Creating a Photorealistic Forest | Unreal Engine 5.4 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2024

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[Music] all right so what's going on everyone um today we have a very wide angle camera because I was a you know honestly I'm looking a little bit fat recently because I was like staying inside my room way too much but so in this video today I'm going to be going to show you guys how to create this environment inside of om engine totally for free you can do whatever you want and as you can see here I actually need disable L night because basically um I just my PC is powerful you know it can run on a very you know good run and as you can see how realistic this one actually look and this one was very very simple to make so uh in this video today I'm going to be going to show you guys how to do this this it's a little bit laggy because I wasn't opening a lot of different thing right now and it's even look better with you know some glow we put it into the camera actor we bring it back there as you can see here this look very nice so let's get right into this videos all right so one of the first thing that I want you guys to do it is to download the Alro landscape Master materials and some other 3D assets that you could actually find on Sky five for example if you want to have a Tori get then just search for Tori click on downloadable and you can see that there's a lot of high quality thing here and yeah you can choose this one and just downloads as an fx models or if you are way too NY to really download all those thing I do have a Content only folder right over there for you guys actually download and use that right away so it's basically include every single thing that I this mention B but once you done downloading those things there's only one more thing that I actually want you guys to do it is head over to the epic game nous go to market BL and searching for Mega skin cheese so the reason why I'm not adding this one into the content park it is they actually provide us with a lot of different cool Mega skin you know a lot of different variation and I actually want you guys to choose the favorite one instead of force you guys to use the one that I use there's a lot of thing here I already downloaded all of them and now for example I wanted to use the aian hornbeam or the aian bees all you need to do here is click on add to your projects click on so all projects and choose the one that you just downloaded um in this case it is the toate content and if it said not compatible just simply choose the 53 version because this you know it's basically the same I already added that into my project so I don't need to do that once again and now once you download that it's time to opening up our Andro engine folder all right so before we actually begin setting up our project just a little bit so go to plugins first thing that I want you guys to opening up and turning it on it is the recovery Hub because sometime it's got crash and this is not a plugin where it could recover every single thing that you just lost so there's no worry about it's got you know crashes and the next thing it is the movie Rand New Cube which is right over there I already enable this one up and the L thing here it is on the content drawers we're going to click on ADD click on ADD feature or content back click on the third person and click on add to projects in order to have this sort of character folder here I already done it as well so once you done allad that now we're going to be going to click on file new level and click on Basics so it is our new narrow so before we do anything just click contr has on the keyboard I'm going to be going to save this one I'm going to name this one Tate and now it's time to create our landscape so the first thing here it is to go to the content drawer click on character go to the man Queens meshes and drag the skeleton mes into the scene I'm going to be going to reset the position so that it's going to be going to stand in the middle of the scene and now the next thing here it is to create a new Cinema cha CES that's like one of the first things that you got to do so that you can know you know where to BL and where to actually you know work on the detail because some of the detail not going to be SE in the camera and it's going to be a waste of time if you keep you know adding those because it's not going to S anyway so on the camera setting here I want to make a live by 6 videos you know a vertical videos for phone so before we do that we're going to be going to turning on this slapping tool over there make it Lighty degre please hold W on the keyboard make it right in the middle so you can set the location to zero so the first thing that we going to be going to do here it is the sensor wids I'm going to be going to set this one 30.4 by 23 by 8 so it's basically the perfect RAC here I want to drag myself maybe um let's see where should I be maybe on top of there make it smaller all right that's a lot better and for the focal length the the higher the focal the more flat the environment going to be so I'm going to be going to make this one a lot smaller maybe 16 to 24 that's like the perfect things that you can actually do so the temporary set it right over there I might make this one up a little bit I want to turn it off the slapping and make it you know facing up a little bit so that the Horizon KN going to be a little bit higher so now the next thing that I'm going to be going to do it is click on on the little cou right over there click on quicko bridge and search for stair all right so inside the stair we're going to be going through looking up for some meshes bro it's like very slow loading over there but there it is there's a lot of different stair right over there that you could actually use here I'm going to be going to choose something different than the one that I use on the world that I do so maybe the Asian Tempo stair is basically the perfect one no it's like way too little the screen St is not very nice I think that I might choose um all right quick quick quick quick quick I'm I'm I'm way too picky sometime maybe the castle stair maybe the perfect one