Creatures of Habit | Week 2 - Guilt

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so when i was in the fifth grade there was a boy in my class whose mother died i cannot begin to imagine how difficult that would be for a young child to lose their mother maybe some of you experienced that when you were children well his um his name was max and he was out of school for i think about a week i was about 10 years old and this is the way i remember it he was out of school for about a week and he returned and we were out on the playground for our the lunchtime period of playing on the playground and i noticed him laughing and playing having a great time with all of the other kids and i i thought he should be acting sad so with the immaturity of a ten-year-old boy i went up to him and i said you don't even care that your mother died wow he immediately lost it i mean he burst into tears and he ran inside the building and i was instantly overwhelmed with the feeling and the sense of guilt as i realized i had just really hurt this kid a few minutes later as you might imagine i get called to the principal's office both the principal and my teacher let me know in no uncertain terms that that was a horrible thing to do it was a horrible thing to say but honestly they didn't need to worry because i already felt terrible now i tell you that story because as i tried to think back of my earliest recollection of struggling with feelings of guilt that's what comes to my mind that was i'm sure there were times before that but that's the one that i remember the first time in my life experiencing guilt well we're in a series that we started last week called creatures of habit and of course it's based on my new book that's coming out on may 18th with the same title and so we're talking about the impact or the effect that not only good habits have in your life but the impact that bad habits have as well and i in doing research for this book i really came to discover that the scripture has more to say about habits than i ever imagined that it did in fact um psychologists and neurologists both say that 40 of our day think about that 40 of the things that we do every single day are habits that's almost half 40 percent of everything we do is done out of habit and yet guys i think most of us underestimate the power of habits in our life and just how the bad habits can actually keep us from god's best you see our brain can't distinguish between good and bad habits and that's why you and i have to make the determination a habit is a habit as as far as our brain goes and so we have to determine whether it's a good habit and good for us or whether it's a bad habit and something we need to deal with it in our life good habits help us to be more christ-like they help us to take on more of a christ identity or to be as again more like christ in our life we call those things spiritual disciplines so so the scripture when you when it talks about spiritual disciplines we're basically talking about good habits in our life on the other hand bad habits conflict with our identity in christ they keep us from being who christ wants us to be and those things are oftentimes called spiritual strongholds they get a grip on us they get a hold on us and they keep us from what god wants in fact at times in some areas of our life they actually become addictions they also again to go off another direction it also becomes idols in our life it's idolatry and so these are these are things that we we may think are are um unimportant but the reality is they really do havoc on our life and that's why again we invite jesus christ to come into our life and we think that because we're a christian our life is supposed to be transformed and everything's going to be okay and then we wonder a year two years three years later why we're still struggling and the reason we're still struggling is because we've never dealt with these bad habits and they're continuing to keep us from god's best in our life and so today as i said we're going to talk about today's topic we're going to talk about guilt now there are there are in the book there are 12 chapters and there are 12 topics 12 bad habits the way i came up with the topics are these are 12 bad habits that i've struggled with i've struggled with every single one of them and some of them more than others and some i still struggle with and i would tell you this is one that i still struggle with i no longer feel like it has a grip on me but it's one that i have to work on continuously so i've struggled like a lot of you in this room have struggled with the bad habit of guilt when i worked late at night i felt guilty because i wasn't home with the kids when i was home with the kids i felt guilty because i wasn't at work i felt guilty because i wasn't a better husband i felt guilty because i wasn't a better father i felt guilty because i wasn't a better son when i was on the treadmill doing treadmill doing exercise i would listen to novels but i felt guilty because i wasn't listening to leadership books i remember one time telling my daughter jenny that and she's like dad oh my gosh it's okay that you're listening to a novel you don't always have to be listening to leadership books but again it was my bad habit of guilt in my life that i was struggling with i felt guilty that i had clothes in my closet that i hadn't worn in a while i tried hard to be a good pastor and yet i didn't feel like i prayed enough or read my bible enough i never felt like i visited enough people in the hospital i felt guilty when i worked i felt guilty when i relaxed honestly i felt guilty for feeling guilty these feelings of guilt often came they often come in our life because you don't think you measure up to your own high standards not the standards other people have put on you but the standards that you've put in place or because you did something you shouldn't have done or failed to do something you should have done it's a feeling of shame or regret because of bad