Creating a Roof Material in Substance Designer

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welcome my name is poor Nelson with random our attack and today we're going to be basically making a tiled roof texture that you see right here within substance designer now I'm not going to go into all the details to get this exact replica of this material but rather instead we're going to basically look at bite sized bullet points of the important things how to make basically the parallax looking material in the viewport they're how to make the tiles that look like this here let me click that that look like that how to make basically cracks on the different tiles how to do different types of roughness within the grooves of different types of masking all these basically really important things I'm gonna be looking at but that coloring in general we aren't going to talk about a ton I have provided for all of my patreon supporters of a silver tier or higher this material for free not for free first supporter excuse me and so if you want to you can go in and kind of just dig apart and look at this in more depth and so let's go ahead and go to the a new package here I want to show you my workflow how to set this up how to go ahead and get a height material that actually works and so I'm just gonna create a noise I don't want to sell noise that's not what I want so just typing in spacebar noise just got a cloud and then spacebar normal I'm gonna add this to my normal map basically not basically I am adding this to my normal map and you can start to see it but you can see it hasn't added any height it's just basically looking as a flat normal map so I'm going to go ahead and hit spacebar go ahead and type in output then click this button there and type in not type in select height now as ice drag this in so black and white for height you don't see anything change and that's because this isn't attached to the material so go ahead and right-click viewport height and you can see that it starts to affect it if you want to be more intense you go to materials default and you just go through these and then hit tessellation and you can scale this up or down I find scaling up to high starts to cause some weird artifacts scan to low you can't see it so about 0.46 is what I usually do and so it took me about three years to realize that this functionality was in a substance designer and all of my substances we're looking really flat and so this this helps me see it a lot better next thing I'm going to do is go ahead and add a cloud and then a gradient map attached to this so I'm going to basically make a color and I'm going to attach that to color and then I start to because it helps me see the color a little bit more as I'm working with the heights instead of just this flat black or flat gray or flat whatever so change it to the colors you want on the gradient map so I'm doing kind of a brown and a green and you can kind of scale this up and down to get different effects I'm just kind of trying to look for a nice little blend a purlin noise usually works better for this I'm just gonna change the green down a bit so it's not so strong that's kind of an ugly color but it's gonna help me see it as I as I work with the different height Maps the last thing I do is a uniform uniform color change it to grayscale and change it up pretty high if not that high that's too matte and I'm adding this to my roughness I don't like it so shiny that I just can't see anything something like that where it's like I can see the details and the height I really do like that okay and then by default I like the mattel metallic to be zero unless I'm working with a metal right so I'm just gonna add a height map that is pure black for metal and you don't really have to do that because the default is zero metallic and one last really cool trick that I like to do is I like to add a blend node where I can just basically take this here let me show you so I'm gonna put a shape thing changes shape down to a paraboloid and so instead of having to drag this into the normal map and drag this into the height map and then as I change this do that over and over again I like to do a blend node and then put the blend node in to put my height map into that put that into the normal and put them to the height that way as it changes I can just basically drag that into the blend thing and I don't have to drag it into four different things every single time and try and find those are out so right now I have this paraboloid and I'm going to go ahead and do a tile generator and I'm going to add that paraboloid in that's a hardware say paraboloid right now you can see that's not affecting it so you scroll down to where it says pattern type I'm going to do image input global offset that's not what it wants just offset and you want this point five this is gonna give you the perfect tiling where it's offset almost fifty fifty percent I'm gonna change the scale quite a bit so it goes up like that and I'm getting this cool little like star within a circle pattern scroll all the way down to blending mode and change this to max this is the biggest thing for trying to get tiled roof it will take the lightest color and make that go above the darker colors and so you can play around with this and get some really cool effects so now what I want to do is go ahead and add a gradient map gradient Alania excuse me go down to 180 degrees so it flips it to the darks on top blend these two blend this paraboloid with the gradient map and then do multiply so the tops dark and the bottoms lights now as I add this in you can see that starts to blend it a lot better because now as these overlap because the size is greater than one I can increase the size even more you can see it's almost looking like a tile not quite because it's a little too dark so let's go and drag that in there and you can see that as it's being applied and so that's one of the reasons I have that blend mode there so I can just drag it and it's cool so let's go ahead and add a gradient map onto this paraboloid I think every time I say paraboloid I should get like a dollar that's so hard to say paraboloid anyways I have this great map I changed it up so it's brighter and now you can see that it starts to get a a tiled pattern like a roof