Creating on the Fly with ZBrush!: Goblin Creature Design - Miguel Guerrero - ZBrush 2021.6

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so this hey how's it going guys how's everybody doing so so i hope everybody's doing good and can hear me oh thanks matt digital how's it going it's over i guess we'll we'll start with a little bit of a little warm up can you guys hear me okay hey how's it going old and only cool uh today we'll start with maybe a 20-minute practice 15-20 minute practice of ahead and then we'll continue back on our um all right guy here kind of continue maybe uh doing some more um uh figuring out like what kind of folds he's gonna have like you know since he's kind of a mole like creature so well thanks thanks for confirming that it works uh so i think we're gonna work on that guy but i figured we started a little warm up yeah man fly i think i think somebody mentioned that it looked like a fly right but i figured we could start with a little bit of a warm up and you know give it a try see see how that goes while people kind of trickle in just uh do a quick i don't really know what i'm gonna work on this is just uh just a bit of a workout just to kind of get the switch over to brush yeah after we start doing this warm-up thing because uh sometimes i'll do this before work or as i'm just thinking of ideas before getting started just kind of spending a few minutes kind of just um it could be nothing it could become something so it's more of a just trying things out seeing how it works out yeah i haven't touched my uh my other creature uh my column blind that's kind of his his name at the moment because he has no ice but um i haven't really touched them since last stream i was supposed to do some more work on them but i've been too busy to kind of deal with any of that stuff so figure why not um warm up and then get started so that we have something something cool to work with what do you guys think but i figured why not um try something real quick i kind of wanted to i was thinking of this creature that might have um no gum so no um no no no no lips so their teeth are kind of exposed the whole time figure that could be kind of cool but of course this is only a sketch so we'll see so anybody have any um i guess let me put some of my links since i i didn't post them yet um so you guys can see the kind of work i do just copy and paste that on there check it out links to my website and uh art station and that type of stuff all the typical things is anybody working anything any cool projects that they want to share so i put a link to my link tree and that has every single link but if you guys want to download my ui you guys can go to uh gumroad mag that should give you guys some um be able to download what i have here and see in case you guys want to follow along let's see what we can do so not sure if this guy's an alien or what he is or just on the horse nice yeah horses are cool they're very challenging i actually need to start working on horse-like thing my daughter asked me to make her uh a vampire unicorn so i started working on something like that soon as well maybe maybe i'll do it for the street i'm not sure she's uh she's six years old so she she's into unicorns yes these spheres are a great way to start that's a that's another way of kind of doing doing things yeah i really want this guy to have a nose but i do want him to have the socket of the nose let's see oh man that's that's that must be into you know this must be the unicorn uh or the horse um stages of their life right yeah my daughter is crazy about unicorns that's cool man yeah if you have any images feel free to share them i'll show them off on the stream let's see it's about 12 minutes so we'll continue for this for another couple of minutes and then see how it goes or if it goes anywhere hey what's up man how's it going yeah yeah females right they love the horses i know what you mean you could paste the link in there on the on the description or page yeah paste like a link that would work better yeah man i gotta push that skull right without without that skull it just it doesn't feel right even if it's at a rough stage you know but of course it's all a sketch guys so it's not going to turn into magic and in a couple minutes it takes a little bit of time a little bit of practice we're just trying to have some fun warm up before we go back to our other project yeah for some reason my texts and my um and my stream it's huge so every time somebody posts something and like it makes the other ones disappear let's see yeah you can show me your graduating project that's cool too yeah feel free to share that just if you could post a link from instagram or from facebook or something like that or or that could work too that's the penta sphere to put in some kind of eye socket on this guy or some kind of ice my placeholder let's see let's mirror that so maybe we'll do something different let's see now that we have this guy here usually what i'll do is inflate the original one or the copy and then from there cut some lids into it because the original one is underneath there let me just start pulling this and start kind of connecting it it's a rough connection right now but just a placeholder for see where this goes other okay cool got a link let's uh let's open that up oh nice man some uh some cool mech stuff yeah check out check out his work this is awesome nice work i love the presentation seems like a lot of work went into this it's really nice nice very nice oh kid badge from vitali yeah i think it shows the quality like steps up the quality real fast i can totally see that with nice work i say you keep doing that uh yeah i'm mostly 3d printing a lot of the stuff that i make on stream that's that's what the aim of the other guy is to to make a full body creature um i just want to play with this a little bit see where we can how creepy we can make this look a little vampire looking looking guy we're gonna try to redirect some of this stuff like like a lot of stuff is going down so it has like a different flow to the face i appreciate you guys being here early in the morning trying to uh sculpt some monsters or whatever we're doing here i like the monster stuff a lot so i tend to do more of that type of stuff for my personal work but for my professional work is a little different kind of what i do i do do monsters but they're not uh quite the same it's more uh other type of stuff let's push his eyes back maybe make them a little smaller let's see any other things 6 p.m in poland nice yeah where's everybody tuning in from uh just a sketch of some kind of monster with exposed teeth started six months ago nice or a few minutes ago that's nice oh like how do like when you're 3d printing yeah i'll be i'll be going over that probably with this with this guy because we're gonna have to split him into a few pieces and i'm