Creation of Inventor Custom Content Center Library - Part 1

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this will be a two-part video article the first one be on how to create a contents in a library how to create a category with properties or parameters and then how to add a custom part to this contents in a library we'll be using this sensor mount the second part will be on how to modify and add extra parameters to the existing library let's get started the first step is to create a custom contents in the library which is readwrite in your project file pick own projects and you'll see the icon for configure contents or libraries left click on that and you'll see that you can create a new library give it a display name and they'll automatically be the file name I've already done one called BT DB it's read/write has its accessible from this project say ok and save I don't need to I did not create a brand new one hit done the next step is to be sure that your model is fully parameterised so if I go to parameter table you see I have length height thickness my mounting hole spacing then the sensor hole diameter so make sure you have that done up front you'll see why in a second next thing go to your editor and we're going to create a category for my sensor blocks so I right click on this white and hit create category it's gonna be called sensor blocks I would like to have images and I must remind you they are only bitmaps it does not take any other form bitmaps only now the next thing is parameters these are very important the parameters are mapped to the parameters of the model and so this is the link between the custom content center and your model parameters you try to fill out as many of these in use and because you you'll see in a second you can't edit them once you're saved I'll show you later how to add one if you forgot but for right now we're just gonna go ahead add all these parameters how am i add the first one you right-click on the cell and say add parameter the left click and then say type in the matching parameter its length thanks spell it is a real number it means it concludes a decimal and the units are inch and you have an option of either saying it's optional or required is required in my case and I'm going to go ahead and go offline and do the rest of them and come back to you okay we're back so I'm gonna do the last one with you again just to refresh your memory so I right-click on the cell and say add parameter and then left click on it and start typing this is the last one sensor if your parameter has more than one word you cannot contain spaces so you I use an underbar but it's up to you it is still a real meaning it contains a decimal it is inch so I pick on the inch and it is required okay so now the parameters are filled in try to fill in as many as you can because as you see when I say okay and I go back to the category and edit the family the category properties you'll see their grade I would you can't add to them anymore in the second video I'll show you how to update these if you need to okay now when you finish that hit done now once your custom contents are library and your category has been created you're ready to publish a part to it and this is my part which is a sense amount so I go up under content center and pick publish he comes up and asks you which library wanted to go to I only have one readwrite library and you may have more so from the drop-down picket I want English language hit next the next is picked the ax category there's out sensor block category if I click next the next thing is to match up the category prop parameters with the model parameters so pick on the three dots hit the plus hit the plus sign model and pick the matching parameter height the height length the length and so on okay so now once that is done hit next and at this point you get to pick the table content center table key columns and I would like to move over the height the length I don't need the material as the key column I want the space thing I want the part number sensor having a hole and the thickness you can rearrange them all so I want to put the part number top probably the next one would be probably the length it's up to you and then the thickness hit next at this point it comes up and asks you for the family name I recommend you put your library name in front of them so I will put D BT DB and I'm gonna copy this and just put it down here notice it's already got the down here this sensor block the folder name so now I also recommend you put the custom name library in here also or the name of your company something that you can search on later very easily bring all three of these areas this'll make sorting out in the content center when you're placing them very easy and my revision is number one hit next I like the modeling image I could change if I wanted to and now hit publish as you see is successful say okay and this part is now in the content center this part has not been modified you could use it for your master later on but let's close the content center and take a look there it is if I right-click on it and go to the family table and I'll see the one entry let's continue with the part the family member table you notice the red columns they are the key columns your designated in your parameter list the material was not nor with the other two you can't change a key column if you need to now I really don't like the file name and designation what I'm going to do is actually put in my part number it is a sensor block with a number okay now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make these match it so I right-click on the column and go to column properties I notice I want to leave the part number and then I want to get rid of rest of it so I'm just matching it if you want to add something else that these use the drop down for parameters and you can also use the + symbol to add text and textures and closing quotes I'm not going to add anything so I'll take it out if I say okay you see that it matches the part number now so click on this one do the same thing I'm going to just take everything away except the part number because that's what I want it's up to you now the all three match next thing I'm going to do is go ahead and add a column a right-click and add a row not a column or row I'm sorry I'm gonna go ahead and type this in I can copy in page two I think that's probably easiest copy and paste probably the best when the pasted in is this one because it will automatically populate back to here now I need to change the number so you only have to change it one place and it's going to be a six and it updates now I need to put the parameters in for this particular one the thicknesses are saying I would recommend putting real decimal to put a zero a sense of diameter if it has a decimal that is since the diameter is going to be 3/4 whoops just what I said 0.75 the length is going to be the same the mounting hole spacing is going to be the same and the height will be the same so I have two entries hit OK to publish and it was successful just had done okay I've now moved into it at assembly template hasn't been saved but that's okay I'll go to place from content center now let's talk about filtering if you hit the drop down you can actually go to add and edit filters and create your own filter notice of the manufacturer and the standard organization which came from your publishing that's why I recommend putting those values in there so you can find it quickly say okay and it'll sort your table to that only so there's my block I'm going to simply double click on it and they're my two mounts the only difference you see is the actual sensor hole I'll place the first one it has standard say okay there's my part I'm going to right click and play to the origin there you go I don't want any more so there's the part now let's play yellow and beside it quit plays from Content Center double click on it I'll pick this second one the only difference is it has a smaller center hole as you can see now let's check out where these go when you actually make them that's very important alright they go to wherever your content center is being defined in your project file so down under folder options you have your content center and it says where it is you can also find it out by right-clicking on the one of those and hit properties you'll see where it's stored you know looking at that you'll see that under that section there it is right there's BT DB Center blocks and they're the two I just developed and remember content center parts once they're developed going to your library wherever is located either on the server or local station and are used the next time it's generated they only come out of the library once that's very important to remember so this concludes actually making a custom content set apart creating a library your category and then actually publishing it and then using hitting your assembly the next video we'll cover some topics about changing parameters thank you
Channel: John Hackney
Views: 9,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8WspHLKPzxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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