Creation: Light and Dark (Genesis 1:3-5) 7/30/17

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[Music] when again thank everyone for coming out on Sunday nights I know many of you were getting up early in the morning and heading off to work and doing those things which God's called you to do so thank you for being here and spending time with us as we study this incredibly foundational account of the creation of the universe and and it sets the stage really for the whole rest of the Bible I want to take a minute or two tonight to remind you if you've come in and this is your third or four study all the rest are available online you can watch them on video you can listen to them as a podcast you can download the PowerPoint slides all those kind of things they're available to you I also want to acknowledge a deep debt of gratitude in my own life for a number of men who have greatly affected me in the area of science one of those is the late dr. Wilder Smith if you get a chance to pick up his in essences biography it's called the fulfilled journey an incredibly brilliant man who really had a large hand and kind of pointing me back towards these foundational truths also the late dr. Henry Morris the founder of the Institute for Creation Research dr. Michael Bay he is an incredible book Darwin's black box there's just a number of brilliant scientists who happen to also be believers that there is a God who created the universe there's all kinds of materials available on the internet the problem with those though I would encourage you to do your own research is it very often there are one of two types they're either kind of dumbed down to where you kind of miss some of the science or sometimes they're just so lofty that the science itself will bury you my hope is as we continue through this he's on the creationists tiny hit the middle ground and so I pray I'll be able to do that but we have to look at the science for what it is and I want to also make it very clear that in no way shape or form am i diminishing the science that has been done primarily to disprove that there is a God and to prove that God is not necessary because those scientists also are brilliant scientists and the work that they do they believe because they start if you were with us in our first study they start with the premise that there is no God so there must be a natural mechanism whereby the universe came into existence and unfortunately for them if you take out the biblical account then you have to basically reverse engineer the entire universe so you have what exists today and you are looking backwards to try and figure out what happened in the distant past we're going to be looking at the creation of light and dark tonight and of course that's extremely important especially when we talk about things like light years most of you know that a light year is the distance that light itself travels in a single year it's monumentally a long distance it's five point eight eight trillion miles and so it is a very long distance and when you look at the galaxies when you look at the star systems when you look at the universe as we know it when you go out and know we can barely see it here in the South Bay and look at the night sky if you happen to go to the Eastern Sierras on a nice clear night and you're looking up a vast majority of what you look at in the sky that appear to be stars are not stars at all they're actually galaxies and in those galaxies most of them containing 100 billion or more stars very similar in size to our own Sun so the universe is massive and when you think about the creation of that its size in and of itself presents what seems to be a problem if you're looking at the creation of the universe happening in six literal days and so prayerfully as we go through some of these creation events we'll be able to break down some of the science to where you realize and see that there are multiple explanations and what we're looking for is the one that most closely represents the science that we have in front of us as well as makes the Bible accurate because we believe this Bible is true because if you do not believe Genesis 1 then you should not believe John 3:16 you shouldn't be picking and choosing which part of the Bible you believe because it is imperative that if your foundation is the Word of God and you understand the plan of salvation from the Word of God then if God plainly speaks to you about how he did what he did in the beginning then you might want to listen to that part also so I pray that we'll be able to take some fairly difficult science and make it digestible as we continue tonight with verses 3 through 5 and the creation of light and dark would you pray with me Heavenly Father tonight again we want you to speak to us and Lord we need you to do that help our minds to be able to receive to collect these things that would help us understand Lord your incredible plan for mankind your word declares there in Romans chapter 1 that the very creation itself testifies of you so much so that we are without excuse that we could look at the creation and understand that there is a creator and so if that is true then we should be able to look at the science because you're not a liar you're not a deceiver you speak the truth always one hundred percent of the time and so god help us to see the truth in all these things we ask in Jesus name a man tonight let's take verses three through five and then God said now I want you to recognize something and you should circle these in your Bible and then God said you're going to find that there are ten of them an easy way to remember the these things is they are the ten commandments of creation if you will each time God says he does something unique and foundational to the universe that we live in in some cases to the planet that we live on and in many cases we're going to see that he actually speaks into existence the animals the plants and everything else that we have on this planet now when people think of that if you are one of those