just kind of what i'm trying to figure out now like i think he'll probably be split at the at the pelvis and then maybe underneath like um like the forms of the of the armpit that could be another way but of course this is just still sketch so we start to fuse this stuff together we work some some major forms posing that ah michigan nice very cool india nice very cool thanks for thanks for tuning in asheville nice nice yeah i will pose it this is just a generic pose kind of to feel see how he feels you know like right now i want him to feel very like front heavy like he he can't really move his arms back too much but he could move his arms forward uh if that kind of makes sense that that's you know eventually i'll pull them just um we're still on the blocking stage so today i want to kind of block out more of his body and figure out like some of the anatomy and then we'll probably make some clothes he has to have some kind of it just can't be naked not all monsters are just naked you know unless they're like and just imagine like him like if you're shopping around like um like like a what is it called farmer's market and he's collecting his stuff for the week and you're like dude what the hell this guy's like buying some groceries with me like not with me but like you just see him and it's kind of scary guy maybe he has a bag a little tote bag he has and collecting i don't know human skulls baby skulls or some something that you know like creeps them out and goat horns i don't know we'll see ukraine huh nice hold on guys let me just um let me just switch something off over here but yeah that's kind of what i'm thinking about this guy so i want to make not humanize him but just make sure that he feels um he feels realistic you know like something you will see in the hellboy movie just kind of walking around being a little creepy but cool all right i'm just trying to switch some ac on a starting to get a little warm over here but let's see let's see how we're doing with this guy maybe this guy goes nowhere but we'll just sketch him out and see let's give him a couple more minutes and then we'll switch over to the other project this is where most of the fun starts right because a lot of this is like just an idea just a sketch so we don't know where it's going [Music] just dynamesh that guy so yes so let's fuse that with uh the main head and then see what that's gonna do okay now we can dynamise that together gotta fill in those holes no i haven't had any machine i would like to it would be cool but i haven't i haven't had the opportunity to most of the time i 3d print on my own stuff so uh no but it'll be cool have you if you what's your experience with that play around with that head maybe we'll make him a least a less intelligent creature sometimes if some stuff gets really messy you could just erase it i tend to use a lot of erase with the smooth weighted like at strong so that way it really destroys all this stuff let's enhance those teeth and see what we can do about that maybe that will work out maybe it won't let's do some teeth some gums so i'm just trying to give the teeth a little dimension like unevenness that's kind of what i'm going for oh you like the creature cool cool yeah that's it's hidden in a different direction than what i thought but we're here to have fun right we're just creating on the fly literally that's what we're just kind of doing that's the whole point of this the stream to kind of show you guys what we can do just uh you know chatting and trying different ideas out it's not always about always producing something amazing or of course that's that's our main goal right but if it doesn't happen it's okay so if you ask any questions on what i'm doing or why i'm doing this uh let me know we'll probably give this another 10 minutes just because it's i feel like it's getting somewhere and then we'll switch over let's see oh with the hot wire stuff oh that's cool yeah i always wanted to try that with the foam it looks so easy but i'm sure it's very difficult so let's see years and no years i don't know that's yeah that's a good question i know let's let's see if we can find some inspiration let's see oh you're studying 3d animation that's great man this is cool i don't teach anything yeah sometimes you have to you know when when you're going to school and trying different things and learning something it's good to learn from multiple sources because um you never know where you when you're gonna use some of these techniques even for me i'm still i've been doing this for 20 20 years or so and i'm always constantly still like learn trying to learn new things so not a big deal they were going to get rid of those ears i don't know what do you what do you guys vote more vampire look yeah okay we'll try the ears how about the ears well let's see maybe get inspired by a bat let me look up a bat bats here to see if we can do something about that make it let's see put her bad ears and nothing popped up that was good maybe just bat that might be the best solution yeah i know something about the ears and without with the ears without ears right like i kind of like it without ears too but i think we can do is like try the ears real quick you know so something like this like the bad stuff and then if it doesn't work out we just take them off i think that's that's the whole point right so let's see what we can do so let's um let's polygroup it that way we want to get rid of it it'll be easier than having to select it again so let's mask that and invert and let's try to shape these ears a different way let's see what we can do it's funny the ears of a bad they look very um leaf-like you know like it looks like a leaf to me kind of figure out where this is going they also have a little bit of a cut inside the opposite right in there have some depth let's if we don't like them we go let's just chop them off all right so nothing's uh been adjusted there let's move that back let's see so the ears don't have earlobe really see they're also pointy so what i like doing is kind of starting with um with the snake cook but instead of stains with the snake hook just it's good but i like doing minimizing the brush a bit every step that i want to pull so that it feels like it's a gradient and not just a pinch like you just pinched the edge and pulled it no this is not bad let's just make it give him a little more a little more volume here before we remission so let's uh blur i like to call it blur but it's really just smoothing some of this stuff out just so it's not so distracting like how hard some of these edges are even though it's still pretty rough just kind of want to blend some of those in let's see what we can do about this mouth maybe he has more of a pointy mouth like what do i mean by a pointy mouth looking at this and kind of making it maybe a bit of a wolf you know we'll see a little bit