conduct or at least let me say this at least your perceived bad conduct and then you keep yourself in this state of guilt because you think you need to pay for what you did or what you didn't do you know i feel bad for not doing whatever i feel horrible for letting her down i'm i'm mad at myself for not taking my kids to the park or on and on it goes and friends if that sounds familiar to you you're probably struggling with guilt i can so relate to david when he wrote in psalms chapter 38 my guilt has overwhelmed me i don't know if you've ever had that sense that guilt just overwhelms you i've had it many times in my life because it's just become a part of me now again i feel like i've broken down that but i still struggle my guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear in the last several years i've taken some of the steps that i put in the book to deal with this bad habit and i don't feel like i'm driven by it like i used to be but again i think i'm a work in progress i want you to listen i i think this is going to take you back it took me back when i did the research on this i found in a harvard business review this quote it said people who are prone to guilt tend to work harder and perform better than people who are not guilt prone they are also perceived to be more capable leaders now you read that and you're like wait a minute isn't that the opposite of what you're saying here doesn't that seem confusing to you it seems really confusing and so i when i did a whole lot more studying i don't have time to give it all to you today but there's a whole lot more in the book that i talk about the research that i did on this and this wasn't just a harvard business review there was all kinds of talk about those that feel guilt and what they accomplished francis flynn a professor at stanford university gave a psychologist test which measured the tendency to fill guilt he gave the test to 150 workers in the finance department of a fortune 500 company and he found that people who were more prone to guilt received higher performance ratings and they were seen as stronger leaders by their peers and so you're like okay steve i'm really confused now does that mean that gift that does that mean that guilt is a good thing well again you have to understand that guilt is a god-given emotion guilt is a god-given emotion but when it becomes a habit or in other words it becomes the way we respond to everything it can and it will rob us of joy and it'll keep our focus on ourself instead of on god which again is idolatry and we're going to talk about that in a couple weeks but then that makes it idolatry we all need guys listen all we all need some guilt in our life if you never experience guilt that could be a sign that you are a sociopath or you have a narcissistic personality disorder making you one of those rare people who are incapable of feeling guilt who are incapable of feeling any kind of regret now there's actually two types of guilt there's a healthy kind of guilt that comes from the holy spirit which is intended to cause us to repent which is intended to cause us to return to god's plan for our life and once and once we respond to the conviction of the holy spirit that guilt is gone it leaves and it should then be replaced by god's peace and joy once once the holy spirit has convicted me and shows me this area of sin is wrong i repented that sin and now i turn back to god what happens i'm overwhelmed with the sense of god's peace and a feeling of joy the other type of guilt is called a false guilt that's when you have feelings of guilt even though you haven't done anything wrong somebody said well that's crazy i live it all the time you have feelings of guilt even though you didn't do anything wrong or maybe you did something wrong but you've already fixed it and asked god to forgive you and yet you still feel guilty and as we said that type of guilt it will rob you of god's peace and joy false guilt it can affect any area of your life and it can keep you trapped listen it can keep you trapped in an unhealthy place if you don't do something about it people driven by a false guilt feel they have to do everything perfectly so that they don't disappoint anyone and again remember these standards aren't placed by other people we've placed these standards in our own life a good example we just laughed at it a good example is mom guilt at times most mothers struggle with it at least one time in your life i'm sure every mother has struggled with it it doesn't matter if you've been a mother for five years or five minutes that deep and heavy feeling that you're not doing enough for your kids has a way of swooping in when you least expect it but moms can i remind you it's a false guilt now there are many reasons for false guilt but most likely the reason is that the devil is accusing you the devil is accusing you in revelation i don't want to take a lot of time on this but in revelation it talks about how satan was once an angel and most of you know this satan was once once an angel but he rebelled against god so he was a fallen angel and because of his pride and because of his rebellion he was tossed out of heaven with a third of the angels in revelation chapter 12 verse 9 it says the giant dragon was thrown down the giant dragon talking about satan the devil was thrown down out of heaven he is that old snake called the devil or satan who tricks the whole world the dragon with his angels was thrown down to the earth then i heard a loud voice in heaven saying the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our god and the authority of his christ have now come this is what i want you to see the accuser of our brothers and sisters the accuser of our brothers and sisters who accuse them day and night before our god has been thrown down so he remember what i told you bad habits become our identity bad habits become who we are we're seeing that right there he's called the accuser of the brethren because that is what that is who he