Adjusting Daz Content with External Tools (Intro) - Daz Masterclass #36

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[Music] exchanging assets between 3D applications is a problem I got to be brutally honest with you no matter if you're bringing something from blender into Unity or from Unreal Engine into death Studio or vice versa we're always going to face the challenge that inevitably we don't have all the data that we need to make an exact Recreation of that object in another 3D application so the big issues are usually materials and rigging so those things often either get lost or don't get transferred just the way we want them because currently there's no file format on the planet that describes everything about an object that another 3D application could understand and of course death Studio isn't an exception there so the general formats that we have our fbx that contains rigging and a base material channel of the object obj contains all the vertices of an object as well as a base material Channel but it doesn't have rigging and it doesn't have any of the other properties that that allow us to set up for example a PBR Shader those things cannot be transferred in the same file format and that's a problem and it's not just a problem for D Studio it's a problem for literally any 3D application thankfully in D Studio we have a really cool way of bringing in a change that we've made to an object while leaving all these properties intact inside that studio by using Deltas also known as morph targets so they literally let us export something as an obj just the geometry we can then go and change the geometry and then we can bring these changes back if the geometry matches just has a different shape and we can import this as a morph Target that then becomes a slider like we've seen many on the parameters tab on our own objects before we delve into the specifics of how we make that happen in external applications let me show you the process of how this works in principle so I might go and stick with my George and the sphere scene here I might go and make George invisible so that we can just go and focus on the sphere I went ahead and made a change to this sphere object in blender and I'm going to show you how to import this back so what I did there is head over to file with the sphere selected export and then I went and exported the sphere like this down here I'm going to select obj save this I'm going to say um I'm going to say yes just because you know it's it's asking me do you want to overwrite this then there's some specifics about this export dialogue that'll kind of depend on the target applic that you're going to then I went to the Target application made a small change saved that out as an obj and I was left with something I can now go and load in if I just to show you that so file import this will now let me go and bring it back and don't worry I'm going to show you this in in much more detail there I'll go and say remain all that this is called pair shape so this is what I've turned my sphere into in blender I've just grabbed the top vertex here and then just pulled it out to turn it into a pair but when I bring this back you can now see that I don't have materials anymore I might still have the material zones but the descriptions of what these zones need to look like they have been Lost in Translation so to speak so this is not an ideal way for me to bring a change back because even though my sphere is simple it had things set up that are no longer on this object that I brought in here but notice before I shifted it over it was in the same position as my sphere so let me go and remove that pair shape and show you another way of importing that change so once again with my sphere selected here I can head over to edit object more floer Pro and that is a way for D Studio to import an obj and make this change available on this object that we have currently selected a large a largish kind of dialogue comes up here in which I can go and select the file I want to import and in my case that's going to be the pair shape here and just before I hit accept I need to make one more change and that is that I need to let that studio know hey this object here that I'm importing it onto may already have changes applied to it like there could be a custom character Mo dialed in there could be a position change there so I just need to let that studio know that that is the case and I do that with this property that's called reverse deformations so you have to select it then right click on it and hit yes and that is usually enough to hit now accept D studio will come up usually with a success message if you've done everything correctly and in my case it is nothing seems to happen in the scene tab but if I go over to the parameters tab I have a new section here that's called morphs morph loader and you can rename this later and here's now a slider that is called pair shap so that's the same that my obj was named so again we can change all these things with this slideer enough if I go and left click and drag that I can see that my sphere now turns into what I've just shown you there in the previous import that was white so that is the way to bring in a change from an external application and no matter what the external application is the obj format is widely understood by most applications that we're dealing with I'd probably say every application look you can turn this into a negative as well so if you don't want this you can go and change this slider here under parameter settings you can make changes that you can go and name this something different if I wanted to have this a different name I wanted to have this a different location I can even change the color of the slider here if I wanted to but here under the minimum I can say that maybe I don't want this to be minus 100 I want that to be zero to 100 I can also use this if I don't want to use percent I can have this set from zero to one instead or I can maybe increase the maximum to something like 300 don't know what that's going to look like that might that might not look well but then now I can't go into the negative but I can go and exaggerate that more if I wanted to now that is a pair shape and a half so that's in principle how we do that there are a couple of options that D Studio offers so that we don't have to go this way that we export a file manually and then import it manually there are these Bridges available for hexagon and zbrush that will let us not only export one item at a time it'll go and push it directly to the Target application and it also lets the target application push this change directly back into their Studio that's very very clever this is only available for hexagon as well as zbrush so I will show you those two things but I will also show you in another video how to do this in blender from start to finish and how we make a change like that maybe with George's clothing or maybe just you know make a pair shape of a of a sphere here the principle is the same with all these applications but really the one that is seriously magic are the ones that are so tightly integrated with that studio so let's start with hexagon in the next video no
Channel: Daz 3D
Views: 509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz3d, Daz Studio, Daz 3d, 3dArt, 3dSoftware, FreeSoftware
Id: qLBK9Ly5f2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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