Creating The Laggiest Roblox Game

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i've had a question for a pretty long time now just how laggy can roblox get no i'm not talking about the laggiest games on roblox those roblox lag tests no i want to see how laggy i can make it i want to make a roblox game that is as impossible to play as possible just make a game that my fans cannot even load into it is so hard to render everything that's in it so today i am going to make the laggiest roblox game possible while still being able to publish it because i don't know if i'll be able to publish it if it gets too laggy so here's hoping that it doesn't get to that level because if it does then that will be the greatest shame of my entire life even greater than that time i went to jail for aggravated assault and grand theft auto so basically today i'm going to be making a laggy laggy roblox game and then inviting 13 000 people to play am i smart i'll let you decide the answer is very clearly no but like this video if you want me to do something like this in the future i hope no one does so don't like the video and without further ado let's get into it so let's discuss my plans on how to make this game as laggy as possible i don't just want to do the standard procedure of putting in like 100 school models right because i can't do that because if i make the game too laggy it will crash and not work which will be more than upsetting to me and everyone who wants to play because i i kind of need the game to work to release it to do the second part of that video so even though it'd be super super easy to make a game so laggy to the point of crashing i can't do that the limitations of this video keep me from doing that which is strange because i'm not used to having risks when building a roblox game and of course the risk here is that if i mess up i have to scrap the whole video idea which is not a fun thought so i don't want to do that we're going to start off by adding bubble chats you see this is where i'm starting to get different from a normal building video because usually i do this last right but the game is going to be so laggy that play testing it before publishing might actually break the game and it might crash my studio and in order to insert bubble chat i need to play test the game which i just did but yeah now that that's out of the way let's unleash the lag let's make this the laggiest possible game i've ever created starting with boring things like spawn points every game needs a spawn point except for bad games and i'm a good game developer you know doing the thing that all good game developers do trying to lag out the game as much as possible all right so here's the spawn points just so we can register how long it takes the players to spawn in by looking at this area because it might they they might not even spawn it gonna be honest with you let's put down jennifer as a good luck charm she will be the one watching over this entire game as many many innocent lives suffer today suffer at the hands of my hubris does not matter they are all cavemen compared to me all troglodytes also i'm going to insert coles admin before it is too late to make any changes to the game so now that we have the necessities down everything that we need to get out of the way we've gotten out of the way except for one thing and that one thing is making the game as laggy as possible so i need to think of how to do that obviously i could do the classic move of making like 10 000 unanchored parts but i'm scared i'm scared that that might cause the game to like delete itself it might literally crash it so i don't want to do that ideally we want a situation where the game isn't laggy at first but when people join it starts getting laggy and in order to do that i'm going to insert rocket launchers yeah i know bad idea right not when you're trying to make a game as laggy as possible it isn't should also insert a grenade just as many explosives as possible to ruin the game so now that that's done what can we put in here like in terms of structures to make it laggy what do you think the laggiest structure is what if we just copy and paste in a lot of houses oh i have an idea what if i just keep on control d on one house until there's like 20 of them inside this one house okay okay okay before i move on i need to make sure that this isn't going to crash they get uh-oh oh no all of these houses are unanchored why are all of these houses unanchored why can i not anchor them uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh guys this is a uh it's a bit of an issue if you did not know unanchored houses means they were going to fall apart and lag bad but as of now i'm sure it's fine well we'll just we'll just like copy and paste something that's more anchorable like uh western bank everybody needs a bank to store their loving belongings in like people they've kidnapped and you know i kidnap a lot of people so i gotta have a lot of banks and remember to anchor them this time so i don't make that mistake again hey how laggy is the game being right now it's still pretty damn smooth which i'm glad because this is a good computer see i've never done this idea before because my computer has never been good enough to handle this idea oh no i feel like it's getting a little slower yeah my computer's never been able to like handle this amount of luck uh i don't know if you saw that spinning wheel of death right there but uh it wasn't responding for a second why is that so laggy uh-oh i was looking around looking around is still fine i'm gonna do a risky risky move and you're going to have to pray for my safety i'm going to take all of