that I'm going to be going to choose so once You' done that what you're going to be going to do here is to click over there you can choose L night or high quality L night going to be better for the performance but here I'm going to be going to choose high quality and just wait for it to download all right so when it's done downloading we're going to click on the little ad button over there and now it's going to be going to be added into the projects so for this one we're going to go to the content dra go to Mega skan 3D access click on the console St and drop it into the scam so all you need to do right now is to turning on this sling rotate this one maybe 18 180° and then click on the camera we're going to going to be this one and now what we're going to be going to do it is to drag it uh to the point that you actually like it maybe is going to be like this and now what you're going to do is hold out on the keyboard click and drop to duplicate those thing up and I'm going to be going to make it up a little that's nice so uh maybe a little bit more I I don't want because the space between those thing actually not really you know even so I make it a little bit you know stacking up on this other it's totally five five not five all right so two two of those thing out once again and just keep doing that one more thing here is if you can actually think you know it's not way too repeatable you can actually mirrors the assist of this one I'm going to be going to show you real quick you know for someone who have OCD name me so when you do two of those thing go to your actor go to um transform and you can mirror the Y AIS or the x axis next I try it bro some now I'm pretty bad at those things so yeah as you can see it's a little bit different but at least it differs so you can hold ship move it up let's say this make it into a little bit of chaos you know some chaos access all right making it up just a little just like this I think it's like over halfway of the scene is probably good enough so the next thing that we're going to be going to do is to delete this landscape over there and what we're going to be going to do right now is go to the landscape mode on the section side I'm going to be going to set this one maybe a little bit smaller so I want to be going to scale this one out instead of making it you know smaller because the basic thing here is I want it to have a little bit more resolution you know it Le a little bit more resolution so I'm want to set the location back to zero now just make this one just like this maybe the number of component should be 4 by 4 so it's a lot better now maybe this uh 3 by4 yeah bro just make it a little bit smaller just like this and click on create so now when you're done with those thing the next thing that I'm going to be going to do is click on the ram section hold control on the keyboard create the first RAM and then we're going to be going to move it to the point that you like and then click on control once again to create another points over there oh yeah I actually need accident slap it and if you don't like it you can actually delete it you can reset it and then just add a ram you can hold your left click and make it just like this just like many many different ways of you actually can manage to add those thing into the scene so I'm not going to try to make it in the middle I might make it uh this one a little bit you know over there goes over there make it a little bit in the middle it doesn't need to be always you know correct this a little bit is more than this enough now we drag those thing down until it's like right over the light right a little bit under the KN uh same thing go with this one make it you know out just a little and then um make it down just like this and click on ADD Rams basically we have a Rams uh does look uh absolutely disgusting so you can add the wi that's a little bit and uh add another Rams yeah bro this is basically the perfect one one that I kind I deled right now so go to your scup mode what you're going to do right now is to set the brush side out and just you know manage to make those thing so I'm going to be going to flatten to flatten this little part right there and use the same tool but this time to bump those thing up so you going touch a little oh no it should be a little bit smaller or very very small so that we could actually make like make those thing out let's say this I'm actually B the landscape too and the landscape to itself does not being is way true option so when you make something out here there's one more thing that I want to show you guys before we actually make those thing looking breeder it is to add the auto landscape materials so in your content drawer click on the auto landscape material click on materials and you can see we have a lot of materials here I want to click on example material ml Mountain we drag this one into the um landscape material right over there so I slap this one into this little part over there uh material go to Mountain put it over there and now it's all turned into black so what should we do right now go to the landscape click on bin and it as you can see right there we didn't create any we plan material so now what you need to do is to create the weight plan materials in order to make those things functioning so click on the little button here create a new weight plan materials and just hit on save so now it's basically going to be going to create multiple different things so yeah what what the is this oh yeah I think I choose the wrong one let me let me actually adjust this so maybe I'm going to be going to choose um some Mountain I think so so yeah just click on the auto landscape maybe we're going to choose something else from those thing oh so those thing actually got uh into some trouble so if you're facing this problem here is the way to fix this so first I'm going to be going to close my projects and then check the content folder I actually update it with the othero landscape material all right so right over there all you need to do is to download this in the folder and now we're going to be going through the content folders of the toate content and inside the auto landscape what you're going to