of a snout not not too just to kind of take them away from all the human stuff a little bit because we didn't start with a human form but we don't have to stick to it you know so right now i'm just sketching some of the lines that i think could help see i think this skull could go higher so instead of it dipping down maybe it goes uh you know kind of with yeah it's not too bad let's continue that flow do that smooth we have to restructure that in that skull but not a big deal and that ear i guess i got too much of that i think we need to give them some sharper teeth and let's play around with this mouth position what do you guys think so far yeah yeah right go either way uh you know we're just playing with it we'll remove the ears and see what that looks like too and i mean that could be another cool thing and we'll just do some some sketching of some preliminary like folds skin folds just to make it more visually interested interesting i mean i don't know you should have underbite or overbite that's uh yeah it's all about the fangs yeah let's let's just talking about fangs let's um maybe make that guy stick out like making his canines a little more pronounced and make this one a little sharper too that's a little different start breaking that up right uh i think they spelled it on i think you're typing up something in in um brazilian sorry i can't represent it i can read some spanish but thanks for joining from brazil that's awesome well let's save this and let's see if we want to continue with this or move on to another character let's see so that was what the ears well let's play around a little more with the ears a little bit but if you guys are digging in i'm glad like this is that's what it's all about right you guys can follow along do your own thing let's see let's look at some of these lips let's uh let's see we've got a little more weight well first let's make this stick out a little more and then we're going to break up the variation almost sucked to have been able to close your mouth though like if you're a creature where like all your like your nose is always or your mouth is always open you must be drooling all the time oh thanks jeremiah lima thanks appreciate it appreciate the feedback yeah those bites will be those bites will be will hurt a lot def ldf nice maybe we couldn't play around with the idea of a nose or maybe more of a yeah that could be a bit of a nose at some point so let's see what else we have let's see we find some other reference it's cool let's play around these years a little a little bit more if we don't like them then we can just can them play around with the inner structure a little bit nope brush let's see what else do we have just kind of looking for something to inspire me what might be the next thing we add let's see let's see yeah it's more of a feral creature so he's just drools all the time i don't know i don't think you're supposed to well the main thing about about zebras right detail the detail stage is not um it's something you do mostly last you could hint at details but don't try not to do them right from the beginning because they're going to kind of screw you up a bit i think and that's kind of what i'm trying to write so i'll do i'll sketch a line and i'll erase it just to have the feeling of some weight on there if that it kind of kind of makes any sense and constantly keep turning your model see and sometimes you just have to erase all the forms you had and put in some new ones to kind of help define see i'm trying i'm trying to get to the bottom of this and trying to figure out like what's working in this design what's not working let me save it so we can try some more um some rougher stuff maybe also his face needs to be a little wider see so for now we could start kind of blurring some of these lines we could blur them without the super heavy i'm going to kind of blend some of these things in see how they're all working together maybe they are maybe they're not it's kind of like if you were to squint your eyes like what happens to this to this form do they do they stand out do they not stand out like i feel like this form needs to pop up a little bit more to make that snout feel stronger let's see sorry yeah so this one we started with the with with the simple basement most of the time if i'm doing any work related yeah we have a base mesh and we always kind of push push on that but if we have something like um like this one let me see if i can go with how far back i can go we started with this with the base mesh that you guys have and that's kind of the reason i started with that we could start with a sphere sure but it would just take longer to kind of go see so i started this with um i guess because i blended in together but you guys can see the evolution how much how it's changing but i started with the base mesh that comes with zbrush so you guys could start with this as a beginner and just see how it goes and how's it going bobby let's see yeah yeah i usually most of the time i'm working on on humans and not so much creatures so i have some stuff i'll soon kind of show you guys some of that stuff just it's more what i do professionally so i try not to talk about it too much all right let's play with some forms let's see where we can sketch out some of the things we're going to have to push with some of these structures of the skull a little bit more so so i find that this too much this move tool here works much nicer when when doing stuff on profile because it's actually grabbing everything that's you're seeing not just the edges some ways to start blending those forms together let's see no ears noirs looks pretty good too no ears but if he didn't have ears what what maybe he has small ears maybe that's what we could play around with too so let's maybe duplicate this guy let's say i say we just get rid of him for this version let's see yeah and then delete hidden and then dynamesh so there we go we got rid of them so we have our version with ears one without ears so here we can smooth to the we can move over to the smooth the stronger hey how's it going frank thanks man yeah we're just exploring some ideas with this uh sketch that we started like i guess 30 minutes ago so i'm just trying to destroy the polygons here which you can see every time i remesh they kind of just redistribute and more even forms something like that i think it looks pretty cool but maybe we'll try some small ears yeah it looks more like an alien now right but we don't know if we're making an alien or we're making just um so one thing you know i could start from scratch uh for the ears but there's also this insert brushes right so there's a few different insert brushes some of these guys have a whole bunch of options you guys can explore and insert like let's say i'm right now i'm looking for an ear right so i could sketch in the air or i could try to find