Creating a Single-Sign-On Angular Application | OAuth2 and OIDC

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In this video, let's see how to implement single sign-on in angular This tutorial will be using the configuration from this git repository. You can find the github link in this videos description. Single sign on is based on oauth2 and oidc. Let's create a simple single sign on angular app. Open Visual Studio Code. or any other I DE. We will open a folder for keeping the project. Now open a new terminal from Terminal Menu > New Terminal. Create an angular app 'sso-app' by typing the command 'ng new sso-app' Press 'y' and hit 'Enter' to enable routing in angular. Select 'CSS' as the stylesheet format and hit 'Enter'. It will take some time to set up the new angular project. Now the angular project is set up. You can see the project structure in the 'Explore' section of VS Code. Let's install the oauth2 oidc package for angular. For that, change the current working directory to project folder. Type 'cd sso-app' in the terminal. Now type 'npm install angular-oauth2-oidc --save' in the terminal. Once the installation is completed, type 'ng serve --open' to run the angular application. On successful compilation, the application will open in the browser. This is the default angular application template. Let's change it Inside the 'app' folder of the angular application, you can find 'app.component.html' file. Open it Except the 'router-outlet' tag, delete everything else. Because, angular routing happens in the 'router-outlet'. Now we will add a 'div' tag with two buttons inside it. One for Login and another for Logout. It will look like this Set click events. So that, on clicking these buttons, we will call the login and logout functions. We must define these functions inside the 'app.component.ts' file. Now, let's create an angular component 'home'. which should be displayed on successful login. For that, open a new terminal. Change current working directory, and type 'ng generate component home'. You can see the component created under the app folder. Now let's add URL routing for this component. Open the 'app-routing.module.ts' file. In the 'routes' variable, add path 'home'. Set the component as 'HomeComponent'. Save the file. Let's try it out It's working Also we will add default route path, which takes care of all invalid URL paths. We will redirect it to 'home' component. Save the file That's working fine For the angular application to work properly we must include the components, and import required modules in the 'app.module.ts' file. Let's do it At the top of the file, import required items. Add 'OAuthModule.forRoot()' inside the 'imports' array. Add the 'HomeComponent' inside the 'declarations' array. Now we need to create a configuration file for oauth2. Create a file named 'sso.config.ts', inside the app folder We will copy paste the configuration from github repo mentioned earlier, since we do not have any single sign on server. Now, add a constructor in the 'app.component.ts' file, and inject the 'OAuthService'. Create a function 'configureSingleSignOn', for configuring 'oauthService' variable. Inside the function, first we will call 'configure'. As a parameter, we should pass the configuration defined earlier in the 'sso.config.ts' file. Next, we will set a token validator. For that built-in validator 'JwksValidationHandler' can be used. Lastly, call the method 'loadDiscoveryDocumentAndTryLogin()'. These methods must be invoked while the component is being created. So, call the function 'configureSingleSignOn' inside the constructor. Inside the 'login()' function, call the method 'initImplicitFlow()'. And inside the 'logout()' function, call the method 'logout()'. Save the file. Let's test it. Open browser and click on 'login' button. You can use the username as 'max', And password as 'geheim'. Now let's click on logout button It's working. Now, we will display the home component, only if the user logs in. For that, we will create a get accessor function 'token'. let's create a variable 'claims' for storing claims from the token, using the function 'getIdentityClaims()'. If the login was successful, we will return the claims, else will return null. Now call this get accessor function in the 'ngIf' of 'router-outlet'. So that, the 'home' component is loaded only on successful login. Let's check it out. Yes, it's working Now let's modify the 'home' component. open 'home.component.html' file. We will add some login success message here. Save the file. Let's run the application again and see. Also we can set the visibility of buttons based on the login status. Just set the 'ngIf' for login and logout buttons, like this. This looks fine Sometimes we need the application to take us to the login page automatically, without clicking any button. Let's do that. First we will delete the login and logout buttons, and it's associated functions. All we have to do is replace the function call 'loadDiscoveryDocumentAndTryLogin()' with function 'loadDiscoveryDocumentAndLogin()'. Save the file and open the application We are redirected to the login page automatically, without clicking any button. That's it! thanks for watching!
Channel: Shaheer Shukur
Views: 123,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angular, single, sign, on, oauth2, oidc, open, id, connect, shaheershukur, tutorial
Id: AcuzemsJfxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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