be going to do right now is to delete that maybe it's because of the redirector problem so ins inside this go to the content we're going to select all those thing we move it into the folder right over there and you can skip the file all right so once you're done with this one reopen the project and we are good to go all right so once you open this one back just go to the content toate open this one up and in the auto landscape I'm going to dock this one into layout um and then we go to the example materials track the material Mountain over there and as you can see it's all working fine right now so back to your landscape click on this one go to the pin now we're going to be going to create for the rest of the material so we got this one um it's got of a you know looking a little bit bad cuz I'm using two monitors so my window setting is a little bit you know dumb sorry about that so what you all done with this one uh I'm going to be going to quickly explain about this one in you know a future tutorial because this one is not really needed in this tutorial today so when you're done with this what you're going to be going to do is to keep working on this little part right there so now click on flatten make it a lot bigger and now we just flatten all the part that you want to to flat so make it you know expand those thing uh I highly recommend you guys actually looking up at some reference while doing this cuz it's also going to have you help you a lot so I'm going to be going to speed up this flattening part cuz it's it's kind of meaningless all right so it's time to do the scop so as you can see here there's like a lot of uh thing that's going on over there so what you're going to be going to do right now is to make the Brad side a little bit smaller than usual and just keep working on those uh let's make it up it's might look a lot chaotic now like a ton of chaotic going on but it's okay cuz later on I will actually showing you how did I manage to combat with this problem but using this smoth tool you can make those ho you know completely disappears and make this one up just keep make this one up there's no problem with you actually kind of mess up with this part cuz later on uh we will add a lot of dress up mesh onto those thing there's no problem with that just keep sculpting especially at this part make it smoother it might be a little bit way too strong actually so yeah this SC U make there for up and make the strength down a little and now you can make those thing up just like this you can hold control to make you know like some of the parts SE up some of the part not is doesn't matter at all okay cuz just remember later on we will actually fix those thing very quickly or you can actually make those thing a little bit smaller and just keep pressing up until those thing really sewing up into the leak of this thing you can see here go to the control might be make this and that's what you need you can actually hold right click and move with your W ASD and then you just say scrolling up the mouse in order to make it faster and now do the same thing Wix the other half over there [Music] [Music] [Music] and and now uh one more thing here as you can see we have a very big bum over there so what you can do right now is to click on the erosion to make it a lot you know knower to the ground and you can now you can start using the flatten tool in order to make it you know flatten you know as is as the limb uh is said Can flatten those thing do say so uh you don't really need to flatten the entire areas remember if something appear in your camera then take care of it but if something does not a beard just ignore it cuz later on that's not going to impact anything and yeah I think it's looking nice enough I might use some scub with a very no two string adding some tick tick clip clip tip clip yeah bro you can hold our ship uh to actually make those thing down know I kind of love sculpting environment when they actually form into something that I do understand uh what am I doing but some I'm just like getting lost of it and I'm being hry of it so when you're done with those thing uh what I want you guys to do right now is to actually make it a little bit higher you know so the way to do those thing uh before we do that you can actually add some noise into your environment you can actually do that uh I make the to string up you can put the noise over there it might be not looking visible because you know this one is like a pretty weird tool I I I could say so you you know make some TR of deformation oh yeah I don't know it's just random for me um I might not going to use this we just I go with your gudo two uh I might make this little part right there also going up to the ground CU this side look way too deep down and I don't really like to see it I want it to be surrounded by you know continuously hiding and uh of course you can hit as always you can hit uh strip to basically move those in down make it a lot higher smooth doing up as well make sure to smooth smooth smooth and here we are we have a very scrap te cuz this is a tutorials okay so SC mode uh I want to basically Dr those thing make it very small and just Dr it multiple times to make it some sort of ramping up just like this cuz I want it to be ring up uh there's going to be a reference that I will show you later you know we're just doing this together and talking I think yeah you should actually do with me when watching those the tutorial that's going to be a lot better like for real so go to smooth make it uh maybe uh 50 and now just make the tools goes up a little why is not doing anything what happened I don't know maybe we got of the two is like too small yeah yeah yeah here we go yeah it's because it's too small so just make it click a little so that it's going to be you know insect to those thing and we are done with the environment all right so the last thing that I want you guys to do it is to import more access to you know I keep walking up on those scene and one more thing that I kind of low to here it is this n environment here so maybe the title is if you want to chain it you can click over there go to the m l landscape Mountain go to your materials and you