one here somewhere which i thought there was one here but i uh maybe i mistaken the wrong tool let's see the human one should have one there you go so you click on this ear and insert it obviously that was the wrong side i thought for some reason it was going to be the right side it's weird it's not inserting correctly but no biggie there we go so it is this side so we can play around with some small little ears let's see how that goes that that also could be kind of creepy no i usually don't scope with perspective on because it tends to distort things too much you know or if i do i'll put it like a 50 or 85 but i'll switch back and forth i just won't do it all the time does that mean that's why most of the time it's just off but i would recommend trying to keep it off and checking for once once in a while um so let's say we start with this here right we need to move it in a little bit and move it down and if we want we can also rotate it so so let's say now we have that right we fuse it together and if it doesn't fuse quite right that's not a big deal we could just add some clay and mesh it and there you go it's all inserted so what we can do maybe is uh have them have some small ears like maybe still pointy just just tiny but it might make him look silly might make him look cool we will find that right now well let's turn the eyes on let's change the eyes to different uh shader a little darker let's see usually plastic we'll just add some color we won't change the shader because that way if we change this it blends in a little better so there's just two versions right so let's say let's put a little more record into this okay switch between those two let me go back and forth i don't know it's a tough one what do you guys think hey what's up richard how's it going they both have interesting looks with different ears right but for some reason i feel like the long ears work much better so maybe we'll stick with those for now let's maybe give them a little more structure oh there he is yeah it's a tough call right that's what i'm keeping buff i didn't delete it because i know that maybe we might have to go back but then there's also maybe another version with no ears at all so maybe let's let's try that and that's the nice thing about this right that if you don't have the if you don't have the clay it actually might be easier to delete them from that guy let's see let's get rid of this guy since he already has no ears it'll be easier to do with this guy yeah so here you can use there's many tools right to use there's like the polish to kind of plan that out help me get it done quicker but maybe there's another version i don't want to use a flat let me make the cheekbones kind of stick out more i think this kind of style is very strong jaw just because his teeth are sticking out like that so he's a predator uh so they're all in once yeah they're different sub tools but they're on one file so that way if i ever want to switch back i could just switch back easily and delete the ones i don't need oh thanks man appreciate it appreciate you enjoying the stream so that means his straw needs to be a little stronger maybe the profile could change a bit too i don't know the no no near one really looks not good i don't like it i think we're gonna stick with the the big ears but let's let's play around with that because right now he feels like he has a jaw of a horse like it's long but not quite quite working let's just turn back that on let's turn this off keep those eyes let's see what other inspiration we could find so i'm just kind of looking at different things you know uh some creatures some human anatomy a little bit of this a little bit of that i found some cool work by uh mario taurus some really cool creatures he has look at that just for inspiration i'm not trying to copy just trying to see how some people have worked out the forms before you know like maybe it works better this way maybe it works better that way give that jaw a little more strength let me block out a little bit of the master muscle just to give them a little more see now it makes it feel like it's true bubblegum i think we need to change the angle of them change that music music went um a little weird sorry guys so kind of what i'm playing with this for music-wise i have this player here that kind of has some free music so you guys are wondering what this stuff is if you could you guys could use it for all your streams it's cool yeah long ears work much better right hey what's up charismatic uh goddamn oh which vampire haven't seen the witcher vampires but you know we're just playing with some ideas just having fun let's see what else can we add yeah second screen's always good right yeah maybe a cat maybe i'll look at that i hope everybody's not bored we're doing some fun creature stuff let's maybe give him a little bit more of a throat or i forgot what this muscle is called or this bone let's block out a little bit more of the neck maybe some clavicles you know just a hint of them even though we're just doing a quick bust oh yeah the branch workers dracula guy um let's take a look at that yeah let me let me find that thanks that's it that's a great um that'll be a great reference actually i haven't seen that movie in a long time i think i actually tried watching a few weeks ago but my kid got scared so i had to stop watching it let's see let's get some inspiration for that that's a great one richard yeah look at this guy yeah that's some cool cool stuff let's find one that's uh yeah his ears are gigantic right they like connect to the bottom of this jaw that's a interesting look too maybe play around with that a little bit let's um yeah maybe that's a good way to kind of blend this um when i think the first time in production i tried learning it many years ago like 2003 2002 something like that i don't remember when the version it was um but the first time i used it in a reaction production there was a creature with something for the t-shirt charmed i had to make this werewolf kind of creature and that was the first time i used it for that and it was it was great not sure if you guys ever seen that show but it was a no show about witches and all kinds of creatures like things see i'm not sure if i like that or not no i think i i'll stick with the stick with the detached earlobe i think that the attach earlobe works a little better for me i could do something about that just to give it a little break up so so as you notice i know somebody was asking about details let's see well yeah i say just um you just keep at it i think as long as you just keep working on zbrush every day you'll get better and things will get easier i think that's one of the main main things right that at least i experience as a as an artist you know sometimes you don't get things right away sometimes you do sometimes different things happen or or you have