creating MORE USELESS INVENTIONS (patently stupid)

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i hate going to men's showers alone so i'll bring some men never shout alone but be careful with the soap what's up gamers welcome back to some jack box we're playing more patiently stupid where you have to make an amazing invention but our inventions are very stupid i can already tell our only objective here is to beat laugh because he won every single round last time so if you're part of the percentages that has not subscribed subscribe right now and make sure to go follow our insta because we're only like 10k away for getting 200k which is a quarter a meme god's face i never agreed to that but okay all right my objective is just to win one round at least oh what do i have blank is just too crowded um schools are too crowded and that's a fact when i get angry i i scream that's not funny when i get angry i find my stepmother all right which one do i want to solve if i can't stop thinking if vanilla is a flavor what is plain ice cream wait what i keep putting off uploading videos what i can't stop thinking about if vanilla is a flavor what is plain ice cream i didn't even click i hope it chose the one that i wanted to respond to yes okay good here's the story you're a happy man you're eating your normal ice cream beautiful ice cream right there with a little little cherry on top right so what is plain ice cream you must be asking right it's when a plane comes from the sky and it comes down to your little ice cream thing because he spelled plain wrong submit oh wait a title for my invention plain are us that's a good title write a tag line i don't know a good tag line i'll be honest uh we are expressed for a reason i don't know the plane comes quickly it crashes right into you pitch your idea this is the best part all right meme god it's all you i'm always attracting mimi when it should be plaza blossom but a model that's beautiful it looks like patrick starr all right laugh okay well i'm always tired because i mortally obviously i assume the men are morbidly obese but i took things upon myself so i'm going to introduce you to the slim reaper i hate having to want my grandma in the morning i can't stop thinking if vanilla is a flavor then what is plain ice cream but then i realized this man spelled plane wrong so let me tell you something we are expressed for a reason all right because my ice cream delivery it's called plainer us and let me tell you this is the difference between plain ice cream and ice cream a giant plane oh my god i guess you can say it's fly all right now we have to vote for who has the best one you get three votes all right i'm definitely going to be choosing so i jump on her for number one blasa but a model and the slim reaper those are the best ones in my opinion no i thought it was gonna win for sure me too oh my god oh no i don't know if i made it then i don't know all right now we all have to solve the same problem i kept i keep putting wait what oh i keep putting off uploading videos how do i know what this is i suffer from this myself how do we keep on uploading simple solutions you force people to do it for you look at that all right so what would be my title my title would be why do any work tagline just buy a gun and get people to do it for you genius i keep putting off uploading videos this is something i myself struggle with so i'll just i'll just do it i think i need to play my favorite game you think this is funny huh oh my god this is cyber bullying if you guys don't know i played this game called heroes the storm and i don't know why i kid you uploading videos i'll hire 999 editors i'll pay them two bucks per hour they are not happy but i don't have to do it all right i keep putting off uploading my videos so i have a question for you why do any of the work just buy a gun and get people to do it for you what is that a gun that's a gun from gang signs or something i keep putting off uploading videos yeah explain yourself something that's gonna make you a lot of money okay upload other people's videos all right i'll be honestly i think plagiarize i procrastinate and i'll hire 999 editors hey [Applause] oh wait that that means mine is not going to get any please please that means no i failed again at least i beat tbh and meme god won again he's just so good at this man he's good at inventing man man should be on shark tank all right round two baby i just need to be left that's like my only mission as long as laugh loses we all win yes exactly all right everywhere i look i see i see hot woman in my area i hate going to where do i hate going to the men's shower alone oh my god these are these are too good all right what's the prop i have i want to help the environment while i'm littering on the floor i need more sugar in my diet i don't know what to choose how would i make an invention on that i need more sugar in my diet i didn't choose i forgot to choose it chose one for me man oh no it gave me i need more sugar in my diet all right how do i get more sugar in my diet copy meme god's diet perfect right this is me before meme god's diet here's me after there we go perfect it works you get more sugar in your diet all right uh title just copy that mean god's diet from what rhymes with rounds quickly i need to know what rhymes with round you will go from from a pound to the whole battleground yes that's a pretty good tagline all right let's see those ideas baby again i hate going to bed showers alone so i'll bring some men never shout alone but be careful with the soap that's a pretty good so your solution wishes to watch youtube for the rest of your life no become a youtuber no social life oh i need more sugar in my diet fat meme got diced what is that you go from my pound to the entire battleground everywhere look i see hot woman in my area so you know what i get virgin metal [Music] oh my god no one give him any funding no funding i have to fund it no