can see there's a lot of titling here so let me show you what happened if I actually change those thing let's go to maybe the be material the forest grow you can see that you can actually titling those thing it's kind of weird bro yeah you can actually tie the L those thing as you like and there's a lot of setting here but I'm want to I'm not going to do that so go to your quick sh bridge and time to looking for some floor add some floor maybe add some random word into those thing cuz it's going to split into T anyway so we're going to import some floor from the quickel bridge so here I'm want to be going to choose some random one because you know I already use um some sort of O access before you can actually use the one that I use uh the one that I use on the project it is this one but I want to try with something a little bit different so I want to choose this one and the next thing here it is about the load rate so you search for Lord um on the 3D access you search for Lord this and inside this as you can see we have a lot of different assets so you need to import this lot Ro uh there's a lot of different L roots to actually use uh the trees here there's a lot of thing here there n Branch Branch I'm pretty bad at you know this now cuz it's I'm kind of tired so you have just import all those thing that you think that is going to look the SC looking you know the betters and uh here I already download that on the locco so just export it keep export those thing I want to export this one the link going to be in the description if you want to know about it and um the branch obviously some branches root Rock I don't really rock yet [Music] [Music] all right so we have import a quite a good amount of stuff here so what you're going to do is click on Mega skin and on the future tab if you couldn't see the future you can actually you know oh yeah actually already enabl but you can search for static mesh over there and once you done that you can turn this one on as you can see you can see a lot of different thing that we are about to use so now it's time to dressing up with the seam the first thing here the easiest one it is the floor so drag the stuff down there as you can see the color is lot the same right now but we going to be I want to quickly show you how to color correct those thing uh later on when you're done with this so make it a little bit down to the ground say this hold all on the keyboard duplicate it and keep working on it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so um along the way if you see anything this like this you can actually um remove them very easy go to landscape uh you're going to use some erosion make those down a little make those a little bit down around and uh just choose all those I know that is a very retive now because you know it's a tutoral guys so uh if you do something like that you want to get more extremely serious with that I'm going to actually use some extra access for doing those add more and more access here's I was uh I mean I'm working on the tutorials now so there's no way I want to be waste my time doing way too much stuff just like that all right so once you're done with the floor with the stuff down there it's time to add some root in order to cover this part cuz it's not quite ugly right now so the first thing first it is about the root LS so drag it on rotate it highly recommend you to turning off the slabbing because basically slabbing is uh lot what's you know like L more environment scene should look like you know the turning off all of them just make them random because Lasher is all random right it's they they do follow some sort of things but at the end of the day it's actually very very random man that's the Bey of you know lashure actually because you know when I was like working on this sort of lashure scene the only thing that like it I could do whatever I want cuz it's like all random uh sometime it's not but you know most of the time you actually very very random so here it is you can make them scale down a little bit move them up holding ship going over there make them just like this um make them facing down to the ground hold out on the keyboard create another one you don't really need to scare about the repetitive because later on the stocking up as much stuff as you could you know like probably fight and you are good with that you you definitely good to go cuz you know when you're looking at the game environment they do the same technique they just adding a no ton of things but then uh actually you know all repetitive things and it's it's not bad at all you shouldn't spend way too much time on some of the detail that you know not really important so I think that you should choose some of those things by holding ship make them a little bit closer and ALT once again rotate them just like this 180 make the rotation down just like this and move it it's it's not you're bling with Neo Neo whatsoever yeah just make those thing up up up up do I that is aiming for a a good good enough Direction wow you know what I wasn't having ISD I mean OCD with some sort of thing like this because when I was like working on those thing I was you know really concentrate on those things but see this one the tutorial I don't want to waste time on that but this really make me feel a little bit uncomfortable you know so at those and more and more keep adding keep adding until your really thing that is is looking good enough you can add the different thing let say this no when it's blending right look at that it's cool right you can move it right over there rotate it make it Biggers change the rotation it's kind of mess up sometime but when you blend those thing into the meshes by yourself it's look like something like you know like getting out of this it look very nice incredible than you that's why I love environment art even though I do a lot of cyber bunk but I do love environment I'm I'm just a guy who I don't really go outside too much that's probably why I don't you know I R make this shorter thing even though I do love to make those things um next add some root you know some fing root you can keep the scale just like this or maybe make it smaller up to the ground uh rotate