the application i spent a lot of time on actually not the animations but um information architecture and trying to layout every page so there's a lot of pages but a lot of them are not fully designed um but there's a few that i spent a little bit more time on so we can take a look give one little animation um so one thing that i found would be helpful in a local digital marketplace is some sort of for you page this is becoming really popular with things like tick tock um being able to surface products that um pedal thinks that you might like or maybe you're looking for if um they can tell you've been searching for couches or certain types of furniture or certain brands they can surface specific products that are related to that there's also a tab that i've included called pick up now because one of my frustrations with facebook marketplace is the fact that i will um want to grab something today maybe it's a saturday that i'm just trying to get a bunch of furniture or something like that and turns out that the person who has listed this isn't available until thursday at 2 p.m um and so it doesn't really fit into my system for how i want to pick up products and go purchase things from people so um to keep that really simple this could be maybe more of a quick purchasing kind of tool so you hop in here you know you want to pick up some stuff and then you can search through things that are ready to go right away and we've got a tab for new products as well this also is very location based so for instance in one of these tabs um so within a product page i included a estimated time away from your location so i find i'll get really into interested in some piece of furniture or something and then i realize that this table is a 30 minute walk away from where i live and it doesn't really make sense to use the train it doesn't really make sense to take a car it might be um you know more expensive than it's worth so in order to kind of eliminate that pain point of getting excited about a product and then realizing it's not going to fit into your life being able to see that something is ready to go right now and i've got this down here as well pick up availability today from 4 to 9 pm you can pick this um table up and it's only a 12 minute walk away so maybe you can grab a friend and you know exactly what you're getting into before you even make an offer or start to chat with the lister so um just wanted to get bitter be a little bit more upfront about the limitations and the process before you get really sold on a product um another thing that i think would be helpful is the ability to see the products from that specific seller so maybe you know it's a 12 minute walk and you can pick up these free candlesticks there as well and maybe this ceramic tray for 30 dollars something like that um so you can kind of truncate your or group together your um trips and i've found that that sometimes sweetens the deal to see that someone's also giving away a little mug or something like that um and it really shows you exactly where you're going to have to go um so that they're just a few little details that i've included in here um to make this a little bit more clean and clear from the beginning um the make and offer features helpful i think there's some marketplaces that already have something similar but um you can just make an offer really quick instead of having to have this back and forth conversation and wait for the listener to get back to you so you can kind of get things moving really quickly i also mocked up a version that has multiple different images just to kind of play with that transition and animate those a little bit and you can kind of scroll through them from the list page as well um pretty simple and then there's also the opportunity to like things or kind of favorite your products and then when you go back to your home page we've got a whole dedicated page for your saved listings because sometimes you just want to you know gather a bunch of different options it's almost like your cart when you're trying to purchase something and then when you're feeling like you're ready to actually make a commitment you can go into that make an offer or start chatting with them and then you've got a chat section to this application as well where you can kind of keep track of your conversations with the listers if those happen i think one goal of this product would be to limit the amount of conversations you need to have with the listers i think being able to just make an offer really quick know that you can pick it up at this specific time know that it's super close to you um is really helpful because with facebook marketplace i usually have to ask where they live takes 30 minutes for them to get back to me and then i'm disappointed because they are 100 blocks away um there's also a space for your own profile here if you are a seller as well um i haven't really flushed this out at all and then this is where you would make your listings um and then the list and item is just a very simple form so a lot of pages that i've gotten started in but haven't really fully fleshed out yet but it's been really fun playing with the branding i really wanted to play with the dark mode because i never really get to design in dark mode i wanted to play with pops of color because generally i gravitate towards a lot of color and so i kind of wanted to limit the color that i used and then play with some different states like what could it look like to highlight that something's free um we've also just a couple more things i add in a category little drawer so you can select a category and just look at one specific type of item and then there'd also be a search page so you can kind of avoid these pre-filters and really search through all products that are within a certain radius um so yeah it's been really fun to take an idea that kind of exists out there and try to improve it as much as i can and it's a very specific use case to what i've been going through lately but i know that a lot of people would also enjoy something like this so that is petal um it's been a lot of fun are there any questions or comments about this i really like this