Creating Land Use Maps and Simple GIS

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okay folks that's four o'clock there's not many of us here today which is a good for you in that I can basically cover any questions that you would like or and any sort of areas in particular that you'd like and I'm going to just very quickly just run through highly the create a land-use map and some very simple GIS stuff you can do with digi mark or screws okay and now let me just move that hopefully you can all see the screen as though if I just do a bit of housekeeping GoToWebinar solve for your all and hopefully you can all hear me you could do a certain check if you want if you're having problems but I'm gonna mute the microphone because it just gets a little bit hard to sort of manage if people are asking questions or using the microphone so it's turned off so if you want to ask questions you simply use the question box and Ross has already sort of been good enough to let me know that you can hear me and so any questions no folks don't feel afraid Fred asking um I corporate and an answer it as best I can as I go along here okay so I get I get started here and basically I'm just I'm a different one so we're going to look at land use maps and Digimon for screws now they're very very simple and straightforward to do this is just an example of one buddy although I think this was a year yet or something doing a better land use map and in think was so Hampton actually and that I just pulled off as an example and Howie how you know how nice it looks at how easy it is to sort of put together but how effective it is as a visual a visual map this is its printed out this is a I think that it just dropped into powerpoints so fairly straightforward and easy to do here's another one to do and this is centered Milton Keynes I've done this one and the reason I've done this one is because it's quite easy to draw because Milton Keynes is kind of like the American grid system so everything's nice and square so it just made it quicker to do and basically yeah I just dropped on a map key here and a couple of home which is just add a little bit context and you know you did a presentation I think I think with day any and GCSE stuff it's this is one of the important things is doing your theater presentation as a reporting information on to your maps okay so do it alone use map let me just go into digimon for screws here to do who should be logged in so let me just start again okay so this is basically what you get when you arrive and did you mop brush good so Furley you know the interferes hopefully you're all used to that's no problem at all sorry somebody's just trying to dial in here from reason which is a bit strange because they're not be able to see anything so for instance will do the will just do a very quick land-use map of mint machines no this is only an example obviously you can you know you know what you want to your land use maps to be but just let's just show you the process really of doing it okay so here we go so let me just increase the size of this screen folks if I'm going too fast I know there's a lag time between the map on what you see so I try to be as slow and concise as I possibly can be okay so here I'm just going to expand this is your make the map figure button so we can make that nice and big okay so very roughly what I'm gonna do is use this annotation toolbar in the top left hand side here okay and if I just click in this here okay you can see across the top here there's loads of things you can do like text to it add markers and labels in here you could draw lanes you can draw areas you ships have photographs and I'd buffer tools and you can have measurement Olivos this way okay so nice and simple and straightforward okay so basically what I'm gonna do is very quickly just draw some so ships around so we do we'll start off with some red here let's do a red as well and I'd mark out so if I click on this here the drawing area now you know that when it's white its active okay so you can start drawing no so if I just click on wants to start okay once the chain interaction I just keep changing direction hasn't mine you need I'm pull it across here you can mark it out very simpie okay so I'll do another one I'm trying to thank our colors of use maybe a green will do another green here and withdrawal right we have to activate it again I will draw another one here so we draw this here like this and then simply double click to finish we did a couple more because then we need to do a map key if this sort of stuff and so this set for instance is civic buildings up here these are offices I'm not altogether sure what they are all here Civic buildings down here we can do another one for here so we just do a nice move or purple it is purple okay which all around here I do a couple more very quickly what color we do them we probably better to a blue one somewhere blue we draw right here I'm trying to think what the other color is let me just check I've prepared to do to do the leisure offices civic building leisure okay we'll do another purple so to leave our purple yeah okay and this would be maybe okay do that and we'll just do this one as well the same color okay so if don't not know these two colors look the same so what I'm gonna do is just very quickly change this here to a different color I did that by using the Select feature here so if I want to select something unchanged if I use these yellow highlighters okay so I've no selected and it's gone yellow on the outside I will just gonna change the color to how we do a career suppose the dusty gray it's not gonna match up exactly with my mucky but you can you can imagine it okay so there is your very simple and straightforward the activity' very simple and straightforward land-use map no we can start adding things to this here one of the things we want to add is a map key okay so you can do it in two ways no the first way is a very very rough and ready way of doing it and it's not the neatest but it's it's simple and easy to do from inside is email for schools okay so what you want to do is basically draw a couple of simple squares so you can do a square here and we'll use needs out this SCM color we can do another one in another square in the lane green clean here I just draw it here so your very roughly getting the same color and you can use this move feature here not to pull it down in here underneath and again you can do it nice little red one but we change the color of that to red there's no copy and Pierce function in here in case you're wondering so that's why I'm not copying a Pierceton so you can do it like this here and then you can start