How To Cyberpunk Environment - Unreal Engine 5.4 Beginner Tutorial | UE5 Starter Course(FREE ASSETS)

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oh my God it's like 500 a.m. and I'm trying my best to you know opening up my eyes so what's going everyone it's me here and welcome back in another tutorials so in this video today I'm going to be going to showing you guys the entire progress of me creating the Cyber buns scene that I saw in the beginning of the videos so one thing that I wanted to mention out here is you know it's very hard for me to fit all my five day work into a very short 2our tutorial so I created a little list over there so I'm going to going to looking out it actually need three [ __ ] bases and uh I think that it's pretty enough for that so for this tutorial today you need to download the free version file write out in the description which contain every single asset that I'm using but it's not includes the environments and if you wanted to go deeper into the work you can download the brilant version which is $4 on bayi you know it's not a very big support for my channel because basically Andre tutorial is not that popular in my channel so I don't really make you know way too much money from that but it's okay so um that's pretty a about it so let's get right into the tutorials oh my God yeah oh yeah this is my little corner anyways uh I tried to decorate it it look pretty dumb though so yeah don't mind it first click the first link in the descriptions and you can type you know any number here if you want to donate me or just type zero and click on buy this now you just need to click on get and that's pretty always about it um also one more thing here it is you can go to any GE website to download you know some sort of file uh just make sure to to something that have a lot of motion something just like this or just some symbol thing just like this is also good enough and let right click and save image s and that's all about it once you've done that what you're going to be going to do right now is to drag the gift into the little composition inside our effects and we going to be going to use an effect L unmute and just to this one so when once you done that you can click on this little transparent button right over there to know you know it does not transparent or not you can see over there when you click on this it's already transparent and that's good enough for us now so contr M on the keyboard and click on the output mode and what you're going to be going to choose is the BNG sequin with the channel of RGB plus Alpha and just Rend it out so now once you done with everything what you're going to be going going to do right now is to opening up the free version folder that you just downloaded and just opening up this unre file um make sure that you need to choose the version 5.3.2 because you know I kind of scared to you the 5.4 because you know it's just in better some of you guys might face some sort of bugs or problem so just use the latest version this one is like a lot more stable and now once you end these products what you're going to be going to see here it is some materials I already made my 28 hologram over there for you guys to choose the mega back here which includes some mesh and all of them here are free I'm going to be going to leave the link in the description if you guys want I to download the entire thing but here I'm just going to like toose some random stuff that going to be fit with the scene now what we're going to be going to do right now is click on edit for some of you guys who want I to do your own stuff you need to enable some plugin inside there the first one it is the modeling editing to we get two of this one next it is the movie movie Random Kill movie Random CU additional random passes and uh next one it is the Apple movie players uh we basically need to enable something just like that and also the Al I don't really remember the right name of this one let me El yeah the El ch player over there just enable anything that have the ELR things over there and we are ready to go all right all right so um let's create this environments all right I change my voice to a little bit you know so go to L click on basic and what you're going to be going to do first here is to delete the default floor and then we click on the little button over there click on Save and click on plan now we click on this little button over there to reset set of their values of the positions and let's drop a human mess down there to you know measure the size so click on meeses character office s and we boot this one down as you can see right over there we can increase this one a lot bigger so we click on the nello lock over there and then I might make this one 200 which is really really huge already and now let's block out this environment so going just set this one to 100 I think so now I wanted to make the scene this night this I want to go to P to really showing you guys real quick on what I wanted to create so for example this is night the human right uh I want them to stand on a little Bridge with a side here just say this and a build up let's say this with a little building to really ni is showing how huge the building here but also how high is the position of this human match so let's do that so on this little mesh right there you can change the camera speed by holding your right click and scroll your mouse wheels up so for this mesh over there I will be unlock this one once again to you know setting up these scale here it's back to 20 or maybe 10 and then we go down we move this one to this side or you can rotate this human as well to this way all right so basically we have something just like this now let's make the down side so instead of duplicate the new one and move it down there I want it to be move it up just say this so you just need to move those thing up maybe I guess L h00 is good maybe corners and now hold out on the keyboard and click on BR click your left Mouse to duplicate this one hold e on the keyboard and then rotate this one I want to make it very very stiff I don't even know it does say a right word or not so we just need to move those thing down and now let's keep building our environment so let scroll the Mouse wheel to basically make those things faster or you know slower and you can turn off something to make I mean three of those thing to make it a lot smoother so I think this one is good enough for the foundation so what you're going to be going to do right now is to duplicate this one once again but this time I will make the scale on the x axis hunds and we move this one until it's RS this little points over there on now you don't really need to worry that those thing is not collected or something because you know we cannot even see that in the camera so I'm going to be going to choose everything include this little human over there and uh yeah this you can hold control to you know deselect those thing now I wanted I to move those thing up a little more so that it's not you know touching the little gr right there I don't know why but I just want to do it so let's what we're going to be going to do is setting up a camera a temporary camera so click on the little button over there we go to cinematics and Camera oh right wrong one cinema camera aror now e on the keyboard we rotate this one 180° move this one down and keep moving it until is fit your reference oh oh it's very very far away so move this one very close close enough and I will set the focal to TR4 which is a lot better now I might move those thing up and move it out the side a little bit just like this or maybe even smaller make it up just like this and now I will make you know like the little fence or the balcony I don't