mary this is cool i was literally just having a conversation with justin about this because we are trying to sell a bunch of stuff from our wedding and i'm the only one with a facebook and i was like you couldn't get a facebook so you could also sell it and maybe this was real then he wouldn't need one and that would be fantastic for everyone yeah yeah i have a friend who just moved and they were like you're gonna have to come over and look at facebook marketplace for me because i don't have a facebook but i really want to see what's out there so um i think it's kind of a helpful tool i like what ashley said about the star rating i think that's also something that i look at because i get kind of nervous i usually only purchase from women i kind of try to check them out and make sure that it looks like a place that i would be comfortable going to because you never really know what you're getting into so being able to rate um your interaction with the lister when you purchase something i think would be a helpful tool great very nice thanks it's been fun all righty sean coming at you with not a dark mode a very bright mode guys you know what i should not design consumer apps i have one note and that note is purple and very bright but oh my gosh as we were saying this i just tried this for the first time um dark wood magic look at this whoa so like what if you could design an entire app and then just apply that of course this is an image in the background it's not like a real thing but wouldn't that be nuts i think that's the whole point hello my name is sean and i have something to show it is wander so um the idea this came from mary really grateful for it because i i really like the idea itself um i didn't really have a concept but she proposed like this random walk generator app and uh i love it because if i were to go on a walk it would be something um you know just a familiar place or a route that i know but the idea behind this is that it just introduces sort of randomness now um i have sort of a working kind of logo idea but but what i what actually explored isn't just like completely random um and maybe i should just go through the prototype like everyone else um it's uh there's some like criteria you can do behind to set up um a more like exploratory walk and then something just completely random but so the idea um you open up this page and probably there could be more here i thought like an idea of like recent walks or favorite walks would be cool so again not the idea that it's completely random but something that introduces a new um route or something into your kind of something more familiar but maybe down here like a card or something that has like favorite routes or things like that right you you went to a park you didn't know existed so right now it's super spartan maybe you could um start from another location but i think pretty typically you just open it up like you're at home or at the office and you say walk and so i found that i spent a lot of my time today my app is super simple here if i go back um there are only like a handful of actual pages because majority of the function is um like you actually interact with these like criteria card here um this is like a long animation um and then you get some sort of results so um a lot of what i'm going to show is just the most of the functionality is here but so basically i imagine you could do it um you choose another location to start and like schedule something for later right if you knew it's gonna be cooler in the afternoon you could start a walk later um but something i also consider is like well if i'm at home i want to make it back to my house probably so i want to loop or otherwise you're like i want to walk to a coffee shop and so you can go either by a loop or a destination and say you know i'm you know looking for a coffee shop or something like that and then you could say you know within you know three miles of a house or something so that was like one of the main ideas again to kind of reign in the idea that it's completely random you also have somewhat of a say over what you get served up and then some other other cool things could be things that are um you know you wanted to pass the park on the way or um you know stop by the river or something on the way things that like you know maybe exist but don't know you wouldn't normally walk there or know how to get there um another just like simple things like are there sidewalks like my neighborhood doesn't have sidewalks so um i couldn't check this i would walk nowhere um so simple things like this that that make your walk more you know safer more fun more convenient and then so something like this which wouldn't be as like prescriptive as like i want to go two miles this is like elevation you know do you want it to be fairly easy kind of not easy and then hard um so something like this i thought would be cool to introduce you know some some control but like leave it more ambiguous and then when you start the walk um this is just like a little simple animation but a couple things are happening here like this would highlight it would kind of consider things around you and say you know there's a park here there's a coffee shop here and there's like a you know performing arts center here so things that actually make up one mile route that might not be a traditional route you kind of go like you know around to get to these things and as you pass them um you know potentially these little chips down here are are checked you know by geographically right you pass through a park and so that one got that one got checked and then also kind of like just tracks i'll just kind of restart this because it's super fast um and it just kind of tracks your distance over time and probably you could you know quit quit the walk anytime but there's really not much else here like i can imagine if you're in the middle of a walk and you just you hold this to quit it but otherwise you know you complete your one mile route and you you end your walk and it great job um and just a summary of what you've done kind of some little insights there and otherwise like i imagine from here you could save it right like