a lot better I want to change the scale not of the parabola if I change this you can see it works okay but it starts to go in at the top unlike roof where it's just gonna be so I don't want Randi right there so what I'm gonna do is go ahead don't change that II keep that as welcomed okay yeah just leave that as one don't change the say size of hair paraboloid rather and said change the scale like this and then you can change the X size of the paraboloid to be the scale that you want and you get this really good looking tile so hopefully that's about the third thing that we've learned so far how to set up how to get the the parallax working and how to get the tiles now we're going to be talking about how to create cracks within these tiles so what I'm going to do let me just go ahead and move this a tiny workspace I'm going to go ahead and add a tile generator tile generators are awesome at creating random patterns so here I have this I'm going to go down to this shape you do not want brick because that has anti-aliasing you want disk and then you want to change the size wait-wait-wait-wait-wait down so it's like little pin pinpoints position random naw that's yeah that's what we want position random so it kind of looks like stars and then number I'm gonna change that to number like 34 34 it doesn't matter and then luminance you want this to be changed as well so that there's darks and there's lights and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a distance modifier what that does and I'm gonna put into the top of the bottom it basically don't change that - yeah just click that bone right there and you can crank it up as you go up it basically extends the color and so as the color meets another color it stops and so with these random points it's gonna create this really cool random effect so like this so it's kind of like a cell pattern but with more randomness because you can change the seed and you can change stuff like that and you can you can change the size by changing the number of tiles as well we then hook that up into it edge detect I find that just crank this down is 1 and then 0 gives you the best results the tolerance that's not gonna really matter because it's just flat okay and as you can see that's pretty good-looking cracks we want to add some warp to this but that is the bread and butter of how to make crack so warp drag that in you want a noise so I like to do Perlin noise zoom because that I can change the scale to get it the size I want change the intensity of the warp down quite a bit and there you go that's looking great now watch this I can just take this put this into the blend and by the being butter boom I don't have to try and change a lot of different things just to look at the normal map I don't like how there's no variation to the height it's just all the same depth so I'm going to go ahead and do a noise clouds and I'm gonna do blend I'm gonna drag those I'm gonna go ahead drag that up drag that up and then go ahead and change it to the blend mode oh let's switch this actually change the blend mode down to lighten and now you can see we're getting variations to the the different height of the cracks so let's drag and drop then to the blend note thing and it's looking a lot better now if I want to be zero cracks at some points you can do gradient map change that to grayscale crank that up and so oh I didn't change it to grayscale there we go now you can see that there's actually some places that are just pure white and some places that are have the cracks coming through that's how I do cracks it gives you very good results and I do it once and then I basically save off a new graph with that and I just drag and drop it into my different files but I want to show you that because it's good to see how to construct it now I'm going to blend these two I only want to blend it there at the tips and so how I do that is I go ahead and put that at the bottom put this in the top and then I'm going to do a threshold to get the blending so it's going to be what I want to be so you can't see anything there's a gradient great map again we use this a lot go ahead and crank up the black so that only the tips are showing because then if I put that into the third node of the blend that's what's going to blunt change that to grayscale believe that there we go and so now you can see it's only doing the cracks but you'll see a few problems as I pull this into the blend I don't know if you can see that but where those tips are it's almost like this rough kind of contrast so playing around with this there you go you can see it a lot better and so we don't want that and so there's a lot of different ways to get rid of this I'll show you a couple wrong ways so as I just changed the order you can see that that's not working we have this uncopyable airs it over based on the blend and so we don't want to layer it over we want it to somehow mix in a different way so I'm gonna go ahead and put the cracks on top and I'm gonna put the tiles I'm going to change it to multiply and that gives you the perfect blending okay so it takes that shape right there and it basically the top layer ignores everything that's black and then the multiply will ignore everything that's white and just layer on the dark layers that was probably poorly explained anyways I can't go forward the more you play with that the better you'll understand that so cracks on top tiles on bottom multiply have a mask as is the workflow and you can change the effectiveness of the cracks by changing the gradient map as well as what I was doing right there I would go ahead and do a slope blur to give the the tiles a little bit of a texture so go ahead and do Perlin noise oom again I love this thing and then you change this to men change this down a lot change the samples down mmm so I'm going to go ahead and change the distance of the Perlin noise and you can see like increasing it it's it's doing this weird thing will work with that so go back to the slope blur change the intensity down aidl a lot like point zero one and it's starting to add a little character along the edges there Oh point zero three let's look at what that looks like so drag that into the blend file again and it's too much I don't want it to look like it's you know super old I'm gonna