it let's say this uh rotate it maybe bigger skin this one is like a very detailed skin I actually want to Fleck that you know like Fleck the Bea like this rotate it up might put it over there oh ship the keyboard make it up to the ground keep building it it's it's okay to make those thing a little bit weird something but just don't make it way too you know United just like this this is like one of the great example of you know some dumb dumb thing that you shouldn't do um keep adding keep adding that's the only thing that I could say right now if you want to make something in incredible then the more detail the better it's got to be so maybe something like this is very nice all right oh yeah they fa to other and I hate to see something that looking you know not random in ler later okay so once you're done with this uh we go back to the landscape I want want to enhance them thing those thing just a little bit make those thing down um four up up let's add them this like this do the same thing with the back side make them up let's make them very random but do follow some it's eating a little bit too much smooth strength there make them smooth out this a little bit all right so we are basically done with this one you can do uh as much detail as you want or uh as high as you want so next thing if you take a look at those thing right now you can see that the material color a lot the same this one is not a little bit blue but this one is a little bit green so what you're going to be going to do you actually try your best to matching up those sort of things before we do that I want to go to the landscape Mountain first we track those thing down you can simply see the color here and you can see you can make the color thing you know adding any color that you want to add or anything like that it's also required nice I'm sh of strength and so you can change your materials right over there as you can see and um what I want to change it is this one so go to the L breakes go to the alib AL Alo okay Al so contast uh definitely uh bit up oh yeah should be there I can turn this one to one boom saturation up C whoa yeah this like crispy this little detail is like yeah bro yeah it's it's looking pretty bad now but you know this it's I don't give a about that okay so do the same thing uh be um this time saturation more brightness uh down a little good let's scrap it bro seriously describe it all right so we are moving up to the L thing which is the figus so here's a little thing that I wanted to say it is for the flyus you have a wig PC do this go to your Fus go to the symbol wins we control a on the keyboard right click go to accet action and click on note so that it's going to be very smooth later on so as you can see it's now running right now both those thing and one more thing it is on the geometry go to symbol win control a once again right click go to not n and not n should be enabled so that it's not going to be you know basically up with the scene here I'm want to set this one to high in order to make that not you know ruining my BC uh go to Fus oh I'm I'm sorry for swearing seriously I'm swearing I'm swearing a little bit too much reasoning so now what we're going to do here's a little tips it is go to your C CA act you bean this one you go to perspective the action open just straight up open this one on the their uh scene uh what you wanted to do right now is should drag some of their access because for example if you want to sew this one into your environment to make this one you know like sort of like obvious you can do this and also you can scale those thing down and also take a look at the scale ratio because later on it's going to be very useful for you because you know it shouldn't be that big compared to the scene cu the fire by itself is very big so this one is a 0.4 uh add another one I want to add it over there uh do the same thing scale this thing down to around 44 as you can see and now just drag it uh to the point that you know it's nuc that's that's what I want you guys to do that's a reason why going a little bit into the seam blend it okay so what you're going to be going to do right now is go to the flyus and go to content dra go to arob bnps symbol WIS just track some the T that go Forest what put all those thing suing is something smaller so drop the folate bro I haven't e for a 12 hour I'm sorry for that I'm a little bit you know hungry now so enable everything by holding shift from this one to this one enable that and the scale X remember the last one right this was 0.4 so I'm going to be going to set this from maybe 0.3 to 0.4 d s random number ROM numbers bin densities uh I going to set this one to 0.1 and now we can go to the lead tab right there we're can go to Wi frame and make the brush side down little just give it a click to see you know the density of the thing here I think it's pretty good so then Z on the keyboard I might make this one 0 by 08 and one thing here it is the allly to normal lead to be disabled and the random jar does make it up and the beans angle it is like the tree is like that it's could for a little bit just like this I want to set this one maybe to six and we are ready to fate our scene so moving up to this point 200s is obviously a good amount uh don't drag way too much like that because it's obviously going to be some you know unnecessary thing going up on the scene make it let's say it this as you can see there's some rout over there it's like flying up on the well you can actually hide that when you're actually adding the sapling but I don't want it so how do we manage to you know combat this it is a z offset so I'm going set this one to maybe m 30 and this one may me yeah just say that now choose some of the part as you can see is all down to the ground looking fascinating so put it on two of the side some of the points here actually get into it but I don't really give a about that cuz it's it's look nice make it a little bit more okay bro BC start screaming right now I know about that and now from this point we set the density down all the way to bo4 cuz it's far away from the camera you know there something blocking out the way is more than just enough for this SC so as you