Creating a High-Rigidity Workbench Using Alminium Frames

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The PC desk I was using as a workbench lacked rigidity and was wobbly So, let's make a workbench using aluminium framing Assemble the frame at 90 degrees Tighten the bolts using a torque wrench Adding an adjustable pad allows fine tuning the height Installing the adjustable pad POWERTEC Wheels - Link in the Description below. Miraculously it matched the mounting holes on the casters and the bolt spacing on the aluminum frame. Workbench casters are used this way. Process vise mounting holes in aluminum frame. Place the old worktop for work Process 9mm plywood to make side plate For cutting plywood, use a crosscut saw, a saw capable of sawing across the grain. Of course, the knife is made in Japan, and the sharpness and processing accuracy are excellent with a leather saw. Since the worktable is stable, the cut surface can be processed very smoothly. Attach slide rail to side plate Fix the side plate to the aluminum frame This is the backboard Screw the back plate Attach the middle top plate. Make a drawer with 9mm plywood. Be careful when you hit the finish nail! Attach slide rail to drawer Make a drawer front with oak Chamfer with trimmer Temporarily fix the drawer front with double-sided tape. Adjust the gap between the boards with a board of appropriate thickness Join with screws. We will process the top plate. We ordered the top plate of 40mm cherry from Marutoku Shop. It is convenient to have such a simple drill stand when drilling holes on the top plate Machines screw holes and bench dog holes for fixing the top plate Chamfer the hole with a router Process the end fitting groove on the top plate. Temporarily fix the top plate Screw it to the aluminum frame. Since the top plate also serves as a warp prevention, the screw is designed to move in the expansion and contraction direction of the plate. Process the end fitting members Process the end fitting groove with a router Chamfering Machine the vise mounting holes in the end fitting members. Join the parts Turn over the top plate with the end fittings attached. Install workbench vise Replace the top plate Make a vice handle with a round beech bar. The workbench vice is useful immediately. Saw can be stably pulled. Since the worktable is stable, the cut surface can be processed neatly. Process wooden spheres obtained at home improvement centers to make handle ends. * It came off only with the glue. Later, it was modified to use dowel joint. Make the top plate flat. The following video shows the details of the flattening jig. Use a dial gauge to correct the torsion of the jig. Measure diagonally, and if the values ​​are the same, the twist is theoretically zero. Adjust the height with the fine adjustment screw Repeat this to remove the jig twist. I cut the surface by 0.2mm using a router. The point is to process the router at low speed and as slowly as possible. We remove router marks with long plane. Finally, finish the planing in the grain direction. However, some peculiarities of glued wood remained. Apply oil Attach the handle. done.
Channel: JSK-koubou
Views: 1,003,495
Rating: 4.8841915 out of 5
Keywords: 作業机, workdesk, 作業台, workbench, 大工, DIY, 作り方, 自作, 自作工房, JSK-koubou
Id: cpnR1txnPGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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