Creating a Roadway Layout for a Planned Capital City | Cities Skylines | Clearwater County #41

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[Music] [Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building a brand new city the capital city a master plan city in clearwater county and i'm really excited to get to this build but we need to head back to fairchild for just one moment before we do so and here we are back at the consolidated elementary in high school and i made a couple of changes off camera that i want to point out based on your feedback so first of all it was mentioned that this area right here where i had some random landscaping and i removed all the pavement that would be an ideal place for ball sports and i agree makes a ton of sense so i used the vanilla basketball court decal and vanilla hoops and placed them right here using find it and it's really nice it adds a little bit of functionality here a little bit of form makes it look like a more habit in place and i use the parking lot decals to create these four square cords so just rotating these around you can make a nice little four square court which i think would be absolutely fantastic i don't know how many days i played foursquare in elementary school but it was a lot next planner pete in the discord pointed out that there is a cargo access to the theater at the high school and i blocked it with a tree so i have removed that tree added some concrete so that you could drive up to it load up your props and everything that you need your your set pieces and now there's an access there and i've also added a bit more pavement around here so that you could reach both of these doors next i added a couple of benches over here based on the feedback in the comments uh basically the idea being that if you were a high schooler and you wanted to sit a little bit further away go underneath the tree you could do that as well and then finally over here i've rotated around the angle of the basketball court before it was facing the road it's kind of a weird situation the entryway led to a fence and i used the zonable path and i added that here and then i was able to spin that around and focus this on this without getting a bunch of error messages actually that reminds me i did the same thing over here rotated this around and added a path to this little driveway and now the playground rather than focusing outside of the school is focusing to the school so you'd be able to walk out the main entryway and walk directly into the playground but we're not done with the school just yet we have to name it so i was really pleased to see that there were names for not just the sports team but also the school and the name i liked best for the school was samuel a marshall consolidated school so let's rename that right now samuel a marshall consolidated is named for a former clearwater county resident who was also a soldier a dedicated soldier who always hoped for better education in rural areas so that people could find their way to prestigious universities like yemel university in detoria so very very excited uh to have this name incorporated into the build thank you so much superflip for the idea and then the overwhelming favorite name for the heist high school sports team is actually the sabres so this came from jim toy gear i'm sorry if i'm mispronouncing that but uh basically the saber is not just a traditional cavalry sword but would also tie the airport air force by honoring the first operational us fighter jet so i really like that name and i noticed in the comments also that uh tyler hunt said that he'd be willing to create a logo for this i really really hope that uh hope that he does if he does we'll absolutely add that in uh he is the one that designed the ashland insignia and did a great job with the logo at the stadium there he's helped me out a number of things and i appreciate him so let's get this renamed okay so now we step away from fairchild and head over to our capitol and i i feel like i first need to explain why we're building a capital uh so we're gonna dive into a little bit of uh fiction uh not historical fiction but future historical fiction and the united states is bringing in two territories and making them states both puerto rico and washington dc now to get the agreement on this the uh there was a a need for two rural states to balance out the two more urban and liberal states so it was decided that clearwater county in the area surrounding it around lake superior would become one state and another state would be northern california so that's the state of jefferson and this is the state of superior so in anticipation of this becoming a state now uh they needed to choose a place for a capital i chose that right in clearwater county along this lovely area right here two peninsulas reaching out into the water with a wonderful view of the coast so with that there's going to be a lot of government jobs that are brought to this city there's going to need to be a university to educate people to work in those jobs and a great deal of planning will need to go into building out the city so that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna use our planning roads and develop uh a whole logical uh layout for this community uh and maybe by the end of it we'll get our first couple of houses zoned in and i want to first the terrain is going to be our guide that's a that's a lee hawkins throwback we're going to respect the topography in my words so what i want to do first of all is think about what is going to go where so this is going to be not just the state capitol but it's also going to be the county seat so we're going to remove that from ashland and relocate it over here so the courthouse over here will likely become maybe an apartment or some other sort of civic building but we're not going to worry about that just yet we will revisit our older communities in a coming episode but right now let's focus on the new build so let's paint our districts just to to give ourselves an idea of where things are gonna go so this right here is going to be our county seat district i'm thinking that up here we are going to have a university this will be kind of a tricky one but i think that we need to step outside of our comfort zones and i'll show you why i want to have it up there afterwards and then right here so right here will be our capital so let's name this capital county seat university so that is really just i want to set the framework