adding some text to it so for instance we can call this from hotels I'd add in there okay so that's there are um another one offices dr. Weaver don't know what I really should have done but you can imagine is I just do the last one and I said arch building Civic release that okay so this is very rough and ready again they're all quite big so I could possibly highlight them or highlight them individually bring the size down to maybe 24 and selecting this 100 not sure why that's happening oh it's like this and we just change the color into 24 again bring them to 22 or up to 24 and 24 so you get the idea of how you can do this here I should really have actually drawn a white a white square in the background just on it you're white you're white okay you get and the transparency a Keon is a shot of that i 100% a 0 so if plain white and then I can select all these I move them all in like this here but that's a little bit of a convoluted way of doing it ok so I'm just going to actually so you get the impression of how you can build this the map key using notebook oh but I don't want to do that I actually have another way of doing it which doesn't involve digi map for screws but I think is a much neater and quicker way and it's using PowerPoint so I think every person every school at the stage of PowerPoint ok so if I flick across the PowerPoint here and if I just go down into here now this is very simple to do basically using ships so I can do a little rectangle here like this choose the color of it to read like that I can copy and pasted here five times I'm very quickly bring it together like this okay so I'm doing a very rough and ready here and then I can do add some text in here so we call this retail you can it's a little bit big but it's okay I'm looking change colors here to blue this one two or both this one too green and this one too pink okay and again we can just do a ctrl copy ctrl V V V uncontrolled me pull this together very quickly like this yeah okay so you get the idea of what of how you this out how this comes yeah and then what you can do is very simply group them all so group them like this here as worn and then I put I've done the one above here I just put another square around it and then once you've done that you can simply go to the outline of it run right click it and see if it as a picture okay so I've already don't want here which is the map key you can save it as a JPEG I can just save it on my desktop then go back to digi map for screws and add a picture okay so if I add the photo on here I can choose this here and I can put up the map key or the picture that I've just done so open that up and upload it in here so you've got your map key on your mouth okay so that I think that just looks a lot tidier than trying to do it manually okay so you can you can also scale this by clicking on this button on the top right hand side here and you can actually increase the size of your marquee okay so all the things you can do with this map or you can add some photographs on here so add a little bit of context I have to find or my just check and see did you throw tomorrow so we can add just some pictures in here as well so you can see very quickly you can build up a nice picture with all the different types of land use with some images and stuff on there so it's nice and simple to do no once you've done that if you were looking to print this out for instance for your GCSE nef you just simply go to here and you print it as a PDF or a jpg in portrait or landscape so let's have a look now you can actually print rather than just simply Ordnance Survey you can have a nice mix of aerial imagery so you can do it with the earlier image rehear or a nice mix of both like this so you get the aerial imagery with the Ordnance Survey map and through it you could also even bring it across the 1890s and show that none of this was here in the 1890s or the 1950s so they're just really nice simple ways of sort of doing your land-use map so I'm just gonna you can put a title on it and your name and simply print it out okay let's see where did it go okay just taking a second okay so I just pull it across and there's your land use map creators I need to just fiddle around ever since lately with it but you can see how quick and easy that is to do folks right there's any questions do let me know okay and so that's that's all I'm really gonna show you on land you so if there's any anything that you want to know abut doing land use maps please just show that note because I'm just gonna move on to do some very basic GIS stuff but you can you can ask me know or towards the end and I can double back on it if need be okay so the the basic GIS that we have in digi map for schools is to do with point files and buffers essentially so essentially a point fight for digi map for food is a little CSV file or an excel file that you see if as a dot CSV okay now I've clicked on this health button here simply because want to show you the different point values that you can use okay and it's called add points from a file here okay so hopefully this video doesn't start off okay so the first thing you should know is that the point file it contains the location plus a label okay so with the G map for schools you can use postcode eastings and northings longitude and latitude or grid reference as your location okay now with Digimon prescribes the second column should be label now it's very important that you stick to the headings here of postcode and labeled eastings and northings label long as you anything else and it will work so it has to be only the labels have to be correct right so once you've done that you basically save it as a dot CSV file so I'm gonna show you one here in Excel okay so this spreadsheet here is very simple hopefully you can see it should I just admit I just make a slightly smaller okay so this essentially is a school where they think it's the whole year let's just check so say the whole year has basically entered in their home postcode and the label is a B or C now I'm not sure what I get you know I'm not exactly sure what I'd be all making the class so Class A Class B Class C so all you do is you simply save that there I'd see a bit in here and I'd save it on my desktop and it's called dollar postcode you can see it there but I'd save it again and very simply don't know once you go back to digi map for schools and we just want to clear all this folks okay now once you go to teach you much good you go to the annotation tools again you click on it and in this box here in the symbols there is a add points my CSV file folks we're fully aware that this seems a little hidden away there's a reason for it