people that refuses to believe that God actually tells the truth he was kind of messing with us or he was speaking metaphorically then these things provide a problem for me personally I have no problem believing that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and so everything else is an extension of that basic premise that God is who he says he is and can do what he says he can do and he can do things that we cannot understand so we begin with that premise the first of the ten creation Commandments all of them begin with and God said as a command when God speaks it's absolute truth it's fact it's not something we debate and then God said let there be light and there was light more literally rendered light be and light was because we actually know who the light is amen it's not a thing it's a him his name is Jesus light be and light was and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from darkness now remember in the beginning there was nothing as far as the universe is created in Latin it's a phrase ex Nilo in other words out of nothing so there was nothing but darkness if you have the absence of everything else then there must be nothingness there would be darkness there would be a lack of all sources of energy and so there is no light that's visible in this thing that God is creating now notice I didn't say that light didn't exist because scripture just told us and light be and light was so the light is now going to shine into the creation but we must remember that God dwells outside the space and time he draws outside of his creation because he is the uncreated cause of everything else he exists in three persons we are now going to see the third person of the Trinity come into view we've already seen God the Father we've already seen God the Holy Spirit acting on the creation now we have the light of the world come into the picture so all three persons of the Trinity are now engaged in the creation account and they saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness and God called the light day and the darkness he called night and so the evening and the morning were the first day this is a very important statement because it's going to be repeated six times and so these six days beginning out of nothing God takes this time space matter tri-unity that we would call the universe that we live in because the entire universe is made up of those three things a physicist whether a particle physicist or a standard physicist would tell you that the world the universe everything we know of is made up of those three things they're also energized but the actual make up is time and space and matter and so that time space matter continuum is now energized if you will and I want you to notice that that man and woman are going to be placed in the garden in verse 20 six and so Adam is going to get this account from God and God is going to tell him that I simply spoke these things into existence and so our view of it begins there the first thing that God does and the first thing that we see is that he calls this beginning piece of this wonderful puzzle called creation he calls it a single day uses the Hebrew word Yom and we're gonna look at that quite extensively tonight because it's imperative that we understand and we'll look at actually what is a proper standard method of biblical interpretation it's called the law first mentioned when something is mentioned for the first time in all of Scripture it will then go on to define by its definition at that time all future usages of it and in this case this is a defined day as solar day a solar night if you will because the world is now spinning it's been energized it's been shaped it's been molded into the earth that we now reside on and it is now spinning and so it's going to have a literal day and a literal night and the reason that's important is because this single word is in essence one of the things that is the linchpin in a lot of people's theories as to how we got here and how the universe was actually created and I want you to also notice and I'll mention it again again these are foundational truths that you kind of have to keep in mind as you go through the account you're going to see what what we call a run-on sentence if you're an English teacher in here you would flunk out god for writing this this way because he uses and all too frequently in other words if you were sitting down to write something you don't use and Jeff went to the store and Jeff bought a candy bar and Jeff you you would break those things up into thought but because these things can be broken up they are a polysyndeton each one adds to the next what is previously before in other words you have to have every step along the way in exactly the way that they're described or the whole system fails these ands are actually important as a conjunction because they're not just joining thought they're joining principles of science and they're joining the order in which God created the entire universe and so they're very important ants and so you have to keep an eye out for that word and again if you want a circle or you wanna highlight or put the ands in red and you can kind of get a picture of this you can have the Gods seds and you can have the ands all underlined and it will give you a straightforward chronological history of what God did in six literal days Adam knew what a day was and if there were any question just in case he didn't get it God helps him define it by saying and there was an evening and a morning on the first day now it's important that the evening is first why because there was originally only darkness so what would be first the evening not the morning we we think our days begin in the morning God says well that's not exactly how I did it I began with darkness and I interjected light into the creation so in God's mind's eye view he tells us what he did it was dark in the creation but he creates and brings into view this thing that we call light which we actually know is a he and not a thing at all and so he calls