can see that's nice so got a very moody SC and uh okay one more thing I forgot to tell uh you're going to have ship to delete some of the part you're want to delete some of the part you know to make some of the light you know like going through and yeah okay something like this oh no no no let's put those in here is depend on the camera angle so um also uh something over there as well I want it to be totally cover with by the duck Forest as you can see here it is the lighting might be sometime bright sometimes it's dark so the way to fix this one is to click over there search for a both progress volumes and on this little part right there we Ser for unbs so that it's going to be affect the entire scene go to ice Bolder turning on the IB compensation and this one is a more important one just set it to one one and as you can see it totally in the dark now so for those thing I might put this one at 2.5 and one thing here is is you can hit control L on the keyboard to basically move the liting to any angle that you like uh as you can see there make this one but it's on the on side might make those just a bit like this and you can remove some of thing over there in order to make you know the LIE going through ship ship ship you know it's say you're doing some hair style and sort of thing like that let's make it a little bit less cuz later on uh those sort of routing going to be you know chain this as well so we already done a h mess over there so it's time to actually manage to group those in so just hold shift and control click on the little button right there this folder hit F2 I want to turn this one into structure same thing with those thing uh I will leave this one not all right um so now click on the directional like what you're going to be going to do right now is to e make those same maybe from this side and now it's time to setting it up with the intensity so the intensity may be 13 and the S short here I might make this one a five I know it still look very very lasty so let's keep uh keep pass with the scene so go to the landscape uh one tip here you can actually click on unlead so that you could know really know what is going on over there so go to the fs ship once again un check all those thing go to the content BR time to boot all the sapling uh there not even seing here I don't need seing [Music] so choose every single thing turning it on density make get point2 and you also need to test it out over there also I think that aij normal should be still be disabled but the random B angle might be higher so that it's going to be looking as a falling so w that's very nice yes it's nice do that do that [Music] okay here we are let's keep working on your [Music] stuff oh yeah uh I kind of forgot one thing uh let's control Z okay um the scale X and scale here uh make it very very random here I'm going to set that3 to one cuz you know and I said ler laser is always random just you didn't add you know something way too ili form into the ler scene or else it's going to look like make it a little bit more crowded now go to the lead mode and see I have a very nice sabling over there so what you're going to be going to do next right now is keep KY pass with that you can add some quick Bridge asset but here I'm not going to be going to do that cuz you know tutorials oh what a stupid uh reason so here is come the very very interesting thing it is about the FK but one thing here as you can see the tree is blocking way too much light and I don't want it so how can you fix this uh the only ways for you to fix those thing is to go back to the Fest and check all those thing and can actually select individual things here they can rotate those thing but as you can see maybe the scale is like way too much that's why the scene cannot be get inside so go over there rotate this one to this little side and make it down just like this and go to your Fates um select all those thing uh pin make it very small like around 100 let's move those out that's a little maybe something in the corner might affect now click click click click try to reduce that I actually use a different back it is the AOW the things uh I might show you later if you want to use that because I I think this one look pretty bad I ain't going to lie so yeah you can consider using that one instead of this one but anyway so you can see there's some lights sharp over there so what you're going to be going to do it is click on the directional [Music] light I'll just try to make it you know as much as possible I might make it on the side just like this yeah something justes like this as a as an example and what you're going to be going to do right now is to go to the exponential High Fork first the fork densities I'm want to go to set this one um O2 and then the most important thing is is a volumetric for so for the volumetric fork we're going to be going to increase the attenson scale in order to have some sort of license start going around and also scroll up on the F in scattering color you can CH some sort of scattering color I going make this one some like this it's not a Far Away St you know and yeah you can change the density of the fork as well as the light rays as you can see we have a lot of light rays here already going make the intens out a little bit better I mean uh for the OG project I only set it a two but it's like got a defend as you can see now when you're rotating you can see there's some sharp going on did you see that you can see the beauty of this here we are I might make it all the way just like this I L is not stupid but that's the only thing that I could do right now if I go by this way it's not going to do anything cuz you know the tree got blocked it all the way so the set it does like this and now what we're going to be going to do it is to add some shter objects over there and here is how I do it [Music] [Music] all right so I'm basically done with this uh it still look bad but is better than the last version um one thing here is you can go to the team Cate go to environment go to mesh to folate and you can see that we have a lot of you know folate type which is the dry Lea so import it over there and then make the density up night one now when you're Bing