there so we understand what we're doing and what's going on we also have a planning road that has been here for a while we're going to be using all planning roads for this and we're going to keep the build moving and the main reason for that is we're going to need a lot of money for this build eventually for some of our buildings because we're going to be building a lot of really grandiose city beautiful style monuments and those are going to be expensive so we need to be mindful of that so let's pop in here and take a quick look at our terrain look at that we can just come up here and what we're going to do is build in the basin i'm going to start here we'll start with our county seat and what we're going to do is just follow the terrain here we go up 46. nothing magical about that number this number is a bit more magical i want this number to be even so i can divide 34 in half and that is the main reason why i want 34 and we'll come down again 36 although we've got to flatten a bit of terrain to make this work although we can just use a bit of movement magic we're not going to respect our topography right here so you can respect me typography okay so we have this is 34 so halfway here is going to be 17. so let's go ahead what i want to do is round this area so we'll go just beyond where it jets out and then we'll go over 17 and then we'll repeat that same pattern right here much easier the second time around and we don't want this road there that was just a guideline and i'm gonna be doing a lot of that today so we're gonna have to get used to that idea uh so this is the start we're going to place our courthouse back here and behind it will be a park leading out to this absolutely wonderful lighthouse and when we have our our university built you'll have a beautiful view from the university of the courthouse the capitol and the lighthouse so we're really thinking about all of our views as we develop this now coming from here we're going to have a bit of a radial design it's not going to be 100 radial but for the time being let's do it so i'm going to send this out to there for now that's going to come back but for the time being i want it to go straight out we do the exact same thing here and and here as well and we'll do the same thing on that side this one's a little tough because i am grabbing just kind of a random spot in the middle to make this work but i do want that spot right there so now i want to give some thought to the vistas from across the bay and truthfully i'm a little dubious about what i've done here so the reason why i feel that way is i want the capital to be in this area and i want there to be a clear line of sight from the future county courthouse all the way to the capitol so we are going to create that right here and to maintain this i'm going to send a temporary bridge all the way across here because this road right here and this line of sight is going to be absolutely critical so we're going to mirror that on this side as well i do need to again delete what i've done here and the main reason for that is i want that angle to be absolutely perfect and now i get that natural note again so i do have to have anarchy and straight slopes on here and it will give me an excellent effect and the nice thing about this is you can see that it it creates a more natural connection up to this and that's going to be important because we do not want to cul-de-sac anything here so we have one road right here we're gonna need to add another one coming up this way which you might remember from the april fool's episode we are gonna indeed put a road there but it's gonna be much more challenging to get it there then i made it appear in the april fools episode because i didn't really care there i just i just went for it so added that node there i'm not certain that i'm going to keep all of these roads but for the time being we'll go with it so what i want to do now is select my grid and the grid that i've been thinking about that i think would work really well and be really unique is a 14 by 8 grid so uh maybe i should call it an 8 by 14 i'm not sure so go up eight here and i'm going to turn off my road guidelines and get this going now before i get too far on this i want to respect the coastline so the way that we're going to do that is to draw some lines along the coast we'll connect these up we'll draw them along the beach i don't want to inadvertently develop the beach but this is not going to be a beach that people swim in just bluntly uh not this not these ones anyway and then we'll use our curved road tool to make all these connections we'll have to have our road guidelines back on and now i'm going to bring this up as far as i can without creating a bunch of strange roadway networks we're going to get there we're going to have lots of strange networks in this and the road guidelines are certainly going to help me get there if i keep leaving them on because you can just tell it it really kind of messes things up for me so i'm going to turn those off you can see it it goes between 89.4 degrees and 90. 90 will give me that perfect block length and we're going to do a mixture of plopping and um actually adding zoning to this so i i do want to make sure that zoning is possible at the maximum density even though we're going to be plopping quite a bit of this we need to look at our terrain now because we went up way too high and we're going to have lots of roads like this where we are respecting the terrain rather than going up a hill we will keep it going in the right direction uh we'll keep it at that same height and if we're gonna go up we need to to do something with the terrain not just start building up a slope that's not that's not okay so here from this spot we went up eight so we're gonna do the exact same thing here [Music] and you're gonna notice that i'm doing lots of things here lots of things that are likely gonna make you uncomfortable as i'm just overlapping these and you know doing some things that are likely you know you might see them is questionable we're gonna do that because i think that it makes good sense to do so um and i think you'll you'll see why at the end so basically what all this overlapping allows me to do is maintain my distances so the other thing i'm noticing is i have created some really messy junctions here so we are going to work on that and basically what i'm going to do is use my free form tool to make those connections at that short one and then at the longer