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defense simulator but today we destroy everybody against us I hope anyways as you can see to the left of my tower includes a guy with a handgun and a sniper man I can already go ahead and tell you that those guys are probably gonna be weak but by the end of this video guys we're gonna have some crazy things that I'm gonna have to purchase but you all just wait on a man today is gonna be absolutely insane now what do we want to do first do we want to do the Toy Yard which is an easy mode do we want to do U-turn which is a normal mode or do we want to do winter Abyss which is a hard mode you know what maybe we start off with a little normal to the abandoned city and go normal mode this has to do zombies right by the way Guys these were the things I was talking about purchasing look at all the things we can buy today but first like I said we're gonna start off a little simple here by the way why is my character ginormous I'm gonna go ahead and play some units around the city I want guys I'm shooting right off the ramp as you can see yeah I've got the guys with the handgun oh my gosh are they already about to lose um can I move this guy hold up uh Mr travel or Scout man okay I need to move him already hey yo I'm not gonna lie to you guys I already had to sell my people so that I could you know Place another one over here finally we got the the zombie dropped off but that was a horrible round okay you know what we're gonna play somebody who should be a little bit better I've got my sniper man and uh where can I even put them oh maybe on top of a building let's do that okay I got my sniper on top of a building at the moment and um I don't have any money to buy anybody else so let's see what my bro shoot the sniper please okay I've got my handgun dude and my wait a minute can we upgrade them let me see this guy upgrade for 50. I don't have enough cash come on buddy you only have to destroy one more zombie please tell me we can drop them off and we got him okay I'm upgrading my guy and you know what I'm putting another sniper down on top of this building right there that is a beautiful sniper position we currently have 500 and by the way I think I'm gonna upgrade at this sniper man and a faster reloading okay that's good and I'm gonna put another handgun guy right there oh wait are they already upgraded when I put them down or no okay the answer was no I'm gonna upgrade him for faster reloading and you know what I'm gonna upgrade this guy as well hey we're kind of flying through these waves at the moment hold up I'm gonna put another sniper right here oh what are those things okay they look like they mean business but I tell you what my sniper that's up there right now he is going to Absolute work is obliterating every single one of these guys watching you know give them a minute he's got a Reload and okay but he didn't take him out but that guy did basically what I'm trying to tell you guys is you know what my pistol guys over here they don't really have to do anything yet my snipers are taking control now I've got two sniper men on top of this building here but it does look like the waves are getting a bit harder there's a lot more zombies coming but you know what man I'm not even scared bro my team's kind of savage you know what I'm gonna put yet another sniper right here I've got so many snipers right now I don't actually know if this is the best way to go about this but as you can see two snipers right there one here one over there one there and we've got you know the ground units wait a minute they just said something about a zombie boss prepare and upgrade your units and hold your ground oh here he is and that's the normal zombie boss okay he's gonna get taken out with ease and actually you know what I'm gonna upgrade these guys I'm gonna give them some better gear so that this little zombie wait a minute he does have a good amount of Health all the way at a hundred right now but I will say once he gets like you know right here and all the my snipers can hit him he's gonna be taking it yeah he's got 20 Health now give it a second guys there he goes R.I.P to that jump me I'm gonna do a little bit of upgrading all right I've done some upgrading all of my snipers now can reload pretty fast and most of them have a good amount of gear aka the better guns and whatnot and now look at this normal zombie boss and he's gonna get destroyed in the same spot as last time take a seat sir I wonder how many waves there are by the way I'm on a wave eight currently I just spotted some hidden zombies coming in excuse me wait a minute how are we supposed to shoot a hidden zombie these guys can't even see him oh I gotta upgrade them to have like better gear so they can see like the Ninja Zombies that's all right I got enough money to do it we currently have 1800 so what I'm gonna do is upgrade this last guy right here for wait a minute everybody's upgraded I'm giving my ground units stronger equipment over here maybe maybe their guns you know get a little bit better oh great we got two normal zombie bosses coming in but let me go ahead and tell you guys this one is about to take a seat and this one is now next by the way I know we're on wave 10 right now and things are going a little bit slow but like I said wait till the end of the video when we get extra crazy weapons and stuff like that it will be worth it I promise I think I'm gonna start putting some more units down