different types of i guess focusing sometimes focusing is a big issue as well like if you don't have the right focus when you're trying to learn this stuff it makes it pretty hard for you to actually i guess take it all in so having the right mindset or also sometimes being under pressure of certain deadlines helps a lot too so i feel like this is too sunk thin there like we need to give you a little more volume kind of protecting the eyeballs and the eye sockets but giving this a little more volume from this this dimension let's also do a bit of poly painting right now so that we can see what it might look like with some different shades actually we could turn on our friend um raise it in the render i think preview ao give us a little bit of ao happening we're sharpening some of those details a little bit more right now yeah we have some good amount of years i think how did i get my first job in the industry uh when i started kind of doing commercials and low budget films to like them up you know working on some of the biggest films out there but uh it took a lot of work i didn't start as a character guy i started off as a kind of generalist and then from there i kept growing my my my i guess my my skill level and then from there you know got a little more experience things got easier but it was all just a lot of work and dedication this you guys think he needs to have a pointer mouth at the bottom it's not too bad what do you guys think um currently most of the time for work i use um yeah funny numbers i use uh a tablet the medium-sized wacom whatever it's not the latest but last generation or actually it might be the latest the intuos medium pro but for the streams i tend to use this the screen i tend to use the cintiq i will say if it was between cintiq and a tablet a tablet would be my choice i'm much i feel like much better using the tablet let's see what else we can add so you guys doing okay watching this this um this part of the stream or where you guys want me to switch projects to the other the other project i think we're doing okay with this in this um just trying to find some other reference to be inspired by kind of looking at my other reference board the tone i'm using for for my other project just see if that that gives me a little bit of a inspiration let's see thanks thanks glad you guys are digging it let's see i had i had a photo earlier i just can't find it anymore for my inspiration of kind of some of the stuff that i was looking at not a big deal we can't find it but let's see what we can do with this now the reference window is just a um i'm using pure riff i'm just kind of looking at some of some of this stuff it's just a pure referenda that stays on top if i wanted to stay on top oh thanks let's see what can we do about this i think he needs to have a longer neck and more a little more buff or built a little nicer so this we could start kind of manhandling this part too we need to have more traps let's get some of this stuff out go just come back and refine it one thing you guys can also do we'll try it right now we'll see if it works out is recycling a body like the other body i'm using just to block and see what that looks like with this guy so let's see if we can steal the other body from this guy and implant it real quick at least the upper body that's uh we'll see what we can do a whole different scale but uh not a big deal there we go we'll say we're trying to figure out why it wasn't um let's see where is my head still really tiny right yep almost there even though this guy's a little bit of a hunchback we'll see what we can do maybe steal let's remove the head since we don't need that head really hidden dynamite or we could do close holes we're just trying this out see see if it works out maybe not yeah kind of kind of works out let's see we'll just uh erase more of this because with the resin so if it's too much let's see how long did it take to make models such as this uh it it takes some time yeah he's going back to the fly right with the other guy maybe to get rid of his hunchback too um the fly was actually one of my favorite movies growing up too loved that movie i'm just doing this just to save some time see if what he might look like but i think this is just the body type doesn't work out for him not a big deal just get rid of it and continue on let's start pushing this down so let's do a render test with uh our friend key shot see what that's looking like but time wise it all depends right um there's times when i had weeks like two weeks to make a character there's times when i had uh two months to make a character so it really depends on production um of course the more time you have the more nitpicky you get but sometimes if you don't have enough time then that becomes a problem too because um where's my key shot but there we go if you don't have the enough time then the quality of the work suffers so it could go either way yeah i train personal wise i tend to work on three projects at the same time you know that way i can switch between them kind of like this triangle rule that i kind of made for myself sometimes if i'm working on the likeness for a character i might be working on it for a bit and then kind of not see any more not anymore updates all i'll kind of switch gear so that if i come back next the next day or a couple days later it's all um what's it called more fresh to my eyes and i could see the mistakes or the things that i need to change right away so i'm just doing a quick setup here let's see let's change this lens to at least an 85 let's get rid of that ground because he's not on the ground maybe do a little more lighting this lighting is a little too there you go now we're getting a little bit of that surface let's try something crazy that's a little too much let's try like five let's see any more questions sorry i just want to make sure i get out grab all your questions guys yes i have a couple projects going on i switch between them so that my eyes are refreshed or if not sometimes i'll just the next day i'll work on something else or like an hour in or two hours and i'll switch tasks hey raven how's it going while working out some rookie stuff right the contest stuff so some of the projects that i've been working on like obviously this other uh character that i did for the stream um the other guy where is he at where you see brush this guy we we've been working on this guy for i say a stream for two hours and i think we have about two two three streams with him so he's probably about six hours in he really should be a lot more like uh i really should put more work into him so he i could plan on the stuff and finish wrinkles and hands and feet but it'll probably take me another six hours maybe another 20 hours to finish him if i want to do it right with uvs and posing and adjusting proportions and making sure anatomy and everything