Create "Yourself" and Other 3D People in METAHUMAN!!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what is going on y'all it's a little dark in here let me turn this up let's get this going well you know it's gonna get brighter when the sun comes out um what's going on guys what is going on maybe we got to get some lights on here boom let's get some front light let's crank this up a little bit this is all i got for y'all at the moment okay because we're gonna be in metahuman today all right welcome back everybody good to see y'all thanks for joining me on the saturday live streams i do it every single saturday you guys know this um yeah cg stuff usually cinema 4d sometimes unreal engine you know but today is a special day because meta human came out this week specifically the early access beta now i would love for you guys to join me i know some of you might have the early access there's a link in the description below that will get you guys to the page here let me actually just show you uh what this looks like real quick let's see let's see so if you go to the link in the description below it's the first link you're gonna go here and you're going to request access um i think you need an unreal engine like an epic games account but it's all free everything's free i don't know how long it takes for you guys to get access to this if it takes if it's instant or if it's a you know half a day or something um but basically it'll take you to this screen here where you can you know start building out your metahuman and that's exactly what we're doing so let's just frickin jump into it guys i'm so excited for this because you can actually use qixel bridge to export these characters and bring them into your scenes it doesn't matter if you're like in you know 3ds max or cinema 4d or unreal engine the cool thing about this is one they look beautiful you know here let's go to let's just pull up one of these we're going to get into all of this guys i'm going to show you every little slider every little knob that works in this thing and it's really cool but basically you can hook it up to facial capture and have it like actually track your lips and everything um let's just pick let's pick this old lady right here and you can preview it you can like change it to the face rom and you can see how the face moves and everything it's absolutely crazy yeah cinematic captures yeah um i've been playing around with it too man it's really cool this week has been a fun one because we've been waiting for this for a long time as you guys you know as much much of you guys have been waiting for this it's been really cool it's been a long time coming um i'm just ready for this for the full thing to come out this is still in beta but it looks so good if you hold l and move your mouse around you can change the light shift l will reset it and you can switch to like an indoor lighting style you can switch to outdoor lighting style and a silhouette if you just want to focus on the shape of the face and that's what we're going to be doing today because i'm going to be recreating myself in metahuman we're going to see how close i can get i tried it before the stream um kind of experimenting earlier in the week and it's difficult it's certainly difficult you don't have full control over all these sliders but i i have a feeling that i can do it if i just if if we use reference correctly um and if we really pay attention to the details and that's exactly what we're going to be doing so let me um let me first load up my reference okay so i'm going to go back to the meta human home button here top left and i'm going to open pure ref okay and i'm going to drop some images in that i took earlier today let's see here all right so these are all goofy images of me that look absolutely ridiculous but it's what we need to recreate myself in this program so you know we got classic um front on and profile view that's going to help us there and then i also have let's see let's go fronton we have a grimace we got a mouth open a little bit more and we have mouth open a lot and same for the side view mouth open a little bit mouth open a lot i have no idea why these pictures are larger um let's see and there's one more this guy right here nope that's the same one i don't think it really matters too much that works for us though that works for us so in pure f let's go ahead and control p all these guys so they uh kind of even out actually no no we want to go images align uh arrange what is that selection canvas how do you arrange them all by size arrange normalize the size yes here we go now we can arrange these for best reference here boom boom and boom sweet so we're going to be using this to try and create myself in this program and then we'll get crazy with it and we'll make some ridiculous characters all right so let's just start with a new one i'm gonna move this over to the side here um and let's see what we can do here let's uh let's create a metahuman and embark on this journey so if you guys have this program if you guys are in early access give me a little thumbs up let me know if you are joining me on this adventure and if you're going to be creating some meta-humans otherwise if you're just going to be enjoying the video give me a little smiley face but regardless we're gonna have a good time and we're all gonna learn a little something okay so obviously i'm a white dude so we gotta find a white dude um and there's a couple in here and i need to find the one that looks the most similar to me um you know like there's this dude etor but i don't know it kind of looks like uh looks like johnny bosworth a little bit and i get johnny bosworth vibes and and uh edward from from twilight a little bit you know let's see let's keep going mr miyagi all right um this guy nasim definitely not on nasim now omar kind of looks like my brother and i might just go off of this omar model right here i think this might be the best way to go so yeah a lot of you guys got the thumbs ups going um which means you guys are in metahuman right now and that is awesome i love it keaton yo thank you for the super chat uh he says the the series is helping you not give up on learning 3d for games because it's hard dude yes it is so hard but man you got to keep it consistent you got to keep it consistent so i'm proud of you for coming back here and joining me every week i think you were here last week too man keep it up keep going and you know to all of you guys who are struggling with the 3d thing like keep it up just keep it up okay i promise that if you stay consistent with something you're gonna get better at it that's just a given right that's an obvious thing but it's hard to do it's really hard to do um all right uh arturo what's up dude yo thank you for the super chat he said try it or omar easy start i played around with many human creators the past couple days it's a great tool yeah i'm gonna start with omar i think omar looks similar to my brother um so i think this is a this is a great start for us i'm just gonna hit next and we're going to get right into creating this thing right so for me i'm using a pen tablet a wacom pen tablet here we have all the instructions on the right side all the hotkeys which i think you can hide by toggling it up here this little uh you know keyboard icon and i'm using one two three four and five to switch my different uh my different camera angles and stuff but number one is the main one we're gonna be up here and if you just left click to any point on the body it's gonna move that uh the camera to focus on that point and then obviously you can left click and drag to reveal you know different different looks and stuff okay so let's let's jump into this thing um i i have hair all right so let's let's throw some hair on me the head yeah the head option let's see what we got a fro what do i look like with a fro boom that's great that's so cool oh man look at that look how like detailed the hair is it's crazy that's absolutely insane there's a salt and pepper slider you know get that salt and pepper going dude we got 900 people up in the stream today guys thank you so much that is awesome freaking sweet we're making metahumans today i'm going to try and recreate myself in metahuman i got these references and we're gonna we're gonna do it you know and then we'll make some crazy stuff but let's see um my hair right now it's kind of you know i got the part going this might this might be a thing i don't have that much gray so let's get that salt and pepper down just a little bit i think this hair is probably close closest to my hair um it's just not as light brown i don't know um so let's go into the color and maybe take some of the redness down and the melanin melanin slider yeah let's get that maybe something like that and then i believe we have options on the roughness yeah so you can make it shinier or a little bit more rough so probably somewhere in here and again based off the reference you know the hair my hair is a little darker so maybe we get the melon in the slider up a little bit something like that maybe i don't really have any redness in my hair but maybe mixing a little in could help it's still a little like take down the roughness just a little bit and just kind of dial this in like that's that's probably close enough i'm cool with that all right so moving on let's go to the eyebrows the eyebrows my eyebrows kind of like they're thick right up in here kind of a little unibrow going on and then it goes down to the side it tapers off very skinny to the side and guys we have 1 000 people up in the stream right now we're streaming metahumans it's amazing um this is the second time we've ever hit over a thousand people guys so thank you for helping me set records this is great all right so my eyebrows they're a little bit brighter this dudes eyebrows are kind of on the dark side um so maybe we just brighten these bad boys up a little bit 100k yeah let's go all right um all right this dude needs to chill well maybe i don't know it looks better when he's moving around to be honest that's not bad right there that's not bad the eye color look at those eyes i don't have those color eyes i got like turquoise eyes so let's hit up the eyes let's go to the eyes i'm just kind of working my way down um what do we think something like this let's get up in there and i'm actually going to pause this animation so we can focus on the eye just a little bit more um like that looks pretty freaking close to me let's hit up that iris we can change the type of iris here isn't that insane and then you can change the the color balance between the two colors here so the color balance smoothness if i crank that is it all the way up no it's the blend method structural let's see let's just go from the bottom so the lim the limbus darkness guys you can control the limbus darkness it's ridiculous um that's just the outside of the eye you know mine's probably it's kind of dark a little something like that the iris saturation pretty straightforward you know something like that the iris size cool cool um the color balance smoothness so i think the colors between these two are very similar so it's not doing that big of a difference here the color balance if we now these sliders aren't doing too much for us right and you can actually adjust the other eye as well so you can go to the left eye you can go to the right eye and adjust those different things so i'm going to go to both in the base color i'm just going to take this to more of a brighter saturated something like that and crank the saturation like that feels pretty good to me and then let's just mess with like the the iris shape here too which is freaking crazy it looks like a pool like this one's pretty good i like this one awesome awesome awesome so hit one it'll take you back to this let's hit play and just kind of move it around a little bit awesome very cool so i think my hair is probably a little less saturated but we can go we'll do another pass on it um how you guys doing you guys chilling out having a good time thank you for joining me thanks for hopping in we i'm creating myself a metahuman right now we got a super chat from mr evolver interactive thank you sir you've been around for a long time i appreciate you um he says it's amazing how accessible technology has become omniverse audio to face was released to public um omniverse that's the uh is that the nvidia plug-in that allows people to like work together seamlessly because i'm very excited about that i got that downloaded and ready to go and i'll be probably doing some streams with that pretty soon and john hey i see you man um sorry i missed the chat though so you said watching since 2009 that's a long time that's like since carbon warfare he said you inspired me to make films as a kid it's my first feature coming out this year and i have yourself in quarter crew to thank holy crap dude that's awesome yo hit me up on discord man i'd love to watch it congratulations that's a huge feat i know i'm i'm trying to trying to do that myself and it's tough yo we got devon in the chat what's up devon devon williams one of my very best friends holding it down in atlanta georgia while i'm out here in los angeles i hope to see you soon devon i miss you man all right all right son it's a brand new day son davon did you get the brett driver t-shirt the what up sun shirt i got mine yesterday i got my hoodie i'm excited all right let's keep going all right let's keep let's keep moving on this thing kanban what's up thanks for the super chat that's great um so today you got hired by a theater company to do their designs and lighting production thanks for all the tips and streams congratulations on the job i'm excited for you you're going to knock it out man very very cool sweet sweet sweet we got a lot of