really know how to call it but you just need to click over there go to save make a little K now we make this one a lot smaller and move it up you can find some reference out there to know what is not the perfect side for it but I'm going to be going to bend this n preview over there to know what is not the perfect side for this one now how R the keyboard make it really really long so this might be something just like this like I'm going to be going to make the X AIS of this one just back to my 50 or maybe uh 70 I guess and uh let make those thing a little bit closer to the camera and then hold out on the keyboard to duplicate it up move it back out move it back now e on the keyboard hit make it rotate 4 decrees I think it's yeah that's pretty good maybe 30 all right train yeah just make them a little bit collapse together is kind of easy so just hold out and block it out around now once you're done with this one it's time to merge every single thing over there into a static MH so the whole ship select every single thing go to two M Ator and this his M now I'm going to be going to name this one base and his shape on the keyboard now we got something called base over there which you can drag this one down reset the position and yeah let side move it to this side how did we replace this one then it's kind of dumb but I wanted I to merge everything together to reduce you know the number of [ __ ] stuff all right I I got a ESS f word as well a lot of people complain about that and I do understand about that I'm sorry for that now delete all those thing except the cube because I didn't mer that because we're going to be going to delete the cube later on by the way and now it's time to let me take a look at the load it's time to do the building fol all right so now let's do you know scatter the building around so go to content drawer go to l City this is not a freeb from keepad 3 go to actor and just drag three of those thing into the scene so as you can see that those thing are not the same size so as you can see if I drag those thing into different direction you can see that they are all having different size so now it's time to basically make those things smaller to look at the scale value so that we could you know setting those thing up later on so for this one I think that 0.3 might be the best side over there you can turn off this one to make it like really smooth that's like this let's choose a little side that's fit with all doing you can see so with this building it is8 this one is25 and this one is point3 so what we're going to be going to do right now is to click on the fish and then um click on the little button over there click on active folus and create a new folder so I'm going to be going to create that inside the tutorial one so I going to name this one fate and I want to name this one big building a now do the same thing we click on this one and let's change this one to B and next one click on this one let this one see and I'll click on each of them on the AR class over there you just need to select this one now go to the content drawer okay you can see and we click click on this and what we're going to be going to do is to click on this button over there and I'll do the same thing with the rest the second one the third one now you got to remember every single thing inside there so uh this one is B this one is B and this one is C you got to remember the L okay so I'm going to be going to take a little load uh I'm using a software code P I'm actually need scripting over there but now I want to use that for my tutorial so I'm just move that to the second monitor we just need to load all those thing so go to F and I'll choose for each of them so the first one that we need to modify it is the densities so this is not a very big building I wanted not to scatter them very little around the scene so I want to set this one to one for the radius I might choose 1,000 as a you know a test value and the most important thing here it is the scaling so we click on this and then we click on free so now I'm going to be going to change the max to 88 and8 the mean might be uh just have you know a random number here just got to be honest we're going to going to test around with those in on so but four n.8 make sure to turning off the Alli to normal and random jaw because you know real FL CD doesn't have does not a rotation differences between building so yeah so now s you to this one this one is 0.3 so go back to your Foles do the same thing I'm going to be going to speed up this part and now once you're done with everything what you're going to be going to do it is to test test it out you know on this in plane over there but to prevent this one from crashing you know some of you guys PC are pretty quick right we're going to be going to enlabel that light on all those thing so go to the geometry tab hit control a right click and on the left light we're going to be going to enlabel this and all you need to do right now is to wait for a few second all right so when it's all done we are ready to scatter those thing around the scene so I'm going to be going to turn off three of those thing first and to all those thing put this one up make the brush side a lot bigger I'm going to make this one to unlit and I'll just click as you can see there's a lot of things going around here which is not nice so you need to reduce the densities and also I forgot to turn off the Alli to lmal and random JW on two of those things as well so let's put let's choose all those thing make the density down to1 now let's scatter those thing around yeah bro this is what exactly what I want to have and one more thing that I wanted to mention out here it is when you scatter it you got to make sure that there's some space in middle so that it's not going to be way too crowded so that later on you could add some differing into this scene as well so what thing that I looted here it is the Z position I mean the Z scale of every single thing here is a little bit way too much so I'm going to be going to leave this one maybe 6 and the scal Z is are maybe three let's make it extremely random 25 this one may be 18 this one 25 back to two this one 29 12 now scatter all right a lot better they are like all squats it's okay no it's not that [ __ ] okay bro no no no no no come on it's not okay is we we need to have a lot of you know customization before we actually working on those thing so I might just set this one back to 9.8 yes I'm seeing it this we might customize the camera later in order to make it look better but now just do something like this it's okay also just don't make those thing way too close to the camera because if you make it close to the camera it's going to be have a lot of problem about leveling you know like yeah this time might be the closest one and what you do what you're going to be going to do right now is to modify those as you can see those thing are intersect each other so just choose this move it up move it down I don't really give a [ __ ] about that let's make it a bit separate to each other just make them intersect because later on we will like keep pass a lot of different thing but just make sure that those thing are not way too repetitive and also rotate it maybe Lighty degrees make it a bit from behind let's make it running you know the more random the better is got to be yeah maybe we should do this side as well because this side look incredible as you can see now it's a very good building you know it's a very good angle to make uh some sort of a buard n one yeah you can add some bub on top of those let's make something just like this you can squeeze those thing out a little and yeah all right so let's do the second layer building so here on the content