this is an awesome one i went to mildred's and it was great um but but really all i have is like okay you're done and you start another one so that's it's sort of time limitations and half baked from that point but uh yeah that's the idea thanks mary you really took it and ran with it i love this yeah i'm actually so curious if this at all resembles what you you had in mind but yeah that that's that's basically and again like oh and um yeah so the components page was like really cool to get all these things down i started i did a bit of um like interactive components so that was cool to do um and then again yeah a lot of the functionality is just in these couple cards here so that's kind of where most of the focus was because that's kind of the only control that you have so when you guys said that he took it and ran with it i wanted to say that he walked with it but oh that was perfect good one that seemed like left because you did running was more accurate but you know i actually almost did i almost did like a walk run or bike option but i thought like i quickly stripped those out in the morning because like probably there are other apps for it and i don't really meet the criteria of like exploring probably as much yeah i mean george seems very excited about the idea of this being for cycling so maybe maybe v2 oh did you say that somewhere yeah sorry george i know you're a big strava fan you don't need this all right here we go see bright and purple and fat i only can only do one thing i love it well thank you it's your signature yeah i would put pink in every app if i could justify it today i hope to see pink today there's a little pink today i think oh good today cool that's all i've got good time all right great work all right steph last but not least all right um so the app that i made today is called ponder um i came up with this idea last night so i just spent a lot of time today figuring out what it actually was but i had the idea floating in my head to make like a question of the day sort of app because i think question of the days are awesome and um specifically got that from my friend molly who's asked me a question of the day every workday since november my old co-worker so shout outs to her in like all over this app but we also do this at chroma we have a slack channel and uh we do it every lab friday um we have a question of the day so um i think they're awesome and so i wanted to make it not just like a question of the day but kind of more of a social media app so um so i kind of ran with that a little bit there's a lot of concept explaining here so we'll see if the app actually makes any sense um so yeah so you come into the app and um you'll see a feed of questions i really liked the idea i kind of went back and forth on this but i really like the idea that it would be a text-based app because um one thing that i was thinking for social media is that a lot of it's very fast-paced kind of like mindless um scrolling so i wanted something that would be like a little slower and like just encourage you to like think and like talk to people so i didn't want to add photo backgrounds or anything like that but i thought colors would be um would be helpful to just kind of differentiate the feed visually so you can come in here and see a variety of different questions so here's the crema question for today from george and then i threw a couple from molly that i've gotten in here before too um and so uh the other thing that i took from instagram for this was that um whenever somebody like posts a comment on instagram i feel like that's the end like cool you're just commenting on something you saw but um when you have an instagram story and someone replies to your instagram story since it goes to dms oftentimes that can spark conversation um so from that i wanted to have answering a question always be private so you can post your questions publicly but whenever you respond to somebody's question um it'll go straight to them so they can respond to it and then maybe you know you'll have a discussion or they'll answer the question and you can see their answer so if you come down here and you wanted to answer this question you can swipe on it and you have a ton of options which i'll get into in a second but if you want to go ahead and answer this question it'll pull that up um and you can answer the question so it says you know answers are always private um so you can type your answer um this is my answer at the time to an unanswerable question is the secrets of ancient egypt like how did they build the pyramids we'll never know um so then that goes to your dms with the person um so they could then answer the question too or you could just chat about it um and i want some way to like be able to also log like not just like this isn't just a regular dm like i want you to be able to go through all the questions you've ever answered so if you've answered like hundreds of questions with like a really good friend of yours then you can go back and see that so um somebody has a profile and that just has all of their public questions um so these can be questions that you've come up with yourself or you can also publicly re-share questions that are just like really interesting to you so that would be a way that you could you know just like start conversation with someone you kind of know um and you're interested in some of the same things based on the kinds of questions that you're sharing so that could spark some conversation there too um and then uh you can also see like some stats with your person so kind of like a snap streak in snapchat you can have a streak of questions with somebody you can see like the first time you ever talked or um how many questions you've answered um and then let's see uh okay so then if you want to post a question um you have you can post a question publicly or you can make like a specific question to just one person so you'd be able to change that here um this is another one of molly's questions that i really liked what are three things that art related but have the same energy so here are a few different types so you could say you want everybody to have like a list uh when they