down there you can see that we have some dry Leaf which is very realistic it to take time to actually do those it's going to look very very realistic not like this obviously okay also um make sure the color corrects the stair later on I might color correct that later on and now once you're done with this uh it's time to rotate the light once again in order to um shwing you guys uh the differences so if you couldn't see anything like that so hit G on the keyboard g once again you can see uh and now just make those thing back to the play that it should be see gorgeous that's all I can say that's gorgeous man whoa bro this is like a 20 minutes work and it's already looking like this it's in incredible right now we'll just go content drawer match toate put those thing down uh rotate Lighty degree move it to the middle move it over there now uh it's my right in the forest might make it all the way like this you can really adjust those by doing something just like this all right and here we are the final thing we is color correcting this in stair right there um Ali about control first um brightness down saturation up contract up save done easy and uh go to the content drawer effect you see there's a lot of effect here right Le uh NS falling Le put those thing up and you can see we have some folding Le not really much double click on those thing go over there Zoom to the spawn rate and set this one any number that you like you're want to set this one even higher Maybe 18 save boom you got uh some falling Lea oh my God BR let's look uh gorgeous as well everything is gorgeous can duplicate those thing make it over there say that we have some falling so it's time to do some f thing which is the um por progress volumes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so post for volume click over there first thing first uh Global Elum illumination I think new is already more than enough those doesn't need you know anything that way to Fancy or something um Bloom you can turn on Bloom for you know like better reflection and stuff but here we already have a good race so I'm not going to do that uh expose I I set this one up two so that the color going to be uh normal or is you want sure exactly know which you know like what value is the best I think one always go the best that's what I really me to say cuz you know when you go with one you can do some sort of you know the contract between stuff and'll be a lot better and um also if you go with one you can do some sort of uh glowing stuff that I just talked a few minutes ago 2.5 see that's a lot better you can use the convolution but I'm going to use the standard method is a lot better and the [Music] tel let say this now here's wa we go okay let's here is one of the tip it is about col so here in the content dra we I want to dock it and uh what you're going to do right now is to go to content I want to create a new folder to this I'm going to to n so here is a way actually need color correcting right inside unre engine so first we're going to be going to close every single thing and just take a link in the description there's going to be a lot um n back and just I PID that into the loot fer here's I'm going to be going to PID that so yeah here's basically is what what it's going to be going to look like so now what you're going to do is reopen the process and start apply the those sort of loot so as you can see it's all spawn over there I mean it's all swing up over there so go to the torate um go to your post volum but I want to beats bro so searching up for loot turning on the convolution uh oh no no no the color grading nud and also the uh intensity as well so into so many different thing here I might going to be going to to some skyf or some landscape let's try some landscape going try it over there as you can see this look a little bit disgusting yeah there a lot of different option that you could really choose and you can do your own stuff as well there's no limit between those thing here you can see so here's the original one you can actually do some just like this um yeah the autum vi is I all read disgusting cinematic just look at something that have a better GRE so maybe this one it's way too over bright I mean over saturate maybe this one so uh one more thing here it is the camer uh I want to duplicate duplicate also the leaf is going to be a auto you know respond to those thing so that's one of the way that you could actually add or if you don't want to then you know just do that in our which I'm also going to show later on all right so um I'm just B from Beast so um go to the content drawer what you're going to be going to do right now is to render those thing out so um search for C modic go over there click on N sequence I want to name this one uh just keep it this like this I'll drop it into the scene go to open NE sequence go to the C reactor drop it down there and uh this is a very simple things to do go to transform location the Y location is basically the same like Arrow effects make one over there and the row piece row is basically say something like this so just make two key frame you you can make that going you know uh at the same speed by go over there you can delete two of those thing click on this and click on ners uh which is what I'm going to be going to do so I might make this one th just like this go over there and also you can drag those thing just say that so you can actually increase the number here oh my God uh 240 also don't forget to drag this and then move it over there move it all the way up let like this and just make those thing up to the ground just a little bit like this also the Z position just create one and then let's make those thing up to the ground I mean also make sure to make a key frame cuz if not then it's not going to work okay so here's what it's supposed to look like uh no no no this this thing is way too much milus n this one something like this as you can see we have a cinematics which look absolutely [Music] disgusting why am I I'm I'm always being a way too honest with the stuff that I make on the tutorials but you know as a guy who make tutorials I don't want to create something that looking way too bad you know maybe on this