the the the light the day and he calls the darkness night and they were the evening in the morning on the first day there are three things that we see that happened here which we would use again the latin phrase ex Nilo that happens in the beginning of the creation account and throughout the creation account and they are unique things that God does without the use of anything that previously existed and they are also extremely important because one of the things that we know about humankind is we are three parts everybody get that you have a physical body you have a mind and you have a soul or spirit those three things are actually created in the creation account because they did not previously exist and so the word he in Hebrew here that's used is bara and it means from nothing to create in other words there wasn't something that was kind of like the parts there was nothing there and this is a new thing from here on out God is going to use two other Hebrew words the Hebrew word ASSA and yacht star those two words are to take something that already exists and to shape them form them and use them to make something else additionally like Adam being created out of the dust of the earth so that word there is to take what already exists and make him so again very important that you get what God is doing here and so he's going to take these three events you see the creation of the physical universe your body is part of the physical universe amen you're made out of the dust of the earth if you boil you down you're primarily carbon and water so you want to know what you're made out of you're made out of carbon primarily you are a carbon-based life-form but you're made out of the principal thing that makes up the entire planet most of our planet is made up of carbon and so you fill your physical body made by God in the in the creation the second thing is all biologic life all biologic life must have a mind in other words it has the ability to process information and to think that is also a creation of God and so he creates that when nothing existed if there were just simply matter existing in the universe it wouldn't necessarily be able to think Amen it's one of the problems with evolution evolution says there was a whole bunch of chemicals those chemicals got together got really friendly and created thought that is in impossibility and we're gonna take a look at it again I'm not mocking I'm simply saying if you ask someone well how can chemical store information how can chemicals begin to reorganize themselves how can chemicals get together put themselves together and become far more complex than their original structure you have to interject both energy and information into that equation for it to work God says well I created the mind I created life we would call it life in that sense the third thing and it happens only with Adam it happens only with Eve it happens only with mankind is the creation of what we call the spirit they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth so God creates the spirit of Adam because it is in the spirit that God is going to meet with Adam and only with Adam a very unique creation that exists in mankind alone and so though animals have a mind animals have a consciousness animals even have emotion your Bible says that only man has a spirit eternal they can understand salvation and before you get too far along on this yes all dogs go to heaven but not cats if you're a cat person I'm sorry no we have cats and dogs but my cats just look at me like do something for me so there are 3x Nilo bara creation events that happen here and that is the creation of something that did not previously exist matter space time physical consciousness biologic life and the spirit so all three parts of you are created during the creation account so he goes on talk about the first day the order of the creation events and so the first day of the week he's going to activate he's going to energize this new thing called the universe and it begins to do some things that have never been done before because it's a newly created universe and exist now for the first time that initial mass of all the space matter in time exists unformed that's exactly what your Bible says in other words it doesn't have the shape it doesn't have the form gas clouds do not create stars it's interesting we've seen the destruction of all kinds of stars anybody in here know how many stars have actually been seen forming let me give you the answer zero none and yet astrophysicists astronomers will tell you that we know for sure that stars are created from balls of gas there is no place in the known universe that has been scanned by the Hubble telescope or any other optical instrument whether it's a radio telescope or any other kind looking out into space that has seen the slightest hint of the formation of a star there are things that they think are precursors to it all kinds of supernovas and the remnants of them the destructions of them so things are decaying but we do not see them becoming more structured and ordered anywhere in the universe so far as we can see and so we now have the first day kind of working and God is energizing he's imparting motion he's putting form to things he's taking what used to be just a formless mass and actually making things like galaxies and star systems planetary systems interplanetary systems all the things that that we would say well those must have taken billions of years again remind yourself who this is this is God does this is not a bunch of scientists getting together and saying you know if we have the right things we can probably make a galaxy galaxies are so massive and yet so finely tuned that when you look at the universe and you realize most of you know that we sit in the Milky Way galaxy right did you know that we're almost exactly in the dead center of the universe does you know that we're also out on the very far reaches the farthest extent of one of the arms in the Milky Way galaxy the reason we know that as we can see through it we