in that we did or struggling for screen space so we've we put it down for the time being but that's gonna change in the not-too-distant future there's somewhere a bit more obvious so in here it's like an ad points my CSV file and you just choose your file okay so if we click on here obviously click on open you simply click on upload okay and you can see all the point files now this could be folks sorry you just seem to have a little bit of a problem though over the internet for some reason and so this could be it doesn't have to be screwed postcodes if you're on a field study you could take the location of you know where you're doing maybe a street surveying et cetera and as I said before it doesn't have to be pulse codes it could be your to do you're always grid reference and if you're right and you wanted to find out out after you've done the service you can use this little information to unclick here and get for instance your Ordnance Survey guru references and use that in your spreadsheet okay that's the by the by so this is basically all the pupils who go to year yet for instance at dollar accountants okay so if we go then and have a look in here I'm gonna do very simple things like use this buffer turn okay and we can maybe draw not point five kilometers at our first buffer and put it on here okay oh I've got it all and white let me just change out there and we do that in two select it we do that as a nice little blue and blue we do it as fifty percent okay so that's where they not point five we can then go and we can do it as one let's just change the color to a different number number and we can click back in the school here and you start getting an idea of of how you can start start using these simple GIS too so you can see how many pupils maybe live outside one kilometer for the scoop okay so that's a very very simple example of GIS like you know so we don't want to complicate it too much we like to sort of you know make it not too difficult for for the pupils the raw so just ask me a quick question here Oh sphere of influence study yeah that's that that's exactly you know the stuff we were looking at here so forth one just something I came up with a just before I started this here was something to do with crime stats okay so I'm gonna show you this here so I went to where did I go to theater da police golf okay and I look for the Greater Manchester Police stats and it's just for February 2018 and I just click on January a fight and I'm gonna download it here okay and this is just a show you how you simply work on folks I'm operating on a number of screens so it just went on to a different screen this isn't so this is no that's not right sorry okay I need to just close this one because I've worked on it we're gone my downloads okay so it shouldn't be opening up there we go right so here is a massive dataset no as I said before Digimon four screws past so you know it has to be location unlabeled in this instance there's lots of stuff here we don't need so we don't need crying month report falls within we do need longitude and latitude so we're going to delete them and we don't need the location so we're going to delete that we don't need the code will delete that and then we don't need that so just a-crying type I did it okay so I'm just gonna do say for instance 50 of them right so what I'm gonna do is just quickly go down to the very bottom and delete them because there's too many here there's 29,000 crimes or there are there are boats click another and delete them okay so one thing I need to say it here is the label value digi macro screws is only 15 characters long now we're going to extend that out maybe but for the time being because we don't want to take up too much screen real estate is limited to 15 so you'll notice the likes of violence and sexual offenses and their that we could do something very simple like this here we can do a control and we could do a fail edit find/replace and we can find what this here I would just call it violence and we could do replace all okay I'm not sure that's not quite working but anyway so you can go through and do that there but what we need to do is longitude the latitude of the cold crying type remember in digi map four screws need to just you don't want to do that though so if we go to crime tape we call it label okay and we see if that as the cars crane Manchester we can do this here and then if we go back the digi map for schools and we do our start again here again we go back and we add our marker or a point file and we're gonna choose where do they save it let me just double check did I do it to the desktop I don't think I did let's see if that dirt and then go back to digi map for spirits crime Manchester open that door and upload it okay okay so here you can see that the crimes have sort of come in on to the map and the map will show up now in a second so you can start having a look at all the different crimes that are around or you can even do things like networks a little slow for me at the minute I don't know this area at all but you can start maybe going to do buffer tools here and you can start doing find the plinth in local police stations and maybe start doing little spheres of influence around to see if there's a if there's a correlation between their crimes and their distances away from police dishes okay so just some very simple ideas on sort of on on how to use maybe a little bit of sympathy is with Digimon purse crews it's quite powerful than it's not it's not very complex to do which is important thing a lot of people find GIS are fairly intimidating prospect but it's quite straightforward and easy to do this level of GIS know folks if there's any questions I wasn't going to show you any more than that today and I asked me can I change the color yes and you can do that but it's a money so I'm also know if you can change the color of the dots to show the different types of crane yes you can do that but unfortunately at the minute it has to be done manually okay so you can select for instance the red dots here and change them to black okay like this here now we're working on on on expanding out the CSV or blue so that you can add a little bit more complexity to it we didn't want to do too much at the start so the people got a little bit frightened of the complexity but at the moment this is fairly straightforward what you can do we're looking at maybe allowing the changing of colors and also maybe the the label feels to be increased slightly as well so that he can add more information to what other minute you can do you can plot irrigation and do a little bit of manual sort of manipulation of the the point the points