respond to a question or you could want responses and photos or or whatever you could pick multiple if you're open to whatever um so you can pick lists you can pick your color um and then that'll show up um so then the last piece of it that i got to today was um i wanted to some of these questions are like really hard which i think is awesome maybe you need to go find something or make a playlist for it or just like think about it because it's kind of weird and out there so um if you swipe on here one of your options is to ponder it so that'll tell the other person that your question was interesting to them so maybe they'll follow up with you and then you can say that you want a reminder on it so like maybe you're just checking your phone in the morning and you're like oh okay i want to think about this today and you can remind yourself and and then you can be reminded about in the evening um yeah so i think that's all i got to today i love this so much it's gorgeous and you thought of this last night yeah oh my gosh you like you must have really envisioned like what it could be because it is well thought i did ponder it yes we were pondering and wandering um there is much pondering about how this should be structured i have so many thoughts for it i hope that i can work on it more because i think it was really fun to think about obviously i've never designed a social media before so that was very different for me this is so cool i have a question i could see this being really fun with like family group chats or something like that i know my family sends stuff like this sometimes would you imagine like a group being able to respond as a group or like prompt users specific group of users or something yeah i did i remember thinking about that at one point and then i kind of scrapped it because i just had no idea how i would structure that to have it be like groups but not public but i feel like if you could like make a group or something that would be really cool because absolutely i was thinking this would be a cool app to use like i really wish i could have used this with like my grandma or something like what kind of questions does my grandma have or like vice versa like if i could just get a bunch of questions going with her or like you know share some public questions i think that would be really cool i love that great work yeah this is really cool i i loved when um you when you were when you first started doing the question of the day it was like a great way to connect and i i just think that this would be something that would be really cool the fact that you could integrate it into other social media is awesome i would totally use this this is really great work thanks cool good job everybody we did it okay um it looks like we just had mostly comments we don't have a ton of questions we'll give everyone a minute if you have any questions put them in uh if we don't get any then we can call today so much support no zero confusion yeah i think our our team is we have a very uh excitable staff i'm glad that they all enjoyed those as much as we do supportive well i don't see any questions so that is it we can go oh wait what is the most difficult what was the most difficult part of this um for me was coming up but the idea i came up with mine last night too or yesterday afternoon um i always like think of things that are too complicated and so um i was i was just like i don't need to think of something far more simple and our jar was sitting in front of me and i was like that could be an app so um yeah just coming up with the idea is always the thing that is the most difficult from my perspective how about you guys yeah i mean i obviously i struggled and then was fortunate to have something that like i cared about right so if it was an idea that you don't you don't feel passionately about it's hard to even begin that but i did feel i feel like i was more prepared last year had envisioned like what would be on different screens and things like that this year i kind of knew i wasn't prepared but i was like just kind of accepted it like okay i could have stayed up probably preparing for it i didn't and so yeah oh real quick i'd say the hardest part for me was just i don't know getting it all lined up and making it all work uh within the time frame given that's i mean pretty obvious but it was a lot harder than i was expecting yeah i think i mean the idea was the hardest part for me but then also just like deciding what to focus on like do i want to not design as many screens or do i want the you know decide i don't like this piece of it and just deal with it or yeah like expert uh challenge and prioritization i was gonna say the same thing steph i really struggled with getting to like nitty gritty on some stuff that's pretty basic and probably simple and not really like letting myself play with new feature ideas and i wish i would have kind of set aside some stuff that i didn't need to think about and i could come back to it later yeah so george asked that question what did you not get to that you hoped you could have that's kind of an outstanding question that i wanted to ask you all it's like knowing where you got to today if you could dive back into it at another point like what would you address first i mean that's not his question that was kind of how i was thinking of it i would for me at least i mean i kind of said it in my part of the presentation but i would have expanded a few of the like the flows of like adding tags but then also kind of i think i think steph you asked the question like is this you know public and uh and the answer is yeah i would have allowed to have been able to show that aspect of it of kind of sharing out your your pins for me i think like i had like all the different types of answers you could have like if you had a list or a video or anything like that and i i only designed the ui for typing so i don't know how that would look and then i'll say i wanted to build out um what it would look like to like review all of your questions and answers because i think having a record of that versus just trying to search in like a message or log um would be cool um i wanted to