Creating my beaded dangle

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good afternoon everyone it's sheila here in boho daydreams welcome to my channel i hope everyone's having a wonderful weekend um i think our weather is all very very confused the last time i talked to you we were having blizzards and then we were having rainstorms and now it feels like summer outside with a blizzard on the mountain is very confusing and is very hot here in the cilia as a result it was cold this morning so i had to make a fire and now it feels like i'm in the tropics anyway i have been asked um by several people if i will make a tutorial on how i create my little bead dangles oops that one's not i create these and when you look at them they just look like little bead dangles but there's so many components to them um so i'm just going to go through a list of things that i use and then we're going to go from there so i will use a selection of beads and you've all seen my my artisan beads and a lot of those are old well i wouldn't say old but i've had them for many many many years i've had a lot of these beads for many years so i don't really know where they all come from i still look for them when i see them if i see somebody you know selling off their their bead supplies i look see if they have any unique beads and then i will i'll buy those they're generally a little bit pricey but they're beautiful and they're glass and you can decorate them up to be spectacular so we've got some beads here i've got kind of a selection of beads here that we're going to look at we're going to this is this is a joann's bead a joann's or a michael's bead and so we're going to take that bead and make it amazing um we'll do one of these the little heart we'll do one of those and maybe we'll do one of these we'll see we'll see how my time goes i don't want to make this long for a lot of you who already are um very adept to making beads and bead dangles and whatnot this probably isn't for you give me a thumbs up because i warned you in advance anyway i'm just going to go through a few things that i use i use bead caps and i use all size all sizes and i um i'll just show them to you like this see they're all sizes and what i do when i get my bead bead caps i dump them all into one box they all go into the same box so i kind of have to like sort my way through because for what i'm doing i don't need anything to be symmetrical or to match i just grab them try them try them again and see if it works and making my little dangles i've gotten faster at it but it's kind of like matching a pair of shoes to a shirt and matching the shirt to the skirt and then deciding oh the shoes now need to match the skirt and then you pull everything off and start again and mix and match and until you're finally happy so that's what it's like when i make these little little beaded dangles so i showed you the bead caps i also have some of these and i got these a very long time ago um and they came in a large package and they were so small i didn't know what i would ever do with them because they're so very tiny but they work perfectly for this so i have some of those i have some of the little metal little metal gold balls and i love these these are a little bit expensive but i love them i love love love them uh where do you go there then i have some of these metal spacer beads and these are also old so they're kind of kind of elliptical maybe like a flying saucer and what you're looking for is uniqueness and when they get put together you have hills and waves and sparkle and shine and then when you've got it all together and tied off it's amazing um i have some of these that i use so i just grabbed a few of those they're the ones that have the little julie pieces on the side i don't know where i got all of these from i think some of these are actually uh the spacer beads in between the big beads um when you bought when you shop at michael's or joanne's and then i also have some swarovski crystals and these are a little more pricey too so i've got two sizes here and i don't know what my sizes are i just know one's bigger than the other and it just depends and it depends i don't use two crystals on a bead generally sometimes i do if i need a little more sparkle factor but generally i don't but it just depends which bead caps i use what you'll need is some wire and this is just a regular 20 gauge wire and then i think this one here this is a 22 gauge wire and it doesn't matter as long as it's strong enough to hold up to the making of the bead then you'll need some snippers and pliers so i have a needle nose pliers it's rounded nose and then i have a needle nose that is flat and they and these are essential tools i also have two different uh wire cutters here um because i always lose my wire cutters there i always have two pairs so what i'm going to do is grab one of these beads and go from there so i think maybe i will start with i'm going to start with this one all right so i need a piece of wire and i have one here but i don't know if that one's going to be long enough so i'm going to grab another piece and make it longer let's see which is which this must be and i hope that i'm going to stay in camera and if i don't stay in camera because my camera shows me i'm in camera and then after i upload it i see oh wow that was not