know it's on the other side of it we can see through the star systems that exist in our own galaxy and as you look at it we are so uniquely positioned bizarrely and strangely enough almost in the dead center of the known universe so that we can see pretty much every direction you kind of wonder if God did that on purpose don't you so now I'm gonna put people on that planet so I want them to know where they are so I'll locate them almost exactly in the center of the known universe did you know that our Moon gravitationally and size-wise is almost exactly one 400th of the earth and so when you look at that there's an interesting thing that happens the only way that we can actually gauge stellar distances is every once in a while we have what's called a full solar eclipse the moon passes in front of the Sun we are four that is also one four hundredth of the distance between Earth and the Sun and so when passes in front of it it completely obscures it you know what happens we can actually then judge the distances that are beyond it it's kind of like God was saying I wouldn't give you enough information so that when you look at the universe around you you're gonna kind of wonder hmm wonder how that happened so God begins to do some things for us as he energizes and dispels darkness so that we can see I don't know how many of you have ever traveled in how many of you been a like Carlsbad Caverns or any cavern to where you go inside and you go down inside the cavern and they turn off the lights is that the weirdest thing in the world if you don't have some external light source what can you see absolutely zip nothing you can put your hand in front of your face and because there is no energy emanating from it that's light energy you can't even see your own hand your eyes begin to adjust and you try and see things that's because darkness is the absence of light that's all it is if there's any light so the moment somebody has the little zipper pull on their pullover that has you know some type of photovoltaic you know plastic on it to where you can light it up with the flashlight so you can see it in the dark even that little tiny zipper pull will make it so you can actually see a little bit in there because now you have a little bit of light God saying the universe was dark I'm going to interject light because it is the light that allows people to see they walked in darkness and then came the marvelous light and then so God is going to create these things and he's going to do it in a sequence that is very pertinent to us and of course we know they're second Corinthians chapter four and verse six for God who commanded the light to shine out of the darkness in other words he's saying son could you turn on the light shined in our hearts to give the light the knowledge of glory God in the face of Jesus Christ we know what scripture says about who the light source is so what we have now is every form of energy that's necessary for the world to work for the universe to work now exists in this newly created universe so everything exists and it's interesting that when you boil the universe down there are only handful of things that are actually what we would call sources sources of energy there's electromagnetic energy the gravitational energy and there are nuclear forces two kinds of those both strong and weak nuclear forces and so God by interjecting energy into this newly created creation has made it so it functions so it works we can understand that there must have been within the matter that God created all the things that we call a nucleus nucleus made of proton a few electrons you have some electrons spinning around each atom and so God it's done all those things he's created nuclear forest he's created electromagnetic wave energy which that's how you see we look in it we see the visible light spectrum when you see white light it actually isn't white at all it's a number of wavelengths that add together some and total white light but you're now able to see those things so God's created energy so you can see God's created energy so that matter itself moves and is attracted to one another and he's also created all of the star systems or all of the galaxies so gravity which by the way is monumentally finely tuned throughout the universe so much so that if you move two galaxies in a collision course with another galaxy it would be detrimental to the entire universe and so God puts all these things in motion he's now got gravity working the way it's supposed to work he's got nuclear force working the way it's supposed to work and he's got the electromagnetic spectrum and that would include for those of you that are ancient hippies you you all know the wonderful value of ultraviolet light amen all those horrible posters we used to have on the wall and you put that black light up there and there it is well normally you can't see those wavelengths because your eye doesn't pick those up you also can't see infrared light so both long and short wave light forms God puts all of it into perspective at this time he begins for all of it to work and while it is immensely simplified you could say it this way in this creative act of the Godhead you have all three persons working and notice this the nuclear forces that are maintained by the integrity of matter God does that by activating the time space matter continuum when we saw the holy spirit last time begin to work we saw all of the gravitational forces everything that's working together the Holy Spirit hovered over the universe those things are working and now we see all of the light forms so you now have the work of the Father the work of the Holy Spirit and the work of the Sun in energizing the entire universe they're all involved in it so God's being very specific as he tells us about the order these things so all accomplished here in the first day of creation and so as we look at this how does he do it and when does he do it again I want to draw your attention to to a biblical principle of interpretation it is consistent most of