good people up in here right now guys we got people from all around the world this is awesome let's keep going let's keep going so i'm kind of pale in this photo um it could be the lighting it could certainly be the lighting um but let's go to the skin tab and see what we can do about this skin tone the color of the skin let's click this oh we gotta stop the animation hit the stop button there and definitely not a vampire that's super intense um somewhere and like this range but i feel like it's again it's the lighting here that's it's giving me that kind of pale look maybe like i don't know this is a tough one this is a tough one so it's changing the lips too and it's tough to see like is it changing the lips or is it just the color of the skin uh let me reset this let's see how would i reset um just ctrl z all right so if i just wanted to make myself a little bit more pale i'll just crank that u slider back a little bit and like that's not that's not bad we can always revisit it i don't know if you can edit the scene lighting color i know you can change or let's get that epic ray trace lighting going i know you can change the lod dude what if you look like this this is amazing so this is what gets me amped about this program by the way um like i want to do a short film with a character like this this just makes me laugh if you go to the teeth it'll actually make him grimace and you can open his mouth and stuff um yeah pretty terrifying pretty terrifying oh i love it i love it um we'll get into all of this dude this is so good you know hold on i gotta do it you know ah this is perfect like this kills me i really want to do something with this make some sort of janky character maybe this is how i do that janky chan short film you know we'll figure that one out all right so let's let's change the lighting here i really prefer we actually know what indoor might be the best way to go because i took my photo indoors um so let's let's line this up again so it's a little brighter i think you can change ooh the blur amount you can change the blur amount interesting very cool all right so let's uh let's keep moving shall we um so the lighting on the eyes the eyes seem a little dead a little dark um [Music] but that's okay i think that's okay that's probably due to just the lighting here so the studio light is probably my favorite again you can hold l and move this uh move this around and the lighting will change dynamically very cool shift l resets it but maybe i don't know maybe we do go back to indoor we can stop the animation and let's get out let's get out of the teeth let's um actually know what screw it we're on the teeth let's do the teeth carillo tron what's up dude thanks for the super chat i appreciate you um you say clint do you really have two symmetrical birthmarks on your forehead judging by the photo do i i don't know um are those freckles are freckles birthmarks i don't know i guess so all right let's see if we can get his teeth my teeth definitely are jacked up so let's see if we can't jack these teeth up a little bit um so the plaque amount you can crank that and i don't think i have that much but maybe there's a little bit a little something okay and the the teeth here you see all these sliders up here you can move all these around to shift things and like do some cool stuff so let's see what we can do all right so all of this stuff here the overjet the the poly cane the overbite that's all controlled by these sliders up here so instead of going and doing this little drop down let's just work these sliders so spacing and my teeth are pretty oh it even like crunches that bottom tooth in i like that if you get them like really crunched up against each other over jet maybe that's a side view angle thing um what if we come at it from the side here what does overjet do so overjet kind of like tilts the teeth a little bit luckily i have some side view going on here and it looks like my teeth let's see let's make this a little smaller i think this is an all-time record we got 1100 people freaking crazy thank you guys for joining me this is awesome um nerps thank you for the super chat lod7 makes it look like sloth from the goonies yes that is exactly what my fiance said and i want to create sloth once i finish creating myself here i think that'll be really fun i just want to make something like nasty looking so let's get that over jet slider going i feel like i am all the way to the left on that tooth length do i have long teeth how long are my teeth they're kind of long i don't know maybe that long upper shift so that shifts it left and right let's see if there's any more side view um adjustments that we can utilize here receding gums no narrowness i think there's an overbite option where's that overbite option poly cane tooth length upper overbite here we go so i have an overbite for sure um so that actually kind of works out and the overjet maybe we can yeah still crank back derek thank you for the super chat much appreciated brother not even a text message with it man just the super chat thank you so much maybe i do have some salt and pepper in my hair um but let's stay focused as focused as we can here let's go back to the front angle just hitting one on the keyboard and that's going to take me back to the front let's see if we can't find boom there we go so my teeth are a little bit more a little bit more jacked up here um wondering if how can we do this how can we do this lower shift so maybe get some shift going on the teeth there just a little bit um upper shift you know i'm not like tom cruise i don't got the freaking middle tooth thing going so we don't need to crank that too much um [Music] let's see um the killer mambo asks how's life been after going solo i'd like to hear about it man it has been fantastic yeah um so most of you guys probably know at this point i left corridor about a month ago um the reason was because i have a lot of things that i wanna do there's personal passion projects that i gotta knock out um this channel being one of them i wanna do more videos for you guys teach you guys everything i know and learn and grow with you guys that's the whole point of this channel right now um there's just a lot going on man i got the whole discord thing going we nearly have 14k people on the discord we're doing weekly challenges every single week um we're all just getting better at our craft together i want to do a feature film um i'm doing a community render challenge announcing that this month okay or like technically i'm announcing it may 1st all right the next community render challenge so get ready for it it's going to be amazing i can't wait for you guys to participate there's going to be some incredible prizes for the top five winners i'm not going to tell you what the prizes are now but i'm telling you it's going to be insane okay so don't miss out if you guys want to join this thing definitely subscribe uh click the bell notification icon you guys know how this stuff works but yeah man it's been awesome it's it's allowed me to focus on the stuff i have been wanting to do for a long time so i'm digging it i'm digging it a lot all right let's get these teeth done so we can get these goofy faces off the screen um poly cane what is poly cane maybe i have some of that i don't know what that is it's like sharp teeth or something i got a little sharp sharpness into my teeth gabriel palmis thank you for the super chat heck yeah critical hit son absolutely narrowness yeah my teeth kind of like they come in they definitely come in yeah um worn down okay i definitely don't look like this okay that's that that's a thing i don't i don't got the worn down teeth so we'll put that all the way down to the bottom all right all right upper shift tooth length we did all this stuff maybe tooth length will take back up to the top um over jet one is over jet we talked about that went that far to the left i think we're good here um tooth wise i believe what about those lips though um tooth color probably feels right gum color could maybe come up a little bit pink or light pink i don't know maybe pink something like that awesome awesome and we can also you when when you close the jaw that's the overbite that's the super series overbite but i don't have that i don't know do i can't tell where's that overbite at poly kane tooth length receding worn down narrowness over jet overbite so like i kind of have the overbite it's like a mix you know it's certainly a mix so what if we just did that face rom we load up the face rom hit play and we see what it looks like so it's the eyes they feel very dark to me um which is why i like to be in studio mode for this stuff devon where did i download it well there's a link in the description you guys got to sign up for early access request access it's the first link in the description and the second link in the description will take you to this page that i'm working on right now once you've got the access all right sweet still looking goofy i love it looking like sloth from the goonies we'll get there i want to do that after this here let's go back to studio whoa all right back to idle and let's see if we can't get this beard going um because the beard actually helps with describing the character um let's hit that beard real quick i think the short full beard is where i'm at maybe it's a little longer long full beard i definitely don't have a long beard yeah that's definitely not me long messy beard dude this is freaking cool scraggly goatee yeah not there yet uh medium curly beard no not there yet um a wavy goatee now it's a little too trimmed up what about that chin strap i think it's the the short full beard i think that's where we're at maybe work in a little bit of that salt and pepper let's get up in here and get that uh salt and pepper slider up a little bit oh we gotta stop it i guess we want to get up in here why is it not letting me do that listen custom settings beard settings so i feel like my beard is almost kind of gray but for whatever reason all right there we go salt and pepper slider just kind of cranked out a little bit maybe crank the roughness a little bit maybe not as much salt something like that guys you all we are at a all-time high 1300 people up on the stream amazing i'm surprised y'all are just joining me for this man it's crazy it is crazy up in here appreciate you guys y'all are awesome um for any of you all still creating with me who's making their metahuman give me a thumbs up if you guys are again just enjoying the stream give me a little smiley face i'm curious whoa what happened to my beard let's get that back and i feel like the color of this thing needs to kind of gray out a little bit more um let's see something like something like that it's the saturation is really what it is and i think in the again this is a beta we're still in beta on this right so we're gonna have probably a ton more options on this stuff a lot of different accessories and whatnot so it'll happen we'll get there we're just not there yet let's hit that mustache okay so the mustache bam we going long and scraggly a little medium curly what are we going for long and messy now i don't have a like a true mustache it just kind of connects the whole thing connects so let's see what we can find something that might connect all this stuff together that's i don't know i feel like i get it coming down the side a little bit more long full mustache no that's a little too much long and messy maybe no it's not that medium curly [Music] short full long wavy i feel like long wavy is probably the closest i'd say heck yeah y'all are awesome you all are awesome all right wider chin yeah we're going to get into sculpting this thing in a minute we're almost there we got the facial hair going pretty nice let's uh let's see how we're going to adjust this so i'm matching up the eyes to the mouth something like that all right so now we can kind of choose what we can do as far as the sculpt goes all right so let me let me try and move this guy over a little bit awesome okay so let's get into sculpting let's sculpt this thing i think i need to make this a little smaller and right about there it's the lips um maybe maybe real quick before we sculpt let's hit that skin and adjust the maybe we adjust the texture a little bit so you can turn this to a freaking old man right or you can go baby boy right so we got to find somewhere in between that works you know and and where we had it before was not the worst right up in here is not bad but maybe there's something a little better i definitely know i have these guys going here on my eyeballs took this picture a little bit before the stream i woke up not too long before that so maybe getting that in there could help out a little bit something like that maybe there's also some redness you can get in the skin um so if you go to accents you can hit these under eye that little under eye crank the redness just a little bit you know something like that crank the lightness of that boom i don't look like i was crying let's also take my pupils i'm noticing my eyes um we want to adjust the iris size just a little bit so i can kind of crank those up a little and if again if you hold l you can adjust the lighting here so it's certainly something like this but you know if we want to match it we can go indoor and you can't adjust the lighting here for whatever reason so i'll probably stick with studio i'm just kind of going back and forth all right i also think we can change the whites of the eyes they're just very very dark and i think this has to do with the lighting and also the fact that it's still in beta i think you're gonna have a little bit more life in there right so let's see if we can't go to to the sky sclera option and we can adjust the brightness of the sclera so we bring that up a little