in camera please just give me gentle feedback um not harsh feedback we no nobody likes the harsh feedback we learn we all learn better through kindness right so i take that and i make a nice little circle on the bottom and i'm not wearing glasses so sometimes my circles don't exactly look like circles so i have a nice little circle and then i try and bend it straight there see it's nice and straight am i in camera yes that way the beads are going to go on straight i might need to later clamp this a little bit but we'll see what happens all right so first i want to grab one of these little these little gold balls i put that on the bottom and keep i put it on the bottom and i just want to make sure that i'm nice and straight and i i feel like i am straight so let's see what do i want next let's see some of my examples here of what i did well i know what i want i want either a crystal next or i want my little flying saucer type of bead next yes that is what i want let me see i'm gonna pop that on see if we've got kind of yeah it's good it's got some symmetry there all right so let me see what do i want next next i want it has a bead cap on it i want i want my own bead cap i want something that sparkles more so let me see this one let's see this one here i want more sparkle yes see maybe yes um maybe no i don't know let me see see if i have a different one maybe i need a bigger one maybe i don't have a bigger one and this is what i mean you do a lot of this there's a lot of this yeah i like this one better it covers up more of that gold but i still love that there's a little bit of it kind of sticking out from the bottom all right so what are we going to do next um let's see let me grab this yes and see if i don't like it at any point then i pull it back off everything comes back off and we start all over again um let's see i'm gonna put one of these on do i like that one no i don't even like that bead cap so let's get a different bead cap going here yes all right so let's pop that on now do i want maybe a silver one and there's no rules you can mix and match your golds and silvers it's not a big deal all right i'm going to pop this one on upside down let me see how that looks ew that's pretty all right but i don't like that bead cap let me see let me see here this one nope that one's too tiny let's see oh yes look at that see i took another tiny little bead cap and i popped it on there now i want i want a crystal i want a crystal let's see let's see if i'm in let me see if i'm even in screen oh this is where i need my glasses and forgive the fingernails there was some wood cutting that went along okay so this is really pretty but um that that crystal is just sitting too low so if the crystal is sitting too low but the crystal is a good size i take one of these little uh spacer pieces there tiny ones and i pop it in there and see if it sits higher yes the struggle is real do i like that let me see do i like it i do like it but then i say okay well let me see what it looks like with the bigger the bigger crystal because i might like that even better and i think i like this better i'm gonna like that one better okay so i can leave it at this just like that because it's perfect or i can decide that i want to put another little gold thing on top oh yes the struggle is real without glasses let's see oh i i really like that that is not too much if you can see that that is not too much sometimes it is if the bead is too skinny it's too much alright so now i want to get this pliers this one and i want to make sure i am bending in the same direction as that because it doesn't matter it just to me kind of it matters and then i make a little loop on top like that and it was i was like this and i'm very right-handed so now i went and turned it around so that i can put it into my other hand and i can pull this and this is a softer wire so it's very easy for me sometimes i use half hard wire and then i then i can't do that then i have to use a pliers and then i just go around with my little pliers like this until it's tight and you have to be careful because if you're making it too tight it will this little end here will undo itself and then i just take my little snipper nippers and get as close as i can cut it off there we go this is just a joann's or michael's bead but look how beautiful it looks all dressed up let's see here oops and this is going to go on a package look how pretty that is i love it so there's one okay so let's do oh let's do the little heart because that one kind of is a little bit trickier because of the way it sits because it's got that corner all right so make a nice little this is this is harder wire because i can already feel it so i made a loop which i wasn't in camera for but it's the exact same loop as what we made on the first one so let's see i am going to grab one of these i want one of these little little things little circles and they're metal and i don't know what size they are or where they came from because i've had them for a long time then i want let's see i'm going gonna put a crystal on because well they're so pretty then i'm gonna pop that on see how that looks so it's a little bit too long um let me see what do i have in here where's my other box of them okay well you know what i don't have it here so let's see i'm gonna pop on one of these i'm