Creepy no sleep stories that will leave you speachless - NoSleep 15

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[Music] our slash no-sleep episode 15 posted by user Rickman Dayton 123 my friends and I went to an escape room we're never going again it was my first time in an escape room my friend Darrell wanted our whole group to go since apparently it was free due to it still being in the testing phase the place was called detective friends and it required at least four people to play please leave your cellphone's and any other electronic devices here the game master said he asked nicely but through his tone I could tell it was more of an order why - Veronica asked this is an immersive experience and having cell phones ruins it even if you don't use them we want the participants to feel like they are really trapped inside he smiled widely come on V just hand over the phone so we can start Veronica's boyfriend Mike said impatiently the game master explained the rules briefly to us after which he led us to a room and locked us inside we observed our surroundings the room itself looked like an ostentatious office with bookshelves filled with books various statues and expensive looking figurines there were obvious objects we'd need to unlock like safes and drawers but other than that it looked like an eccentrics office there was a big monitor above the door which displayed the time we had remaining all right guys split up and look for anything that could be a clue Adam check over there Darrell said pointing me to a bookshelf Michelle seemed skeptical about the whole experience given the fact that she glanced at the door every few minutes but later joined and with the group hey is this a clue - Mike said holding up a small key let's try it here Darrell snatched it from him and put it inside the drawer the lock clicked and he pulled out an envelope inside the envelope was a letter what does it say - Veronica asked Berthier of the youngest group member will open the safe Darrell recited we all wondered what that meant we approached the safe on the other side of the room and inspected that lock it had a four-digit code but we had no idea where to look for the code we looked for codes around the room but found no numbers written anywhere did they mean the youngest member of our own group Michelle was the youngest member among us so we entered the year of her birth sure enough the safe unlocked what the [ __ ] how do they know when I was born - Michelle asked Darryl shrugged and reached into the safe he glanced at the contents for a moment in silence well what is it - Veronica impatiently asked again it's it's you - Darryl presented to Michelle what looked like a picture on it was Michelle taking a shower the picture was snapped unbeknownst to her we all gasped and Michelle herself turned completely red in the face she act the photo away from Darryl and turned away from us to inspect it what the [ __ ] is this some kind of sick joke - Veronica interjected all right it's time to have a word with these Chico's Mike agreed Veronica tried to open the door and after confirming it was locked she started pounding on it and screaming to be let out she slammed the panic button over and over but there was no response this is when we started to get a little worried we were stuck here without our cell phones and after not getting a response for a while we realized that this was probably not a typical escape room the monitor display suddenly changed and instead of the remaining time it now said continue the game we bickered for a while but in the end we reached the conclusion that we had no other choice but to play the game mostly under Daryl's proposal all right there was also a key in the safe Darryl said he reached into the safe and and screamed we all shot our heads towards him and saw that his wrist was caught inside the safe [ __ ] I'm stuck - Darryl shouted we rushed in to help him and it became apparent that his hand was caught in some sort of trap just then the monitor display changed and it started playing a video it was the same video from the picture of Michelle bathing it was clear from the video that the stalker was filming her from outside her window the video ended abruptly and the message that said confess appeared on the screen with a 1 minute timer counting down Darryl screamed again but this time in terror as the safe started to slowly sink into the perfectly fitted hole below it at this rate his hand would be crushed in less than a minute the timer stayed on screen but the video of Michele bathing replayed over and over we tried pulling Darryl's hand out but it wouldn't budge the message confessed kept popping on and off as we got into full-blown panic [ __ ] what does confess mean - I stared at the screen only 20 seconds remained somebody [ __ ] do something - Daryl shouted 10 seconds it was me everyone and everything went still in silent the timer stopped counting and the video paused just in time for everyone to see Michele's breasts exposed in a zoomin the safe stopped sinking - I filmed her alright - Mike repeated we all looked at him in silence as he looked at Michele a loud click echoed through the room and Daryl finally pulled his hand free Mike - Veronica's voice trembled Mike said still looking at Michele that day when I saw you jogging and you were wearing a tight shirt I just had to get a closer look so I followed you you followed me - Michele looked disgusted Hey you were teasing me in those clothes and what - Veronica interjected a big commotion ensued where Veronica and Mike argued intensely it ended with Veronica calling Mike a disgusting creep and Mike justifying his actions Michele simply stood shyly in the corner of the room guys we can leave this for later but for now we really need to find a way out of here Darrel said as he put the key he found in one of the drawers everyone reluctantly agreed and this time Darrel was careful when he pulled out a stack of papers on it were printed screenshots of erotic text messages between two people some of the words were blanked out leaving out important information like names and places as we flip through the pages the texts got increasingly more