is blending right but if i'm just going to print it maybe spend another six 10 hours we'll see it all depends on how much time we have okay so there's a little bit of a gap there let's try another background and read some more questions from you guys this guy's pretty good to this and we'll reduce this to 2.5 give a little more look a little more darkness but it's good to do contests because then it forces you to kind of push forward and kind of just um having to deal with a deadline right so i think it's it's a good idea yeah it's good to always step away even if you're let's say you're working on something you have to keep working on it step away every three hours every two and a half hours step away for 10 15 minutes don't look at it and then come back and you'll see things that you didn't see that were mistakes or things that just don't work like here right like i thought the jaw was going to look nice but see how much hot sticking out here like it looks kind of weird from this angle i think this needs to be adjusted that's like something that popped up the eye sockets here need to be adjusted overall is okay i need to continue that cranium see like here we have a flat spot but sometimes you need to look at it in a different lighting like here and then you see like oh i see what i need to adjust you know like here that i kind of skipped it because it looks it looks like it continues but it's actually not continuing correctly so i need to tweak that flat part and see that corner now how much this this is sticking out like i know we want him to have a strong jaw but this is uh it just looks a little weird sticking out the way it was it just looked like a some kind of would you call it um some kind of cancerous ball or some weird deformation it doesn't make sense but most of the time when i'm working on personal projects like after hours i'll spend at least an hour to two a night touching some stuff i'll pick something different you know like today i'm working on just sculpture tomorrow i'm working on just the hair or groom like extreme or the next day i'm working on texture and then i'll kind of switch all the way back and cycle back hopefully that helps but i most of the time for my personal work i have an hour max or hopefully two or three hours but most of the time it's mostly an hour or two let's see how often do you work on the stuff you want to do uh well i'm working on the stuff i want to do all the time it's just a matter of i like a lot of different things i like creatures i like humans i like um 3d printing so or sometimes i'm like in the last couple weeks i've been doing a lot of marvelous i'm back to marvelous since it's been a while and then figuring out like new ways to kind of help and improve it combined with zbrush and different things to see how all that stuff would kind of work together they're gonna make some more adjustments on these teeth we need to make them pop a little more because since they're not part of the skin he doesn't go to the orthodontist or the dentist all the time then he needs to he probably has some jacked up teeth so maybe mess with the top first actually i like the bottom actually i like when characters for me when they have underbites so we're going to push that on their bite a little bit more so we're just going to push those teeth into form a little more and that later on we'll probably separate these out to be individual teeth and just right now this is what we got and i used to start a lot with uh having teeth that were separate but i find that it sometimes limits me because i want to make them all perfect and i have to take my time making each one and sometimes it doesn't work where here's a little more organic way of kind of blocking out teeth and make some gum lines and then kind of help push like push that a little bit out so it feels like there's plug in there a little bit you know and we're gonna smooth this out so so that it's okay to push more than what you think and then smooth it out and refine all this stuff but obviously it's not about the detail right now it's about all the primary forms so trying to get that done first right now they're also perfectly mirrored so ritchie will have to break that up but it's easy to want to start doing detail so it's always you always have to just kind of so i guess this is where we can need a little more resolution before we dynamic so we can probably go to like 350. so i think for me depends on what i'm feeling in the day i like to go with whatever feels right or if i feel like i need to really push my 3d printing then i'll do that or if i need to push more studies then i'll just move on and do it based on feeling you know but of course if you feel like that's not working out you could do a regimen where like mondays is like head anatomy tuesdays is body anatomy wednesdays is design and thursdays is like uh just maybe taking a break friday coming back and looking at everything see what needs the most work and then improve on that and then kind of the weekend up to you or take a break and then kind of recycle and go back to that whole cycle again monday anatomy tuesday body anatomy you know that type of that type of deal that i think that helps a lot as well and one thing i was i was talking to one of my one of my friends uh i think hannibal about timing yourself and then trying to um that's one of the things i teach at my mentorship like time wise always try to beat your previous time try to cut that in half especially when you're starting off it's much much easier to do all that and what i mean by that is like um if let's say this this thing took me three hours right uh next time i'm gonna try to do it an hour and a half it might not get there but your aim is to try to get there right eventually maybe it's an hour and some change like an hour and 45 an hour or two hours instead of three and then from there you kind of start cutting down your time and things get easier and you get faster if this speed is one of those things you're trying to deal with so he doesn't really have an eye bag we need to give them a bit of an eye bag and then also put that one underneath that's supporting that eye bag so well yeah anytime you have any questions feel free to also send me stuff on instagram and you know questions or anything like that oh it's looking like your mother-in-law i don't know i don't know her but uh maybe a lot of our mother-in-laws look like this we have to make sure we have room for cronko make sure the lid thickness seems right and this is still all at the lower stage you know so i think what we're going to do is probably add a little bit of a nose there in that little corner hey what's up point pusher how's it going brother yeah we're going to give him a bit of a no structure here because he needs a little bit maybe for this work start we're going to go a little more ape like kind of change