Creating Rick's SECRET DEVICE And DESTROYING GRAVITY (Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality Gameplay)

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ladies and gentlemen this is the best idea we have had so far let's see if all of this space stuff combined can make bricks anti-gravity the voice here we go join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bell icon to receive notifications so you'll never miss a lot of video hey guys welcome back to Rick amore VR today we are flying through space looking for parts because we are going to create Rick's secret gravity gun as you can see right here in space there is no gravity this bottle just happily floats around but the second we step back through the portal into the garage look what happens whoop it just breaks we are gonna go back into space find the parts that we need and combine them right over here into Rick's anti-gravity gun it's gonna be awesome guys leave a like in the video right here right now and after you guys have left alive we are going back into space and guys don't forget to stick around till the very end because I will not stop combining until everything here is floating in the air so here we go now before I use some of my very juicy hex to really fly around in this place I first want to get something from the space station and it's not this thing although I will take it thank you very much no I am instead looking for what's behind right over here come on alright I gotta take these bolts you know what I'll take everything just to be sure we're gonna take everything from the space station because this metal might be different from the stuff that we have in the garage alright go aha that's a little better I'm just gonna take this as well why not it's gonna rebuild an entire space station no we are not building a space station instead we are looking for the antigravity to boys come on so we got to open this thing but as you can see and also here that's not gonna happen before we charge this cute little battery oh that is gonna be easy peasy lemon squeezy you guys know the drill except that this is a very tiny yet little battery you ain't gonna charge that thing like a boss it's important that I don't make a single mistake now with a large batteries that we have over here we actually have to do five thingies instead of three and it's gonna go a lot faster so this should be easy peasy lemon squeezy wait a minute did I say that already doesn't matter oh boy oh boy oh it's going fast it's a fast little boy my goodness holy moly and completed in three two one thank you very much I will take this cute little battery back to the space station now we will go to planet let's see yeah planet bathroom no not planet bathroom we're gonna go to planets b40 - three GG but first back to the satellite Pico is it still there though maybe aliens said destroyed it no aliens so far we should get one of those space rocks we have never used that stuff before oh that's gonna be a good idea no the button is all green what POW oh yeah I punch that thing like I like to punch the like button and now we have some flux capacitors I don't know where these are flux capacitors they're probably some kind of fuse but that is exactly what we'll need now typically we are supposed to use this in the computer right instead of where we put these things I don't know or maybe over here we have to do something with these things but today we're gonna use it for rigs yeah anti-gravity gun that's right so do we need rig maybe we need rake we don't need this we don't need this we don't need this we might need this no don't start shooting oh boy guys I love cleaning up the garage basically I just use everything behind me and there well it works out right we we'll go back to the satellite to grab one of those flying space rock meteorite things which we have never used before but first we got to go over here because this is something we would certainly need as you can see there is gravity on this planet which is kind of weird but hey I'm not complaining and then we're gonna try and use it with the anti-gravity gun now let's go back to the satellite come on give me a nice juicy portal yes yes open it up beautiful here we go now actually guys can see I have a small logistical problem my arm is over here then I can't reach those rocks over there so I'm gonna try and use my hex to literally fly through this place oh my goodness this is freaky look at this thing man so there we have the portal then it's why you're supposed to be this is not where you're supposed to be okay hey that's right little space rock Can I grab you come on what I can't grab them no why that means I gotta grab some kind of tool to actually move it into the water oh of course is that why this thing is like a handle and stuff oh this could be the meteorite shopper I mean we do need the meteorite I think cause I want to try and combine with it that's something you've never done before and I wanna try it all right you're silly looking space rock can i push you come on go well just what oh my goodness that doesn't work we got to go back don't you worry everyone we still have some pretty nice stuff here that we have never used to combine with this is artificial locomotion junk which is the way you move virtual reality well I want this stuff all of this stuff to move up into the air aka low gravity if anything no gravity where's Rick tiny Rick any tiny Rick yes right over there oh my goodness don't shoot me Rick let's see what happens we combine these two guys we get a morty it's not what I was looking for man nope we're gonna get rid of this guy we're gonna combine him with a bolt maybe and we get another mordy mordy I'm getting a little bit sick of seeing your stupid face come on man okay no that wasn't me I'm sorry Morty I still love you okay you can just sit right over here and what just create all the beautiful things in the world and even outside of this world we're gonna turn this world upside down in low gravity I just realized something this stuff is already floating without gravity that makes me wonder is it possible to combine a combined platform with a combined platform that would be like combining a combiner with a combined with a combiner what before I break my brain let's first I should use a brain - all right let's see if this works oh my goodness Morty Morty you gotta get out of here man you gotta get out of here Morty let's see if I can grab a little brain okay yeah there we go I have perfected the brain generating strategy - ah - now let's see we can combine Rick with it oh no that doesn't work wait does that work why is this brain blue but it's so weird okay maybe the artificial locomotion junk it just has to be smart all right all my goodness Marty Marty Marty Marty what are you doing here Marty get out him Marty brain waste fuse no wait brain with fuse yes go glass brain are you serious now man wait so if we used to pull with the brain we get a metal brain and then we combine tap with the pistol maybe hold up brain this bolt is metal brain brain plus fuse is glass brain what happens when you combine the bolt with the fuse go okay no this is something I'll like this see that looks very Spacey looking kind of weird ish I like it I like it maybe we can't combine that with