salacious and the final page had sentences like you're so much better than - and you can never tell - just then a sharp metallic sounded came from above us we looked at the ceiling and saw spikes protruding the sound of metallic scraping and soon as the spikes started extending downwards [ __ ] what do we do - Mike shouted the monitor display changed again - a message that said can fastened under that was a timer showing one minute confess what - Daryl shouted most of us looked at the printed messages once more trying to figure if they looked familiar the spikes were dangerously close to our heads now and we crouched to buy ourselves some time for the love of God whoever did this confess - Daryl shouted I glanced at Veronica who was crying by this point our eyes met and Veronica hesitated for a second before shouting I slept with Adam like before the spikes stopped moving and retracted into the ceiling you what - Mike asked Veronica kept silent even after Mike berated her but pretty soon an all-too-familiar sound started playing from the speakers it was Veronica's voice moaning and saying my name my voice was there in the background - stop it - Veronica shouted and started throwing objects at the monitor in vain the sound stopped soon enough and Veronica started apologizing - Mike I too started to explain how we didn't mean for it to happen before I realized what was going on Mike punched me in the face and probably would have done it again if Darrel hadn't stopped him a few minutes of heated arguing ensued between the three of us but eventually we knew we had to continue we follow the next clue and opened up another safe it had a bag of marijuana in it [ __ ] Darrel cursed what is it - I asked the message confess appeared again but Daryl didn't wait for another trap to activate he said Adam whenever you drive me I'd always take money from your car I stared at him in disbelief he continued I know where you keep it and I'd always take a little bit for weed just enough so that you wouldn't suspect and then when I told you I needed money to buy meds for my mom I lied I'm sorry man he looked down in shame as we all stood silent for a while a loud click resounded in the room at a cabinet door opened on its own all of us rushed to it and inspected the interior there was a camcorder there Darrell took it and pressed the play button no don't - Mike tried to snatch it away but Daryl was faster the same video of Michelle taking a bath started but then in the video she noticed the camera and approached the window as Mike tried to hide she opened the window and gasped as Mike tried to make up an excuse initially Michele was disgusted but soon looked like she was flattered she invited Mike inside the video cut off with Michele intentionally dropping her bathrobe on the ground in front of the camera what the [ __ ] - veronika shouted you [ __ ] my boyfriend another argument ensued Veronica calling Michele a [ __ ] and Michele telling her she knows how to please Mike better than her a fight broke out and we all got involved soon to separate them after everyone was relatively calm Daryl pressed a button which was inside the cabinet another click and a drawer at the desk opened I rushed to it and pulled out a box Daryl it's for you I said pointing to Daryl's name on the box Darrell rushed to it and opened it pulling out a revolver it has just one bullet he said after inspecting it the monitor changed to a split screen showing Mike Veronica Michele and I on it a message appeared on the top and it simply said choose the timer started again and we only had one minute this time with every second that passed a loud bang resounded painfully reminding us we were out of time as panic overtook us again everyone shouted at Daryl telling him what to do this put a lot of pressure on him as he looked like he was going to explode everyone just shut up for a moment I need to think - he pointed the gun at us making us recoil there were only ten seconds remaining Daryl don't do it it's a trap - I yelled Daryl kept swiveling his gaze from a shell - Veronica - Mike to me over and over I'm sorry man - he shouted crying before we had a chance to react Daryl pointed the gun at me and fired a loud bang echoed through the room but nothing happened I inspected my torso and found no wounds it was a blank I cried out in relief and then became angry again you shot me I can't believe you [ __ ] shot me I had to make a choice he shouted and you chose to shoot me I yelled back everyone looked relieved except Daryl who was pale as a sheet of paper and then the sound of door unlocking echoed in the room the monitor above now said congratulations as we rushed outside the room the front desk was empty but our phones were still there we called the police and when they arrived they asked us a bunch of questions an hour later we were let go Veronica Michele Mike Darrell and I don't talk to each other anymore the trauma of the experience and the distrust between us put too much strain on our friendship a week after we had gone to the Detective friends escape room I got an email from an unknown sender it said thank you for participating in our immersive escape room experience if you have any friends who would be interested in sharing in the experience feel free to recommend us to them we are sure that our services for them like with you will be eye-opening our next story is posted by user the scandalous the last prayer before the wedding my whole life I have been a gigolo I was always looking for old rich lonely women who had seen it all but still hadn't had their share of fun I would become their last adventure before the long road their expensive forbidden toy that their relatives hated in exchange for my leisurely life that they sponsored I never cared if they believed in my vows of eternal love but I suspect that they didn't care about them either after all you don't become old and rich without becoming wise and after death paid them a visit I would offer my condolences to their grieving family and start looking for a new old lady to please only this time it was me who was found and offered to marry a very rich but lonely woman the man who found me a short dark-skinned