drawer I already prepare a lot of different thing for you guys to choose so the first one it is on the mega pack I have two little blueprint and when you drag those thing down as you can see is say some medo scene I I I'm sorry for not pronounce it right but uh we have some random things over there so what I want to we going to do right now is to scatter those thing a ton of in around those but I may just use that for the forr over there because you know it's not really fit with the Cyber buns mve so let's go with some other things so geometry you got building some separated part very nice just I put some random thing into this to know you know what is like the best one I might choose this one right there three of this one put all those thing down and now we got to look at the side for each of them to know what is not the best one I also want to delete the old one so that we not going to misclick on those thing so as you can see the side of those thing is like [ __ ] weird bro but it's okay cuz we just need some sort of thing inside this so click on this one do the same progress make those thing a lot smaller I want to be going to make it as small at this one because it's nice do the same thing with this one a not smaller make them sit right next to each other to know you know if that's a good enough or not I I don't want to just scre it okay all right so we have three thing over there now it's time to do the same step uh I'm going to make this one 4 three make sure to lock every single thing make it you know not getting weird I hate something that have like a ton of [ __ ] number on it this make me dis you know so go to F it make sure to choose everything and click on the button over there now go to add folus I'm going to be going to choose met this medium stand for medium or just make it small actually it's small SM buildings a now what we're going to do here is to create another one do the same thing I'm going to speed up this part and now uh we're going to do the same thing again first I'm going to delete this and we're going to scatter those thing around to see how good it is all right make sure that we got to I be careful because if it's too much it's going to lock in the scene H it's not that bad it's it's crowded and that's what I need make sure to turn off two of those thing all right there your scattering got a lot of thing here it that's way too much huh not really but you know they all goes with the same angle is pretty pretty weird this random jar but we don't really have you know an option to make it so let put it this like this hm that's got to be a things where I mean some random position doesn't make it way too random right but I think it's okay it's actually pretty okay because later on it's not going to be going to showing up that much in the scene but they are inter this other so select every single thing three of those thing so on the radius we need to make those thing up nice 700 here we are the best one just move it inside the scene just like this so as you can see in the scene right now we have more buildings uh they are all goes into the same direction anyway so just two some random random points in CH you know when I chain those thing just like this this might take a lot of time but I really want to care about the quality of those thing as well so something just like this you guys go to this little thing over there 180 so that's a tip to actually you know select those thing a lot better it should hold control and ALT you can select some box right just be careful select some of [Music] them actually pretty okay if if you guys select the one that you know like the big building because uh what I mean here is you know I some and then I'll show whole ship some brandom and now uh make sure to click control to deselect the base make those thing 18 180 or maybe Lighty to make them a kind of inter this other a little bit more so let's what we're going to be going to do right now let me check the load real quick it is to make the asmos feres all right so it's time to unpin this little view over there and click on their camera AR over there so we're back to the lead mode and we need to delete all of those in here I want it to start out extremely fresh so now it's black so go to this one uh click on the visual effects and we going to drag a post progress volume into it so we're going to search for unow and label this and seeing this is a l scene I want I to lock expose by click on this one and then we just make this one may be minus one you know to set it temporary and we're going to be going to work around on those scenario so when the scene is completely black the first thing that we going to be going to add it is a directional light so let's go to light directional light or no keyboard to basically move those thing around you can move it anywhere that you want but yeah make sure to make it you know a little bit bright just say this yeah maybe some shorter thing like this but I wanted to like facing up to the character something uh let's try it around let's see what is like the best one I think this one is the best already so on the directional L first uh I wanted to make the intensity down to five the light col uh let's choose a mood of cyber buk so make it blue this this and then let's scroll down uh I think it's yeah we're pretty okay with this one round so let's uh click on this button over there go to the I kind of forgot so you just need to click on the spay bar and we search for ful I want to drag an exponential High fog into it and and before we do that I kind of like want to turning on the atmospheres on this one so just need to scroll this one down until saw you know asmos Shai and we have the little thing called live function over there so it's it's like the same thing like goo ni in bler so we going to search for cloud and this one you know that add some random thing into this one is good enough so next click on the exponential high for the first thing that we're going to be going to do it is to increase the fog intensity into the maximum the next one it is a fog in scattering color this one going to be going to change the overall things oh see the reason why it's not changing because I forgot to turning on the volumetric so on the volumetric parts over there we just need to turn this one on make the scattering distribution maybe Bo five I think Bo five is good and then on the 18 I don't know how to pronounce uh put this one to five to make it thicker and the view distance do make those thing uh maybe 20,000 I want I to double those thing up so as you can see you can see the back of this one that's very important and now back to the top we click on this one now on the Bo in scan in just move this one you see it's like from far away right make it blue and this guy atmosphere does make it right now on the directional in scattering color you can choose any color here it's not gives you a little chance not really much but still need to do and we basically done with you know the fog and every single things what we're going to be going to do right now is to add a sunight into it Sky night sorry why why the [ __ ] don't we have skyl bro okay here put the Skylight down and that's maybe the intensity scale I wanteded to set this one to zero because is way too bright over there and now the full up with this one I wanted to make it a .1 so you can see it's really really dark inside here the directional light um might I might choose this one make it m two all right now it's dark enough make those into three now it's really really dark we are ready to go into the next step all right we are very close to the end of this tutorial so the next thing that I'm going to be going to do here is to add some hologram into it I know