one i will turn my road guidelines back on and bend this right back over and then here we're going to bend these as well so i've got these all lined up and honestly that's not even that's that's not far enough back i'm going to add a node back here just delete the ends and then i should have the ability to nice and naturally turn these and now i can get rid of these guides that i created so what this has done for me is created a nice even looking radial grid there are some oddballs in here some oddities and you'll see those and they will be just fine we're okay with that so one of the things i'm realizing is this block length here is longer than i wanted our blocks to be so i wanted all the blocks to be 14 so we are going to add in a block here and then here we are going to again make that turn using our free form tool and then our curved road tool now i think i might be going too far on this and i'm going to change it up right here so let's get our 14 again you see that i'm just creating a ton of guides for myself and it works out really well when you do that so i'm going to go ahead and finish off gridding up to the order which i have done we'll go one more up here and truthfully we've got a little bit beyond where i was hoping to go here we will make this roadway connection straight across and we'll make this look natural-ish by curving it just a little bit there we go and then we can connect up our grid so now we've got this weird oddity here and it's interesting we don't have that over here and that is because we weren't able to create as large of a grid we turned it in a different way and i might need to to give this some more consideration and thought and that might fix it for us so i'm just going to add this for the time being so we can again mirror what we did on the other side so i'm hoping that i can fix this fairly terrible note i don't know if it's going to be possible but we're going to try so the way that i'm going to try is just by doing a bunch of manual adjustments here and you just gotta play with this a little bit back things up and sometimes you can get away with one sometimes you cannot and this is a time where i cannot so i will have to remove that extra note i added in and we'll just free form it into place not the end of the world we can figure that out with a little bit of fixing there make it look a little bit better we'll need to play with it just to make it look completely perfect and i can even make it look a little more angular by playing a node controller a bit so there we go that's an ugly intersection but we're gonna have lots and lots of those so what this gives me is an opportunity to straighten this out just a little bit and here's what we're gonna do we're just gonna take this with our road guidelines and turn this back around into this much much much better and then this is our vista but there's really nothing on that side i mean there is but there isn't so i think we're gonna eliminate that and just send this right in so that will be the end of that there and you can kind of start to see how this is taking shape and we're gonna just finish this out before we do a couple of things and then get building on the other side so i want to focus on what will be the main corridors through here so the collector streets so what we're going to do is upgrade those ones because they're going to be our view corridors and our busiest roads which i have really mixed emotions about just just being completely honest with you but we're gonna go for it and you can see everything got messed up through here and we're gonna fix some of that part of that is we have these collectors turning into local roads so we can fix some of that by upgrading these and wow are there a lot of extra nodes through there i'm going to actually come through here with my node removal tool and get rid of a couple of these like this one that is not helpful nor is that one we've got a bunch of them here but i can't get rid of those ones that one i can so that should really be beneficial i'm also going to come through here and see if i can do anything about this so those nodes are terribly broken and there may be a way to fix it but it's going to be a challenge so what i'm going to do is come through here and let's this is going to kind of be a crash course on figuring out nodes we've got two nodes here i want both of those gone because we're going to add some more and we'll send this down through we'll send this in now this is not meeting at that center node so we get an extra node we get an extra one there now let's go ahead we'll go into our roundabout builder and what i think we're going to do to resolve this is add in a small roundabout and that should resolve most of our issues there we do have these overlapping nodes again though so that is a bit of a concern [Music] and these are just going to be too close so the other solution that we have is to do something i didn't really want to do and that is change this down downgrade this to just our normal planning road and maybe i'll just do that for these side roads and hopefully that'll be enough alternatively i can just let good enough be good enough here and leave this open and i think that that actually might be our best solution so the courthouse is going to be on this road anyway we can have this have a circulation pattern and meet up there it doesn't need to connect all the way through this is going to be an important road don't get me wrong this one less so this is actually just for the vantage point so i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna let that one lie so let's go ahead and create some of our other roads through here and i want to really pay close attention to our terrain back here so we are going to mirror the terrain edge here [Music] i'm going to do that in a couple of different locations and we'll connect these with the curved road tool now i did decide to mirror this here i think that's a good call we'll be able to have a nice mirrored road back here that lines up really nicely so we're going to do that now this one is considerably more problematic so we'll need to back that out just a bit and curve it right here and i wasn't even getting a guideline for that one apparently didn't like that so there we go and now we have this existing road back here that we're gonna need to contend with i think we're gonna move it it was a planning road and our plans have changed just slightly i think that that's too far away so let's let's first