fella also mentioned that the bride was of the royal blood somewhere from Polynesia I didn't know what kind of royalties were there if any but throughout our conversation I only imagined how this wedding would finally make me filthy rich after that I had a few meetings with the families elders but not with the bride according to their traditions a groom shouldn't see a bride before the wedding night it was a bit alarming and I immediately suspected that the reason she was still lonely was because she was scarier than death herself but again the lust for money blocked all my other senses at the appointed day I was taken to their family Manor on a distant island in the Pacific while the island itself was pretty sweet and leisure induce the manor itself seemed out of place a massive stone structure better suited for cold shores of England than his tropical paradise it would look like it was ready anytime to hold a defense against an army of invaders if it didn't look like a prison so much my chambers were pretty neat too immediately I forgot about the unseen bride the Gothic look of a mansion the statues and the unreasonably high corridors that were covered by sheets it was all gone obscured by the visions of a good life that awaited me why would I fret over anything when I had my own servants the days before the wedding went by in a moment I was feeling as a king I was living in luxury my every whim and desire were met and I even caught glances that some of the more attractive servant girls threw at me perhaps the scary bride wouldn't be a problem I thought lustfully as I watched these local girls spreading bedsheets over my bed after all it's one on the inside that matters on the day of the wedding I was led to one of the farther rooms of the mansion where I was given ceremonial garb and while I was putting it on the old woman who was assisting me with it told me what a great honor it was for a man to be married into their royal family and what an old and beautiful tradition it was you take care - children yes - she would ask me in broken English and in a heavy accent what could I reply to such a question of course I shook my head and smile ah big she said as she touched my shoulders big good she would laugh after that I was taken to the altar while I was going there I noticed that somebody went and removed the sheets from the statues honestly I would prefer for them not to do that the ugliness of things these folks believed in was disheartening to say the least I even felt uncomfortable as I was passing by another many odd statue some cults are too weird to still exist much less to be set in stone at the altar which had another deformed statue set on top of it I was offered a drink the foul swill had a nauseating smell but didn't want to go against their rules so I drank it all even though it smelled like dead fish it was after that moment that things started going downhill I suddenly felt that my whole body was paralyzed as if I became a stuffed animal something a taxidermist would create my thoughts were fine but it was as if they were separate severed from the rest of me I couldn't even express my panic from that point on I could only observe my own wedding nobody in the room paid attention to my condition in fact the preparation for the wedding proceeded as if nothing had happened from which I assumed it was going as planned the old woman poked me with her bony elbow and asked with a toothless smile plastered on her face your wife's kiss sweet the priest started reading the prayer in a language I had never heard in my life in fact I wasn't even sure it was human language at all as it consisted mostly of gargles and clicking sounds but at that moment when I was trying to make something of it I heard something else the approaching footsteps behind the closed door the door opened and I finally saw my bride at first I thought that I was hallucinating or that it was some sort of ceremonial garb but I could not simply admit the fact that the person beneath the veil was more than four metres tall she loomed over me loomed over everyone in the room and it was then when I realized why the ceilings in the mansion were so high I could not make out anything beneath the white veil that covered her head to toe but I sure didn't want to but I didn't even have a choice to look away from her so I couldn't help but notice how immobile her veil was when she moved It was as if she didn't move her legs at all the bride acknowledged my existence and then turned towards the priest he started talking to her in his bestial language and then she replied dear Lord I swear to you even though they were speaking the same tongue the sounds that she was making could not be coming from a human being it was as if the priest was merely imitating her manner of speech yet his lips tongue and teeth weren't enough to recreate all the sounds after the ceremony I was led to the bedroom chambers still barely able to move you had girl - the old witch asked me laughing come I tell you how she said before explaining to me in detail what the great honour was awaiting me and now after the wedding I'm waiting for a bride to return from her chambers where she prays to whatever gods these folks believe in to mate with me and to devour me so that our children grow up nicely the old woman told me before leaving that I was probably one of the finest husbands they'd ever had so I do the only thing that's left for me and I your meek servant the smallest of your creations ask you God please help me just this one time I know I didn't lead a good life but I don't want this fate please help this pitiful insect take this monstrosity away from me I don't want to see what's under the bride's veil [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 106,231
Rating: 4.7795739 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, r/askreddit cops, askreddit cops scary, r/askreddit scary, r/askreddit creepy, creepy stories, scary stories, scary, creepy, creepypasta, radiotts, sirreddit, updoot reddit, creepymcpasta, horror, horrorstories, horror stories
Id: 3kwPxKtUDoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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