those who would call themselves theologians most of those who call themselves Bible expositors when you look at the Bible unless there is a reason for you to believe that a word means something else or is changed by context the first time that is used it is the way that you understand the usage of that particular word because God is very very very organized so he's not gonna make a day two and a half billion years in Genesis chapter one and then change it to 24 hours in Genesis chapter 2 especially when it repeats the phrase over and over again the evening and the morning on the first day and on the second day and on the third day and on the fourth day and on the fifth day and on the sixth day and each time he uses the Hebrew word YUM he's trying to tell us look it's an evening it's a morning and then he defines it in case you don't get it by light and dark so what happens in a solar day it's light and it's dark and it's bounded by an evening and a morning and he simply says I did these things in six days now that messes with people's minds how could God do that and we're gonna get into a little bit of what I think is probably the big question maybe for most of you tonight and so he uses this definition of this Hebrew word Yom to say look this is a day I want you to get it so he repeats it uses exactly the same word now an example of something that would not be the same usage of the word day as being a single day is the day of the Lord and how do we know that that is not a 24-hour day because repeatedly throughout scripture every time the day of the Lord is used in a phrase it's also told to us that it is a specific period of time we call it the time of Jacob's trouble we call it the tribulation we call it the final day of God's wrath because he defines it in a completely different way and so we know that that's not a literal day because he uses it with the day of the Lord and so he uses it in context of context we say an interpretation context is King law first mentioned says if it plainly says it you believe it as it is and context being King says if context changes the reason whereby that word would not be taken literally then you can take it non literally but unless it does it's to be taken literally so these are six literal days Hebrew days that we would just simply call a normal calendar day and so what you're all thinking right now okay that's fine that's well that's all good how in the world can that possibly be because when I was in high school I studied physics and when you were in high school in college you studied a little bit of physics and probably most of you got a C if you got a good grade probably some of you didn't do so well cuz physics is one of those things it's relatively difficult to understand because it involves higher mathematics very large mathematical equations and numbers that to us are kind of ridiculous to think about because you all know that the speed of light is very extreme it's actually a hundred and eighty six thousand two hundred and eighty two miles per second and so when you think about light traveling and you look out at a star system and you look at the massive size of that star system and you realize that that light has been traveling for a long ways in order for that distant to be that great then your natural assumption is if we're in the center of the universe and we can look out 13.7 billion light years that means that light has been traveling for 13.7 billion years that's the natural assumption of someone who says there is no God and I want to kind of hover around this for a moment because that's the assumption that most people start with there is no God or a theory to God he likes to mess with us so he gave us a bunch of science that we cannot understand it's one of the most frequent questions I get well how can if the universe is as big as we think it is how can those distances be so great here's how an astrophysicist looks at that equation light speed being what it is underneath 6000 282 miles per second if you do that for a year then at that speed you're going to travel about five point eight eight trillion miles in one year at the speed of light most of you have probably heard of Einstein's theory of relativity it is denoted you would look at it you say e equals MC squared the C is the speed of light in that equation Einstein believed that light continuously traveled at exactly the same speed it's one of the functioning constants in the world of physics tonight as we sit here if you were to travel to the the hadrian large collider in the CERN facility in Switzerland one of the things that they do is try and accelerate very small particles to near the speed of light they run them around a cylindrical accelerator they keep magnetizing them to push them forward and ultimately the hope is that they would slam into each other and thereby break up into their tiniest component parts what they were looking for primarily as a particle known as the Higgs bus and particle and that particle is supposed to be the missing mass and the missing energy that actually explains why the universe works about five years ago they thought again thought that they actually found that particle that still actually hasn't been proven mathematically the reason this is all important to you is because theoretically if you could travel faster than the speed of light you would also be going forward in time and if you could slow down the speed of light then you would be going back in time because everything you see is directly related to the light emanating from it in other words I know where you are because light is reflecting off your body it gives the image of who you are and I see you where you are because the speed of light continues to come at me at a constant speed slow it down you're gonna go into the past speed it up you're gonna get here really quick why is that important because when you look at the creation of the universe one of the things that an astrophysicists won't tell you is all the measurements that they do to figure out those