think about where this city is going to end and i think we're going to end it right about here after the beach we're not going to lay out all of the roads and plat them all out today but i do want to plan out a significant number so after this we're not going to worry too much we'll let it deviate back but for as long as we are in the city let's continue to maintain that distance from the hillside really it's following this terrain line right here [Music] and now from here actually i'm gonna redo this in its entirety uh so this dips all the way back here i don't think that's appropriate for what we're doing this is gonna be one of the main ways into this community uh so it's gonna be reusing the interchange that we have over here the diverging diamond over in shorewood and you'll be able to drive all the way through to get to the capitol and if that's the case we need to be really mindful of what we're doing with our land here so let's let's do that let's let's be mindful so i'm going to come here we'll again mirror what we've been doing try to find a road guideline that helps me and then i'm just going to send this straight across this will be fast and then i'm going to have a real gentle curve here because we want speed which will make everyone here at elk square really excited and funny thing is i don't think we have a name for elk square i think that just just you know was the auto generated name same with meadow gardens i may have asked you for a name for these at one point i'm sorry i definitely do not remember what that name was so if you have a name for the golf course or the community off the golf course drop it in the comments i'm gonna be asking for a lot of names coming up soon some from patrons and some from patrons and youtube members and some from the general audience this is a case where i really want you all to provide some feedback [Music] and this is an angle i was actually able to fix it's gonna let me get away with this one so now what i'm contending with is we've got some broken segments and just kind of playing around lets me find an angle here it's ugly but it will work and i'm really excited because this is going to be an important angle for us this turn looks pretty bad so we're going to clean this one up much better so now we have this road that follows the side of the hill and we're going to build our capital so we've got this right here and i think that we've got to do something special with this so the very first thing i'm going to do is come through with our 4u road again let's just run this all the way across because this is going to be the center of something really grand but we need to find our edges so i want to use this as my guide send this up we'll call it 40. we'll go over 40 and then down 40 again and then i want to bring this back around so the nice thing about 40 is 20 is easy to figure out we'll go up 15 and we'll bring this right in look at that there we go so you might be wondering what this is this is going to be what leads up to our capitol building so we are going to send this out 14. and this is 40 units long we're going to extend this out 40 units long and this is going to be a very important part of our community so what i want to do now is create kind of a bound for this a kind of a boundary a border of sorts for this so let's go out we're going to go on our 14. we're going to it's i think it's interesting when you have a master plan city how you'll see certain motifs repeated throughout and this is one that we are going to go after repeatedly war teens and eights okay and now what you'll see that we've done is we've created a view corridor right here and a view corridor right here so we could place a really special building right here that could have a park behind it going all the way to the ocean maybe with some monuments and then flank it at the other end with another unique building so that is what we are thinking right here this little area is going to be a very very important part of the community that said i am not satisfied this was 40 and now we no longer have our 40 here so i'm going to extend this out 40 because i want that balance that we are going to be missing otherwise there we go so that is the balance that i was hoping for so from here we are going to start to recreate some of the patterns that we had before first of all let's get this upgraded and then we will get rid of this bridge the point of this whole exercise with the bridge was to create this and you see that we have that visual continuity through here so that is exactly what i wanted to do so why don't we again recreate some of the patterns that we were doing before but this time rather than using uh some radial designs what we're going to do is mirror those designs we're going to follow the coast and we're going to follow our pattern here and i think that that's going to create something really unique and natural for us and the nice thing is we have our 14 there already so we just go up eight [Music] and i'm going to leave this for a moment as we figure this side out so over here we'll go over 14 and it's really going to struggle with this one it does not like it so i'm going to create another row just beneath it and that will give me my first guide and then i can just get rid of that just wanted that so i could begin to create my grid here and this side i'm going to go the exact opposite route so what we'll have here actually i don't know that i love that so you might wonder why i chose 14 and 8 seems kind of random and to a certain extent it is and then it's also not the reason why i chose this is there will be a high density of intersections which is good for pedestrians so i really wanted that to be a focus here and the more intersections you have here the the the the more opportunities there are to cross roads take a different path take interesting paths and i think that's really important uh so that's that's what we're doing here we've got kind of a weird junction again we're just going to leave that one and when we upgrade whoa we might need to do something there so i'm going to pull this out another block and then we're going to try to turn these into one another now you can see that this already creates some interesting issues so this road right here in general we're going to need to deviate just a bit what i'm going to do is take this back and curve this road in so we'll always start the curving on this side turn our road guidelines on and curve that in so this is creating