those things pretty disgusting cloth so I want to to modify some of those things first first thing first uh I want I to make for even thicker I 6.5 should be a good and view distance I don't really think that this thing is good I mean wanted night to be like very very yeah it shouldn't be like this I want some Halo over there so just set this one at 8,000 L enough and for this static Li uh just set that one I think it's good now the next thing here is to add some hologram into it and hologram is [ __ ] simple now I'm going to be going to show you guys how that we could make I mean how can we make hologram inside a aine so I'm going to be going to create a new folder Lim test for you guys in that folder we opening up your F Explorer to find you know the BNG sequin do we just render it at the beginning of the videos I want to fly it right now go over there I don't know which one is like the right one I think this one I guess oh my God bro yeah I think this one so see over there right just select everything and drag it down here and once you done that right click Sprite action click on apply 2D t-shirt setting to make it transparent right click once again create Sprites and right click for the last up and create paper flip book now click on edit you can see over there now it's turned into something just like this so I'm going to be going to relim this one before we do that uh one thing that I wanted to load here it is when you click on default materials if you're not using my free version it's not going to be going to have the emission over there so in order to have this you click on these dummy spray textures I mean uh onto the masket and spray material and then go to the def spry materials and what you're going to be going to do I want to do it again so originally it's going of sewing up something like this right hold M on the keyboard left click we make a multiply now hold all on the keyboard click left click onto this one to disconnect move this into the A and this to the emiss column now hold one and left click right click convert to parameters and I want to name this one emission now put this into this we on the default value I will set it to one to make it visible and once you done that uh your texture should have some glow into it when you drag it into the seene now I'm going to be going to drag it to show you guys how it's going to work now I drag this one down rotate this one and as you can see here we have a very nice picture can rather make it bigger or small water and if you want to to make it Glow even more on the material over there you have the emission right just need to crank those Lumber up save it and you have it so now that's pretty all you got to know about those thing now it's time to scatter all of the Hologram that I provide to you guys inside this folder into the environment I'm going to going to leave that on my second monitor just drag this paper flip book into those thing and let it loading I'm going to ni speed up this part over there and also one tip here sometime when you're are a making you know adding some stuff that basically almost have the same position you can hold up and draw it up and then on your content browsers uh what you're going to be going to do is you selected the thing that you want to replace maybe this one and just right click replate act with this and that's going to be make your progress a lot easier and sometime when you kind a loss on the scene you can heal F on the keyboard to zoom it in it's like the same way in blenders and just move it into the position that you wanted to add so and you can duplicate those thing rotate it lightly degrees make it somewhere far from this other it's okay to duplicate different stuff on the scene because you know that's the same way as real life work I got to be honest with it you know a lot of people I I work I on a marketing agency you know what I mean I you know we do some sort of advertisement on website and stuff and if you pay a lot of money you could place multiple different art on the same website the same page so yeah it's kind of makes sense you know if it's in a a cyber space I'm just doing it very very rough here cuz you know it's a tutorial I don't wanted to go crazy with it I just wanted to show you guys the concept of me doing those thing and duplicate multiple things adding something sometime it doesn't need to se in the camera but rather to say having emitting some line is good let's do something with this I think that's the default radius might be a little bit way too much that's why is getting a bit close to each other that's like this but it's okay because you know this just a tutorials if you're done with this you have you're going to have a lot of times you know to polish the work and that's got to be the time when you actually working around a lot more and those thing this one is a bit close here so so just move down moving this one is like one of my favorite one because it's have the take animation all right so we got to add a lot more more Dow there as well I'm going just draft some random stuff down there and duplicate it multiple time because we don't have times and we are on a rush all right so let's take this one as an example okay you can scatter more to have you know more depth into the scene so now it's time to add a background so to add a background I'm going to be going to show you a very cool tricks it is to use by using AI so I'm currently using me journey in order to create disorder backgrounds to add it into the scene uh here's a old the BR you can pause the video to lose about it or if you don't have money you know to actually buy a Mion subcription you can go to the browser you can search for cyber background or wpaper go to image you're going to have a lot of thing now for example this one this one is exactly what I want to need to talk about let's choose some City that have a lot of buildings now this one is [ __ ] cool it's really really cool when you add it into the scene or this one this one is very incredible I might save this one as well to use on my future projects okay so how did we manage to putot it into the scene so over there on the tutorial I already give you guys some sort of background over there I will make a video explain each of those things uh on the future tutorial so for example I wanted to add something like this the thing that I just downloaded so the first you got to take a look at the side of it so this image side is 5,000 by 3,000 so click on the little box over there create a little BL and on the scale we just make it you know 53 ratio so 500 by 300s might be a good number no it's too big bro but it's okay because we could customize those Thing by lock those thing in and just drag it maybe 250 you don't need to care about those thing actually because later on you can stretch those thing up you know what I mean so five uh 53 is with me that which one is 500 just like this and you got to rotate those thing temporary and on this content drawer over there you have background one and and background so when you click on those thing I actually create this one by myself so if you guys have any bucks or something you guys can go to my Discord server for half and I'll just let it loading for a bit yo what's up it's me here I'm finally back home and I'm just back from school I'm sorry I'm sick today so let's do the background so I decided to delete background in order to teach you guys how to do that because this one is very useful so first you need to import the background that you just downloaded or generate from me Journey here I'm going to be going to import two background um uh this one is from Lazaro 45 on Instagram I actually need download his project file and I saw this texture right there which