Creative Pad Patterns | Guided Hand Workout for Drummers

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hey what's up guys Austin here welcome to the creative pad patterns workout now this is a full guided hand workout designed for you to play along with in real time so get out your pad and your sticks and you're ready to do some work this workout also comes with a free pdf guide which you can download from the links below I recommend you go download that first and spend some time getting familiar with these patterns so you're not trying to figure everything out on the fly some of these patterns are pretty simple but some are a little more complex so you might need to spend a little bit of time practicing these on your own before you can really get through this but just follow the links below and go download that it's completely free now the structure for this workout is simple I'm gonna give you a short demonstration of each pattern first then take you through three working tempos from slow to fast you'll always get a two-bar count off and the bottom left you have the tempo in the middle you have the notation and in the bottom right you have the bar countdown alright you ready to get started let's do it all right welcome to the other side congratulations on making it all the way through how'd you do pretty simple pretty hard let me know in the comments what your experience was like hopefully it gave you a good challenge and you'll come back to this video whenever you feel like you need to put in a good workout session again don't forget to download the free PDF guide from the links below also make sure you subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and I will see you in the next one take care [Music]
Channel: Austin Burcham
Views: 198,789
Rating: 4.9701653 out of 5
Keywords: drum pad practice, drum pad beats, drum pad workout, drum pad exercises, drum rudiments, drum practice session, guided hand workout, drum pad lesson, drum lesson, beginner drum lesson, drum warmup, traditional grip, study the greats, reflexx, vic firth, pearl drums, meinl, earthworks
Id: U84h9mtdgig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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