some more interesting block lengths and i think it's creating some opportunities too for some interesting junctions in the future this one for instance i really dislike and potentially we turn that into a roundabout the only problem is it disrupts this now i am curious if i were to round about this exactly how it would turn out if it would look any good so let's just say i come through here i shrink this up and i am fat fingering it right now so what are you gonna do so yeah that does not that's not gonna look very good so we'll just undo that and it'll be just fine it does create a nice roadway layout so i will just kind of leave it as is now here i'm going to mirror the exact same thing we'll come down 14. there we go and i'm not sure that i like that we're going to have to give that some thought there might be a better way of addressing this and maybe it's just honestly ending this here and allowing this to be a large park space or have some larger buildings develop off from that i'm just going to leave that for the time being so i'm gonna extend this out and fill the rest of this up and i will be back with you in just one moment okay and i filled in most of the streets here trying to make logical connections and you can see as these grids merge together you get some irregular block patterns and it feels a lot more natural and organic like that so i really appreciate that part of it i do want to fill in some blocks here too because we're kind of connecting these two communities at this particular point so i will repeat that eight block uh eight unit break here [Music] okay so now that we have this and you can kind of see how these are coming together we need to think about how we're getting out of here and i think that's gonna be one of the most important parts about this entire build so i'm gonna take my four unit road and we are gonna come through here and bring this back so this is gonna be the way that the primary motor vehicle path through the city and you're gonna see that we've got lots of tearing it's very unhappy with me we're gonna need to do something for some of these areas okay so there are a couple of weird spots here and the way that we're gonna resolve some of this just getting rid of some of these extra roads we don't need and then in some cases it'll be finding those weird little nodes that got left behind and eliminating them so not a huge deal but something we've got to do and then we'll make these connections again another weird block i'm wondering if i can fix this one with no wow that is [Laughter] that is not gonna work but for some reason the game loves it thinks it's great and would live with it ah there's an extra node there [Music] i absolutely adore those they're wonderful when you get that extra note and it just makes it impossible to make that connection this is much better now we can square this up and make it look really nice and i think this road is coming through at all the right places except for here again this is probably a spot spot where i just let that be a bigger block get rid of that extra node now we're in a good place this i'm gonna try to live with this one okay this will be another example of gotta get rid of it and eliminate that extra node and i think that's gonna be our default when in doubt just like just get rid of that node and now we have another segment here that for whatever reason i can't upgrade it and that's that extra note again it's gonna be the death of me i swear because they're just kind of obnoxious there we go and things are looking good now i really really like the way this laid out we're gonna have vistas abound so we can get here now from shorewood but we can't get here from the highway and that's gonna be incredibly important to us so we're going to need to be very mindful of this and if you take a look first of all pop out of here beach we don't want to go on the beach cliff's here we don't want to disrupt the cliffs and then it's really steep coming up from here we've got our collector right here what i think we're going to do is do some terraforming we're going to do our very first terraforming of this whole build not on the entire series but this particular build today and let's pop in here and i just want to flatten this out so we'll ride right at the top of this cliff and we'll be very gentle with it and now we're going to slope up from here so we'll use our slope tool i'm going to bump that up to 50 or 60. hit the top and slope up from the bottom perfect so i'm going to use my 2u roads we are gonna upgrade this to a four we're gonna be proactive about our planning and in a master plan city like this a capital in particular if you look at brasilia or uh you know any any basically any master plan city that's been built in the last i don't know 100 years they generally overdo it on their collectors and we're going to overdo it on our collectors too it's going to be a thing we're going to create some traffic and then we're going to resolve some traffic in the best way possible so let's go ahead and i noticed that the slope is maybe a little more than i wanted it to be that's much better so now we can come through here with our curved road tool and a nice junction in i think we're going to round about this well we'll have to handle that when we get there so now we need to find a way to get all the way over here and it's gonna be a trick it's quite the distance but we need two ways to get out of here we this is not gonna be acceptable to have just one way in and out of here so rather than going to rico we're going to go and look at our terrains and again pull this over and we'll round this i don't want to start raising up terrain here so we're going to slope down and we don't want to build on the beach that is sand and you cannot build on sand so we'll jog this thing over just slightly so again with our 2u road pull this straight back try to mirror that terrain that we just created and then we're going to use our sloped road tool again come up here hit our top height come to the bottom left mouse button and click it right up we might need to use node controller on that we very well might that's okay and now we can curve really nicely here now the terrain should be much more favorable for everything that we're going to do and i want to keep this road as straight as as as possible basically so i'm gonna pick this terrain height here we're just gonna send this straight back and then from here i do think that we're going to connect up on this