is really cool now right click on the keyboard I mean your mouse create new material and I'm going name this one background now in this one I'm want to set it to the plane mode and turning on two- sided it's optional by the way and then on the plan mode I'm going to set this one into T cluent and now what we're going to be going to do it is to add the textur so I'm going to drag this one down there and we going to be going to create a multiply load in order to control the brightness so move this one to a this one to emissive color and basically we have a BL do have the texure on it but now hold one on the keyboard click on the left click and convert this one to parameter I'm going name this one brightness uh the default venue is going to be one uh temporary by the way and that's pretty all about the emission like I'm going to be going to make this one you know to remove the black points of this one so in order to do that what we're going to be going to do it is we're going to be going to track this one into the opacity and we have it right now but now I wanted I to controls the amount you know black boy going to be remov it so how can I do that is pretty simple so we're going to add a new note L cheap contrast and on this load over there I want to hold out and just collect this one so I'm going to put this one into the in and hold M on the keyboard to create a multiply load because now I'm going to be going to mix this one with another load l l off uh another parameters and we convert this one and I'm going to be going to L this one alha p I learned this one from industry so yeah credit to him for this material now on the contrast over there I'm want to do the same thing hold one and left click conver to parameter make this one alpha contrast uh make sure that the default value is one move this one over there and then we put this one into the opacity so now I'm going to be going to show you how to control this one real quick so we click on Save and then when it's save we close this one right click click on create material instance and I'm going to name this one Mi background one now when you double click on this one we're turning on every single thing so the alpha boots when you put those thing up it's going to be goes up and we can reset it same thing go with this one as you can see so you can you know mess around with this one so I want to make the brightness a lot brighter than 45 to say for you know an example so now let's apply this material instant into a blend so first create a new blend and now we need to looking up at the side or the texture we get this one over there so this one is 4 by two so we need to turn this little plane here maybe to 400 by 200 move it all the way to you know behind the scene and then we rotate this one light de rotate this one Lighty de we can scale those thing up later on now we need to focus on texturing those thing first so I'm going to make this one what the [ __ ] this one so hard to control so I'm going to reset this make this one around here just set it just like this temporary now drag your material instant into this and it's going flip it so I'm going flip this one back to this now you can scale this one down uh no matter how you know stred it is it's okay okay got to remember that this one is pretty simple to use so just I'm going just move those thing down move it down just like this this is a technique that I basically learned from Bladers actually so it's going to like give you guys you know a s of background CD we are working way too much on it a lazy trick you know so let's click on the material instances and now here is what will happen if we control those thing as you can see I want it to make it a bit less visible make the contract up and the brightness up as well make some sort of you know silouette maybe 100 and now in case you wanted to add another background to basically imit keep passing those uh what you're going to do right now is to hold out on the keyboard duplicate those thing once again and on the content drawer duplicate the material instant double click into that and on the Paran no over there what we're going to be going to do it is to duplicate the background as well all right I don't know what note n to really a flipping something let me check it real quick I was filing this I mean trying to F this one on R it and Sh but it's kind of like hard to just just go easy bro so you need to duplicate both the indices and the background in order to you know having different thing and on the background what you're going to do is on the texture shamle we select this one over there and click on the little button right over there to import this and on the background material instances background two you drag it into this part over there so make sure that you need to save this one in order to apply those thing the same way into this one now once you're done with that go to your content drawer dra this one into the second plane so click on plane Two element zero over there just select their material instances too and apply those make sure that you got to save it anyway so yeah I forgot to save so put this into this and save it now you can drag those thing into this and you got another layer so before we actually manage to do anything we're going to back to the camera Cinema actor now what I wanted to do right now is to make the plane a lot [Music] smaller yeah a lot stretched anyway let's make them a lot smaller move those thing down as you can see it's still got a little bit too high let's make it really really small and you know hide it behind the building and stuff that's got to be a very nice thing to do and also we're going to chain the intensity later so lowely to blame me if you are about to say it because I know all right so just straight it out now on the setting reset all those thing in order to know you know what is the thing that we should choose so the alpha boost uh one is good Alpha contrast as you can see here make those thing a lot smaller and now you can move around you know we have there some sort of details that look pretty nice I ain't going to Li even if we move it over there it's create nice Ascent of holograms you know hologram is a very popular in cyber bu so that's got to be a NIC thing make it to the edges of this building you can duplicate those thing move it around anywhere you want it or just chain on you know different background so I might choose another background for this one uh let me see something that's have a lot of points of you know col and stuff is a very nice so for example I'm going to CH this little em over there which I made inside um Mion it's have a lot of Point Supply that's like this right you know the more Point Supply the better it's going to be so do the same thing choose two of those thing duplicate it go inside this move those thing up it's very inconvenience to work you know on one monitor just got to be honest I have three Monitor and I'm kind of familiar with that so click on this import you got to remember this is that's a tutorial so in your real work you got to work around with it you know try to make it look incredible here I'm just showing you guys the progress of me creating it so keep keep passing your image until you like it here I don't give a [ __ ] about the uh size of the plan or anything I I just want it to be you know somewhere like this move it all the way over there gra the material inces Tre into it now you got something else here as well so this time I wanted to move it up you know adding some sort of s of holograms and I also wanted to make it you know kind that I close the camera but putting those in a lot down and smaller as well just make it like really small move it down move it up a little bit just you