bit more and we can get up in here like really get up in here and you can adjust like the vascularity with the veins and stuff in there and the rotation too it's absolutely insane the amount of uh the power you have yellow yellow eyes you know irises or sclera i guess very cool and again you have control over both left and right eyeballs too all right let's keep going um so i'm gonna hit one it gets back to the little face option here and let's keep moving forward i want to be able to move this guy a little bit all right we can zoom out i just want to try and line this up again because we're going to start sculpting the face here in a second his lips are too red for sure trying to figure out how to do that probably in makeup and we'll go to the lips now technically you know this isn't this isn't makeup we're adding but i just do want to lighten up the lips and that might be a skin thing i'm not really sure yet uh joel what's up dude thank you for the super chat i appreciate you man thanks for joining me thanks for hanging out something like that complexion wise feeling something like that yeah and it's just those lips there that are oh maybe we go to the lips we take the redness down yeah there we go there we go saturation can come down that feels better the lightness can come up a little bit and this is tough because we kind of are just matching the lighting at the same time um but it's it's hard to know what's the lighting and what is actually the color the true color of my skin so for that you know maybe i would like to take a you know a studio shot or something you know put up the all the aperture lights and get those going and try and replicate this this lighting style add some red back add some red back okay let's go back to those lips let's get that redness back up so this is when the color blindness comes in maybe something like that thanks guys awesome awesome all right moving on all right so you know we can get into the body type with the shoes and the tops and the bottoms and all that stuff but let's let's sculpt this thing all right so you have these options down here we can move all this stuff around and then we can fine-tune sculpt so let's start with the move tool and see if we can't get this uh kind of adjusting the general shapes first and then we'll go into the sculpt mode and we'll get you know like the smaller fine-tuned stuff right so first off let me see if i can't get this camera to move over here i don't have a middle click um with my pen right now i don't have it set up that way let me see if i can't uh there we go there we go so my head feels a lot more narrow right than this dudes so let's get that let's get that move tool and let's see what we can do now this is like kind of like a four quadrant system and this is pulling four points you guys can see it's pulling four different points and each point can get put up into left right um like the top left top right bottom right bottom left and anywhere in between right so the corners are your extremes it's it so it seems alright now my ears i got some lobes certainly got some earlobes going and my ears are pretty close to my head now they don't you know maybe somewhere in there and then we can fine tune it once we get into the sculpt option my nose let's see my nose my nose very interesting very very interesting maybe it's up like this a little bit and we will certainly get into it in that fine tune and we're again we're just doing this from the front we're going to go to that side view and see what we can do the eyeballs my eyes the corner of my eyes kind of come down and i feel like my eyes are rotated outwards just a hair um so i don't know how much oh i can't wait to get to that point we're going to do something nasty once i get as close as i can on my on my model here something like i don't know something like that and grab the bottom of the eye too i love it i love it maybe something like that i don't know um what will i use this model for that's a great question that's a fantastic question i'll probably use it for a bunch of things man a whole bunch of things i don't really have any answers for it now but um you know in the future i my my weak point has always been characters really and i think this will give me a chance to utilize some photoreal characters into my renders in the future here so i'm very excited about that so my lips the top of my lip here it really like comes in towards itself this little bit it comes up and it's very sharp there let's see if we can't get that but the corner of the mouth opens up so again we'll get this stuff in the fine tune process when we get to the sculpting and that chin how about that chin bam nope somewhere in there potentially all right let's see um let's hit that side view let's see we can do from the side view carillotron thank you thank you you say you can put your face in pure f over the metahuman then control minus to decrease transparency and control t to make the window transparent to the mouse what okay hold on um you can put your face in pure f over metahuman then click control minus control minus um to decrease transparency and ctrl t to make the window transparent to the mouse oh wow okay um the transparency how do i get back into shoot okay there we go control minus that's pretty crazy um how do i get that window mode transparent to mouse transparency options settings perhaps preferences numpad minus okay control minus yeah there we go oh this is weird this is weird can i flip the image um image selection um [Music] a range i want to flip horizontal is there a way shift alt i don't know shift control yeah flipping metahuman you are right sir uh-oh come on met a human i believe in you here how about this how about we get out of the let's just go to preview it's crunching on me all right dude this is next level right here i like this um control minus that's creepy all right that's creepy let's line up the eyeballs we'll take it from the eyeballs and i'll zoom in just a little bit sweet we're close all right now let's take uh let's get this going i'm just lining up the eyeballs this is a great move this is a really good suggestion all right so the eyeballs are lined up now i just want to scale it so that my lips are close there we go dude that's so crazy okay um let's go back to that move tool and then you say control t yeah all right um dude this is this is great something like that the eyeball is this somewhere in there i'm very curious to see how this works out the nose let's get that nose out and the lip dude this is so cool so we'll get into that fine tune it's like super advanced sims dude so crazy all right so that's the side view we're pretty close there now that nose definitely needs to come out but let's go to the front view um back to pure ref ctrl t get that out of there and go to the front view i'm just lining up the pupils as close as i can that is trippy let's see if i can't uh make this trans a little bit more opaque that is weird that is weird okay uh ctrl t and let's adjust okay the ears i need to come in a little bit maybe um the mouth now be nice to have front and side view at the same time i think it's time to go into the actual sculpting mode to get this really spot on here okay 1500 people that is an all-time record here my goodness thank you guys i appreciate you all right ctrl t so we can get our pref back let's bring up the opacity control plus on the numpad this dude looks angry now so let's see what it looks like let's just see what this looks like let's preview it and we'll we'll run it first off let's get some clothes on this thing let's let's deal with the clothes here so the shoes hmm let's get some flippy flops perhaps um i'm always in these like joggers so this is actually pretty perfect um let's go to the tops and see what we can do i don't know maybe a hoodie all black hoodie and the let's see the bottoms let's see if we can get that khaki that khaki look here something like that maybe bring a little darker i wear these pants all the time and the shoes let's go to shoe view i have some flip-flops very similar to this um boots you know i got some i got some boots similar to this as well but maybe we just do some nikes you know all black nikes i certainly have those now maybe we just do not super black but like close to it like a dark dark dark dark yeah somewhere in there and then same for this guy we just bring that down almost black but not quite not all the way so this looks nothing like me right now this looks nothing like me right now i swear i had can we have a bigger beard um go to the beard short full beard is that what we were doing long wavy goatee i guess it was short full beard it's the best we got um as far as hair goes you know there's also a couple different options um so go to the head and then we could do short and messy which might and that could work could work short curly fade nah let's get some long straight bangs going see what that looks like that's amazing the hair looks so good and then that seven boom beautiful absolutely beautiful can't wait we're gonna do like a really jacked up one that i'm very excited for um man bun situation double man bun ooh interesting the hair is just insane look how good that looks my goodness yeah from the side let's get uh let's get my hair back so i don't have these like sideburns though it's not super it's not as intense as that so maybe i'll change it to short and messy i also feel like this dude's head is really big for some reason for his body so let's go to the body types um short maybe tall i don't know you see that i lost the hair maybe tall works because it makes my head look a little smaller all right back to studio and let's see if we can't get this looking a little bit better huh let's give it a shot all right control minus and we'll line this up something like this yeah and ctrl t alright so back to sculpting mode we're going to get into the very specifics of all this stuff this is the jaw all right we definitely want to choke this in and down this looks like my head is a lot more narrow than this guy's head maybe what we do is adjust the head size we get the head size down and then we adjust all these points let me try that okay ctrl t to disable the transparent mouse in pure f and whoever recommended that i really appreciate that that's a really good one so let's get it just the chin to the top of the head we'll get that correct and it's also tough too because i feel like the camera angle right so my my i took this with my iphone and i feel like this um is a wider angle lens this shot of me here so it kind of like distorted my features a little bit this lens here in uh in metahuman is probably looking something like a 35 it's pretty zoomed in which means it flattens the features of your face yeah so you know we have to deal with that as well anyway let's go back in see if we can't get this let's go back to yep in sculpt and ctrl t yx ah c4d come on um i don't think there's a way to change the focal length in metahuman all right get get so many things close yeah the face definitely needs to be thinner 100 percent i'm gonna try and get it as thin as i possibly can in this view and i wonder hmm this is probably the best way to go lining it up to the eyes and the eyebrows yeah like that so my face is actually pretty asymmetrical and it's cool because you can you can adjust all that stuff here so we can turn off symmetry and just adjust the things per side you know um and i don't know why that's uh groom's okay just pushing pulling these points one dead duck says i need to blend it with one of the thinner heads i agree yeah totally agree um let me keep tweaking this and then and we'll get there we will get there and blend it with one of those thinner heads man this is so cool this is a great great piece of advice the akila something i think it was you said to use pureref to match this up gotta get those jaw bones popping off all right now let's see if we can't blend this with one of the the thinner heads here i think that's that's really what we need to do so let's get uh let's get this out of here and get the transparency back up know i do have a really tiny head that is that is a thing you know the only reason that i was shot but in video game high school is because i was the only guy who could fit into that tiny helmet so i got a tiny head very narrow so this is kind of looking like olin rogers a little bit right now let's see if we can't adjust this head so if we go to blend we can choose between three different heads here and and blend them together so maybe an etor we drop an etore in there um maybe a glenda i don't know let's find out i'm scrolling back through here we want to find the narrowest head possible maybe natalya um rosemary i don't know yo stefan stefan's got a thin head i like stefan's head there that's a good one so now what we can do is actually take these little pieces here and adjust them and go around this circle and it'll blend it to those different heads it's actually pretty sweet so we want to find the narrowest head that we can possibly find probably right in there same for here maybe something like that the forehead kind of got a big forehead um the chin maybe we leave the chin something like that perhaps so hugo says can i suggest one thing that it's actually worked when i sculpt human face try to do half a photo like hide or cut the half of the photo and after you tweak the asymmetric one um let me see if i can make sense of that so you're saying like like this that's interesting very interesting yeah okay let's give it a shot so we'll sculpt it and we'll make sure symmetry is on for now yeah i'm struggling to get that likeness it's tough so i want to rotate my eye like i feel like i need to rotate it counterclockwise just a bit but i i can't i'm trying to see if i hide um what's the best