finish out my whole flow of what it actually looked like to pull some like pulsing out of the jar and then do the set up for the hat draw to show how that would be different i'm trying to think of all the different ways you would need to do random selection um i was reading a lot of probability stuff this morning and then i started going into a situational so i stopped but um if i had more time i would like to finish out that last glow i was doing and then kind of work through the other options and make sure that i kind of have the whole gamut covered without making it too complex yeah i really wanted to investigate a little bit more about the purchase process of some sort of digital marketplace i know when i was sharing this idea earlier this week or last week steph had the idea of maybe putting like a hold on a on a product or some sort of item and then maybe doing like a down payment or something to really ensure that that purchase is actually going to go through and you can trust that when you go pick it up it's going to be there um so some ideas that could have made that whole flow a little bit more simple for users that i just couldn't get to yet but next time yeah i've literally done that on facebook marketplace so you just like negotiated oh yeah you'd have to talk through it but maybe there's some no that's awesome i totally get that yeah oh yeah venmo integration too i just saw george's comment yeah some sort of like cash app venmo um yeah being able to like actually hold it because i've lost stuff before and it's frustrating yeah and it's so hard as a buyer to try and like expect people to show up and then they don't totally yeah i i started smaller yeah i'm sorry oh i'm so sorry well i i as i i when george's question came in like i literally didn't know what i would do but as i thought about it more i began to touch on like you're hitting these checkpoints right as you go around like on a walk there are things around your city you may not have seen and i think playing into that to gamify that piece and like kind of collect those and as markers that you've been to and that's the idea of like you know saving a walk or a favorite in a walk or just at least having some sort of um the way to save the the progress that you've made walking around your city visiting new places so i hadn't thought of that until i was like literally probably played it here in the demo and saw this little dot walking around the screen you can integrate with chris's app yeah dude be cool wandering genius oh and then pamela had a question what is different from the design challenge last year since figma has better functionality now i i would say what's interesting is like to that question i just they feel like i know figma better now like last year nothing was you know grouped correctly framed correctly didn't probably didn't use auto layout whatsoever so simply using the tool as it's meant to be used probably is where i found improvement but also spent a ton of time making sure like components were pixel perfect before i even put them into into an object or something so yeah i would definitely agree with that i went back and looked at my old design challenge file the other day and it's so messy and just inefficient and i think i could have made more improvements faster on my app if i had been using components properly and auto layout and i really leaned on auto layout in this one and it was so much easier i didn't have to do a lot of like let's sing around with tiny little nudging stuff you know so um definitely was able to get stuff out faster for me last year i made the mistake of doing a desktop app and it was so much worse just to do like a screen um and so like i wasn't able to get into the details as much as i wanted to so when i was thinking about this year i knew i was going to do something mobile which i feel like just allowed me to get a lot more done and explore a lot more different areas than i was able to last year [Music] good question yeah chris steph how was it different when i have a year of figma experience i'll say that yeah but and also i didn't even think about that because i feel like coming up with a mobile app idea seemed harder than a desktop app idea but it definitely was probably way easier um to design it oh yeah that's that's true does like anyone watching know that we all agreed to do mobile like it wasn't just happenstance like we agreed to do that so i like that constraint that's a good point i have a question for you guys did you end up using the figma mirror app at all i can pull it up um it's been so helpful on my phone to like actually oh man this is no it works it's mirrored it's mirrored yeah but to like actually click through my prototype has been really really fun i don't know if that's something that you guys tried um i did but i have an older iphone and so it would like and i was using iphone 10 11 size and so it didn't really work but also there's a beta for a better figma app in general and i just don't have access to it but that the mirror app effectively becomes a much better app but i don't have access but i i would love to have used it but i chose a different format to the detriment that i can't use it on my own yeah yeah it definitely helped me with like making sure that something was mobile friendly it you can kind of tell when you're looking at the prototype um on your desktop but you can really tell when you're clicking around in your phone yep and it feels good feels real it does it's really fun i think that's it guys i think it's all of our questions well thank you to everyone who tuned in we're so appreciative that you spent an hour with us at the end of your friday check out our design challenge if anyone did come in later i saw a few comments saying that um this will be posted to our youtube channel later um so make sure to come back and watch it from the beginning so thank you guys so much for joining and to the designers for all of your hard work thank you
Channel: Crema
Views: 465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XLz62f71og0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 49sec (3169 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.