themselves okay and the folks is there anything you want anything else you want to ask me at the moment and I'm just I'm just gonna show you where some of this stuff is so in the help you can find out all this information if you're going along just hit the Help button you can find it this pop-up appears and all the information on how to do the point failures is is here okay just it's very simple to just remember you need your headings to be the same and once they're the same it'll be imported no problem there's no complexity or were either okay so what Ross wants to know what does the buffer line look like and what would that be used for okay so the buffer line is it's like a buffer a point draws a circle around a point so the line buffer is slightly different in that you draw the line okay so for instance if you were talking about we go back to the 1950s here just to have a look okay so what we can do is we can draw a point file say for instance you were developing a new motorway and you're planted out and you had to draw the route and basically beside any more aware you maybe you can't have anything within 300 meters of it so you can draw your line here this is where a new motorway is gonna be created double-thick and you can see oh you can see the area that's affected now that's quite good it also for the likes of rivers so for River was the overflow what would be affected if it went from up to no point five meters and if you just drove the same route again you can do this here I'll actually have a nice example to show you very quickly so you can start building it up there very very neatly I'm just gonna show you one very quickly rose to do with lemon juice here's burn Norfolk actually do you know what rather I'm running over time here so I just go coastal erosion and open this here oh okay so folks this is a map of of his birth in Norfolk okay um the three lines here or the red one is the present-day shore line the blue one is the 1950 shore light and the purple one is the 1890 shoreline so you can see here I just basically drew a line across and then I measured the distance so you can see here that the distance is two hundred twenty eight point nine seven so just to put it in context of what that means you can very quickly draw a buffered line along here of two zero point two to eight kilometers and if you draw that along the line here so if coastal erosion continues at the same rate as it has since the 1890s so what's at 100 and 130 years 120 years what will it be in 21:38 okay if you draw that on earth you can have a look and see what could potentially be affected in the next 120 years so you can start having a look and see and that you know all these houses here are likely to go so it's just an example okay so anything else folks did that cover what you wanted hopefully okay folks will and you know you're free to go hasn't when you pay after anything else you want to ask I'd be hanging around for another few minutes so ask away and listen if you could do this a favor and maybe you know if you know any only teachers Digimon food or you think this is a worthwhile product or service do as a favor and tell some people about it we're trying to build up our numbers of schools that use it and so to let people know if you think it's a a nice little worthwhile service so I leave this open for the next couple of minutes and then after no questions I close it and these are all free to go oh I should say folks that the I've recorded this so I showed up on YouTube so that you can come back and have a look at it if I ran over anything too quickly okay right okay so Roz I'm not sure the only thing I had question asked is the ability of this software to map new new post codes no our post codes come from a gazetteer that's updated every couple of months so the new post code should be in I don't know if you've any examples expansion of a time line now Ross just adjust to draw your attention to something quickly if I go to the place that you're looking at see if I can find it okay so I'm not sure what the post codes are around here we don't have a pool called finder in the we don't have a postcode finder in our any of our tools here but if just I I think we'd be okay dealing with new postcode okay but something that might be worthwhile and having a look at here is is if you're looking at the expansion of Canberra slang I don't know where that is actually but I have a look you can do something very neat with with the software here with especially with the historic stuff okay so here's I'm going to do this very roughly but you can do it yourself and have a look okay so there's an area tool here you can draw straight lines or little freeform ships so what I'm gonna do is basically draw a very slight you know that's basically all the hoses and stuff you can see your own cameras like right in the nineteen fifty and he can add a little measurement on there so it's not point two we can then go to the 1950s and let's just change the color to a number or Thompson adapter and no but what you can do what you can very roughly do I don't know where the old line is right here but you can have a look that's right I reckon in right now roughly it she can do that so that's going from not point to an eighteen nineties not point to it and if here we go no to the present day you can see the expansion so we don't know how you draw around this here but here and you can start Morgan on her own like this here to get a rough idea of how much it's expanded in the last and then you can add a little measurement tool on there as well so that's that's a good way of Shawn did you know the expansion of these places like using our historical mapping as well but in regards to the postcode and probably the best thing to do Ross would actually be create an Excel spreadsheet off the post quotes that he has and dropped him in his point phase and then you'd be able to see if the oil the oil appear would be my advice Fenton Mia our no problem at all and yeah so hopefully that's that's of some use to you and you got something worthwhile out of us come on right well listen I think everybody else is disappeared off and I I closed it up if if that's all right and right I talk and hopefully you come some of the other webinars or if you have any ideas on all the webinars email us in and we will do them you know trying to see if Akira for as many of our users as we can right take it easy and have a good evening
Channel: Digimap For Schools
Views: 23,573
Rating: 4.7358489 out of 5
Keywords: GIS, Maps, Land USe, Digimap for Schools
Id: mU-4IaTM_8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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