became that's what he's known for you see guys what the enemy is going to do when it talks about the battleground that we're in spiritual warfare when the scripture talks about all that it's because satan is a liar and the way that he's going to lie to you is he's going to accuse you since the devil is a spirit he has the ability i've talked to you about this before since the devil is a spirit he has the ability to drop thoughts in your mind because you're a spirit he's a spirit he can drop thoughts in your mind and if you believe those thoughts they're almost always going to be a lie primarily a lie or at least a truth taken out of context to try to deceive you to try to mislead you and i've said to you many times before that satan has what i call a one-two punch the right hook with the right hook he hits you with temptation and then quickly he turns around with a left hook of accusation and so let's say that he tempts you with uh cheating on your taxes it gives you a right hook trying to tempt you to cheat on your taxes but you resist you miss the right hook you resist and you don't cheat on your taxes but then he quickly turns back around and throws a second punch and whispers in your ear and says you are a horrible christian to have thoughts of cheating on your taxes you didn't even do it but he tries to make you feel guilty for even for even having the thought when he's the one that put the thought there to begin with it wasn't your thought does that make sense and so if sometimes we we get we don't give in to the temptation the first time but on the second one he convicts us tries to make us feel guilty for something we didn't even come up with he tries to make us feel guilty for a thought we had that he placed in our mind i hope this makes sense and if you'd buy into that second that left hook he's going to eat you alive with guilt jesus says the jesus says satan is the father of lies he is a he's out to steal kill and destroy he that satan does not want you to experience the peace of god he wants you to live under the weight of false guilt or condemnation this type of guilt is not from god whenever it talks about in romans that there's not any condemnation that's a false guilt condemnation is a false guilt it doesn't come from god this type of guilt is not from him and it's abusive and it's self-destructive and it and it will hurt your relationship with god and it'll hurt your relationship with other people so for a moment let's compare the misery from false guilt to the benefits or the beneficial nature of healthy guilt or what sometimes is referred to as godly sorrow it's that sense of it's that sense of sadness you experience as a result of sins that you've committed in your life and paul talks about it actually in second corinthians chapter 7 he says godly sorrow godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret so that that's that's a good guilt right healthy guilt godly sorrow it brings repentance and leads to salvation and it leaves no regrets so you're not going to struggle later with it but worldly sorrow brings death see what this godly sorrow has produced in you what earnestness what eagerness to clear yourselves what indignation what alarm what longing what concern what readiness to see justice done at every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter you see healthy guilt is a gatekeeper healthy guilt is a boundary maker it helps us to discover where we shouldn't go and what we shouldn't do it helps us to make amends when we cause other people pain when we cause other people hardship healthy guilt helps us to find our way back to true north healthy guilt helps us to find our way back to center it helps us to find our way back to jesus and then to repair the torn portions of our lives in the passage that we just looked in second corinthians paul said godly sorrow or in other words healthy guilt leaves you with no regret yet on the other hand false guilt leaves you with lots of regrets guilt now you say okay i'm not sure i see the difference guilt and regret are two words that get tossed around a lot as synonymous we talk about guilt we talk about regret and we we treat those two words as if they're synonymous and they certainly are the same but they're really more like brothers they're very very similar and they spend a lot of time together but they're not exactly the same but it's hard i would tell you this it's hard to have one without the other and these two emotions can cause us these two emotions can cause us to go down the path of if only you ever played that game if only if only i had kept my mouth shut if only i had not lost my temper with my kids if only i had finished my degree if only those two words can crush your hopes those two words can steal your peace they can prevent forgiveness in your life and they can trap you in a negative pattern of behavior some people actually get so overwhelmed with guilt or regret they become physically ill and if you want to take it too extreme others become so overwhelmed with guilt or regret they take their own lives i i've seen christians walk away from their faith because they can't handle the guilt or they can't handle the regrets they have from a mistake or from a wrong choice that they've made guilt i'm just telling you guys guilt is hard to live with when it becomes a habit in our life i was i was reading i don't know if you knew this i think i've shared this story with you before several years ago but in 1811 the u.s treasury department since 1811 the u.s treasury department has maintained what they call a conscious fund and it's where they keep money that was sent back to them from americans who felt guilty over the money they've been given for one reason or another so in other words it's money that they felt maybe they defrauded the government or maybe they weren't honest with the government and so they send their money back to the government for instance in 2008 that fund took in three million dollars in one year now that was i believe