you don't laugh no you don't yes we do you literally have the power not to do it fox that was my first vote nah no please no funding no funding now come on it was really god's diet [Music] oh god this is so sad oh it's me it's laughing whoa think before you do this i need to get among us fast how do you make a draw into that how do you get among yours fast you go to the steam store i don't know oh my god i actually don't have an invention i don't know how to get a manga fast you don't you just don't get woman instead no among us get woman i don't know man this was such a hard one man i'm really curious now what laugh drew need among us right now among us [Laughter] oh no like a play button among us and you're being among us the biggest though is that i'm clapping i'm clapping as well i clap as well all right i need to get among us fast then let me show you let me show you you don't right [Music] many women that's that's great that's brilliant shut up life you probably have something good don't you i need to get among us fast so hear me out sauce in a bottle sauce in a bowl but when you need an impostor moment fast why is that so good how did you even think of sus in a bottle who thinks of that all right i need to get among us fast i need a perfectly oh my god dude that face scares me bad oh no oh no no one vote for sauce on the bottle we're not letting him win no no no you can't not vote it it's so good i have to vote suss in a bottle it's so good as long as mimi's don't win no one vote for that one you gotta be kidding me no i'm gonna be last place oh god oh god oh that was that was well deserved is blizzard gonna win wait no no no no no no he's gonna wait he won again everything will die wait wait watch be lost [Applause] all right on to the final all right this is the third round i have to do well maybe i shouldn't give people good prompts maybe i should give them bad prompts but then it's not as funny i wish everyone would become the sun yeah i'm making it difficult i'm making it difficult i keep getting blank on me i keep on getting men on me i keep getting men on me all right what do i have i can't avoid taxes i hate the taste of fear i guess i can't avoid taxes what would be funny for that i can't avoid taxes so go homeless oh my god i'm so bad at drawing i i didn't give him a waste i didn't give him a waste and then arms and those are like smells coming out of him go homeless easy submission okay for the tagline can't tax if you don't make any money big brain big brain muffin i worry about running to the baby in a dark alley you know what you get you get the adult baby the adult has a gun all right i can't avoid taxes something you know we all deal with right but um i got a solution can't tax if you don't make any money so you know what you do you go homeless i keep getting bent on me back off i have healers on the star account this is cyber bullying why okay all right who can we who give me this is stupid ice is too cold you're right it's an issue plaguing the globe so yeah just keep the family away from it muffin you gave him a hard one and he's still pulled it off look at everyone else's and then look at give it heat it's so well drawn yeah yes oh my god oh right wow laugh well played i'm in last again i need to defend myself from fat me what do i do to defend against meme god just like in the sock smp i kill this cow in the wedding look at this here's a cow boom you kill victoria that's definitely a one way to get beef god away from you because he threw me in prison for it all right what am i gonna do for the title grab a sniper yes to build the suspense and kill victoria the cow i'm very proud of this community i'm very proud of what you chose laugh i hate you this is gonna be good all right bibi my turn baby you want to defend yourself from fat meme god that's your problem right do you know who i am forgive me oh my god that's scary you better back up but i'm going to eat your toes i think it defend myself from fat meme god what's the one thing that mimi would never touch no he'd never go against this one true love even though she's dead i need to defend myself for fat meme god no need to defend what [Music] is that what is it that is so curious that's so good all right i need to defend myself from fat meme god the first thing you want to do is grab a sniper all right okay you grab a slice where is it going you know where it's going you know what's going on oh no who is that who is that and you kill victoria's cow that's how you do it i know from personal experience and you threw me in prison i didn't do it but the person who did very smart it's my turn i need to defend myself against fat beam god make him think twice yes i will wow these look so good together all right i'm gonna go with no need to defend as number one i think i'm gonna do make him think twice and then i'll i'll i'll do do you know who i am i don't trust any of you i'm not giving any of your money my god you're crazy yeah let's go buffing yeah i better get more than zero dollar we got 900 bucks that's pretty good that's pretty good that's pretty good that sucks you scummed him oh wait that means laugh lost the game maybe wait muffins winning wait wait i want unbelievable well make sure to smash like and subscribe for more jack box videos see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Socksfor2
Views: 2,042,457
Rating: 4.9537473 out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor2, Socksfor1, patently stupid, patently stupid jackbox, patently stupid multiplayer, patently stupid gameplay, patently, stupid, creating the most useless inventions, cheating, creative, reacting to tiktoks, minecraft among us texture pack, patent, among us texture pack, best crewmate strategies, among us tricks for crewmates, jackbox, jackbox party pack, minecraft socksfor2, minecraft scp surival
Id: 2c_ynon82mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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