it up a bit from the bats because the bats were cool but i don't really like the bat noses too much and we'll give them a little bit of a nape nose intersecting um geometry you can have multiple um oh look at that look at that snails let me show you guys look at that nose doesn't have to be a huge nose you know maybe like this guy too just a bit of a hint some some actual let me zoom in on there it's a good reference it's like a baby a baby ape with some just enough cartilage there to kind of hint [Music] but you see you guys see how this just keeps changing and evolving you know it's all that's the fun part about this right that we just can just keep evolving this i think maybe something like that might work so in this case we're going to kind of erase everything we had and block out lock out the nose for him one of the main things we saw is that the structure there's a bit of a shelf so we're going to kind of change that up so he has some actual nostrils where he's actually going to be breathing right so a little bit of that maybe a little bit sticking out more from the front start hinting the nostrils a bit i guess that's where the wrinkles are going to kind of build up that's kind of where we're hinting at like the edge but it's a little too strong so we're going to kind of tone it down a little bit let's see yeah we could do some fire remission actually put some hair on them i prefer to do action so maybe we'll we'll take them into action i don't know we'll see so sometimes what i'll do is i'll hint at that edge and then just kind of tone it down so let's see what that looks like we're going to kind of restructure from the top view a bit dynamesh that and then put those holes so that you can actually catch more more shadow in there yeah sometimes little projects like this pop up little fun things and i just continue on them it kind of delays me from doing my other projects but if they're fun it's all good i really like that little little chimps head it's like way um his overall cranium is a lot like smaller and shorter which kind of looks cool kind of cool all right let's save it here and then let's do some renders ate batman yeah yeah so let's send this over to our friend keyshot let's unfreeze this guy and send it over so yeah i think the nose helped it just takes them away from the alien look something maybe some more structure making it stick out a little more give it more of a shelf but i'm digging it so far hopefully you guys are digging it as well so i think what we'll do with this it's um we're going to push that snout even more further for out to give it more of a and notice that the baby ape has a lot like it's sticking out a lot more so we're going to push that out more like where it's going but i think it will be way more enhanced if it was out let's also change this background to just be a color yeah let's give that a try let's save it one more time just because yeah you guys don't have to do the the renders in key shot it could be done in whatever i just um i prefer keyshot because it's quick it connects to the bridge not a big deal so let's see so if we like this guy we went from let's let's go through some of these cycles of what we had so we had the knowier guy we have tried little ears and we kind of stuck with this guy he seems to be cool and um so i think we're going to go with that guy and let's get rid of the other guys because they're not going to work out but also we need them they're in our previous files so we don't want to junk up our our main file now we have that let's switch over and play around with some some major proportion changes there's multiple things to take into account here right um jawbones um cheekbones like what's happening with all these things getting elongated they also have they're not just elongated from one direction they're they still have to work from the other directions maybe they get a little thinner towards the tip but they still kind of pyramid down so keeping those shapes in mind i think it's pretty important yeah maybe the first the first uh yeah right like the first vampire ram paragon just turn those eyes back on when i feel like his his skull is growing too much i want his skull to kind of stay a little tweaking here and there the nice thing is now that we have both of these we can compare and see which one we actually like better i think we're gonna tweak the one with the mouth coming out more because i feel like it gives us a nice perspective but we could still do changes to the major skull to make it feel better so i know we keep moving this jaw back and forth but now that it's protruding out like the mouth is protruding so much now this makes a little more sense where before when it wasn't it it kind of looked a little weird at least that's what i thought i don't know what you guys think it also gives some more room for his nose now that things are kind of stretching out more yeah it gives more vape more uh vibe right i think that's kind of what i want to keep like more of that primitive like we're saying maybe the first vampire so we're going to tweak this stuff here i want to move the lips to be maybe more offset let's see still doing pretty good on time yeah this was a fun little tangent we kind of went into and we could still see it with no ears too which is cool and it's also good to have this separate because now we can work on the skull without touching the ears i see what we need to tweak like that brow feel like it's starting to it was starting to collapse in so i think this is this is going in the way it should be hey how's it going anna thanks for joining thanks for checking out the stream really appreciate it let's go back to our weighted or stronger weight and hey rick still play with the idea maybe his ears become still more like the ape um you know having some large ears they block out some of some of the detail in the ears just looking at that baby apes ears they look awesome so all right let's look at from some different angles so now his brows got a little flat so we need to kind of work on those guys see how flat the front of his face got you know he's a bit stylized and a little bit different but he doesn't mean he can't obey by the human rules and human anatomy one thing i'm trying to get away from too is straight lines like if this is going straight up and down that's what i'm trying to break up now and kind of give it a bit of a curvature same thing with this stuff you know it has like a thinking top triangle bottom triangle kind of not not having those just be straight those are some of the things i'm thinking about as i'm moving some of this stuff you know this this is kind of coming out instead of it going straight so what do i mean like that's pretty straight right there but i kind of want to break that up right like i guess no no straight on lines is the rule however you want to take care of that