way to do this can i open another instance of puref oh shoot oh i can okay great so what i can do is like hide essentially this here so it's the complexion yes sean bird it is harder than i expected man let's go to the skin and try and match it so maybe something like that no there's no color picker and there's no like image upload thing right now again this is still in beta okay um let's see if we can get that lower half okay i think the contrast is a little intense the lips turned all blue on me i think it's the texture yeah just go back a little bit the nose is not bad from the bottom half certainly not bad i think it's just the lips we can't get these lips down there we go yeah all right this is a good method here i like this method i want to get this bottom piece to go down a little bit more and kind of tilt up at the like this shoot it's very close it's very close i still feel like it's the eye that's tough you know oh we got steve up in here what's up steve what's going on yeah man this is tough very tough stuff yeah steve is uh steve's been messing with this as well he joined me uh last week on the stream we made an unreal engine scene together super cool um so i'm sure if you guys have any questions that i can't see steve is uh steve's a great resource and rca film productions y'all appreciate the super chat thank you thank you you say the textures and animation on this are unmatched but using face builder and blender a one-to-one replication of your face can be done in literally 15 minutes i didn't know about uh face builder in blender i don't use blender i'm a c4d guy but that's super cool man a lot of people here on the stream do use blender so that's probably a really good thing for them to know and yeah i just feel like metahuman is absolutely incredible um and i'm excited for the future iterations because you know i i feel like there's a number of things i want to do but just can't right now um but that's okay you know we'll do our best we're doing our very best all right let's see let's see i want to get let's see let's get the other side so we're there let's open this up and let's try to make this transparent again it's the jaw it's like i have a thinner jaw for sure i also feel like the texture the skin texture is a little off too wondering let's see can we go something like this maybe and we'll try it this way um let's go ahead and go full up on this control plus and i i think it also doesn't help too that like these are different focal lengths that's so weird looking that's so weird looking i could do it from here too let's see what this looks like yeah that looks funky it's the camera it's the camera angle i think it makes it look weird it's definitely the bottom half that doesn't look like me um that's hilarious i love it i love it agreed the whole face is a bit too wide compared to mine god it still definitely doesn't look like me this is difficult very difficult maybe we can take the skin texture back down again it feels a little bit too much a little too saturated yeah longer and thinner for sure um maybe the hair too let's try a side view here and try locking it in from a side view let's see what that looks like um my nose is definitely longer and it doesn't really come up to a point but um that's close that's very close my bottom lip definitely comes back a bit more and i have a sharper like i don't know what that is this is definitely rounded mine is pretty darn sharp my bottom lip here is not bad i don't know how to tell like what's the best model to grab you know um hopefully in the future here we'll have a thing where you can do a 3d scan of your head using like bellis and you can upload that or something could be cool isn't it crazy guys how like how fine-tuned and specific our faces are and if you were to look at this this back to back right here i feel like like that's actually pretty crazy you know obviously that's me um i'm wondering if i can do that from the front here though that is weird that is so weird it's kind of there but man this is one of the hardest things to do is faces especially 3d faces you know like drawing faces are hard getting the likeness of somebody is very difficult but doing this in 3d boy this is tough i feel like the eye the eye looks like me from the side like that that's not bad right there hmm yeah so i'll take a minute here to answer some questions in the chat so yes i'm using pref agreed it's like my 60 look-alike right now um the nose should be less less hooked and more straight yeah but i'm maxed out on these dang sliders like i can't go any further with these things stump thank you i'm trying to believe in myself right now as well it's this freaking lip dude it's this [Music] lip all right so here let me let me answer some questions you guys might have um let me open up a window in here ah thanks for sticking with me guys we still got more than a thousand people up in here y'all are the best um i'll answer some questions take a minute to just minimize this take a breather like one of you mentioned and we'll hop back in in like two or three minutes oh all right so yeah fajim we did the opacity setting certainly do i use substance designer um i i don't but i i did use it for like two weeks it was really cool and i want to get back into it at some point who is my smash main that's a great question uh it's ness but right now i'm meaning donkey kong um he's a lot of fun to play so bradley says hey clint pf has a transparency mode might make it easier yeah we've been on that we've been doing that kind of going back and forth um stump thank you for the super chat you say what are your my preferred tools um i'm a noob and on windows by the way preferred tools for what man like i guess i use cinema 4d um that's my go-to i use grayscale gorilla plug-ins all the time i use octane um i just got into world creator i'm using a lot of uh mega scans qixel bridge and whatnot uh unreal engine i'm always an unreal engine um what else yeah i mean i guess the wacom tablet that's a tool i use this all the time this glove is so i can glide across the tablet it helps me a lot and it keeps the oil from my hand off the tablet makes it easier to to navigate is it weird having all these people stare at my face um no not really i'm used to it you know i'm used to it at this point you know just being on camera and whatnot at rocket jump and corridor and running on a youtube channel you kind of get used to it christian thank you for the super chat rock on you said i came late but metahuman is not available for the public to use yet question mark you always get in the 403 era after logging in so you need to register for the for the beta it's in early access right now you have to register for early access i think you'll get an email from them at some point hopefully pretty soon and then you'll be able to hop into that second link which i have in the description um and you'll you know they'll probably send you an email with all that stuff but you just gotta register for the early access um let's see how do i feel about pelotina in smash she's my favorite i don't know sam likes palutena but i don't know i've never never really used her i fought against her but i don't know much um how much do i think metahuman will cost when it's out it's gonna be free all right it's gonna be free because unreal engine is free everything epic games is free especially when used with uh with unreal engine so it's just crazy that it that it is free and that it's super powerful and they're adding a lot of cool stuff to it so it's gonna be sweet i'm very excited about it what's the glove for i just talked about the glove the glove is actually so i can navigate and kind of glide smooth smoothly glide across my wacom tablet um i have one here it's connected to my pc right now so i can only get it like to about here but it just helps me glide over this thing um keeps the oil from my hand off of it yeah very nice um schaefer has to leave for prom hey good luck good luck at prom that's pretty sweet enjoy it is the stream going to end i mean eventually but not yet you know we're probably halfway through yeah um what else you guys got how to make the thumbnail you said it's lod0 it's really fun i'll show you that in a second what u.s state is the best for living [Laughter] i don't know man i have no idea i've only lived seriously lived in california and georgia and i like them both for different reasons devon divon williams stream never ends baby heck yeah dude devon i look forward to hanging soon man i miss you how's it going since i left corridor man it's been great it's been awesome i really enjoy uh managing my own schedule doing what i want to do um i love it i absolutely love it and i still get to hang out with those guys you know we chill uh pretty frequently and hang out so it's the best of both worlds really what are my thoughts on nerf man i love nerf the uh the ones with like the yellow balls those are the best ones i love those what else you guys got any other questions we'll hop back in here in another minute what are the differences and similarities between character creator and metahuman so metahuman is fully animated everything's set up to move with the mouth and everything so that when you drop it into unreal engine it just works perfectly and seamlessly character creator there's a lot it's a lot more like flushed out or fleshed out and um there's a lot more options for the body and for the face like i think you can get a little bit more detailed into the tweaking of all that stuff um you know you can do a bunch of different clothes right now metahuman is very early access so what you see right now is what you get and i'm loving it i'm absolutely loving it it's super powerful the graphics are insane and i can't wait to use it in all my renders it'll help with the story elements and everything and maybe eventually do some cg characters with some dialogue and stuff it'll be cool matt you said the cardboard warfare got you into vfx uh you went hardcore and learning for like six years but motivation went away but you going in your own path got me back into vfx dude that's awesome man that makes me really happy yeah stick to it guys stick to it you know if you want to get better at something you gotta stay consistent with it and keeping that consistency can be pretty difficult um certainly you know doing these streams every single week has been a challenge for me it really has it's very difficult sometimes it's very stressful and um you know it may not seem like it's stressful but it is you know trying to get the stream set up and like trying to figure out what i'm gonna do every week on top of everything else it's a lot but the more i do it the better i get at it and i feel like i'm i'm getting into a pretty nice flow and since i was able to leave corridor i'm able to prep the stream on fridays now so i don't have to do everything on saturday morning that's when it's just like i'm pulling my hair out you know getting the thumbnail uploaded and figuring out what i'm going to do type in the description um adding all the art to the the art review at the end of these streams you know we're gonna do an art review at the end of this stream it's a lot to do on a saturday morning so i kind of do that on my fridays now so it's cool suggest a good graphics tablet the intuos pro man get that intuos pro i got the medium one but they have small medium and large it's freaking great i love it but uh hey guys we're gonna head back in let's jump back in yeah all right so this is where we're at you know like this feels like me this feels like me it's just the lower half i think that's like it's this mismatched the eyeball from the side looks good dude what if what if my freaking jaw came out this far like a mule man like a freaking horse man but this this looks like me it's just here let me see about this let me see at what point does it not look like me anymore i even think that looks like me like it's freaking close that's super close it's just it's the lips dude it's straight up the lips we're gonna move all that back more brow you think i don't know um if i were to line this up with my eyeball so we got to move those lips back for sure and maybe i need to push my eyeball back further yeah my eyeball needs to like go back a little further all right let's go transparent so uh control minus gets a little transparency in there and ctrl t will allow us just to adjust the eyeball so let's go to the move bits here and try and get this eyeball back into my face a little bit more and the mouth gotta get that mouth looking right i think that's the biggest the biggest offender is the mouth um it just needs to be pushed back or everything else needs to be pushed forward um so lining up the nose there we go this that feels a little bit better all right jeez that looks like nick it looks like nick now what the heck i just need that i need that freaking upper lip dude straight up this looks like nick laurent oh boy like dude what the chin man that freaking chin dude why like why is my chin so chinny maybe i'll bring back more of the or less of the goddamn hmm yeah it's like i can't i can't adjust this chin anymore it just looks ridiculous now these eyeballs dude what the heck what the heck let's move these things dude no business being like that it's really tough because like the side view undoes the uh the front view options a little bit yep is focal length is the focal length there's a few things that are hindering me from getting any further than this one is the fact that my head is a little bit more narrow than this dude's head it's a little longer too another thing is the focal length of the camera that i took picture myself with from my iphone was more of a wide-angle lens and um the photo that we're seeing in metahuman is a uh definitely more of a longer