general area but we don't need to we actually don't want to cross the river just yet we're going to need to cross it likely right here uh the reason i don't want to just keep going straight is then we have to cut through this hill so that's not going to be desirable for us so we'll just smooth out along the banks here and now you can see that we are going to have a very nice and straight connection which means it's fast safe convenient let's double check our terrains to make sure we uh didn't guesstimate anything wrong and now you can see this little this little path that we've made for ourselves and we can pull this around get our terrain line or our road guideline smooth connection now we've got this this is going to be our our struggle so we need to loop this back around i think we're gonna find our connection into the highway first truthfully i think it'll be our easiest solution this is all flat here i'm gonna go over to modes and select our normal mode otherwise it's going to flatten this and create a land bridge over there and that's not what we want for the time being we're just going to have a pretty conventional connection onto the road and then we'll cross try to have a nice straight crossing ah it's a struggle because if so this is honestly probably my best bet is to come here and it's fine we're gonna do that i generally like to make my bit bridge crossings as short as they can be but in this case we're going to prioritize speed over all else but our connection to the highway needs to go over i don't want to get too close to this bridge here so that's what i'm struggling with a bit so we are going to meander this and we'll send that over and up and hopefully we can find a road guideline there we go and we can send that over so that is a pretty darn good connection in my estimation we are also going to just turn it right in here and now we've got some work we're not gonna have that great crossing this is gonna be a very high speed road so what we're gonna do is take whoa what is that interesting that is not what i thought we were doing there we go i did not want to add a new cargo station that was not my game plan i'm gonna turn collision off so i don't ruin all these rocks and i will turn this into a bridge and we'll cross right there so we're gonna raise that up a little bit and in fact that's going to necessitate us to bridge a little bit beyond this as well i thought when i looked at our terrain yeah truthfully i no i don't think we're going to need to do that so if we send that down and meet our heights there and then get rid of this for whatever reason picker thinks i really really really want a table or something so i guess i can't pick i cannot pick the bridged section of this all right so now that i have the railroad across i can turn this into a bridge with anarchy and what i'm going to do is just lower this a little bit and then hopefully we'll be able to have a little bit nicer of a connection here not have so many bridge segments so i'm just holding alt moving this over trying to create a nicer bridge i'm gonna i'm gonna convert this back to a ground level segment here and then i'll do the same thing over here so i i think that's a little bit nicer in terms of the way it's laying out and then i can even take that segment there and convert that to a ground level segment as well and i like this a lot more to me that makes a ton more sense so there we go we got one more segment here that we can also upgrade there we go and i don't think i've ruined all of eggsy's handiwork here and now we have our connection now these are going to be four-lane roads again uh so we're going to make that fix and the reason that we're doing that is again we are planning for significant growth and right off the bat we're gonna just go for it and you'll see that happen in some of these master-planned communities these larger capital-type communities where they just they just go for it they just plan for whatever they think level of service is going to be 50 years down the line i think that's really foolish because when you when you're doing that first of all you don't it's it's not an exact science you're not a hundred percent sure it's it's as much an art as a science and when you do that you're over building and you're planning on a city that has a significant burden in terms of its costs and i don't know why you do that to the city uh that road infrastructure is very expensive so don't force the city to pay for that right off the bat so i decided to simplify this and one of the reasons why is we have a lovely beach over here and there are currently no beaches in the community i think we have an opportunity to provide some planned access to the beach so we will do that send a road back there and people will be able to access that beach right here i was thinking about having a roundabout i don't think it's necessary at this point now that i've simplified some of this and there we go so the one issue that i have with this now is before there was a nice easy way to get between these collectors and right now there's not so i think that what we're gonna do is upgrade the collectors around here which to me sounds like a very over engineering solution that would absolutely happen looks terrible functions poorly but on a map it looks great let's see look at this and look we're pointing to it you could even send these down there why not uh that's that's absolutely horrible but that's what we're gonna do we'll do the exact same thing here we're to over engineer this and over think about what we need and obviously what we need are collector avenues going up aside yeah that's about right so there we go and i have these extra segments there we'll get rid of those for the time being same thing with these we'll just open this up and we will let we will let our buildings dictate what happens here because we're gonna have a lot we'll get rid of these and upgrade all of those so this is a logical network if not a it's not great like that's just way too much many collectors but that certainly happens this is going to be the start of our capital city and i i think from here i was thinking maybe we could do more what i'm going to do is just kind of go through and add some districts as reminders to where we want to put some things so i'm going to empty some of these out and add in a few okay so just a couple of small things the monument square couple of parks we've got our university i labeled that before this is going to be