know make it like rotating just like this just give it a little SC of you little life under there you obviously need to work a lot on those thing it's got to be honest but yeah when you're done with that go back to the ca camera actor and you can see that we are having a lot of different image stocking up on each other you can lighting up those Thing by adding more hologram into this as well so the last thing that we going to be going to do is to replace some actor oh yeah the spaceship as well so now once you remove the little block over there go to your quick bridge and now we're going to be going to sear for fench all right all right this one right there this one right there so oh we got some sh in here just pretty interesting so we're going to download this modular High kit here I'm going to put it on high quality so yeah this is like the keyword of it I'm sorry for you know not telling you guys or anything because even myself actually forgot about the LM so just searching up for that on quick show bridge and where to download oh wa that this one so now we're going to click on ADD and it's going to ni sewing up okay showing up so close this one we just hit yes to save everything now we have the modular safety rail here just put those thing out there rotate that Lighty degrees and replace it with you [Music] know something just like this of course you can now fit those thing together by turning off this make it the just like this yeah just say do some random stuff with it it's kind of depend you know and later on I want to showing you guys how to add you know some third party stuff into your scene if you guys want to customiz even more we'll make it a little bit far cuz you know why not okay so once you done with this it's time to boot some Road and some traffic down there so this going to be a pretty hard part before that I think that we have enough mes on the outliner that we could you know group all those thing together so you just need to choose um move to create a new folder I'm going to name this one uh their safety I don't know real now do the same thing with the rest just choose all those thing accept this right click move to new folder Holograms and what the [ __ ] is this oh this is also Holograms e all right so it's time to find some road teer all right so it's time to teach you guys about how to add the road material into this so this one also inspired by industry tutorial I actually figur it out by watching cinematic cookies um cyberscape videos but it was on bler and now I wanted to replicate that inine but I have no idea how to add a video texture so I was watching IND tutorial so all the link going to be in the description I think that he's did a much better job in on you know explaining about those things that me so on the file we have three Road material videos uh this is like this one the first one you know it's just like some stable drawing camera videos and uh this is the second one this is the third one which is not the most popular one that's cinematic cookie is it have some you know Wing go but it's not really important and if you guys want to to find your own stuff you can search for drone CDs on pixas or pxel to you know looking for that and you can actually use those thing as you can see over there to actually use that as a background so something like this very [ __ ] nice you SE gr CD lies at you know some sort of keyw into it in order to actually find a good one uh yeah so just choose something that stay uh record from a high view just like this all right this one looking cha as [ __ ] uh for those thing AAL views of vehicle traveling at night this one is what I wanted to talk about a ton of [ __ ] cool thing bro I'm sorry for saying the ad word too much I'm sorry I'm literally way too Str right now I'm so I literally apologize for this so there's a lot of thing for you guys to actually need learning uh this one yeah it's have a single road is very nice because you can actually use that for a highway or something so now let's learn how to put those thing inside unre engine so in unre engine I'm going to Bo this one into unlit to make this faster I'm going to make this one Biggers create a new folder and I'm going to name this one road materials now we're going to right click media uh five media shorts I'm going to name this one media Short Road one Ro two rad three now for each of those thing click on the five pass and I'm going to link that to the road file yeah you can do the sh shade as well so this is the first one click on Save now we go to advance make sure to click on preach to make it you know like faster this one also need to be on loop as well so once you done that do the same thing with two of the other things all right so right click once again we're going to turn in uh click on uh media players click on the video output media texture access and now media bler Road one do the same thing duplicate two oh it's uh we cannot do that because it's it's not going to going to create a texture for some reason it's going to be messed up you know so do the same thing okay so for each of those thing what you're going to do is to double click on those thing until we start playing like this click on Loop and you cannot click on clo it we're going to minimize those thing because I want it to be pled inside of on engine turn on Loop once again for three Loop once again and now we have the media textures so I'm going to create a new folder let this one texture to make it you know less chaotic or right click um let's just put it as a players select all those thing put it inside here move here now on this picture right there it's time to create a material from that so right click we create a new material uh we're going to leave this one uh material Road one opening it up now here's come to the part where I'm going to be going to show you guys uh the same way as the backgrounds uh trans clearent default need disc collect the base colum and let's do the same thing for e all right so once you're done with this one it's time to make it a little bit difference um we need some color correcting right because the road videos are lot the same you know they are lot having the serving the same color and stuff so I'm going just set this one back to one now out we create a new note named desaturation so make a new parameter and going to leave this one set with the default value of one and now just put those in now the same way at how blenders load work save those in and what we're going to do right now is to apply this material right click create a material in m i Ro one and uh go over there create a new pin and I we set this one to one 192 by 108 is you know is I basically a r here you're already familiar with that right move it down it's still too big right and we just need to divide this one maybe divide this one by three divide this one by three it's still very big divide this one by three divide this one by three make those really small is a little bit too small so just make them up by 1.5 up by 1.5 now rotate it and drop your material instant into that so now when you back to lead mode uh right now basically you cannot see anything so on the image background I'm want to turning off this so as you can see you cannot see anything because on the material instance all right I click on this one on the content browser so we need to turn it on every single thing first one on the saturation I'm going to put this one to zero in order to have you know the color back the alpha contract I will make it down a little the alpha push I want to you can make it up as well and the brightness one of the most important one so I will make the brightness to 12 the alpha boost you can make it up just like this the contract you can remove them by