lens right like a 35 or a 40 or something maybe what else also the fact that the sliders i've maxed out these dang sliders as far as i possibly can like that kind of looks like me that doesn't really look like me um also the fact that i'm missing my glasses is a thing and i think the glasses play a big part into making someone look like somebody the hair the hair is fine i think the eyes are worse now god dang it and the lips are worse it's like it's better from the side but it's worse from the front you know what i mean no no focal length in metahuman yet we need eye rotation for sure we need to thin out that face do i have more of a five head like do i have a five head i can't tell again the focal length of the camera makes it difficult to do but let's see what it looks like in motion yeah tobey mcguire vibes i see it i see a little bit of it it looks like a matthew or something if devon is still in the chat doesn't he kind of look like matthew just a little bit like his eyes or something it's like the eyes and the mouth jake gyllenhaal i can see a little gyllenhaal i'm gonna do one last pass in the eyeballs here let's see what we can do hey now just from the front view all right control minus yeah with even with my eyes that doesn't look like me but let's move these things around so ctrl t on pure f and now we can start sculpting this thing like how far apart are my eyes like they why do they look so jacked up dude i wish i could shape the beard you know i wish i could still early access though there's no way like is my eye that much higher there's there's no way my eye is that much higher it probably would have helped to go in photoshop and like try and match up uh the focal length as well as the you know the rotation a little bit more ctrl t and let's turn off symmetry and finally let's get these lips a little bit i actually really liked the uh this like symmetrical method here i thought this was really good control plus cool this is so difficult man maybe if i had glasses who knows cheekbones for sure but it just makes my head look ridiculous [Music] um like a fish man stump dude thanks for the super chat man so hugo you say my eyes are more rectangular shape and we have we can almost see the bottom of your iris this model must have more of a round shape yes and very close eyes god dang this is hard i feel like i could just tweak this for hours and hours so here's what i'm doing i'm gonna save this all right by the way everything just saves automatically let's just create something that looks goofy and see if we can't come back to this and uh maybe revisit it let's create something new let's have fun with this all right um who should we go with who should we go with i don't know um let's go with glenda let's see what glenda looks like here and we'll hit next and let's just let's go crazy um jeff thank you for the super chat you're enjoying the content maybe take some pics from like three-quarter angle or something a side perspective to try to capture the 3d effect in the future yeah man um this is very difficult definitely biting off more than i can chew here but you know not bad at all i'm very impressed with this program and i'm excited for um for the later versions you know what i'm looking for is something i can upload a 3d like head scan or something for it to move its points to i feel like the points it has right now i feel limited [Music] in the sense that like it doesn't give me all the options that i have that i need to to control my face or maybe i just don't know the program well enough it just came out this week so just something something fun to mess around in now let's see if uh if we can make this look absurd let's get let's go to skin max out the texture oh man rough okay uh super shiny arsenii thank you thank you thank you for the super chat he says too bad that he won't be limited to use only an unreal engine dude i don't think that's true man i think you can actually use this in cinema 4d and i'm going to try it here in a second let's create something nasty um and and see if we can't load it into c4d um let's see it's all about the shape here let's just start sculpting this thing okay that's pretty yeah i like that very painful it looks very painful whoa get that chin going no chin yeah that's the way it goes no chin see i just want to like max this thing out oh my goodness like there's probably people that look like this you know fish person for sure dude what if this was your boss are we gonna get those teeth we need those teeth popping off um let's hit the teeth option whoa plaque yes um let's just start hitting all these sliders uh spacing we're crunched up customer service staff after church jeez absolutely there yeah let's do that like receding gum line just make this as jacked up as possible tooth length yeah i'm a fan of those tiny teeth overbite for sure uh tooth color oh my god okay let's do that gum color oh smoker for sure freaking rough dude okay oh all right makeup let's get some makeup on here um [Music] soft and smoky yes very nice very nice metalness wow okay interesting lips we need some lip stick oh man yeah that's the move that's the move right there dude united we stand join us oh man that is intense that's all about that that lrt seven this is the best like led six is half as funny as lod7 and for those of you don't know lod stands for level of detail brutal all right let's keep going um hair what kind of hair do we want receding hairline or clown hair perhaps yes yes yes yes yes oh that's terrifying my god it's female larry david [Laughter] mohawk and bushy eyebrows okay let's try it um mohawk and bushy eyebrows any other requests now i think i think we broke it a little bit with this with the brows and bring these up a little bit an old person from cyberpunk yeah it's the haircut for sure try an afro okay but whoa my goodness so cool i love it i love it um no hair straight bald look look at the performance though with the hair so this is um let's see if we hit the little um we can hide the hair and then there's a way to get uh um what is it performance options where are you uh where are the performance options i forget oh here we go here we go the top left let's full screen this and it's the top left here you can pull up the little performance options and frame rate we got 33 frames a second here but as soon as you throw on that hair man like it it goes it gets choppy let's see let's get the hair in get the long fro going oh that's probably another thing here since we're in beta the frame rate is stuck at 33 looks like it's not updating but you know personally i'm a fan of the clown hair i'm digging clown hair kind of looks like the guy from kung fu hustle a little bit i like that salt it's maxed out salt and pepper is maxed out here eyebrows eyebrows no eyebrows now that would be a thing there we go um eyelashes full on beautiful eyelashes salt and pepper maxed out um the beard very interesting very interesting i feel like no beard is the way to go though unless we go full salt and pepper on it mustache like a long and scraggly long full mustache that is terrifying what if we take the body type um super skinny yep nearly emaciated and we go like really tall that is terrifying could you use this for mixed reality with vr chat i'm sure you could yeah i'm sure you could um [Music] yeah the granny sweater okay what color should we go with like oh man like a pink or something pink and white i don't know pink and red yeah it matches the lipstick alright that's nice try making mr bean that'd be great uh bottoms yeah i feel like these pants are probably the most appropriate these ones here um maybe like a dark blue or something and the shoes yeah these aren't bad um yellow and i don't know i don't know something like this violet and green okay violet and green like barney colors essentially flip-flops yes all right let's get rid of the mustache um god that hair is atrocious i love it though um let's see what other stuff we got a short ponytail dude this kind of looks like my boss when i worked at a hibachi restaurant like she had the same hair with the eyes that don't play around um let's sculpt let's go into sculpt mode and see if we can get something even crazier yeah just permanently like permanently angry and then we can blend the face too with other with other faces everything's just cranked back here i feel like it's a little too old so let's uh let's adjust the skin yeah that's that's better that feels better oh my goodness [Laughter] i would not want to mess with this woman very nice freckles yes yes please um density a lot of them and the accents we can get the eyes let's crank the redness the saturation the lightness maybe a little bit on the forehead oh i love it i love it and what does it look like in motion oh i forgot about the teeth how far can you go with skin tone no i don't think you can do an alien but like right now skin tone is kinda it's just in this range here so you can go as dark as as this which is definitely not accurate to anything i've seen um kind of looks like a lizard person but you know i'm digging i'm digging where we had it right up in here you can make a tomato let's see if we can't uh get this working in cinema 4d so i'm going to open cinema and see if it's possible to export to c4d we'll see tiny nose all right tiny nose let's go uh sculpt and hold on let me bring this back here so it's unreal and maya only currently okay so let's see what we can do maybe i bring this into unreal um so this is done top right says all changes saved so i'm going to minimize this and let's open up bridge real quick quick so bridge also free and there's a new little tab here called metahumans and you know we can drop any one of these into our scene but my metahumans these are the ones that we've worked on so far yeah this does not look like me my goodness um glenda this is the one that we have here glenda and let's go ahead and download it and see what happens i appreciate all you guys for joining me on this one it's very fun i love i love this character crater kind of stuff all right so i guess it's a generating i wonder if we can grab one of these other ones i don't know how uh how long this takes i've honestly never done this before so maybe while that goes i can answer a couple questions from you guys all night well that does its thing so nick says how do you get better at paint outs in after effects i always find that it varies too much frame to frame and it's jittery any insight yeah man you just gotta you gotta stick with it um there's a lot of different methods for paint outs depends on what you're painting out too if you're painting out a person with a moving background that can become very difficult you want to find your clean plate that's essentially what you're doing is building your clean plate so once you can build your clean plate then you kind of go in and like remove the person on another layer or remove a cable or a wire or something um can be very difficult but i know you can use a there's a there's a software called um shoot what is it called it's an ai software it has like green screen and stuff um runway ml runway ml yeah runway ml and they have paint out um models that you can use and it's all automated too which is very very cool so felipe says it's probably easier to create other people than yourself because your brain doesn't let you see yourself as other people you're too used to seeing yourself that i mean i'm sure that's probably pretty close but i definitely do not see myself in this guy in omar um i don't know maybe maybe i'm wrong but it is generating it's uh 25 so i'll answer as many questions as i can here um and if you guys at me here in the chat it's a lot easier for me to see hmm oh it was stuck at generating for you um yesterday i guess yeah i'm in it 25 so do you think it's possible to create a realistic homer in metahuman maybe that's very interesting like doing cartoon realistic versions of cartoon characters could be fun actually all right we got a lot of good questions here do you think it is easier for others to make you i don't know maybe give it a shot guys go for it see if you can i challenge you uh what's my favorite s24 feature well i i hadn't used s24 yet but i heard there is actually a feature where it's like a dynamic move tool where you can click and drag and turn dynamics on for the objects you have selected and when you let go dynamics turn off and it allows you to set dress things and like place books on a bookshelf or something that seems absolutely incredible there's also a paint tool now so you can do like a scatter tool but with like a um with a brush right so you're gonna paint your trees or scatter your rocks whatever across your scene and you can remove stuff too so that's really awesome very excited to jump into that i'm just between projects right now or i'm not between projects i'm still working on um actually my next nft i want to drop it either late next week or early the week after that very excited about it it looks very nice i can't wait for you guys to see it i'm gonna do a whole breakdown on my process on it um i can't wait to show you the art it's some of my best i'm very excited about it roundy can you change the color of someone's sclera absolutely if you put your mind to it you too can change scholar color but yes it is possible you just go to eyes and then the sclera option you can change the color eric my day's going great man thank you for asking it's very chill do i think there will be a generate metahuman from photo option in the future i really hope so because that would make things a lot easier and a lot more fun then you can go crazy from there i'm hoping that's the case what vfx program do i recommend for starters okay yeah um well blender is free so and there's a lot of tutorials for it so i i mean i'd recommend