Creating The WORLD'S BIGGEST MORTY EVER (Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality Gameplay)

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so now we graph one of the growth hormone pills that we have made absolutely massive we're gonna hold more tea by his hair let's see if we can make a bag of 40 here we go join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bill icon to receive notifications so you'll never miss another video hey guys and welcome back to Rick and Morty virtual reality check it out we are putting the garage back together and we're gonna need it ok because today we are going to make the biggest morty of all time but first we have to find morty so let's see if oh hello it's Rick hey Thank You Man oh look what he did to a little alien friends huh so today guys we need to find Morty and then we need to use all this stuff to craft a secret item to make him absolutely massive trick maybe this is one of the items that we can use for it hahaha guys this is gonna be absolutely awesome so a leave a like in video right here right now and after you guys have left a like I'm gonna combine these guys what pow yeah that's not gonna work Rick you were supposed to be the one I am the one okay whoa and there's a lot of Rick okay so we know this one okay this is the final mission you're just here to find Morty alright alright alright Rick's enough is enough stop fighting there we go stop fighting he tries to kill him it's not gonna work Rick we know the drill okay people who are subscribed to my channel if you're watching right now you know this mission okay you know the drill alright so we're gonna shoot left or right left or right I think we did the right one last time so two we're gonna shoot the left one we just need Morty to come here that's perfect timing Darius hey Morty oh boy oh boy I think Rick is gonna shoot me now so I'm gonna put my helmet on oh oh get a helmet did not work but we did find Morty so let's quickly talk to the devil and get us out of here hello there mister devil okay I have no idea what this guy sign is say so I'm just gonna get that out of here boom and we're back oh it's Morty I thank you so this guy's is where Rick wants to high-five me we've seen it before this is perfect because he's gonna stand here we're gonna leave him hanging okay that's right we are totally gonna disrespect Rick but I want to show you guys something okay before we start crafting all these items I first want to go to the bathroom you see that guy is Morty but when we step to the portal this guy this is who we are this a mirror of course we are clone Morty and today I don't wanna make a big clone Morty I want to make a big actual Morty so objective one is complete we have found Morty now objective two is to use the growth hormone in a special way so we can use it to make Morty super massive and then the third objective is to use our hex to fly to Morty and somehow bring him into space you see with this growth hormone guys we can actually kind of glitch it out check this out okay we're gonna put the growth hormone over there and then we're gonna grab any regular item let's just grab this crystal obviously it's gonna be a bigger crystal but now when I put the big crystal on it check this out it does not work it's not gonna get any bigger so what we have to do is we have to use our friend the good old mace of massiveness you see you guys might think that this is just a silly little mace but in reality you can actually use this to make stuff but it doesn't work with the crystal how long I'm sure it works with the can so we're gonna make a big can remember we cannot make the big can any bigger so first we combine it with the mace of massiveness and now check this out guys we are gonna combine the death with the growth hormone ah ha ha ha ha yes that is more what I'm talking about the biggest scam you've seen in your life can I still drink from it oh yeah that is enough soda to feed a whole city but a big soda is not a big Morty so we have to figure out a way to get this stuff into his face and for that we are gonna use another friend that's right I'm using all my friends that's not a very nice thing but hey mr. meeseeks is always willing to help so we're gonna put him down hey mr. meeseeks high five buddy this guy I like him okay now can we order another growth hormone yes we can so we're gonna use this beautiful computer hi there it is a Rick almost high-five it right so now that we have another growth hormone I'm gonna try something that you guys have been asking for me to do for a very very long time you see what a oh wait what you can get infinite what what just happened I was gonna say that you guys asked me to combine a growth hormone with a growth hormone pill but I did not realize that you can literally can an infinite amount of these things without ordering it Wow that is absolutely incredible so I didn't even have to buy rod okay we are ready to go there mr. meeseeks have you ever seen so many growth hormone pills right we're gonna put those two pills together it actually work though oh that's so cool can we combine these two guys it doesn't really work but I might as well stick a few bills in here alright so now mr. meeseeks is gonna help me out what happens when you eat a growth hormone pills did you possible we're gonna check this out okay nom nom nom nom nom oh boy he ate it and nothing happened all right here you go eat a big one Oh eat it what mmm what happens when I eat it oh no no no no ahh oh wow oh just damn what happens when I eat a big one oh no no no no oh whatever is if I eat a whole bunch of them no no no no no no no no oh I think it works out oh it's not doing it anymore ah that was weird more bells yes yes yes oh ho ho ho oh ho ho so maybe we gotta make this spill a little different because mr. meeseeks can eat it but nothing happens when I eat it something does happen since I'm a Morty clone I'm guessing that Morty should be able to eat this right so we're gonna just chuck a few right over there there we go and he'll see he's actually moving a little bit now guys we are gonna use our hex to fly to Morty and try and stuff it in his face but I've got a plan B okay actually maybe we should craft something first okay check this out when we make a potion it is much easier to consume right