in the front here I mean we have a good amount of cash so I think I can just upgrade them all and then we'll do a good amount of damage right off the rip you know what I'm saying so you know the entrance right now is pretty loaded so when they pass the entrance and get about right here and watch what happens take a seat I'm actually gonna keep adding to the front here I feel like that idea is doing pretty good for me hey yo Tom man what is that thing is and a necromancer what in the world is that maybe he makes them like a strong call when he brings up zombies from the ground okay this man is cheating over here oh by the way I added even more units to my front line here look how many absolute Savages I have at the front by the way I didn't even notice they had some shades on they are looking real nice I mean my front unit is absolutely destroying bro every single zombie that's coming out of there right now they are taking a seat maybe I should have went to a harder map or maybe I should take that back because there's a lot of zombies coming in now we are on Wave 15 currently by the way in the comments guys let me know your best wave that you've gotten in this game uh what's the furthest you've ever got because currently ours is wave 16 and we have the slow boss right here with 1600 Health this man is Beefy you know what though if we pass this round I feel like it's about time we back out and go to like an insane map and get some insane people what do you all think about that because I mean I'm almost positive that we will be able to defeat this guy wait a minute is another wave about to start too oh no we have another wave start morning in about one second and we still haven't destroyed this guy good snipers come on now all right finally this guy is almost taking a seat he's got about a hundred Health left but this guy right here the hidden boss this man is gonna make it to the end of things actually no he isn't look at this he's got about 60 Health to his name uh Mr sniper you're gonna need to hurry up here and three two one goodbye buddy yeah guys I think it's time to go to a little harder map it is time to stop playing around we're gonna go ahead and hit the shop real quick and let's get some crazy things I think we're gonna start here by getting the pursuit helicopter for 1500 Robux we're gonna get a mortar tower for 700 Robux a turret for 800 Robux and you know what why not we're gonna get to Warden for 800 Robux as well what I need you guys to do if you haven't yet it hit that subscribe button for me and while you're down there hit that like button now I just spent a ton of Robux but now we can equip the mortar unit we can equip the turret and the pursuit helicopter it's about to get insane guys all right guys we're on another map now and we're taking the molten mode just because that's the hardest one I can do right now and this time we are gonna absolutely destroy everything in our path we've got the people to do it all we need now is you know just to build enough money to get them currently the only things that I have are these two guys right here you know my normal Scouts we've seen them throughout you know the past one and look at them doing some work over here man they are destroying on some normal zombies or wave one was a piece of cake but what about a wave number two I now have three of my Scouts right here and like I said we're trying to build up enough money right now to get those crazy ones at the bottom like this guy I don't know who this is but he's like a mortar person and it looks like my people right here the scouts are doing some real good damage they're already at wave number three at the moment and you know what just to play it a little more safe I think I'm gonna add one more of my Scouts right now just so 100 we're getting that mortar Tower next round and there we go we now have the mortar Tower and you know what I think I want to put this guy maybe like right here I feel like you know that's probably not the best spot for him but I want to see what he does let's see the mortar man is right here oh there goes the missile did you just miss that guy Come Out Mr mortar man let me go ahead and upgrade him one time so he has improved handling uh my Scouts are up here still going to town they're doing a good job but now let's see what happens there we go oh the mortar destroys actually that is kind of beautiful what if I have two of the mortars though can I put them like side by side yep I can I've got two mortar guys right next to each other so basically what that means is uh the people that are coming right here yep they're getting destroyed what we need to do is save up about three to four thousand dollars and get these guys right here I really want to see what the helicopter and the turret do this is a big test right here how much damage can the motor guys really um they better do a lot more than what they're doing and actually you know what they are doing a lot of damage a big shout out to my mortars bro what about to a normal boss how much damage are they really doing um I don't think they did a lot actually well now that I'm looking at them I think it's doing about maybe 10 so if I actually add another mortar up here that means that they're going to be doing about like 30 damage altogether or something like that and you know what that's pretty decent right guys I did something I now have four mortar guys up on top of this mountain I'm pretty sure that's a good amount of