our county park so just a couple of queues and to ourselves now i did find some really neat assets i want to drop in i've got enough money for some of them too so we're gonna go for it so all of these roads would be planned around unique buildings so first we have our courthouse right here and i want to make sure that this is straight so we're going to add in some of our planning roads and you can see that it's not in the right spot not a big deal we can fix that and truthfully we need to level some ground so we're going to do that first you can see that it just pops right up right there and that's not going to work for this and then maybe rather than having a whole bunch of let me bring that back for just a moment rather than having a whole bunch of roads in here i think it would be nice to have some sort of pedestrian amenity focusing on this area so let's send a path right down the center here and i'm going to turn off my road guidelines now and we are going to just focus on making really nice pedestrian connections through here we won't worry about cleaning this up a little bit more in the future but you start to see how this could be a really special place as we plan around this building we also have a capitol building i'm really curious to see how you all feel about this it's either gonna be highly controversial or incredibly loved this is the havana cuba capital and i don't want this to face the water i want it to face the buildings so i am going to come through here with a pedestrian road and we will turn on just our grid [Music] and then we'll use move it to turn this around and get this lined up i should have had alt so i can get my snapping on you can see it even allows me to bring it back a little bit i'm gonna see if i hold alt how that looks let's need to add something ourselves not a big deal so i think this is an absolutely stunningly beautiful asset so there are two versions of this available one of them in spanish we'll have you'll have to forgive me for that uh one of these versions is post reserve restoration and one of them is uh before the restoration so i think it's really a unique asset brings a lot of character into this build so i think we'll place it right there we've got our pedestrian connections and i really really really like the way that looks so i can't tell i think this is centered it's really difficult to tell so what i'm going to do is ah that is centered it's or it's as centered as i'm gonna be able to get it so there we go the at the other end of this i want to flank this with a few buildings so let's come through here and i've got some interesting ones so we have this uh decorative arts museum that i think uh you know would really be an excellent monument piece now we're gonna rotate this around so it's facing the capital but we've got to find a way to get around this building because right now what you're seeing is it just doesn't look very good it's in the middle of the road so we're going to eliminate the collector right there do the same thing on this end and then we're going to add this in here give it one tile on either side and now we need to find a nice way to get this over the nice thing is with move it very simple to just create that road there have it bulge a bit and then hold down alt as you do this and you can have a nice angle that repeats itself you could go in either direction i'm deciding to go this way and you know truthfully if we wanted we could do something like this if we had this going in a little bit i'm wondering if there's a way that we can make that look nicer and i think i think i know the way so what we're going to do is come through here with our two unit road and rather than coming all the way to here we're going to go in just five from there so what that's gonna do is give us two different nodes and now when i pop in to move it and i bulge this one out and i bulged this one in you get that nice connection through there where there's a bit of a curve i like that so let's eliminate these we're going to turn this building around we're going to add our pedestrian road and because i don't want to pay for this again we've spent over a million dollars we're going to just use move it oh and i didn't use i didn't use alt which isn't going to help me when i'm rotating it anyway so i guess there's that and my road's in the wrong spot anyway so i'll need to do some work so we're going to send that back through and now here we are with our building i can tell if it's lining up straight based on those steps up so i can put those there and then i can hold alt to perfectly align it and it's not going to perfectly align because of the grid in this area not a big deal we'll figure it out now we'll need to do something back here this blank wall is pretty ugly and that's not cool maybe an amphitheater or something like that i don't know if you have some ideas for what could be behind here think of a big monument what goes behind that and we will figure that out so at this point i am going to place some water pipes underneath our roads right where they belong and get this place prepped this is not something again that i recommend but because we are just master planning this all i don't want to have to keep coming back to the water pipes i don't think anyone wants to watch that i don't want to do that so we're just going to do our best uh and deviate from a bit of reality and we'll all be happier for it i think let me know if you're not happier for that i hope you are because i am now we're going to take a quick break from water pipes to turn these buildings off we are just burning money this one was 1 600 per week this one's 1040 that is crazy this one right here is 320. none of those work so it's not in our best interest to have those going right now we will get them going but we need to have some development first and trust me this whole place is going to develop like wildfire so i'm not concerned about that at all i do want to connect the water pipes up though so i get that lovely indicator telling me that everything is going well with my water pipes okay water pipes underneath the roads right where they belong now you might be watching this whole build and you're thinking to yourself okay planner you are breaking every single rule that you've ever put out there you've built all this infrastructure and you know i you know what i'm unsubbing i'm done with this channel i want to tell you why this is okay so this would be considered a planning process so there