the banks that we have copy and pasted so far that is so many banks at least a thousand banks and we're going to copy and paste them again and pray that studio doesn't crash please still working right it's beautiful it's like a crashing dwarf star oh my god i can barely move that can i still move my camera let me deselect oh no game wow that happened uh my screen just went white for a second i i didn't know that's what happened when you got too laggy in studio i'm gonna be honest with you is my recording still happening okay just just making sure um i can click on the base plate now which doesn't usually happen i don't know how i can click on the base plate let me just lock that so usually you can't do that but i guess i'm just i'm just unlocking parts of roblox studio by doing this uh all right so somehow the game is still not lagging against all of what we have put it through so let's copy and paste jennifer a bit not just a bit a lot uh obscene amounts actually is her model named yes why is her model named yes i don't know how the game isn't collapsing by now but while we're copy and pasting jennifer's it's the middle of the video that means it's time for me to beg you to subscribe to the channel i like to ask at the middle of the is it is it working all right chad to make sure i like to ask at the middle of the video because by now you know if you want to subscribe or not it's your choice i'd appreciate a lot because youtube is uh not treating my videos well right now so if you see this at all it will be a miracle oh my god i don't know how i'm doing this and it's not lagging well time to copy and paste all of the jennifer's we have so far how is this not crashed yet hold on just out of character moment i have genuinely no idea how this has not crashed it's letting me copy and paste all of these at once all right we we might have to resort to desperate me oh oh right as i was about to say that roblox studio starts running at 0 fps starts running at seconds per frame when i try to look around this uh makes me feel unsafe let's do this let's publish this bad boy to roblox if it even allows me publish to roblox please okay it's working it's working name lag time description i hope you like not being able to do anything about yourself every single day every single minute every single second like the worthless abomination you are all right time to create the game please work lag time successfully published okay okay scariest part of the video is over i don't have to scrap it now time for the less scary part of the video let's set the settings for the game first now there is actually some important settings to assure that we have as much lag as possible make absolutely positive that we are unoptimizing roblox as much as we can so going to excess maximum visitor count spike that up spike that to 100 it needs to go higher higher server fill see this one's awesome because we have to fill each server as full as possible you may notice in the big red warning text underneath that it says choosing this option will cause you to lose out on engagement time and robux earned that's because it makes the servers laggier and worse you know like i want laggier and worse like every roblox developer should one honestly the game has been born the ugly baby has reared its head at me and it's time to spread it like a disease to my discord server had everyone survive time to play the game i forgot i gave everyone rocket launchers that just hit me like a truck i i sort of got carried away with the whole lag building part of this i totally forgot that i inserted player cause lag i oh god this is gonna be much worse than i thought isn't it oh no oh no is it gonna load if this doesn't load i'm going to be so upset this is like the moment of truth right here sure we can publish the game but will it load i pray to david bazuki please please oh no oh no oh everyone's loading it at once and nothing is working not one thing is working can i fly please oh they're firing the rocket launchers oh it's pretty damn laggy but it's working it's actually working i think we've hit like the perfect balance of lag like the perfect balance of lag to make the game playable and not crash but still be laggy as all hell only the strong can survive time to shoot innocent civilians everyone has somehow managed to get in now time to make everyone get out see i'm making the laggiest roblox game possible here right and that means i need to end it with a bang right make it as laggy as possible laggy enough to crash everyone's games and do you know what can do that a little command we like to call nuke all everyone individually has a specialized nuke spawning on all of them and as you can see the game has turned into a powerpoint slideshow i really have killed the game leave while i still can oh my god why was that so loud how many people are playing this right now only 60 people can get in the game only 60 people's pcs were strong enough to handle it welp as roblox likes to call its games that was an experience so yeah subscribe if you liked it if you don't that was insane that was fun bye [Music]
Channel: Laughability
Views: 382,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, roblox laggy, laggy roblox, roblox lag, lag roblox, laggy, lag, roblox is laggy, lag on roblox, roblox not working, roblox crash, roblox games, games roblox, roblox game, roblox challenge, roblox funny moments, roblox trolling, funny roblox game, roblox funny, funny roblox, no swearing, no cursing, laggiest roblox game, creating the laggiest roblox game
Id: 0C4lIeAN4MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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