mortars right I mean I don't think we need any more right now so now the mission is to just build up as much money as we can and I think if you get four mortars that's like the perfect amount because look while they're reloading another one is already reloaded and he can just shoot at the zombie hey it's beautiful I think I'm gonna upgrade these guys though um precise aiming I gotta get that so that they can see these Ninja Zombies because I don't think the mortar people can actually see the ninjas so right now we need to upgrade them actually to get 1300. oh no that's not good maybe I just upgrade this guy to get 1300. now he has you know he has better damage and he can see the ninjas I'm really just wanting to build up enough money so we can get those crazier ones guys we have about sixteen hundred dollars at the moment and look at these Ninja Zombies bro they are getting dropped off as soon as they come out of this cave a big shout out to my Scout and of course a big shout out to my mortar team too man they are going to Absolute work wait a minute they need to hurry it up okay they did end up getting them that was the furthest they've gotten so far though oh time out I now have a turret gun so now let me see what this bad boy is about did he even shoot at all uh like I said let me see what this bad boy is about to do I upgraded his radar so now he can shoot at these zombies as soon as they come out we've got the scout team we've got the turret team oh yo turret you need to start getting a little better buddy okay we were able to finish that round off good we have three thousand dollars to our name right now I think I'm gonna upgrade my beginning unit a little bit actually I upgraded them a lot a bit now my beginning unit is doing really good they are absolutely berserk over here but now we have the Necromancer coming in and uh I'm kind of scared guys can my team actually beat The Necromancer or no oh they absolutely can they are destroying this man and rip at that point I'm sorry that I even doubted you guys you you all are doing great also just got some stronger ammunition for my current over there costs two thousand dollars what is this a molten zombie well honestly they did absolutely nothing my tower my team right now they are protecting the tower so great oh and by the way I think it's about time that we place down a helicopter I don't know what he's gonna do just yet but uh is he dropping yo look at the gun that he's got on the head lead okay guys this is actually really good I mean right when people are dropping out of this cave they're getting dropped off I upgraded a few more of my my mortar teams over here and my helicopter bro he's amazing up there but what about the slow boss this guy has 1600 HP are we gonna be able to drop him off I I won't be with ease if we do actually I'll take that all back it is going to be with ease we already have him at about a quarter health and in about three two one he is gone ladies and gentlemen my squad is full of savages I'm also gonna upgrade my guy up in the sky now he has missiles so when people start dropping out of the cave he's shooting missiles down to the ground oh they better hurry it up though we got the slow boss and The Necromancer right here here but you know what with the mortar team they do Splash damage so basically what I'm saying is they're gonna die take a seat slow boss and take a seat Necromancer we have six thousand dollars by the way should we add some more stuff I actually think we just keep upgrading uh these guys at the front I'm gonna get some double tap going on so now every single one of my units in the front they are dual wheeled and they got two guns in each hand bro look at this The Necromancer just dies right off the rip now oh wait a minute we can get a bigger Cannon for these guys yo look at the size of my mortar's Cannon yo this is absolutely insane I gotta get another one we now have two giant cannons and what is this the flash that thing was extra fast but you know it wasn't fast enough guys our team right now is destroying oh my look at the normal bosses but look how fast they're taking a seat now that was so easy wave number 28 here we go I think I need to upgrade my helicopter maybe he's got a tri-barrel minigun yep we're getting that oh no this is a lot of bosses right now guys the hidden bosses they're okay they're actually dead that doesn't matter actually no they're not there's one never mind okay he did end up dying but these two slow bosses they're giving my team a little bit of trouble at the moment but honestly never mind and now every single one of my mortars up here they have giant cannons we've got dual wields in the front I think my next upgrade is going to be this minigun maybe I get him a better a better Tower or actually guys better yet what if I put another helicopter down I think that's the move and you know what while we're at it I think I'm adding yet another minigun or a turret whatever that's called I'm adding it just in case you know if people like sneaker wait a minute what a speedy boss oh no it doesn't even matter check out my new turret and go into use over here take a seat but like I said I added this new turret just in case you know when people actually get past my first line of defense which I don't really expect them to with the amount of damage my team is doing right now I think it's going to be wait a minute okay this is getting a little harder but I did just get this turret up to dual