are two different kinds of planning processes every community requires a final plaid and a final plan is basically the roadway layout uh right-of-way preservation and rather than just roadway layout because you also want to see where utility easements would be things of that nature and more each lot would be its dimensions and it's you know it's acreage and size that is a final plant the preliminary plant would go into more detail you would see things such as uh you know where park space might be and what that park might be the kind of park you might see things like paths and where those connections will be made the actual engineering of those paths the lines would be fairly they would be fairly close to the ultimate layout and location of those particular uh those particular paths so there's all that sorts of in sort of information you might even see where gas pipes are where water pipes would be you would get a very fine grain level of detail so i would look at this as a combined preliminary and final plait and you'd sometimes get those in as well where you'll get a preliminary plant and final platinum one where you have all of the detail that you could possibly need all the steep slopes all of the forested areas all of this information in a nice tight package so you can consider it all at once so that is what you would see in this sort of planning process but you would also probably have a plan that goes into a variety of things it would walk through all the natural features walk through all the utilities all the future park spaces all of the schools or potential schools you know you can't necessarily 100 dictate where everything's going to be but you can certainly say this is our ideal location for a library for instance so we've done this at a very high level but i think that we've done okay now there are i do want to go through here and just take one last gander at this because i see things already that bug me so we're gonna fix a couple of these sorts of things one of these was right here i'll turn all these back on go out eight and then i'm gonna curve this road down to me that seems like a fairly logical terminus of this in fact i'd love it if they were sure here to finish this it's going to drive me nuts but it's going to be fine i just need to accept it in fact i should have probably finished creating my roadway network in its entirety over here i just completely missed it okay and i think that that is a pretty darn good spot to leave this uh i you know i wanted to get to some zoning but i think that we're going to hold off until the next one we want to be really thoughtful about this and really consider it as to the zoning and i think we might go ahead and zone this in halves so these communities are going to have a very different feel over here it's going to feel like a real government center we're going to add to have to add a number of other government buildings and we want to name each one of those and figure out what function that building has as with the head of the state government you'd imagine that there's a department of transportation the department of administration that owns the buildings and uh you know owns property throughout the state uh department of natural resources that uh you know does environmentally things department of justice that manages state prisons uh and you know police officer training the department of veteran affairs there are so many different divisions department of justice so many different government functions that we need in here plus our county functions which would include not just the courthouse but also a sheriff's office a county jail so there are a number of things that we need here that we are going to have to find places for and we're going to need to give this a lot of thought i don't want to rush through it i really want to be thoughtful and considerate about this but for a lot of those functions i do think that we're going to need to place them early and then think block by block about how we're developing this area this is going to be a vibrant university neighborhood and over here it will certainly feel like a more stuffy government downtown type area and i'm really curious to see how our grid is going to handle the traffic that's going to be coming its way because we certainly are going to be relying on roadway connections that are quite distant and highway over here that has not been upgraded if you recall we are divided over here and then once we get to shorewood this goes back down to a two-lane highway with passing lanes not ideal when you have the kind of traffic that i think we're gonna see through here so there is a chance that this also necessitates a highway project so lots of interesting things to come i'm very excited about this we're also going to work some transit into this area because that's going to be a necessity that said we are not going to plan around transit that is not the way this works and this is really going to be a white collar kind of community so there are going to be certain things that make it more difficult to develop certain types of transit here in the future like the lack of a rail line you see that the rail line the closest one is over here not coming into this community and we're not going to have a ton of industrial in this we're going to rely a lot on offices so all things to consider and think about but i think we're going to leave it here and if you like this video please consider hitting the like button if you are not subscribed to the channel and you want to see me continue this build please uh subscribe i i i really want to thank you i've had a lot of fun uh thinking about the best ways to put this together and hope that you've enjoyed it i will see you in the next one take care bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 343,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays, clearwater county, cities skylines small town, cities skylines small american town, cities skylines rural town, cities skylines realistic population, cities skylines detailed build, cities: skylines, verde bluffs, cities skylines how to start a realistic city, cities skylines small town layout, cities skylines rural map, cities skylines town, cities skylines road layout, cities skylines road hierarchy, cities skylines road planning
Id: ptWRBiQqh7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 16sec (3616 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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