gonna put on the little elliptical one the one that looks like flying saucer and then i also want a tiny little one of those little ones yeah like that i need to make sure it's nice and straight let's see if this is tiny enough this might be a little bit too big yet no that's perfect that is very perfect all right so this one's a little bit trickier oh that's my little secret too so what i did is i found another tiny little one well first of all this is what i've tried and this is very pretty too i did i just did this and it looks really pretty and i topped it off with just a little like that and it was very pretty i've done that before but i don't want to do that now because i want to do i want to do the other one the other way that i just discovered but i might not have a tiny enough one oh yeah that's perfect okay so what i did to that corner i took a little bead cap my tiny tiny bead cap and i turned it upside down and it just kind of sits there and it kind of looks normal looks like it belongs there and then i put a little crystal on it but do i want that crystal or do i want a bigger crystal that's the conundrum i like the bigger ones for this yes i like the bigger ones for this because they just show up a little bit more and you need that little extra sparkle but i don't know so i have to take this back off again i wonder and i've never done this before if i put a little ball on here first if i put this on and then put my bead on how would that look see this is oh i like that i like that so that's what i'm doing that's what this one's getting so i've been asked if i will sell my little prepared beaded dangles the ones that are my my artisan dangles and i will i will sell them but as you can see all the different components here to one bead is not you know is not cheap and so um i decided that okay i just thought of something here so we're going to do this first we're going to tie this off first before we go any further so i haven't done that before so i'm going to try one of these here see if that see if that is pretty get all my bits and pieces back oh oh i don't know i don't think so let me see and this is how it works you know and you just try you know all these different things because i have so many things in my arsenal to use oops let's see that kind of gives little all right i want to take that up i have so many things in my arsenal to use because well i just collected so much stuff no i don't think i like that as much let me see oh it is pretty it's very pretty i might not need that spacer there it's all about seeing what you've got going on right um i like i like this i like it a lot but i feel like i would need to have a bigger a bigger ball there so i'm going to take that off and don't give me thumbs down because i'm undecided what i'm doing because i'm just doing this for you exactly how i would do it for me this is how this is how i work and so seeing all the little ways that i i do things should help in how you think and put your stuff together you know of the things that you can use and put things together right so no thumbs down i like it i think i really like that okay i'm tying that one off that one is getting a tie off and remember we're going in the same direction as what we did on the bottom we need to use this pliers now you grab your little needle nose pliers and i'm right-handed so i have to start like this i pull it over but now i'm going to have to go to my left hand so i need it to go on the bottom so i take and put the bottom through turn it around so that way now i can again work with my right hand because i'm dominant that way and this is a little bit tighter wire it's heavier wire and it's thicker wire it's a different type of wire so i have to twist it around it doesn't twist so easily but i want it tight i want it tight so that i don't have everything jostling all over the place and this is good this is good see how that kind of stretched stretched out a bit it was a circle it's because i made it so tight kind of pushed pressure on it kind of like made it not quite so round anyway i think you probably have a good idea now of um what it what i do to make my beads and see it's a little bit off there so i take and try and bend it a little bit straight because i like my beads straight now let's see what that looks like when it's hanging it's beautiful it looks beautiful when it's hanging so now we have created two beautiful beads and they're not even they're not even these beads these are just this is just a glass some glass beads some hearts that i had laying around and this is something that i got from either joanne's or um or michael's anyway i hope this has been helpful to you if it's been helpful leave a comment um for me i hope everyone has an amazing week ahead if you have any questions let me know have a good night and god bless bye-bye
Channel: bohodaydreams Sheila
Views: 4,243
Rating: 4.9491096 out of 5
Keywords: boho, boho daydreams, sari silk, gypsy, journal maker, bead lover, boho bead, sheila coghill, journaling, junk journal, antique, artisan, tassel, lampwork, vintage, lace, coffee dye paper, dreamer, bead dangles, silk ties, gypsy girl, daydreams, embellished, bohemian, bohemia, caelia, boho crafter
Id: QkdUB-jX_8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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