the pistol to actually create a gravity gun maybe somehow unless we cut it charge this with some kind of energy that would also be a thing right now this is probably not gonna work right another Morty Morty I'm so tired of sitting Marty ain't go I don't want to see more tea anymore more tea get out get out get out money get out yes yes you're there mister space crystal come and help me out okay we need to get this thing to kind of radiate with energy or flow around or okay okay we are starting to collect some fuses here I like it I like this idea a lot maybe we gotta get a whole bunch of these guys together huh maybe this is some kind of shorts or something I think it's coming together here we are gonna make Rick so very proud okay Rick is gonna be all like how did you make an anti-gravity good that's crazy yeah that's right Rick and I will not give up look at all these beautiful things we have here that looks pretty nice right time travel stuff all right we did use this box before but I don't think we used it in this project well we certainly did it go oh my goodness oh my goodness Marty Marty Marty Marty I see only Marty's everywhere I'm gonna have a Morty heart attack I think but that's okay is there anything we can order online that oh yeah hold on that part that Rick won it yes that could be something huh very nice okay okay this is another glowy energized part I like this one use plus fuse equals I'm a little piece a glass fuse with its does it thing inside of there another one added to the collection I love it maybe we got to combine this pistol with oh my goodness I'm sorry I shut the window that's okay listen let's see if this is gonna work I swear if I see another Morty I'm gonna okay it's not a Morty but it's also not anti-gravity unless go yeah no that's the gravity okay maybe gotta order something else I mean there is still an engine repair kit that could well maybe repair something else maybe whoa ah yes here is the beautiful box and oh my goodness there's so much stuff in it right I better be careful not to drop all this stuff oh no no it's stuck inside oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no oh this is bad and the whole box is empty oh my goodness what if I done well okay I may have broken the game a little bit once again but that's okay that's what we like to do around here nah we are gonna get rid of that thing let's see what happens when we combine these two guys do we get metal link that's not what I need that poor that Rick walnut with actual tiny Rick go and very shiny Rick how about a light bulb that could be something you have to catch it though because all the Weiss's get a break of course all right let's say let's go ahead and combine the light bulb which would give me an idea yes with one of the fuses there we go waitwhat glass lamp made out of glass well that's something I certainly don't need does it actually work though let's see if it does okay gonna grab this guy with this guy in there go that is not work pants not work at all wait a minute if this does electricity and stuff maybe we gotta put something in there gonna grab this guy and what's gonna grab this guy with the space stuff come on yes yeah go oh no it just this is stupid little buzzing sound come on ya little Shrek looking thing go go go come on man guys I have an idea we just gotta make stuff a little bit bigger so we're gonna grab all of these guys and place them nice and neatly on the platform there we go wait actually I am missing one of these guys we gotta put one of these bad boys in there as well right yeah that's a little better look at that so we got all the fuses in the world maybe this will help us huh if we make it nice and big go all right I don't think this is gonna help us too I'm afraid what if we make it tiny maybe that's gonna help huh she's gonna make it nice and tiny do we still get a golden one yes we do oh oh oh that's a good idea that's a good idea we need oh my goodness we need this tree to get out of here but we also need this guy yes nitro Dark Matter that is more what I'm talking about what if we put this guy right over here and then we all right of course the explodes that's not really what I had in mind but that's okay I gotta think here do we have all of the fuses I think we do right I don't think there's anything else we are gonna try and combine this thing ladies and gentlemen this is best idea we have had so far let's see if all of this space stuff combined can make bricks anti-gravity device here we go I set it to light and here we go yes so did it work yes it did work but won't the phone this is Rick's shrink and grow device you can use this to make things bigger and smaller right except that it says something else don't play with physics what gravity gun graphed um what is that supposed to mean man can I use it to shrink something can I use it to grow something whoa I don't think this thing works man ah that is lame and I thought it was gonna work get out of this stuff I didn't hear whoa wait a minute it does work haha so Rick try to trick us by making this thing look like it's exactly the same as this other device hahaha not today Rick not today that's right it's kind of weird that everything is still on the ground though maybe maybe we gotta stir things up a little bit go look at that everything careful though does that mean mr. meeseeks can also float and go mr. meeseeks he's out of here okay I am actually gonna throw him at the floor though very slowly looking booth mr. meeseeks I mean mr. meeseeks always flies but he doesn't go anywhere that is so creepy man look at all this stuff wai-wait flying my balls oh no why do we actually get flying eyeballs go yes that's crazy we gotta make flying alias and just have them fly everywhere oh can I just use my hand is there gonna work gonna work that is creepy man my hip is really turn gravity on go whoa holy moly that is so cool and so creepy let's turn the gravity back off now we're gonna go into space with the gravity off that means everything can fly around okay we're gonna step through okay what those kind of weird hello wait a minute please this bottle on the ground it says gravity armed but there's no gravity on off on this thing is totally busted man that's net for gravity here we're gonna take this puppy into the bathroom guess we all know no real spicy stuff happens in the bathroom especially after Taco Tuesday now let's see if we can't turn the gravity off come on there so whoa aha no gravity in the bed imagine taking a poopy right over here and having a poopy fly all over the home we gotta have a poopy fly all over the place floating poopy everyone what do you know how would you like to see me too in the next video post a comment below and I think yes what you watching I'll see you on the next day supply [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 673,402
Rating: 4.893672 out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, rick and morty vr, rick and morty virtual reality, rick and morty virtual rickality, rick and morty metaverse, rick and morty lets play, rick and morty gameplay, rick and morty: virtual rick-ality, funny, game, gaming, vr, virtual reality, video game
Id: FXV3d_SbA5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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