however you want to change the apex of the curve and here we're missing some volume here as well so we're going to add a little bit more kind of how that connects to that it was just like missing that whole gap so just kind of clean that up a little bit and by no means is this done or anything just kind of breaking up those primary primary forms yeah i can't wait to start breaking out the teeth and then kind of making them asymmetrical and all that fun stuff so let's give this guy a bit of a carruncle and a few other structural things that we're kind of missing dynamics of sky 2 probably pretty low i need to go a little higher than that but we're just manhandling this stuff right now to kind of get into place so not a big deal let's go to uh 256. now we need to adjust that lid around this whole whole structure any other questions i think we're getting close to being done for the day but just kind of if you guys have any last minute questions feel free to ask i really i don't like this ear i need to go back to like the flatter flattery or figure out something for it because it looks a little wonky to me let's find that out but i hope everybody's having a great weekend good long weekend here in the states just pretty cool yeah it's kind of where we're at guys uh what'd you get what do you guys think it's fine from the little base mesh we had to kind of where we're at now you know kind of quick sketch definitely gonna redo those ears i think they definitely need some improvement but i think the face feels um my typical human um digging it oh thanks guys appreciate it i'm glad you guys tuned in yeah sculpting is fun man that's why that's the reason i do it the cool thing is that if we had uh let's see yeah we have our old ears so we can always just if we don't like the ones we have now you can always just take these guys and steal them so since we're working on this guy we could take his ears off well i forgot we could just do this that's weird i guess it's uh it doesn't like that it won't let me um turn it off i must have done something to zebras to make it not want to do that that's not a big deal you can still chop them off i see it's not um this happens from time to time where things kind of just break not a biggie just got to work around it most of the time we restart it it fixes it right now i don't want to restart since we're streaming not a big deal uh specs on my machine um it's not that fast it's only it has 256 of ram it has a dual xeon 3.2 i think nvidia rtx 2080 and some ssd so nothing nothing too crazy i don't think so let's candles here since i kind of messed them up really hidden right and then we have these ears and the hidden and then we can merge these together we're merging down and there's going to be some gaps not a big deal because we tweak some proportions uh so we dynamesh together it's all fused and not a big deal and then we have some stragglers like this stuff here oh i forgot i can't oh look at that it's working again i don't know why it wasn't working earlier so let's um delete hidden then we have some gaps like this which will happen you can just do a inflate find a mesh again and now everything should be all good just hit with smooth now with smooth work on some of these edges and we're good and if you used to have a little bit of stragglers like this just um just inflate them a little bit and then you can smooth them out there you go i went back to earlier they're earlier just have a better structure for the beginning we still have to redo a whole bunch of it but not a big deal uh so with that i think we are done if you guys have any questions feel free to send me some uh yeah give that a try i think you guys would dig it let me send you guys some links to some of my work and then we should be good but if you guys have any questions during the week or anytime that anything pops up feel free to let me know i'm here to help you guys uh let's see whether it's in the stream or off stream not a big deal so just feel free to hit me up let's see uh setting wise tablet and then screen i tend not to modify anything i just kind of keep it as is so but if you guys want my interface i just put a link to my gumroad uh you guys could download it for free it comes with uh most of the materials and settings uh it's enough for left-handed person so if you guys are right-handed i would suggest kind of moving that to the opposite side oh thank you thank you yeah i need to update my r station i'm actually thinking of upgrading to the pro i'm not sure if any of you guys have the pro version but i've been running on uh squarespace for so long that i kind of didn't think i needed it but i think it'd be fun to have a bigger presence there let me let me give you guys my instagram as well because that's that's one that i used mostly let me just find it some reason it won't go to my profile okay there we go let me get that on there so yeah you guys feel free to follow me if you guys like uh stuff that i'm working on be cool let's see yeah you could use a mouse but it would be very difficult and take a very long time i was just getting even if you get a low end um tablet like the wacom tablets like the bamboo it's better than not having it yeah it's all about the lefties right i know i'm always odd cat out but i guess uh good thing to find more people that are left-handed let's see i'm listening to this thing called um pretzel rocks and it just this is kind of what is popping up just kind of music for streaming for the background yeah you could always buy a secondhand tablet i would suggest if you can't afford a brand new one bias you buy use one still as long as it works make sure you test it out before you purchase it but it still works no it it takes a little getting used to but once you're you're kind of your mind and your hand sync up it's it's all good all right guys well thanks for joining appreciate it i'll see you guys soon um feel free to follow me on any of the links and then we'll um yeah we'll keep creating monsters together alright guys see you all right guys have a great weekend i'll see you guys soon bye it's not good man it's recorded so you guys can always watch it later cool see you guys
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 4,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goblin, Gargoyles, bat boy, man bat, fantasy creatures, monsters, zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush beginner tutorial, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, zbrush student, etsy, zbrush character modeling, zbrush character, zbrush sculpting, zbrush realistic face, 3d printing software, 3d modeling software, zbrushcoremini, zbrushcore mini, zbrush mini, zbrush 2021
Id: 9uB9N3pUFww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 33sec (7113 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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