blender to people who are looking to get into vfx for the first time or to get into 3d for the first time who don't really know if they want to spend money on it yet unreal engine is also free but it's a very deep learning curve very steep learning curve so i'd probably recommend blender um you know and from there you can explore other options i use cinema 4d and you know there's maya there's 3ds max and stuff but right now it's blender and cinema 4d are kind of the main ones in unreal engine and you know generating is at 75 now so we're getting close anything else any other questions oh derek would i work for waeda if they offered me something or continue being a free agent i think i'd have to continue being a free agent my friend um there's too many things that i want to do i i didn't leave corridor to go somewhere else i left corridor to focus on my own stuff so it doesn't really matter who has you know if anyone comes to me with a job i'm like dude i got a lot of stuff i'm excited about i want to put more care more attention into you guys into this channel um and to everything 3d animation and all that good stuff like i want to be able to teach as much as i can i want to be able to experiment and learn with you guys as much as i can and i want to be able to create some really cool content and some really awesome short films feature films cg films like i want to create really cool stuff and tell cool stories simon jones where are my nfts at well i only have one right now um i sold it about two months ago and i'm on super rare it's uh super rare dot com slash punisher i believe or slash clinton jones one of those two um and i'm releasing my second one next week late next week very excited about it what other questions do we have here glad thank you i appreciate the kind words man i'm glad that you guys are hanging out with me and having a good time daniel what's up dude thank you for the super chat says wishing you the best on my journey thanks for all the countless smiles and laughs you've shared with your work in an outside of corridor man it means a lot thank you so much yeah man good stuff very good stuff let's see let's see so um we have downloaded successfully downloaded um this model here in metahuma or in in uh in bridge and it's just leaving me with this option oh there we go loading obviously see you can see i had some funny over this guy my shorts going to be 3d or live action um making a 3d short be a lot of work but is possible i i'd say it could be either or it could certainly be either or ardo what software is this so i'm using qixel bridge quixil bridge is um an amazing piece of a piece of technology here it's just a tool that allows you to download different textures different 3d scans and now digital humans so that's very very cool all right now we're downloading this thing probably take another minutes let's let's answer a couple more questions here roy i don't think we have time for a mr bean today but it sounds like a fun one um maybe in the future here we'll do that maybe so um hayden says what was my first full solo project man when i was a kid i was making little dumb short films and those were all solo projects um the first one i think that really was a big deal for me was man i i did this short it was just a silly video really called how to be epic and it was around the time 300 came out and we actually won the high school talent show with the video and all my friends were in it it's very silly you know just a bunch of references references to stuff we were into when you're in high school um so that was a that was a fun one but i think cardboard warfare is probably the first big one the first big solo project i did um and if you guys don't know there's a lot of a lot of short films on my channel over the last year i've been doing 3d tutorial stuff but if you go back into the archives and hit those playlists you know you guys will see a lot of short films i did cardboard warfare 1 1.52 2.5 it's all on the channel um i did some more serious stuff a dead island short film a wolfenstein short film a sleeping dogs short film um killzone yes thanks visual a killzone short film that was probably one of my favorites that i've done um we actually were able to bring out a pyrotechnician and blow up some stuff it was insane it was so freaking cool um romer asked what's this week's weekly challenge you want to know you want to know don't you um yeah of course you want to know we'll get to in a second here let's see what we can do with this meta human let's see if we can get it into unreal engine or c4d or something and then from there i'll go into the art review and i'll announce this week's weekly challenge because there's one every single week if you guys don't know about it we're trying to get better every single week together so we are at 96 percent on this download y'all 100 son 100 this is exciting i've never done this before very cool all right um i'm wondering if i should just pre-open let's do 2k resolution for now because i think it's gonna like crunch up the stream a little bit so get those f's prepared all right let me i want to export this there we go okay i got my export button can i export to c4d okay metahumans can only be exported to unreal and maya so let's try it let's go into unreal engine and see what we can do um let me open up the epic games launcher 3am gang you guys from india how late is it in india right now 3 am crazy thanks for hanging out with me man that's awesome oh snap we're gonna go full screen for this sean shaman my goodness that super chat is very much appreciated man thank you thank you so you say you are a long time fan um congratulations on your new adventure thank you sir thanks for years of entertainment since the freddie w days man god there's been so much good stuff hasn't there been man like i love freddy i love rocket jump and i really miss making videos with them and i actually i did uh film a little something with freddy and jimmy for their magic the gathering thing that was fun pretty recently but you say been trying to grow my channel um help upcoming filmmakers and photographers with basic tips and tricks heck yeah i would appreciate a quick shout out well dude there it is go check him out sean shaman check out his channel he's trying to help you guys with uh filmmaking tips and tricks but i appreciate the super chat man is very generous of you thank you so much and mr stump that super chat is appreciated as well thank you 6 15 a.m in australia are you up that early my god let me ask you guys what time is it for y'all right now what time is it for you guys let me know what time it is and where you're at i'm just curious [Music] but let's see here let's get uh let's get unreal engine popping off woo yeah awesome awesome we got everybody in the chat worldwide is 11 o'clock in turkey oh man it's flying i love it i love it what else we got uh we got 10 16 in germany um 5 p.m in brazil dang this is awesome 10 p.m oh wow dude in the super chat i am duet my god thank you sir so kind of you man thank you thank you you just want to say good luck and you hope um hope you know how to do your taxes oh dude the tax video you guys have never seen the tax video man just freaking open up a new tab type in freddy w taxes and it's a video of me without my shirt on like freaking out i'm like freaking out and it's just me going crazy because i don't know how to do my taxes oh boy those are the days that was like 10 years ago i didn't know how to do taxes man that was crazy ah but thank you for the super chat i really appreciate it it's nearly 2 a.m in india 120 in pakistan man that's so cool so freaking cool worldwide here 417 and guyana you guys are awesome you guys are staying up late too way past that bedtime we got dubai ukraine what up everybody one dead duck in the uk 10 20 in spain david sheep good to see ya what else 10 18 in the czech republic what's going on portugal 9 p.m dude i love it freaking awesome so guys we're just updating right now i'm updating my unreal engine we're going to open it up and get this meta human in there and then we'll get this uh you know what screw it let's do the art review right now let's do this art review right now i'll come back to this um all right before i announce any of these winners let me just go to studio mode and obs just to make sure that no one no one's name is revealed here i want i want this to be as secret as possible i want to be as much of a surprise as possible all right so guys we're in all right we're talking about the weekly challenge right now this week's weekly challenge was overgrown all right overgrown so the prompt was overgrown and you had to render something using that prompt and there's a couple things i'm looking for when i'm judging this thing um the first is probably render quality that's going to be the first thing that catches my eye as your render quality the second is probably gonna be um composition and visual aesthetic like how how nice does it look which one catches my eyes i'm looking through these submissions and then finally well not finally but most importantly is story does your render have a story to it and then i'd say most importantly does it follow the theme of overgrown all right so i used basically those four things um render quality how closely does it follow the prompt um is there a story in your render and uh does it look visually appealing how's your composition and all that good stuff right so that's what i'm looking for on these submissions here and real quick gotta say to arseney i appreciate the super chat thank you sir always you said always was wondering when they show bts footage green screen almost always doesn't cover 100 background why then do you green screen oh that's a good question that's a really good question so let me just answer this question real quick it's a good one the question is if if i were to have a green screen behind me right now why does the green screen not cover the entire background but why why is it just limited to me well that's because when you removing the green in that green screen um you're gonna you're gonna essentially the point of a green screen is to remove a person from the footage as opposed to having to manually rotoscope a person right um the green screen makes it easy to do that to pull me out from the footage i only need a green screen over the area i'm trying to extract so i don't need a massive 20 foot by 20 foot green screen for a person in a wide shot i just need a person's worth of green screen to remove that person all right so it's a way to save money and we don't all have 20 foot green screens you might have a pop out green screen that'll cover your body or the thing you're trying to remove but you don't need to cover the whole thing because later in after effects you'll draw a garbage mat around it and you'll just remove the stuff that's easy really good question really really good question and thank you for the super chat um and and ours not ours simon i appreciate you thank you sir also you say shout out to you and all the argentinian people in the chat love the corridor stuff and your tutorials are amazing first donation of my life my god sir thank you thank you it means a lot first donation of your life to the server to the freaking live streams man thank you thank you thank you all right guys shall we get into the art review i think it's time i think it is time indeed okay guys like i said the prompt was overgrown okay so let's do it the first winner of the weekly challenge who will get the weekly challenge winner role is are you ready boom right here this is uh utkarsh kumar singh probably butcher the name a little bit apologies but man is this a nice render it has amazing render quality fantastic composition it has a story and it follows the prompt very well so that's why you are a winner this week my friend um congratulations you get that challenge winner role in the discord server you're going to be seen by the 13 000 plus 3d artists in the server the link is in the description come join us guys come join the 3d challenge i think we had a hundred and uh if one of the mods can confirm it here i think we had definitely a hundred plus submissions so you know if you guys are winning these things you you're doing a really good job and these are getting harder and harder to judge because the renders are just better and better every single time and we're coming up on a year guys a year of weekly challenges and i want to do something special for that i want to put out maybe maybe a video or something it could be very fun 124 submissions yep is uh is absolutely incredible so congrats congrats to our first winner and moving on to the second winner here is no other than one dead duck with this beautiful render of an abandoned city again guys following the prompt here really good use of the the prompt overgrown um you know last of us two vibes all the way fantastic game if you guys ever played last of us too my goodness it's incredible yeah straight out of last of us two in seattle um so you're following the prompt really well here and your render quality is through the roof 10 out of 10. there's a story going on you have character and you have the dog going and these people are surviving in this world and your framing is fantastic your lighting is fantastic i like the streaks that you have coming across the image here in the sun you see like how the sun is catching the grass there and different parts of the of the grass here of this field are being illuminated in strips and that gives you depth into in the image here um yeah you're using like kind of like a side front lit uh i'd say side lit definitely side lit kind of lighting set up here that looks very nice the my only gripe with this one is the birds on the top right i feel like they're a little too