great distances can actually only be done to about 300 light years in distance the physical measurements that they do are so mathematically complex that only to about 300 light years so now imagine that the supposed distance of the center of the universe from where we are to the outer edge of the universe is 13.7 billion years how much guesswork do you think has been done to get out that far a whole bunch there's just extrapolations of data one of the things that's happened in the last about 1314 years or so is a number of things that have come along bitter theoretical physical problems that have actually questioned whether Einstein was correct whether the C the constant in his the speed of light was actually a constant or whether it was not a constant and consequently they've developed a new theory VSL burying speed of light theory which explains the great distances that we have in our universe so there are a number of questions that are being put forth by non-christian non creationist scientists that lead us to believe that they don't exactly have a whole bunch of background for the theory itself that light is even a constant speed so imagine that you speed it up at the beginning great distances could become instantaneous what is the creation account say in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth if he created time if he create did light if he created mass in other words he created energy the entire universe he could make it go as fast as he wants and whether he did that for 2.7 nanoseconds or whether he did that for the whole first day God created it so he could do anything he wants in that first day and in the second day and in the third day and in the fourth day that's why Isaiah the prophet said it this way in Isaiah 55 verse 9 for as the heavens are higher than the earth which they are amen so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts God simply does things God is God job actually so understood this in job chapter 22 and verse 12 he said is not God in the height of heaven and the highest of the stars can we see how lofty they are is the literal rendering of that passage he was actually asking a question he says we can't see how lofty the Stars are we don't know where they actually exist at that point in time Jobe had some pretty marvelous scientific insights we'll look at a few of those as we go through you see an evolutionist specifically someone who believes in the evolution of the cosmos has to have extremely long periods of time and has to have massive distances that's an absolute given but if you're somebody who believes God's ways are above our ways and we can't know them and he can do things that perhaps even today we can't explain no matter how good we are at astrophysics no matter how good we are at particle physics no matter what we might do with regard trying figuring out how this whole universe functions God's constantly throwing little things at us because the last thing he wants us to do is to factor him out of the equation and that's the beauty of what's going on right now in particle physics as close as they keep getting keep running into little roadblocks specifically right now the missing mass of the universe how could the universe actually have gravitation hence this particle that we've affectionately named the god particle the the Higgs boson particle that particle was supposed to be the key to all of this matter of fact we had a giant celebration and so this facility that's on the Franco Swiss border it's actually outside of Geneva Switzerland they slam these particles into each other and and they find this trail of this possible god particle this Higgs boson particle the scientific world goes nuts here's the problem they still don't know how that particle actually interacts with the physical universe and they were actually concerned that while they were doing this that there was a potential that the even the creation of a single particle might have produced something like a black hole that would have been kind of bad in Switzerland all the sudden matter antimatter going back to suck the whole thing in these are some of the most brilliant minds on the planet by the way and make no mistake about it they are absolutely stellar and their intellect and I mean no disrespect to any of them they have forgotten more particle physics and I will ever know but here's the issue as brilliant as they are and by the way Al Gore did not create the world wide web it was created at CERN in Switzerland it's a large supercomputing Bank by the way and so the world wide web was actually created there it's still in essence is on the hub of that type of technology you see for a creationist here's what happens as we think about some of these things that are guesstimates as we think about the billions of trillions of miles I have zero problem with the universe being 13.7 billion light years across why because an infinite God who dwells outside of space and time can do exactly what he wants to do and so if he creates a functioning universe which your Bible says he does he doesn't create create an unfolding universe he creates the matter the space and the time and then he makes functioning a functioning universe out of that if he does that it all has to be working together simultaneously and so the great mass and the star systems and everything exists the the galaxies that exist in our world the reason that hatton that has to all work if it doesn't all work the first time it won't work at all so if he's going to make a Sun that needs to be as we are right now a little better than four million miles from this earth otherwise we all cook you don't want to move to Venus you don't want to move to Mars you're gonna burn on one freeze on the other if we have to have as human beings the exact amount of gravity that we have here on earth for our bodies to even function that he needs to make a very specific place for us to dwell in order to do that the entire universe has to actually function as a whole the instant it comes into being God says