Creating a curriculum with ChatGPT

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hey everyone in a previous video I mentioned how I worked with some former colleagues to help design and idea a university curriculum so I wanted to take that and translate it into a video in case there are any Educators or change managers that are thinking about how they can use chat GPT in designing and creating curriculums and assessments so let's go the first thing before we really begin the first thing that you're going to need is a pretty in-depth prompt I'm going to copy and paste this one that I have and put it in the description of this video in case it inspires you and you want to tweak and adjust or lift and shift as they say so let's head over on to Chad gbt and the first thing that we're going to do is just essentially load it into saying what we want to do so that we're working on a curriculum design what it's for so here we put an International Communication Management program and yeah how many credits it's worth and who the Target ad audience is so feel free to change this if it is a program for a change program that you're doing Learning and Development program that you're doing who the audience is ETC we then go on to describe the main focus of the project and of the course and if there's any sort of flanking courses that are accompanying it so here I put in sustainable Finance sustainable communication and digital content creation just as some yeah some food for thought I also said and fed into child gbt that we want to use a programmatic assessment and this is helpful later on for assessment and the authors that it is based on uh it's good to know as well that when we put in authors here it's you should be using books that are published before 2021 just so that chat gbt has scanned it already we'll also say any sort of additional work so additional field research Etc and then the big one that you're going to need is all of the beautiful learning outcomes that you have designed or have created so there's quite a few learning outcomes because this is a big course and that is good so again you can feel free to lift and shift and change them as need be and then the ending I have ended with uh an example course outline for the amount of weeks that I wish to make this course for so I'll go ahead and press enter and send and then chat gbt will spit it out I will go ahead and speed up this video or cut to when it is completed okay so here we have the output it is looking pretty good actually the the introduction the different topics and then at the end the suggestions of the programmatic testing now again the nice thing about child GPT is that we can use it to lift and shift or change the output so let's say that I see in week 13 we have stakeholder management but I'm thinking actually stakeholder management is really important to know um in the beginning of the course it's you know really important to know who your stakeholders are before we do anything so I'll go ahead and I'll write please move week 13 stakeholder management to be in week two and then once we press enter it should then readjust the revised course outline great so we see above it has put in stakeholder Management in week two and has adjusted some of the other content in the course outline now of course assessment is a huge component of creating Learning and Development courses and courses for University so we can go ahead and put in the prompt please provide an example of a programmatic assessment form and it should spit out an assessment form for us and there we have it this is a pretty extensive programmatic assessment form and of course we would want to maybe take a look and Trust not trust everything maybe tweak some things in relation to the course um yeah this is a yeah this is pretty handy even just as a template or a basis to start for me I'm a bit more of a visual person when it comes to assessment form so I'm going to put in the prompt please provide the assessment form in a table format great so now the assessment form has been provided in a table output so I could go ahead and copy and paste this into a Microsoft Word document and then go ahead and tweak it from there now let's say for our essential project course that we need some more information or more ideation regarding one of the themes of the course let's touch upon the sustainable Finance portion in weeks three to four here I've written a prompt that says please expand on week three to four on EX on sustainable Finance please include relevant author scientific literature and blogs we'll go ahead and press enter and then it will give us some information to help us ideate in creating these two weeks of course content okay so here we have one week of content this might be a good idea now to really be precise as what we want the output to be so let's say actually that in each of the week we only have one class for two hours in each of the weeks so we'll go ahead and we will create a prompt to let chai gbt create new output that is relevant for us so here I've created a prompt please revise the above the classes are two hours long and only happen once per week create an overview of the content for sustainable Finance for the class in week three and the class in week four great so now we have the revised course overview for our needs note that there's a section and it gives the time indication and here of course we would want to tweak all of the output and make sure that it is relevant for us and also to include a break for students because yeah two hours sitting and listening is yeah it's it's not so friendly now let's say that we have the digital content creation course running in parallel with the central project course let's see what sorts of suggestions that Chad gbt could provide in creating supporting course content great so we have suggestions as to the parallel course the data or sorry the digital content creation what sorts of topics should be included in week three to four while the central project course covers sustainable finance and you'll notice that it will have some learning outcomes that do dovetail as well as overlaps and complementary topics to the central project course and there you have it in this short video we talked about generating output for a curriculum and for courses should you need that for developing a curriculum or courses for a university program even a high school I would say or school and also too for those change managers out there that are developing Learning and Development content for their end users so hopefully this has been inspiring hopefully the some of the prompts that I have used today have given you a little bit of confidence for the things that you can try out in chai gbt and I'm wishing everybody a wonderful time in building courses for their audiences make sure that you always tweak the output and with that I want to wish everybody a wonderful day bye
Channel: Consulting AI
Views: 3,132
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Id: BzQkQ1Es_Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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