dark they might have a little bit more motion blur and they would probably fade in to the fog a little bit more i feel like um but my goodness yeah congrats one dead duck man you were winning these a lot i'm really happy with all the cool work you've been doing man so keep it up congratulations you get the challenge winner roll this week hang on to it all right guys moving on for the third winner of the weekly challenge this week is manual manuel dude this is freaking cool so again you are following the prompt very well this is definitely an overgrown um environment here i love your camera angle and i love your wide and uh your wide angle lens here that you're using you're really really utilizing that in a really cool way and also if you look closely written in blood on this pillar it says it's really tiny for me but it says uh something along the lines of they can hear you be quiet they can hear you or something like that um super creepy so there's your story and then you have a really intense blood splatter on the side of this pillar you're working with that story man that's the next level can you find a story element in your render that's really what we want to go for we want to tell stories we don't want to just do renders because renders look cool because who cares at a certain point once you have enough cool renders it's like all right i get it but once you start adding story to it that's the next level guys that's the next level dude your textures are crazy your lighting is crazy your composition is amazing um so congratulations manuel for winning this week's weekly challenge i think this is the first time you've won a weekly challenge and same for um utkarsh this is the first time you've won a weekly challenge and uh i think we have one more person we have two more two more spots here two more winners and we have one of those people i believe is a first time weekly challenge winner as well i'm just excited that we're getting more people doing this more people winning these challenges guys and it is none other than edward h bam with this one right here dude this looks so good so good your render quality and your lighting are 10 out of 10 dude you're doing everything super well here you're working with some fog here um you have some dripping foliage and leafs and whatnot some ivy um i love your composition i love the story you're telling with this render um [Music] what the heck neesee pc says use the force harry um that's a gandalf quote for you guys what the heck dude that's so random but i appreciate the super chat that's hilarious um i love it man this is very beautiful a very very beautiful render you should be proud because you got the challenge winner roll this week congratulations edward h you're killing it all right and finally you know this one was this one was a mix up i went back and forth there was literally like five other renders that was that we're going to win um it was between these five renders for me but i think at the end of the day it came down to mr red of paw it's a very ambitious short film dude you straight up made a short film for overgrown and i couldn't be more excited about this dude this is crazy check this out like i'm going to let this go there is sound and music if you guys go on the discord you can watch it in its full glory i just don't know if i can play it on the stream because if it's copywritten music you know i can't i can't do that so maybe let me know if you guys do video submissions in the future if i can play the music let's loop it one more time isn't this crazy now you guys can see here if this was a meta-human it might look a little more realistic so that's just a use of uh of how we can use these metahumans in the future here but this is cool like i really dig this freaking nasty organic tentacle looking thing going through your destruction is really cool your animation style is really cool your environments are really cool your lighting is awesome and it's getting creepier and creepier it reminds me of akira you know you guys ever seen akira yeah prototype that game too but man congratulations reddi paw and to the rest of the winners you guys are getting the challenge winner roll this week but we ain't done because i got a few honorable mentions to get to there's been a lot of freaking cool renders and i can't just leave it here so let me see if i can uh if i can do this so first off um [Music] legion like this one dude this one is sick i really love this render uh i also love that it fills up the full frame here it looks really nice i love it so much your render quality is great yeah man um it's a little hard to tell that there's a knight back there and i feel like there's a lot of uh empty space in the foreground here i think you can crop that out but other than that dude really good stuff i love this render so much and so you guys asking if i have a discord yes i do have a discord the link is in the description go for it join these community challenges they're really fun um next up we got mr hans hauser with this really incredible render the render quality is 10 out of 10. the only reason this didn't win is because i don't get that overgrown feeling from it um sim like simply put yeah it just doesn't seem overgrown to me but it's an incredible render an incredible render 10 out of 10 for sure really cool story there you got a little cricket in the foreground i love it very nice uh joel dude you came close too man you came very close to winning this one super cool render um joel actually gave me a little bit of stats on his render once he finished it he said it was 10 000 samples um gi clamp set to two uh we were wondering would it would it be faster if it was set to one i don't know but yeah this is a really cool one i like your uh i like your layout here it's very nice very good composition you know you got the cross right in the center frame there and you know like i said this is getting harder and harder to choose these winners because literally every single one of these could be winners so i have to just get really specific with the reason i'm choosing these things and and and it makes it really hard it makes it really really hard i don't want to open it up to 10 winners i want to keep it five you know it makes it i think more of an accomplishment if you get to that top five but if you guys are in the honorable mentions here you're very close you're right there we got bobby riggs this was another one that almost won dude this was this was in my top five or i guess top eight for like the longest time and uh i think i made it even a top six it's really cool very well well rendered well framed well shot you have a little story going too it says uh you want to play a game and i think the only reason i didn't choose this one was because potentially like the other the other render with like be quiet they can still hear you you know that render that story element was a little bit more original to me personally than like the saw angle do you want to play a game so with this one it's like do you have a story element and is your story element a bit more original so that's that's crazy too you know that's like the added level to it but yeah dude so close fantastic render uh the game factory another one that was like super close to winning very very close to winning man it's very cool your render quality was very nice the only thing that i felt about this one it was a little difficult to tell what is what from this angle like i i feel like you need a bit more separation between foreground mid-ground and background it all kind of blends together now you have some fog here but i feel like if you would have done some low lying ground fog that could have helped if you had things poking out a little closer to the character that could have helped a little bit more but it's just it's a little difficult to tell what is what um it's not a it's not a bad thing it's a fantastic render in almost one again you know it's just if i was to get really nitpicky with it but i love it man it's really good super solid work maybe you could use color maybe you could use color to help separate the the foreground in the background or something or yeah it's a tough one because the lighting is pretty even throughout it's overcast lighting maybe if the character in the foreground was wearing uh like a red a red costume or yellow or something something to have it stand out or just even white like the coke dispenser that this person's standing on is white that really stands out so maybe you could do the character in white to have them pop out and work in silhouettes a little bit um you can make the background darker you make the foreground brighter too um you know these are all different things that you can use to have the character and have your art piece you know be a bit more defined foreground mid-ground background the fog is a classic use you know um what else yeah let's move on let's move on we have a couple more ronin this one is super cool man it reminds me of dead space that's one of my favorite games of all time your render quality is really nice and it's just freaking overgrown city up in this space station it looks very cool i like your camera angle i like how the leading lines kind of lead you to that to the end of the hallway maybe it would have been cool to have like a brighter light source towards the end of the hallway to kind of lead the eye a little bit it's just a little dark but hey you know that's that's the point it's a scary sci-fi horror kind of piece and i dig it man i think it's a really really good stuff congratulations to you um pars v3 another one that nearly almost won dude freaking crazy this one's really good the the render quality is fantastic it's certainly overgrown um camera angle is pretty darn good your attention to detail is solid uh i think the only thing with this one is just you know robots in the forest overgrown robots in the forest i've seen that vibe before certainly not to say that i hadn't seen you know the vibe that the winners had it's just you know there i think there was a big number of robots in the forest on this one so i was trying to go for like what stood out to me what felt a bit different what felt a bit unique but don't let that get you down man because this was in my top eight for a while so congratulations dude it's a great render it is a fantastic render all right moving on oren cloud is next this is beautiful this is very very beautiful it's very different speaking about different is very different very unique very cool style too it reminds me of princess mononoke yeah the lighting is very cool um very studio studio ghibli kind of vibe here i dig it a lot you'll be very proud of this one it's a good one very very good noodle noodle chon dude this one again for me this one was close to winning two i really love the vibe here i love the lens choice you have it's beautiful it's like you just peeked into this little uh outcropping in the forest and you found this soldier you know sitting here kind of reminds me of the movie stalker if you guys have ever seen stalker it's a really good one um but man your colors here are beautiful i would want to play this game this is absolutely beautiful man i dig it so much keep it up solid stuff else steady is next this one's crazy it almost looks real um it kind of reminds me of a pokemon card there was like a caterpie pokemon card that looked super real and mossy or it was like a weedle or something um and i just realized that right now but it's cool dude overgrown robot in the forest gotta love it you got the fog going off into the background and a really nice lighting setup on this guy in the foreground i dig it freaking sweet little robot is next you got your bonsai tree chilling um in this little like uh i don't know interior setup i love it i love your your textures are solid your lighting is solid it's a very fun render i like it a lot man congratulations keep it up jack the hack is next i love those full screen renders filling up the whole frame i love it this one's cool reminds me of the last of us too as well freaking sick oh you got the spores taken over taking over the work setup i don't know like what i'm wondering what website is this dude on you got mushrooms going around the screen but i love it dude i freaking love it it looks like it's being hit by a flashlight and he's kind of lit by the monitor in the front but he's been hit with a flashlight from the side i love it dude all those mushrooms and spores that's a lot of detail work there man congrats congratulations on the detail work you didn't miss out on that uh devin devin's next this one's cool really good composition great lighting great use of fog and atmosphere i think there's a little photoshop filter on here i'm wondering if these are some ian hubert photo scans because it looks like the grass is photo scanned and the leaves are photoscanned hard to say maybe you did it on your own but i really like the vibe super solid creed is next this one this one just spoke to me because of uh the lighting and the render quality and the fog of course um yeah i just i really like the render quality the lighting and the fog it's really good um cool idea too you got it in the bathroom overgrown bathtub super creepy that's a vibe for sure man i dig it billy is next this one's sick dude this one came really close to winning too could easily have been one of the winners um i i freaking love this one is super cool i love how you used uh different basically to get this look here what you did is is kind of chose different still frames from an animation and you overlaid them on top of each other and you give it a really cool marble look this one is sick man jeff yes jeff try the challenge try the challenge we're gonna come up with a prompt for you guys pretty soon here i'm excited