he simply created it so I don't have a problem when someone says well the universe can't be that you know sure it can the problem is is how did the light get from those stars to here if creation took place in six days and it was about ten thousand years ago or so we'll get to that the next time when we actually look at the the interaction between light and our planet so what's God really saying to us well it's basically saying we don't know everything he's basically saying when you look at the universe if you're a theoretical mathematician here in raise your hand no I didn't think so if you're a plasma physicist raise your hand you're gonna get a lot of questions you may not want to do that that's what I'm saying and again that's to honor those those disciplines of science and I really am saying these are brilliant brilliant brilliant people but they are so few and far between now if you have to believe in theoretical mathematics and you have to believe in particle physics that tear apart the universe in such a way is to divide it into a couple of component parts that ultimately represent both dark energy in other words energy that's invisible and matter that's invisible and your conclusion is and this is the current state of the universe the cosmos as we know it according to to mathematics and according to physics that about 93 to 95 percent of the known universe exists of something we can't detect and can't see that's the only answer but God so all of those hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent spin and particles around it's such a crazy science that if you were to travel to that the hadrian large collider there at the cern facility in switzerland they take a bottle of hydrogen gas and they release a line of particles into that thing and they don't do these experiments so infrequently that that bottles only changed once a year it's because the mathematics is so complex do you think that God is gonna give you something that you can't at least discern a little bit of his hand in it because again Romans 1 says you can look at the creation and through the creation understand that does the Creator so why do you think God's made it so complex it's so that we'll look at it go I'm thinking the fact that they can't understand what 95% of the universe is still to this day with all of the study that we do is probably an indicator that God's at work and I believe that is in fact what he's done and so we do take the the Word of God seriously when looking at the scientific arguments so those billions and trillions of miles that we see not a problem for us here's why when Adam gets created can you imagine if we had a if we had a planet where animal life had no light where plants had no most of you understand if you put a plant in a place where it gets no sunlight does it live very long no if you put human beings outside of the sphere of sunlight landing on their skin what happens to them they become depressed they eventually get very very cold and eventually die God knew what he was doing he simply creates the stars he creates the planets he creates this earth and he creates the light so that when Adam wakes up on his first day he gets to look and see the Sun he gets to feel the warmth of the Sun he gets to see the stars at night can you imagine if that had taken billions of years for those to cut those things to come about all of the energy necessary to actually energize the entire cosmos would have not existed had it not existed simultaneously with the creation of the planets themselves you see we try and factor God out then all of a sudden we come up with a greater problem than saying there's a God God is so good to give us problems to solve so when you look back at this passage Einstein's basic theory and I don't want to bore you with the science there are a number of theories that are that are being floated and they are being considered wholeheartedly now because no one can explain the universe as we see it just and we know it with the speed of light being a constant so if God creates the universe and in a flash the universe exists if something is nonexistent and then it's existent what has to happen in that initial moment of its existence there has to be massive acceleration there has to be the acceleration of both time and matter and so could it be that God is he creates light just instantaneously makes it emanate out and so in that split-second that God creates it all the sudden that light has accelerated massively from the first star all the way to our planet I believe that's what God did now we're still working on the mathematics to try and prove it but there's some pretty serious science being done right now that says there is a possibility that what they're going to come up with is that the suppose that Big Bang is light didn't exist at all and then it accelerated extremely rapidly likely beyond what we would call the speed of light initially so that would take care of all the time that would also take care of all the distance so when someone says well I you know you creationists are just dumb that's not true and it's not true that someone who's a physicist is dumb either but the fact the matter is we both have some questions we need to ask and as we ask them neither one of us are going to get all the answers just yet but we will one day because we're gonna see the real light of the word light of the world though the one who put all of this into place you see what God says is you take the Bible seriously in the book of Exodus declares it the Lord made the heavens and the earth and he wrote these words with the finger of God so God says look I simply did these things I can trust God with that I may not be able to explain it all but I can trust him with the creation of the known universe it's a whole bunch it's a whole bunch more sensible to me than trying to figure out the strange mathematics of quarks and quasars and Higgs boson particles and dark matter and dark energy and all these things that would require that one have a PhD at probably