doing something just like this you know just make them like that and we're done now we basically have something running in the background so in order to make it running you got an i opening up the media browsers but we shouldn't do that now because it's got at my destroy your [ __ ] py so now what you're going to do is to keep pass those thing on the scene so duplicate it into another plane this time we're going to do the same thing with two of the other so go to content drawer tutorial Ro material on the material Road here duplicate it click on this one duplicate it do the same thing duplicate it three time so for each of those thing just replace the texture shampoo here with the this one so one save it uh three yeah I'm so sorry making it you know looking way too you know I'm having OCD for real bro I hate to see the content drawer keep jumping up or down but it's been a while I'm not using this [ __ ] I don't know how to move it I make it you know stick yeah maybe something like this and just stick it out oh it's worked oh finally now on the material instant click on this and put the Emeral to into this go through the material intenses three and three boom now close those thing put the material enthesis two into the little blend make sure [Music] to put the saturation why why the [ __ ] oh yeah we we we need to put the intenses into it not the m one like this now duplicate it one more time and this is deter so as you can see they are all having a different M uh color but for now we just need to keep pass single R first and later on I will adjust them later it doesn't need to be fit to is NE motion anything just just give it you know a sense of something that moving underground okay you can stretch those thing up is okay because this is a tutorial I obviously don't want I to over complicate those Thing by actually doing something way too carefully but for you if you are working on a client work or some sort of thing like that obviously you need to spend a lot of time on those but not me I [ __ ] this [ __ ] bro like no way when I spend a ton of time on really doing this one looking liely bro just giving you guys the basic concept of this is more than just enough that's my opinion I want you guys to actually have a s you know creativities that's what the main goal of my tutorial into you're also giving you guys some different option to goes up with your creativities now the first one seem to be a little bit off I might put it somewhere the road did I way too small make it big now you going to keep back this thing all over the place it's really really going to take a lot of times so you can select everything here a make it up rotating it put it down let's make it to be you know the same as the current level turn off this e on the keyboard make it up this like this now duplicate it rotate it okay okay this one getting crazy so uh boot those thing back to this and then rotate it just like this uh I want to enlabel slapping for now because I need it and now I'll just and you know just move some random stuff to some random place it's okay to have some sort of place over there actually having nothing because why do I need to keep BS this sort of area let's make them really huge put those thing over there rotate it move it up make it really scrap and even if you're doing like a very serious work just trust me cuz no one going to it's going to be less visible on camera right all you need to have is some color variation that moving over there so that was pretty much all about it to the stop move it move it this like this same way goes with this side and then once you're done with this it's time to actually color correct so uh on the second material instant I wanted I to boot the alpha contract a lot more uh let's looking it down over there you can see that if you put the alpha contract is going to be you know let visible and the alpha boots are not really leaded the brightness also because the original brightness is more than just enough for this for this saturation you can deset it maybe just a little bit so on the tree it's very bright right reset two of those thing on the alpha boost I mean on the contract want to make it down a little dhatu it pretty not and make the brand it down a bit when you're done with everything go to the bler click on E of the bler to make it move the first one click on the first second one click on the second third one click on the third minimize it and basically we have a moving thing over there and on your serious work of course you got to need to keep pass some sort of something over there right you obviously need to do that and also you need to Overlay a ton of different Road on top of those thing that's what's my uh that's my suggestion when it come to dosing but here see this one is a tutorial I don't want to go that far CU just you know it's a creativity is it's not anything that I suit te or anything and also for the ground we don't have way too much things on the ground and uh I kind of I wanted I to booing up something maybe some lighting some sort of thing here you're can definitely need do that so here we're back to the Cela camera actor so the last thing that we're going to be going to do is is to render the sequin so click on the little button over there cinematic level sequin after so what you going to be doing right now is to open this one up the lever sequin oh yeah we need to create a level sequin a level sequin why do I forgot it I'm literally sometime it's a a sequin yeah this one right oh someone join Discord uh sh so go to the content drawer go back to material Level I mean search for sequin click on level sequin put it down there open never sequence drag the camera down and now what you're going to be going to do is to change the focal and your adventure as you can see I put it down so up I me I mean uh on the focus setting you can do some sh of focus you can see over there as you can see it's you can do some Shor of fit in fit out by click on the little key frame over there move it around like 30 frame make it really far just like this and make another key frame so you can actually do some sort of blur in ch just like that and expand those up like something like this and also uh in order to render those thing out I'm going to be going to show you guys the best render setting that I found on my highend PC by the way uh it's going to depend on you guys so you can watch some tutorials on you know YouTube to actually figure it out the way to do it all right so oh un catic actually weird oh [ __ ] my friend calling me hello h [Music] fore wait wait wait wait guy gu guy guy where oh [ __ ] all right so now we click on this n sequencer right there to save it and then click on this one to render the videos so on the setting the first thing that you got to take a look at it is you're going to delete the export one to it click on the exr to have you know the highest qualities or you can click on yeah I think this one is like probably having the best things and you can click on P for compression hello okay okay all right time for talking about the spaceship so you can model some very you know simple things or you can go to sket you just need to sech for spaceship click on downloadable and then buy your favorite one here when to I going to choose this one now you can click on download and import that into planners so sorry uh here I already downloaded it so you can go to blender right now I'm going to do it very quick so we click on General a on the keyboard X on the keyboard to delete it import this here they actually give me a spaceship blend. blend file now you need to check it is there that any mates out there is I not join it for example this one over there this one have a textures on it oh I mean have