middle part right there I'm going to make those down create a new key from so that there so once you're done with this what you're going to be going to do it is to make sure the LI the little body C also going to work so to do that select two of those thing drag those thing down click on the plus plus button click on the L gra component on the lar gra component search for the live Circle Track this going to be the circle let's make it you know in the span of the ight just like this and now we are good to go so let's keep working with those you can actually be creative by Uh custom the focal there a lot of thing to do and um let's see so uh what I'm going to be going to do right now is to teach you guys how to render this very quick so we go save the sequencer click on the little button over there go to the config the first thing here is you want to have a loss l format go to setting click on exr and on these renderings you just set it just like this on the output click on setting until all lighting is basically like when you're playing game you know it's not sharpening up the edges make it 302 click on override C cut for warmup and run the warm up for cameras and um let's click on camera click on um high resolution and console variable I don't really think that I should use console variable anyways because console variable is you know something not that really important maybe some game overr and once you're done with that you can set your output resolution here is say 180 by ly20 on uh the outut directory you can save it anywhere that you want maybe something like this and on the custom start and end frame I want to set it at 240 and that's pretty old about it as you can see 240 so that's almost the end but now what I want you guys to do it is to maybe we add some shake into this you know just to make you guys a little bit more creative so right click create um a blueprint class search for the base C I mean shake and click on camera Shake base make that uh cam Shake open it up by holding um enter close it open it once again you're going to have something like this so root buron click on the burlin noise drag those thing down as you can see we have a lot of difference thing here first the duration set it to zero so that it's going to be you know going forever so now let's test it out so on the camera comol over there you can add some shake camera Shake click on cam shake and I'll drag this one into the end of the span so as you can see we got some little Shake going on so you can turn the M blue tune over there maybe there some rotation set it to one so now it's like as you can see so yeah this's some of the setting you can actually mess around with all those is your creativities I'm not going to force you to actually follow anything so basically done with the catic now it's time for the color correction all right so inside our effects the first thing that we're going to be going to do it is to import the sequin the exr sequin make sure you're turning on the sequin over there click on import so drop those thing down as you can see this one was my old one so uh first thing first uh we're going to be going to sharpen those thing up sharing all the detail so that when you look at that on the phone it's going to be look a little bit better so now I'm going to be going to show you over there right if you put the sharer about 25 as you can see it's a lot sarper and the lighting is like crispy as you can see over there it's crispy but then it look a little bit flat you know way too sharp there's not no hze around it so for that reason we're going to be going to add the maret bullet look I look into that click on edit now for the look it's quite simple first you're going to be going to choose a preset from this one there's a lot of uh color correction tutorial that I upload on my YouTube channel so you guys can check it out but here I'm just going to be going to choose you know some random thing over there cuz I mean why not those thing some of the look so nice some of them look quite nice some of them look nice buns in the dark this one probably nice enough uh let me oh there's no screen sh so yeah let's choose some of those in maybe I want to choose this one so this one look a little bit underwhelming you know as you can see the curve you can change the curve up or down to make the sadle and the highlight and I want to delete the diffusion instead of that I want to be going to use Optical diffusions and finally I think maybe adding up some vignard no the balance between the highlight and the side is good enough so the SC doing I wanted to make the density up a little with this side up and yes so here it is the pho products so um thank you so much for watching this uh okay let me back to my welcome so thank you so much for watching this uh tutorial today it's not a very long tutorial cuz I wanted I to you know starting up something very simple for you guys and uh This a two little box over there I actually I I don't really think that you actually notice this but this is my my figure collection you know I actually brought like the entire Bo the Rocks anime but two of them not even yet so maybe in the next tutorial I'm also going to do you know a little unboxing with that so that's video is about it uh thank you so much for watching is 1 p.m. right now and I haven't eat you know I'm just not eating breakfast honestly so I'm going to go eat right now seej everyone and of course project F in the description [Music]
Channel: imduong2k6
Views: 7,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine, ue5, unreal engine beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5.4 lumen, beginner tutorial ue5, unreal, engine, unreal engine starter course, ue course, ue5 environment tutorial, ue5 environment course, nanite unreal engine 5 tutorial, nanite displacement 5.3, course unreal engine 5 for beginners, unreal engine 5 course, unreal engine environment course for beginners, imduong2k6, imduong2k6 ue5, imduong2k6 ue5 tutorial, imduong2k6 ue5.4, ue5.4
Id: 8EUQnI4N9ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 24sec (4044 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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