two or three of them in order to understand the mathematics when God says you can look at my universe you can look at the things created and understand who I am so what it does for me is it just makes me ask questions and where I land is who is the real light of the world jesus said something very amazing in John chapter 8 and in verse 12 I'm gonna bring the worship team back up and while they're making their way here what Jesus said he said I am I am the light of the world now we know he was the spiritual light of the world but could he have been making an inference to the fact that he was actually the light of the world as in the one who actually is light itself I think he was and furthermore I think scripture backs that up I believed that Revelation chapter 21 verse 23 gives us a picture of it for the glory of God this is speaking of the new heaven the new earth the new creation for the glory of God did lighten it and the lamb is the light of it in other words it appears that Jesus is actually going to take that literal role in the new heaven and the new earth of being the light so when he said I am the light of the world he did that by the way on the steps of the temple and he did it the celebration what we would call around the time of Hanukkah in other words the feast of celebration but relighting of the menorah inside the temple he says you might think that menorah is the light but it's not I'm the light of the world the reason that that oil in that lamp produces anything is because I spoke light into existence into this world probably the people looking at are you saying you're the son you know we get up every day and we see the Sun the sun's the thing that lights us he's saying no the Sun wouldn't have any light if it weren't for me I'm the light of the world and it appears when the new heaven and the new earth are actually made for us that we're gonna see him in that way yeah you won't need a Sun you won't need stars we'll just have the light of the world lighting our way amen and I ask you to stand now some of you were probably here this morning some of you were not and we do have the elements of communion available for you two tonight for you tonight and and we want to make sure that you're able to participate at the Lord's table and we're going to play a worship song we're going to worship the Lord but I want to remind you that there on the table mr. Brad representing the broken body of the Lord and the cup representing his blood that was shed for the remission of sin and the only thing that we would request is as you go to the table and you can go as the Lord should prompt you is that you would take the elements of communion maybe you can go someplace near where the elements are or go back to wherever you're sitting now but that you would take them and that you would do what Jesus said he said as often as you do this do this in remembrance of me and so this is a remembrance of what Jesus did in Calvary's cross to provide for our salvation and we celebrate that at the communion table through the rest of you who were here today and you've already participated at the Lord's table don't feel obligated if you haven't had a chance then please do celebrate the fact that we can think tonight about the light of the world about the light that shines on every man because Jesus came into the world the one that we're going to study in John's Gospel that's the very first thing that comes into view is Jesus's role as the savior as he's born but participate as the Lord should lead how we're going to worship will have some pastors come forward for those of you that maybe have a prayer need tonight but remember what God said he says light be and light was and that was the evening in the morning on the first day and so God in his marvelous account of what he did has now created a functioning tri universe a time space and matter he did so with the full work of God the Father God the Holy Spirit and God the Son each one taking apart and now we begin to see what God's going to do with these functioning parts that he's made he's going to now shape them into the things that we actually need as humankind and so the creation is amazing when he says here let there be light he's not going to say let there be lights as in lights in the sky until we get to verse 14 so he is now energized and lit his universe while still having some work to do with the creation only God can do that science will tell you now stars couldn't have possibly had it happen it's one of the things that makes the creation count different it brings us to that place to recognize that God alone can do what God can do and so we can trust him with that we hold him forth that's why Paul wrote to the church at Philippi we hold Jesus forth and we shine as lights in this world holding forth the word of life because he is worthy of that worship amen Father thank you for this time tonight we pray Lord that as we think on our world as we think on this cosmos as we look up into the night sky and we ponder what exists out there we know that you creator God dwell outside us base and time you've uniquely crafted this little tiny planet this little blue ball right here in the center of the universe you've stuck us just in the right spot from our Sun you've given us a moon to create tides and weather systems and done all these wonderful things Lords so that we would have a wonderful place to worship you and we do that now we close in a time of worship and a time of communion we ask all this in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: Calvary Chapel South Bay
Views: 388
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Keywords: ccsb, ccsouthbay, Calvary Chapel South Bay, South Bay, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord, God, Bible, Jeff Gill, Pastor Jeff Gill, Scriptures, Genesis, creation, light, beginning
Id: 6Ujslv7vOwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 27sec (3507 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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