a material on it and I don't want it so I want to delete this and this one actually have two separate one so we select two of those thing control on the keyboard to Jo all of them and now for all the human over there we just need to select all those thing cuz we don't need that then there a lot of spaceship here for you guys to use delete it now once you have every single thing here bio export FX click on the mesh selected objects turn off the B animation turn off the leap bones smoothing turn on the Target in space and that's go uh I want to I override this one and now we close this one I don't save it opening up to under engine oh yeah this one it was a test one I don't give her I mean I don't care about that all right no more squaring uh s spaceship. ABX oh yeah so here is one of the F that I already you know post progress as well you guys can actually you know if this V as well it's going to be in the description as well s for that so this one actually have you know the glass material that I created but I'm going to going to replace those thing with other things later so we have a lot of mesh down there so I'm going to go to create a new n and make sure to save this one and we just drag some random thing into this so I want to select maybe just three of those uh to make an example for you guys bu those thing down so I I actually forgot to you know make the ACO point on plates but it's okay we just need to make some sort of random shape here so select all those thing you can right click go to the pivot set pivot here move it up now you can actually make the mesh maybe a bit wider or some TR thing like that I'm sorry for this side bad mesh here so yeah this I scattering around alt on the keyboard we might rotate this one bro this one looks so [ __ ] annoying bro slap the pipot here make I will make this one maybe down just like this make it down move it to some sort of position I'm just showing you guys a little example okay once you done that select every single things and then we going to be going through two mer actor you can create as much as you want uh it's kind of depend on you know how much that you need I want to L this one spaceship one and once You' done that go to cont drawer to back into the this Untitled over there this is the map that we are working on the tutorial now you're going to drag this one into the scene rock it very far away rotate this one you can turn on slapping here I'm going to do it make it Lighty degrees and then you can duplicate those thing a lot more you can do some like different variation something that's like this might choose all those thing that's I make those thing this like this I mean their rotation is a little bit stup WR so I might click on multiple value it's going to be Lighty Lighty okay so you can control G on the keyboard to group all those thing now once you've done that you can actually duplicate it even more I want to give it an example so on the plane over there I want to move over the road plane right click move to create a new folder I want to L this one road now on the spaceship we going to I position those thing into uh the right place I wanted to make this one very small but very long you know some sort of thing just like this so I only have one variation right there yeah that's true you know showing you guys how does this one work so on this n material here I will go to the content folder new CD material windows I will duplicate this one into another window instances and what we're going to be going to do it is to put it into the glass and we go to lead mode I will make this one a lot brighter to you know basically highlight those thing up to on the window brightness you're can to actually make it very bright can hit F on the keyboard to basically scale it to the points of it you can see it over there it's like kind of like simulating the real life thing here so make it kind of bright save it and move it maybe this position is good you know it's kind of intersecting so opening up the lever sequence click on open L sequence and then we will click on this and now what we're going to be going to do it is on two of these group actor right this whole so I move it uh yeah we cannot move it so Control Alt ship G to ungroup don't remember all right so now to once you ungroup we're going to select every single thing just leave the first one and click on this so now it's all linked it to this one only so drop this one down to the tumai just say drag this one down until to see a little box here and then on the transform you can key frame the location XYZ here I'm want to key frame the Y position maybe remove that like 150 frames you can move it just like this so you can see now we have something just like this it is a spaceship so one thing here I will control Z I wanted to make it you know having the same speed so you can turn this one into linear do the same thing and then if you want to have more variation like something that's move faster than the other to make it you know less kind of a uh I don't know how to call it but you going select some random thing here right duplicate it maybe move it up and uh grab it out I just unlink this oh [ __ ] I just actually didn't need put it okay let's stct this one down over there got Uno syb okay so just click on this add on the keyboard to duplicate it up and then you grab this on L and Ro this one down and you can see this box now the location for example if you wanted to make it go from this side to the other side so that's just an example okay you can go very creative with this so you can basically have something just like this okay so back to the cinema C actor so basically can have some spaceship on the scene and all you got to do left is just Rand it so thank you so much everyone for watching this videos I know that's doing is this one is just a very scrap with tutorial I cannot you know put all my five day work into just a single tutorial so I'm going to make this one very quickly I kind of I'm [ __ ] apologized for this I'm going to be going to try my best actually showing you guys a lot better thing in the future and if you guys want to support me you can download the project file Link in the description and uh for the last thing okay so the last thing here I kind I want to add some Haze I'm going to use the blue haze from this one just my duplicating those thing up move it really close to the camera something like this and just put those thing down so when you back to the cinema camera actor and put the scity up you see that we have some blue haze right under there which is really really nice okay so uh go to BL for I think it's a bit too high make it down just say this is good enough oh yeah it's it's kind of like clipping so uh you can actually fix those thing as well so yeah that's pretty about it you can customize some sh of thing anything that you wanted to do with the scene and you you wanted to PR the project check the link in the description and see you in the next video
Channel: imduong2k6
Views: 4,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imduong2k6, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 course 2024, unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial, UE5 Starter Course, UE5 Beginner Tutorial Environment, UE5, unreal engine 5 cinematic tutorial, unreal engine 5 imduong2k6, unreal engine 5 environment, unreal engine environment tutorial, ue5 2024 tutorial, ue 5.4, unreal engine 5.4, unreal engine cyberpunk tutorial, cyberpunk 2077, ue5 cyberpunk tutorial, ue5 cyberpunk city, imduong2k6 tutorial, imdong2k6, 2k6
Id: awTmoLnehBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 54sec (5394 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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