the biggest year that they've ever had the most they've ever taken in in one year now most of the time the money comes back anonymously but at times people send along a note to explain why they're sending the the money back and as i was reading their website it talked about one person wrote in and said please accept this money for two postage stamps that i reused another talked about tools that he had stolen while he was in the navy another confessed to taking metal office dividers and said that he was extremely sorry for this rotten act and i don't know if this one is true because i didn't read this one on their web page i read it in another site that you don't know but i heard one i heard they wrote they said that one man sent a check for a hundred dollars and said i've not been able to sleep so here's the hundred dollars that i owe you if i still can't sleep i'll send the rest of it listen to me guys if you're tired of feeling guilty all the time then why not make a decision to do something about it why not make a decision to say you know this is not just some insignificant unimportant issue in my life this bad habit of guilt is really keeping me from god's best guilt is never a pleasant emotion but when it's a habit it will suck the joy right out of you so let's let's look at some things that we can do to overcome this particular habit of guilt but the first thing you need to do and i talk about this in every single chapter the first thing you have to do is acknowledge that it's a problem for you in other words if you glance at the table of contents in the book and you look at these and you just quickly check off and say no no no no no well if there is any issue for you you're not going to deal with it because you're in denial and so the point is you have to acknowledge for me i've acknowledged that all 12 of them have been an issue some still are ones that i struggle with so you have to acknowledge you have to own it but we don't like to do that because we don't want to accept responsibility or admit that we struggle with anything we try to look like we've got victory over everything in life you know there's a there's a story told about a governor from texas happened years ago supposedly a governor from texas that was visiting the state prison he told the prisoners that he would he was going to sit at a desk and that they could come to him one at a time and he would listen to whatever they wanted to talk about whatever they had to say and so they formed a line and one by one they complained of the miscarriage of justice they were saying things like i shouldn't be here i was framed i didn't do this crime but they said one guy came up to the governor and he said sir i just want you to know that i'm guilty i want you to know sir that i did the crime and i'm ashamed of my past but the years that i've been in here have helped me to become a better person and one day when i get out of here i hope that i can contribute something positive to society that governor decided to pardon that prisoner that day you know why because he was the only one that came up to talk to him that accepted responsibility for his behavior so what i want us to do is if you've acknowledged that that this the guilt is an issue for you i want to give you four steps that you can take to break the habit of guilt in your life the first step is very simply accept god's forgiveness i know that seems like an oversimplification but it really is the place you need to start most likely listen guys most likely if you're a person that struggles with guilt you probably don't think you deserve god's forgiveness i've battled with that through the years i there's so many times where i know that forgiveness is a free gift but i think i don't deserve it i'm not worthy of it and i battle with that and if you battle with guilt most likely you don't think you deserve it either but the truth is but the truth is guys none of us do forgiveness is a gift from god it's not by anything that we've done or we don't deserve it it's a free gift from god and yet if you're not convinced listen to me if you're not convinced of god's forgiveness in your life if you're not convinced that he's forgiven you every time you have feelings of guilt you will think you deserve this punishment you'll think you know i'm not a good person i mess up all the time i deserve god's punishment you know and so people are saying why don't you do something here about this no i deserve it i deserve this listen that's not how god works if you're following jesus if you're following christ your past doesn't have to dictate your future jesus died for your guilt and he died for your regrets and the key to overcoming regrets is found in christ in first john 1 9 it says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness i don't know how much more clear that could be not only will he forgive our sins but he will also forget your sins he'll forgive and he'll forget your sins in psalms 103 it says as far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions from us god offers you friends when you invite christ into your life he offers you a brand new life yeah but steve that's what i don't that's what i can't wrap my head around that's what i just can't get my brain wrapped around if god is omniscient if god is all-knowing how can he ever really forget our sins and i i can't tell you how many times throughout the years i've had people ask me that you know you say that god forgets our sins but i thought he was omniscient so how can he forget our sins well what it actually means is that when it says he forgets our sins it means that he puts he puts them behind him he puts your sins behind him or in other words he's never going to bring him up again listen to me friends there's one thing that you're never going to hear god say i remember what you did 10 years ago you're never going to hear god say that god said you've been forgiven and it is forgotten the second step is to forgive yourself again a really important step