very excited for it um next up we got pasta and then we got one more after this i just like your lighting here i am a sucker for top lit stuff um i love it yeah i just i just love it good rendering quality fun lighting super moody i dig it and finally we have i think the render that made me laugh the hardest out of this entire thing and that's owen with this freaking render dude look at their faces they're like oh my god what is this abomination and the dude in the back is just like it's like i need a haircut now i love it it just made me it made me laugh it made the mods laugh it made everyone laugh dude this one's great i love the barber they're both just like oh my god francesco he's like dude what is this oh man that is awesome that's freaking awesome and no i didn't notice that my art was in the background of the freaking top lit render oh my god it is it's the one that me and sam did that's hilarious i didn't notice that but hey guys um i kind of have a uh that kind of so myself and the mods on the crate with clint server we made an instagram for you guys and it's going to house all of the winners of the weekly challenges down from the first challenge all the way up to the most recent so what we're doing it's createwithclint i should probably include it in the description from now on um we're kind of doing a soft launch right now because we're not caught up yet we're releasing five images every single day so basically five winners for one challenge every day um and it's just it's a feature account it's a way to feature all of your guys's art i wanna build it up as as much as possible and once we get caught up you know we're gonna be posting i think the plan right now is to post one image a day for the whole week uh it's gonna be each one's gonna be a winner and i'd like to do some stories for honorable mentions and stuff and i really want to shout out sotomonte and ronan for helping uh build this instagram account you know sotomonte is the one doing the posting right now and ronan was the one who reached out to all of you guys all the winners to ask hey is it cool if we do this with your art and basically all of you guys said yes so check it out you know it's a really cool inspirational place to look at all of the winners of this of the weekly challenges we're going to get caught up very soon probably within the next couple months um and then i'll blast it more you know once we're caught up but go check it out give it a follow uh and get inspired guys and enjoy the freaking 3d challenges they're great we're going to figure out the next one right now the link's in the description so what do you guys want to do what are y'all trying to do this week um you know we we got a lot of options usually i leave it up to you guys ooh anime dude anime is a good one yo anime is a super good one um that's definitely gonna be in the straw poll yeah let me uh let me get this straw poll going i'm gonna go down the list and we'll see what we can get um [Music] i'll pull let's create a poll hmm did they change straw poll it looks different now anime what else uh self portrait are we at the self portrait yeah self portrait it'd be fitting waiting for the stream funeral dude that's rough music oh music that's a good one anime yeah that's a good one i like anime human tropical portrait yeah self i mean self portrait feels feels right at least to be on the straw poll on on the uh let's see um what else do we got guys vr a city vaporwave oh vaporwave interesting very interesting deep ocean avatar the last airbender best show ever well we did ocean didn't we didn't we do underwater we did underwater last year um interior middle age cyberpunk i think we did um we didn't we do cyberpunk yeah we did aquatic rage oh what if we did in an emotion um feeling deep space we did planet um superhero music yeah music i'm not i'm down for music i think it could be a fun one but did we do music already i can't remember ah cypo melancholy is similar to um sentimental item almost mexican revolution please it's very specific full vfx shot it would be fun um airships dude airship would be sweet psychedelic trip um food is a tough one sword fight world war ii crypto spaceship steampunk we did that we did that two weeks ago steampunk maybe it was last week's it was a tough one zen still alive i think we did still life illusion no one's cyberpunk i swear we did cyberpunk though end of an era oh that's interesting end of an era is very interesting hmm balance that's interesting too vintage sternum rubs bizarre huh interesting these are some good ones guys banana phobia that's not bad hmm neon i think we did neon maybe all right uh japanese culture phobia is pretty good all right let's let's try it phobia so we have anime self-portrait and phobia um oh speed that's a good one dude speed is really good okay we got four um i'm calling it from here thank you guys for your suggestions i'm about to post a link okay um i'm just gonna make this this poll here real quick all right what's the weekly challenge anime self-portrait phobia or speed all right guys here it is the link will be pinned so go here go to the straw poll link that i just posted i'll give you guys about a minute or two yo alex windows 95 windows 95 screen saver is a really good one definitely uh that is that is fantastic the polls already up so not this week but dude if you're here next week that sounds amazing that sounds like a lot of fun all right so i'm looking at the results here keeping them hidden for now and we'll see what we get okay all right guys so right now to all you guys voting i better see 199 submissions next week all right 205 submissions like 208 submissions next week i better see him i'll give this another 30 seconds the winner seems very clear to me the winner seems very clear any guesses as to what you think will win speed phobia anime or self-portrait yeah y'all are right it's speed guys y'all have spoken bam that is it speed is the one we're doing it uh i'm excited i'm i'm very excited for this one should be very very cool um this is one that like i am a sucker for anything fast i remember i was in vegas and i got the opportunity to fly in a stunt plane and i actually got to pilot the stunt plane and dogfight a friend with like laser tag but up in up in the sky and it was the craziest thing i've ever done in my life my friend in the in his other plane he passed out he hit uh he had eight g's and passed out so they'd turn his plane over to have the blood rush back to his head i hit seven g's which basically felt like you know uh an immense pressure against my body and my vision just went like this you know like you did the vignette filter and it went down to like my vision was just my eyes were wide open but all i could see was this and then it went dark my eyes were open but i couldn't see anything it was just darkness i was like oh i guess this is what it's like to pass out that's not as scary as i thought it was going to be and i didn't pass out my vision came back i was still mentally there when you fully pass out you go like huh what happened where am i you're very confused like when ren passed out in the smash bros tournament um but yeah that's gonna be a fun one guys speed is the challenge so create a render that has some speed to it some motion you know motion blur will probably be in your render i assume um have fun with this one guys have a blast i'm very excited but man that was an awesome an awesome stream to cap it out to cap it out guys let's go ahead and hop into unreal engine and uh and see if we can't get our metahuman in here and then we'll call it a day thank you guys for joining me it's been a blast man we uh we had like 1500 people um at one point that's pretty crazy that is pretty insane that's a record this is an all-time record guys i wanted to get ren or peter up in here to make some faces with me but it was a little too late i had the idea like friday night last night so soon i won't get those guys back for y'all it'll be a fun one thanks for all the subscriptions you guys are awesome let's hop into our table and vase scene this is just something that i've been messing around in that way all of our shaders don't have to load skying or sky sky king thank you for joining yeah uh it's the first one you've caught you joined at the end but that's okay man all good definitely join the challenge it's going to be fun you want to do that the link is in the description it's to my discord server go down to the discord server um on the left the top left you're going to find the weekly challenge channels all right and under weekly challenge you'll see the prompt which will be speed read those rules guys please read the rules we don't want to we want to accept as many of these uh challenges as possible you know some of you guys don't post proof you need to post proof in the right way so just make sure you read the rules um if you're doing this for the first time and hey if you're doing this for the third time still read the rules you know it helps out a little bit guys these subscriptions are popping off that's awesome thank you thank you make sure you get that bell yeah hit that little bell notification yeah boy tanmay good to see you thank you have a good one um have i ever made any blender tutorials for my channel no i have not i have referenced blender clips and i have uh in in the one [Music] where i break down my pen and my knife in one of my edited videos there um i i use a little bit of reference to blender and show you guys how you can do some things that are pretty universal but i don't get i don't really dig into it shout outs to sodamonte for recording those blender clips for me um i appreciate them very much i do have a gigabyte connection yes yes i do have a gigabyte connection amazing i love it att fiber what's the weekly challenge the weekly challenge is speed and that's actually a good thing i'll pin it okay so you guys might recognize this scene when i was messing around with uh with steve last week we made a cool unreal engine like radar scene if you guys want to watch that this is last week's video but let's uh let's see if we can open up this metahuman and see what it looks like um let's go to content let's make a new level i'll just call it um metahuman test i'll hop in and it looks like i need a floor so let's search for a floor and i need a skylight so let's type in skylight let's type in a light source we need a directional let's see directional light should be our sun maybe i'm getting this wrong maybe i go to lights skylight why is am i not seeing anything uh directional point light spotlight rectangular skylight uh sky sphere i need i'm pretty new to unreal engine spherical reflection capture sky sphere yeah directional light that we can [Music] be removable add sky atmosphere in clouds sky atmosphere and clouds volumetric cloud no sky atmosphere remove the bp sky well i could hear here which i could probably do um let's go to remove the sky sphere if you want to add a sky atmosphere so this is my sky i'm described not sure why it's not let's go to our levels starter content maps starter map whoa i mean this works certainly works let's just drop in this meta human and see what the heck oh we're compiling 1500 shaders we don't want to do that minimal default screw it all right let's uh let's see if we can bring this in export go my export settings change it to unreal engine and [Music] export get those f's ready i might be lagging here we'll see all right guys we're still going um [Music] lagging like crazy this might be it [Music] oh did you get lunch i'm almost done all right y'all are we alive yes please so can you guys even hear me i'm back oh my goodness dismiss dismiss audio's back but not the video i'm here guys i'm here um but it's crunching i don't know how this is gonna go hang in there guys oh boy yeah it's definitely a lesson not to compile shaders on the stream oh did it work yeah cpu definitely at 100. all right where's where's glenda she down there where are you glenda lights uh maybe she's like way down here i don't know guys this might be it glenda might have broken everything um i don't know where she is she's probably running around in the scene somewhere i cannot find glenda oh it'll be fun to where's waldo like a full a full cg where's waldo that could be fun i don't know this might be it guys i think i have to call it thank you glenda successfully broke broke the stream but guys you got your uh here let me let me just see if i can force quit this give me one moment so i can at least say goodbye unreal we're gonna end that task okay are we back cpu is still at 100 percent oh all right guys the video's back my cpu is at 100 percent uh but i think i'm gonna call it yep we're back now i think we're back cpu is uh is looking like a hot 39 percent but guys thank you so much for joining me that was awesome we'll try that again next time with shaders compiled ahead of time my cpu is cranking up again but y'all i'ma bounce get on that weekly challenge it's gonna be good one thank you guys for joining me i really appreciate you and uh yeah i'll be seeing you guys soon see you next week peace out guys later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 265,117
Rating: 4.8753023 out of 5
Keywords: vfx, visual effects, 3d, modelling, blender, cinema4d, maya, 3dsmax, octane, arnold, education, tutorial, stream, pwnisher, corridor, tank, texture, archviz, photoreal, boston dynamics, bosstown dynamics, robots, after effects, compositing, live action, corridor digital, s22, v2020, render, studio, ghibli, miyazaki, totoro, spirited away, howls moving castle, princess mononoke
Id: 0IWfPlSAttY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 3sec (12063 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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