oh wait hold on this is it's not what I was going for I want the growth hormone si juice in this bottle I mean in the cup for example guys when we use this stuff just an ordinary little whatever this is a a gloopy noobs pill I don't know what that is but when you combine it with the bottle with the cup I look at see bottle see it becomes a potion oh you can drink it and it's super tasty but I can't do it with the growth hormone maybe I can do it with a big pill maybe that works oh yes look at that puppy oh wait that is spicy hey put it back down mr. meeseeks right thank you now we're gonna put it with a cup ha ha very nice maybe this it's gonna work can you not do that mr. meeseeks is peeing a little bit weird today guys but it's ok guess we still love him ok he's still our good friend let's see we can Jenga this thing ok oh my goodness that's a lot of them already don't fall over don't follow oh boy ok I have a lot of pills now that's cute guess we're gonna chuck a whole bunch admit mr. meeseeks at the Mordy guy that's right mr. Mori guy you're gonna get a lot of these things to your face Rick as well thank thank you papa Oh guys I just realized something we were just in the bathroom right we can find some awesome stuff in the bathroom to combine with something that we're really gonna need merci oh no stuff I tried over here we also get a laxative pill yeah we're gonna need all of that stuff ok we're gonna make sure then at Morty that's right that Morty is gonna grow into a Bolivian and we're gonna step back through the portal there we go now let's see we can use this guy we go together with the pill oh-ho oh yes oh I love this we're gonna put this in the big cup because they're gonna work yes it's kind of work ah I love it when a plan comes together so we have the potion now we're gonna we're gonna let that sit okay we're first gonna try to put one of these pills and Morty's face in order to do that I am gonna use my little hex over here ha ha ha ha yes you are not supposed to do this guy's you are not supposed to do this at all this is actually area where you can usually not walk how are you doing hey Morty you feeling good huh you look a little weird I'm gonna gonna be honest with you okay so now we graph one of the growth hormone pills that we have made absolutely massive we're gonna hold Morty by his hair let's see if we can make a mega Morty here we go no no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa what was that okay maybe we need a smaller don't smaller pill come on look at this I could push it all the way back how weird is that I can actually place this guy in the face what are you an idiot sandwich what are you an idiot sandwich maybe this is gonna work a little bit better so now I have to be extremely careful not to spill this like I already did or to drop it of course so let's see if we can just shower this guy in a little bit of magic here we go oh yeah well time for the final plan this is how we are gonna make a mega Morty we're gonna make the biggest brain this world has ever seen so where is the mace of massiveness it's right over here come here Macy we're gonna put you right on there okay this a little weird that's a little weird but it's kind of be okay guys hang in there yes okay that is actually a little too strange we need another item we need this guy yeah there we go big brain yes then we put this thing in it yes much better much better make it even bigger oh yes oh yes it's coming together with that off to the side no we're gonna have a big brain right oh yes oh it's beautiful out oh it might be a little too big ha ha ha right that's what I'm talking about I'm gonna Chuck the brain right over there let's see we can get this thing on the combined platform yes we actually can oh my goodness no way oh ho ho what and actually worth yes this is officially gonna be the biggest item we have ever made in this whole game I'm gonna press it and get out come on get out get out get out whoa holy moly that's a big brain I'm guys this this might this might be a slight problem but the real question is can we combine with it I I don't think that's gonna happen let's clear up all of this nonsense let's see we can get the brain in here come on brain no it's totally stuck man you know what guess we could actually just open the window I said open the okay I said break the window and we could just fly through here like that now we're gonna climb up on the roof oh look at that you can see the whole brain so we could also see Rick he's not happy right well actually he's kind of happy well this is this is definitely a little bit weird but how big can we make it because oh hey this that does amore there Oh course and one of the missions that we did the missive Morty kind of got shut up in the sky or something that was so weird but he's still there guys this is probably gonna break the game but I have modified my hacks so that I can fling myself so let's see one two three yes Oh holy moly whoa-ho-ho-ho whoa oh my but we did get closer so there we go we are actually flying towards the morning wall everything is black know why we can actually see it now Morty is actually moving look at that thing go how weird-ass dead man holy cow okay we're gonna we're gonna fling one more time yeah now we can oh that ladies and gentlemen is one massive Morty holy Morty let's see what happens when I play myself through it f oh that's not good oh that's not good at all yeah come on there we go yes whoa Morty's no way what what's gonna happen whoa what ant that were lost in outer space oh boy guys that's it for making a mess of more do you think also what you're watching I'll see you guys on the next bridges 5 [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 1,902,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, rick and morty vr, rick and morty virtual reality, rick and morty virtual rickality, rick and morty metaverse, rick and morty poop, rick and morty lets play, rick and morty gameplay, virtual rickality, Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality, rick and morty vr meeseeks, rick and morty vr mod, rick and morty vr secret, htc vive, vr, virtual reality, game, gaming, funny, rick and morty vr troy
Id: N1KYfKoU_7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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