minigun turrets so that should do a lot of damage to this group right here and of course you already know I've been saying it the whole video the mortar team means absolute business man and wait a minute the next upgrade for the mortar team is a loaded Warhead I'm gonna go ahead and see what that means that just costs like eight thousand dollars so hopefully that does a good amount of damage okay yeah that was pretty cool I think my main focus right now is gonna be to upgrade all of the mortars to that Warhead it's eight thousand dollars but we're getting money pretty fast right now there we go I've got two load wait a minute the next upgrade is a city Buster for twenty thousand dollars a month as I've said um my team and we're doing pretty good on the money building actually you know what I'm getting kind of spooked so just in case I'm gonna add another turret right here you know just in case people start getting by it is going absolutely crazy over here guys we got some pretty giant zombies coming in but the squad is doing relatively good at the moment oh no gosh they're letting them get a little further than I'd like actually you know what they ended up doing pretty good okay um we got them don't worry oh no guys this round is getting absolutely insane I I've upgraded everybody to Max and I've got even more Scouts on the ground but look what's going on over here they're actually getting kind of far but as you can see at the top guys we have not dropped one bit of Health my squad is absolutely Savage look at the helicopters by the way they're kind of camping and I kind of love it right when people are coming out of the cave I've got uh it's going crazy ladies and gentlemen I think I've got one of the best teams that I could have we're also gonna go and upgrade another loaded Warhead I'd like to see what the city Buster does hey yo wait a minute what is this the mystery Summoner this guy has 3000 HP by the way but he is getting absolutely pummeled and there he goes guys the squad is impeccable and you know I think it's time to upgrade the tournament little more for twelve thousand dollars we got even heavier ammo and look at the destruction happening all over the place man my mortars coming in destroying the mystery Summoner and one two three take a seat off to wave number 38. I think it's time guys for twenty thousand dollars we're seeing what the city Buster does look at that missile by the way that thing is absolutely crazy yep um we have the best team imaginable I'm about to get a Huey helicopter by the way for ten thousand dollars I just purchased it now which one is it oh it's definitely wait a minute it's this one right here right yeah yeah that guy has some missiles on the side he's got a huey minigun what in the world are those we got the molten Titans coming in right now but I will say guys I don't think they stand one tiny chance and yep just like I said they are all gone we are now on to wave 40. guys this is crazy uh oh look who just arrived we got the molten boss in the background he's got 70 000 HP yo hold up we need to start upgrading some things I've got about ten thousand dollars so what can we upgrade okay not that okay we can upgrade the tournament again how much HP does he have 60 000 guys this thing is insane the good thing is he's going really slow at the moment but he can stun my weapons guys um we might be losing you know what I'm gonna start adding some more of these helicopters back just in case you know he gets over here okay I'm adding a lot of things guys I've just added two helicopters and I upgraded them an absolute ton but the guy still has a 30 000 HP maybe some more helicopters will do I don't know man I'm throwing them out I'm also gonna add this turret right here and upgrade him a few times come on guys you can do it I upgraded into a dual minigun and he's got even more people right here guys I don't know about this he's got 20K HP lips ladies and gentlemen can we do it it's gonna be really close I think I'm gonna risk it for the biscuit I'm selling every single thing that I have in the front here and I'm just gonna try to make a team way over here okay I've got the mortar got right here and I'm gonna upgrade them a ton I've got another helicopter which will help me once you want to take the bridge guys I think we're gonna do it he's got 6 000 HP left and for good measures I'm gonna add a turret gun right here oh my gosh his health is going down so slow I'm scrapping everything every single thing that I have I'm just selling it all I'm trying to beat the boss oh no guys it's gonna be so close he's got 1 000 HP left this is it 400 and I just added another helicopter there he goes the molten bus has taken a seat wait a minute is there more waves ladies and gentlemen we've beaten the game that is gonna be the end of the video thank you for watching I love y'all goodbye this is [Music]
Channel: Captain Capi
Views: 75,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captain capi, captain capi roblox, tower defense simulator, roblox tower defense simulator, tower defense simulator roblox, tower defense simulator update, tower defense simulator hidden wave, tower defense simulator hardcode, tower defense simulator molten boss, capi, capi roblox, molten boss tower defense simulator, tower defense simulator molten boss music, tower defense molten boss
Id: uogwQ8VNKe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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