OAuth 2.0: An Overview

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welcome to our oath to introduction let's go over the basics of OAuth 2 including the roles involved how it works and what benefits it can provide let's consider the case of John who was a developer writing a personal finance application my bucks he's been told by his boss that he needs to use OAuth 2 to authorize users of his application by using a bank's external authorization server John's application will delegate the responsibilities of user authorization to some other service rather than managing them on its own first let's take a look at the high-level roles that exist within an OAuth 2 framework for simplicity we will use three roles to start we have the user the application in the API within the API there is an authentication server and a resource server but we will cover the difference between those two later with the growing popularity of OAuth 2 you've almost certainly seen these roles at play before in your everyday internet use for instance when you launch Spotify to listen to your music you may have chosen the option to log in with Facebook and Spotify requests access to your basic information and profile picture Spotify is the application in this example and Facebook is the API now for John's case it is his my bucks application instead of Spotify and instead of Facebook he intends to use the API of various banks so John is thinking ah I get it now when I log in to Spotify with my Facebook account Spotify grabs my username and password from Facebook so easy wrong this is one of the biggest misconceptions about OAuth 2 frameworks passwords are never passed around during this process so how does it actually look let's use John's personal finance application my bucks as an example Sarah is a user who wants to manage her finances using the dashboard views that Maya bucks provides so she opens up my box and wants to connect her Memorial Bank checking account in order to view her balances and transaction history in Maya Bucks dashboards when Sarah clicks to connect her memorial bank account my box will make a request to the memorial bag authorization server which will display to Sarah a Memorial Bank authorization screen asking her to authorize my bucks to access her bank account you may recognize these types of screens from other use cases where a prompt will tell you what permissions an application is requesting in our Spotify example earlier Facebook's authorization screen asked you to authorize Spotify to access your Facebook account information and profile picture sarah grants permission to my bucks to access her account balances and transaction history via the Memorial Bank authorization screen that she was shown that authorization is sent back to my Bucks by Memorial Bank along with an authorization code that my Bucks will use when requesting an access token to see Sarah's account now is where technically we come to the distinction in the API or Memorial Bank between the authorization server and the resource server my box is going to take sarah's authorization grant including the authorization code that I mentioned and use it to request an access token from the authorization server at Memorial Bank note that none of Sarah's protected resources her account balances or information are located on the authorization server this server is only responsible for authorizing Sarah as a user and providing the proper access token that will eventually allow my Bucks to retrieve her protected info from the resource server after accepting the authorization grant and code that my Bucks provided on behalf of Sarah memorial banks authorization server provides my Bucks with an access token specifically for Sarah this token will be included in a request from my Bucks to the resource server and it provides my Bucks with access to only the two things that Sarah granted it permission to see her account balances in her transaction history my buck sends the request to the Memorial Bank resource server with this access token included and Memorial Bank identifies that this token is valid to access those particular pieces of Sarah's account the resource server sends the protected resources that were requested back to my Bucks and the application now has Sarah's balances and transaction history to display in dashboards and metrics for Sarah note that throughout this workflow oo-oo 2 serves as the authorization framework the actual authentication of Sarah as a user occurs with Open ID Connect through the use of ID tokens that are passed along with the tokens shown here in order for all of this to work though John needed to register his my bucks application with the Memorial Bank API service independent of any user involvement John needs to provide the API with my Bucks name website and the URL to which the Memorial Bank authorization screen will redirect the user after they have authorized access to their account once my Bucks provides that necessary information to the Memorial Bank API the API will send back a set of credentials to my Bucks these credentials include a client ID which is a public and unique identifier that will be used to identify my bucks as an application and a client secret which is a private identifier kept secret between the app and the API that is used to authenticate my Bucks when it makes a request for an access token let's revisit the actual workflow for a moment remember that the first few steps in the process are essentially getting sarah's permission to access the protected resources in her account in OAuth 2 there are four different grant types for different use cases the grant type that we use in our example is the authorization code grant type which is how Sarah granted access for my bucks to see her Memorial bank account information this grant type is used for applications running on web servers there are three additional grant types that we won't detail in this video implicit grants password grants and client credentials grants once everything is implemented we have happy and informed parties all around Sarah gets to log in once to access all of her account balances across different bank accounts and John's boss is thrilled because my buck supports easy and simple integration with various banks through OAuth 2 and it simplifies the customer experience for Sarah all of the OAuth 2 capabilities that we've described at a high level in this video are available with inter systems cache a which can serve in any or all of the roles shown in this overview visit learning enter systems comm to learn more about inter systems products and technologies
Channel: InterSystems Learning Services
Views: 803,677
Rating: 4.8880715 out of 5
Keywords: OAuth 2.0, InterSystems
Id: CPbvxxslDTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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