charles stanley said this one time i thought this was so good said forgiveness is never complete until first we have experienced the forgiveness of god second we can forgive others who have wronged us and third we are able to forgive ourselves that's really strong to forgive yourself to forgive yourself just means to let it go to stop beating yourself up over the things that god has already forgiven you for to beat yourself up for the things that god has already put behind him in philippians chapter 3 paul writes no dear brothers and sisters i have not achieved it but i focus on this one thing in other words paul's saying i haven't arrived yet you know i haven't reached perfection yet i haven't reached the nature of christ yet but i focus on this one thing forgetting the past you know paul was guilty of murder you know he gave authority for christians to be put to death you don't think that after he became a believer he wasn't overwhelmed with guilt for that and so paul said in order for me to go forward and serve christ in order for me to be the man that god wants me to be he said i have to forget the past and looking forward to what lies ahead i press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which god through christ jesus is calling us paul said i got to put it behind me you know what i'm not going to be effective for the kingdom of god i'm not going to be the man god wants me to be unless i put this behind me and i start looking forward to the purposes and plans he has for me i can't hang on to this guilt you can torment yourself by by mulling your mistake over and over and over again in your head but it's a waste of time because no amount of wallowing can change your past a story that i've also think several years ago i shared with you and if even if you didn't hear me share it it's a story that many of you have read before in 1929 georgia tech played the university of california in the rose bowl and just before halftime one of the players ray roy regals he recovered a fumble for california and somehow he became confused this has been on you can see it on youtube but somehow he got confused and he ran the wrong door he ran 65 yards in the wrong direction one of his own teammates tackled him at his own two-yard line when california attempted to punt georgia tech blocked the punt and score to safety it was halftime the team headed it headed off the field and they went into the locker room and roy regals sat in the corner with his face buried in his hand with a towel over his head and he cried like a baby as the second half was about to begin coach price said men the same players that played the first half will start the second half roy regals looked up with tears in his eyes and he said coach i can't go back out there i've hurt the team i can't tell you how embarrassed i am and coach price put his hands on roy riegel's shoulder and he said roy you need to get up the game's only half over well roy regals got back in the game and those that were there that day said he played the greatest game of his life during that second half guys like roy regal we might be running hear me please we might be running in the wrong direction and we're not sure if we even want to try anymore we're frustrated we're discouraged we're beat up we're struggling with regrets we're struggling with guilt we don't know if we want to even continue and then god comes along and he puts his arm around us and he says don't quit don't give up you can do this the game's only half over and i will help you friends hear me please we serve a god of second chances so please don't spend the rest of your life feeling guilty over the past or perceived perceived mistakes that you think you've made i've heard it said though no one can go back and make a brand new start anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending i think that's a great quote the third step that you should take is to change your behavior instead of wasting time thinking about how terrible you are or what you should have done or what you shouldn't have done focus on what changes you can make whether whether that's apologizing to someone it's like okay you know i'm feeling all this regret for what i did have i gone back and told the person i'm sorry so that's a place to start in other words just focus on what are the steps that you can take or or maybe you just need to turn it over to god and you haven't done that yet focus on the action items that you can do to break this habit of guilt listen guys when you start to have those feelings of guilt ask yourself ask yourself if it's deserved or if you're just simply beating yourself up needlessly and then try to figure out what behavior or what attitude you need to work on maybe you need to maybe you just need to learn to say no you know maybe you have all these regrets and again you know i i as i talk about this i've experienced so much of this you know it's like you know i've got maybe six different people asking me for stuff and i don't want to disappoint anybody and so i you know and yet i can't do all six of them and so i obviously have to say no to four or five of them but what happens to me and probably happens to many of you is that then i struggle with regret to the four or five that i had to say no to and i think about that for days or weeks and i'm like oh my gosh i've let them down i've disappointed them struggle with those things with that guilt so ask yourself is it deserved or is it just simply beating yourself up needlessly try to figure out what behavior attitude you need to work on maybe you just need to learn to say no with a clear conscience yes they may be disappointed and it certainly won't feel good when you first do it but eventually it will create healthy boundaries in your life and the more you establish these healthy boundaries the less you will feel guilt over trying to meet everyone else's expectations i loved what charles spurgeon the great preacher said to a bunch of his students in a classroom he said