do point zero one for the intensity of the slope ler and that's looking good like it's giving it's giving the enough character to these tiles that they don't just look uniformed the cracks are looking good and now you can see that we have the tiles basically done except it's too flat so we're gonna do ambient occlusion drag in the height map so again the blend file is doing a lot of heavy lifting that we did right from the start I'm gonna drag down the spreading I'm just checking to see if I use the right ambient occlusion there's two I'm pretty sure the first one was correct let's check this yeah yeah yeah that's gross so the first step in occlusion I'm gonna move this down you can you can change it based on what strength you want but I'm gonna do a gradient map because I want this to become a color map because I'm gonna blend this with a color map so now I have a black and white color map and I can blend the color with this go ahead and blend I don't know why don't just drag and drop it from the quake bar menu up there but oh well go ahead do a blend mode multiply and then drag that in Wow already it looks a lot better right and so we have the normal map we have the color looking better and that is the base premise of how I do this I'm gonna change this I hate that color okay even though we're not gonna be talking about covering this thing I did I just can't stand that like tapioca look so here we have a much stronger outline it's looking great and then I'm going to use this to actually change the gradient map to kind of make it darker or lighter based on what you want you could actually do this and change the color too since it's a gradient map and make it like a dark green to make it look kind of like mosses grown in the cracks or things of that nature and so that's a very powerful tool that ambient occlusion now what I want to do is I hate how it's just all the same roughness so I want to make these cracks not have any scene at all so 100 percent roughness a hundred percent roughness means I need this to be white each of those cracks to be white so I'm going to invert this drag and drop that there and you can see that I have that inverted and I'm going to blend this with the base roughness I want to do lighten oh that's interesting oh so I'm gonna add a gradient map because I didn't get enough of the lightness to come through or change that to grayscale change that up quite a bit and now put that in okay that's looking better so that's 100% roughness and you can see as we put that in it just already starts to pop even more these small things make a world of difference so you can see that the tiles have their own Sheen but you can see the transition and it doesn't just all blur into one thing in your eyes and you can play around with that and you can play around with the ambient occlusion on the color map too if it's too dark you can make it lighter you can change the opacity of the bland things like that now the last thing I want to show you is kind of how I do these highlights on these tiles so I go to curvature I take it from the normal map not the height oops so there we go and you can see it starts to kind of do this this cool outline on the on the edges I can change the intensity if I want going up too much is bad but you can start to get some really cool things and I can start to blend this to my roughness to get some highlights I can blend it to my color to get some really cool just a little bit more depth some edge where things of that nature so I'm gonna go ahead and add a gradient map see this is actually not the workflow of choice I'll show you how I normally do this I'm just trying something else so I only have this black with the white on top right there I can kind of make the edges a little bit stronger I'm going to overlay this with a blend so blend put then top it what doesn't really matter at this point and I'm going to do overlay not overly going to do you could just like scale it down let's go ahead and do ad crank that up a bit and you can see that it starts the kind of AD at the edge again that is the worst way to do it just just add the curvature don't don't worry with the gradient map just the curvature or we could I guess you do need the gradient cuz it's a color so just don't move it and then you can kind of play around with that if I go to overlay you can see it starts to add very subtle lightness there okay but if you want the highlights of up a little bit more you could kind of like increase this decrease this and it gets a little bit better or you could go to the curvature map itself and change that and so that's a really cool trick that I do to just get a little bit more detail into my into my colors so you can see that right there and so this tutorial is basically done again we didn't go into the how to add Moss how to how to add cool coloring and different things because that's pretty easy as you play around with that you can kind of figure that yourself if your patreon supporter you'll get access to this file and it helps support the channel too but also consider following us on Facebook give us a thumbs up subscribe if you aren't already subscribed I'm going to try and do a tutorial once a week this month and then I'm also going going to be doing a video game review once a week this month as well so this channels gonna be pretty active thank you so much for your support leave a comment below is there anything that you learn from this let me know is there anything I did wrong I love I love YouTube because I get so many artists giving me feedback and I learned things from you guys as well so if there's anything that I did way too hard and there's an easier way to do it let me know in the comments below I love that and thank you again just for everything I hope that your March is going well I hope you don't have as much snow on the crowd as we do here in Utah and that you just have an awesome day thanks again bye you
Channel: Random Art Attack
Views: 30,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: substance, designer, painter, seamless, texture, uv, map, unity, blender, zbrush, quick, short, cracks, tiles, roofing, shingle, mold, color, highlight, height
Id: obaUNp1vyBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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