learn how to say no it'll do more good than learning latin oh that's true learn how to say no it'll do more good than learning latin another thing i think that helps and and i'm not expounding on all these things but another thing that i think helps is is self-talk self-talk or learning to encourage yourself when it comes to dealing with this internal guilt that you're struggling with or that you're feeling your guilt might have come listen guys your guilt might have come from a parent or from a caretaker who constantly told you you know you're never going to amount to anything you know it's just it's always so uh horrendous to hear that a parent said that to a child or to hear that a that that somebody in authority said that to someone they're responsible for you're never going to amount to anything because that just so shapes their image of themselves so just so shapes their identity because what happens is now as an adult you come to believe that those thoughts may be true which creates what it creates feelings of guilt but you can change that by listen guys you can change that behavior by reminding yourself self-talk reminding yourself that you are a child of god and that your guilt was crucified with christ listen friends no matter what the devil tries to accuse you of no matter what the devil tries to accuse you of not everything that happens in your life is your fault even though the devil will try to make you believe it is and even when you do make a mistake remember what we just got through seeing it's been forgiven and it is forgotten it's been put behind him you should also remind yourself that you may have set your bar you may have set your expectations way too high and they need to be readjusted they need to become realistic because those expectations those expectations have left you with feelings of condemnation paul talks about that in romans chapter eight verse one he says therefore there is now no condemnation you say well now wait a minute you said that there was a healthy guilt there is that's not what condemnation is condemnation is a false guilt that does not come from god this type of guilt is false guilt it does not come from god therefore there is now no condemnation for those that are in christ jesus god's not trying to to overwhelm you with this type the holy spirit's going to convict you when you turn the wrong direction to get you back to center to get you back to true north but god's not trying to overwhelm you with guilt condemnation is false guilt and again it's not from god step four learn from your experiences you know have you ever said guys think about this for a minute have you ever said i'm gonna stop feeling so guilty about everything uh you know i've said this so many times i'm gonna break this bad habit of guilt in my life i'm gonna stop this you know i i don't want this anymore only to find myself with the same feelings of guilt just a short time later well you're not alone if you've ever felt that way because i'm telling you habits are hard to break you didn't get this habit overnight and you're not going to break it overnight they say it takes anywhere from 21 to 30 days to break a habit and that's going to take at least that long to break this habit of guilt and it's something you've got to constantly work on until what until you replace this bad habit of guilt with a good habit of knowing you're forgiven knowing you're free in christ and such torment listen to me such torment of guilt is damaging to you and it's going to keep and it's going to listen it's damaging to you and to the people that you're close to to the people that you say you love and i also think it helps to reflect on some tough questions and so let me give you some tough questions that are also in the book but first of all here's what i would recommend you do i would recommend you get a journal if you if you go through a if you go through this list and you say okay as i look for these 12 items this one of guilt this one is number one for me i've got to deal with this in my life if that's the case then i would get a journal and i would i would write some of these questions down and at least once a week i would go through a routine or an exercise to ask yourself these questions and literally write out an answer so you can you can chart how you're doing on this journey to break this bad habit of guilt what could i what could i do better to handle my false guilt and then answer that am i feeling guilty for something i didn't even do see it's being honest with yourself i'm feeling guilt over this issue and it's not even i didn't even do anything and yet i'm struggling with regrets am i too worried about upsetting other people we get so worried it's pride which is a whole other point in the book but it's pride we get so worried about what other people think am i using terms like should have or could have what did i learn from this so all questions guys that you just just ask yourself write these down do a checkup the next week answer the same questions again you can reflect on what you did the week before it'll be helpful if you actually again do this exercise by writing them down so i would encourage you to do that because unless you understand listen to me unless you understand why you always feel guilty it's going to be tough to make the types of changes that you need to make in your life so just imagine imagine how much better your life would be if you don't have this weight of false guilt on your shoulders guys jesus paid for your failures he paid for your sins he paid for your guilt he paid for your regrets and the best way to silence the devil's accusations in your life is to break this habit of false guilt you
Channel: Northview Church
Views: 660
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Northview Church, Northview, Steve Poe, Carmel, Fishers, Westfield, Lafayette, Indy North, Indianapolis
Id: VlN2vwY8PyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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