Create your own save file in the sims 4! | In depth sims 4 save file tutorial

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hello guys and welcome back to the channel or to the channnel if you're new in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to create your own very own save file so you may have seen online people talking about their save files they built or you've seen people on Tik Tok or seen people reviewing save files so I wanted to kind of give an in a like tutorial almost on how you can start your own save file I've kind of done a video similar to this before but that was when my save file was basically brand new and I wanted to kind of refresh that now we have more subscribers and more people are probably curious and I actually was reviewing my analytics and most people have found my channel for looking up Sims 4 save files so I thought why don't I give an in-depth tutorial and we'll just see how it goes so what we're looking at right now is actually my sa file that I'm working on I have a whole playlist dedicated to all these builds and kind of the idea of a save file I noticed most people don't talk about the process of save files just the end result so I wanted to kind of change it up a bit and talk about the process as well so what we have here is we have the star of Willow and the way I sorted out and planned all these builds was when we go down into here you can see I have a notion file and I do want to say this notion template is actually on my link tree and I'll link it down below so you can have the whole template I'll actually go through what the template looks like now so this is just the template I said describe the vibe of the save file so if it's a fantasy save file if it's a gameplay Focus one then I have empty kind of maps I actually have a world layout example and and the way I did this was I just took a screenshot of the like empty kind of map and then I just wrote what I wanted each thing to be uh and then I have like family so you can write any description of family and write any description of builds and then write about what vibe Willow Creek has and what you plan to create so of course you can delete this and write your own I do not expect you to copy this this is more if you are struggling to know where to start that can hopefully help you I have that for every world except tomang I do need to update it because I started my save file before ring was a world but that is basically it and if we go back to mine so you can kind of see a thing we can go to Willow Creek and you can see I have my builds written down obviously I have more builds than this but I've been a bit lacked about it and if I go into like duplex I have this duplex is built on 30X 20 and each house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms and then I kind of write a young a little description of who lives here and then if we go to like new crest for example and we go to my community pool build I can say this build is play tested so I know that I don't need to go over this build again and that it will function as it's supposed to in my save file so going back into my save file you might be wondering well how do I kind of bulldoze everything so the way you merely do it is if we go into any build like let's go into one of my favorite builds in the save file so far and I will show you how to bulldo it of course I'm not actually going to be bulldozing my lot because guys it's part of my save file of course I don't need to bulldoze it but if we come in into this beautiful beautiful lot we can see here how are we going to get rid of it like say this is a one that was already with the EA and you don't want it to be in your save file you come and click this bulldo it's up here you come and click this bulldoze button and then you just click bulldo lot and then bulldoze terrain if there's any terrain paint or anything like that and then you will find yourself having an empty lot but I know that sounds like a lot so there are a few ways around that and the ways around that is a few people have things called blank saves so when you go into blank saves you can see they have taken out every single world and basically when you just load into this save file every single lot is already bulldozed I bulldozed it manually but you can always go and do that if you're looking for an easier solution now I want to go and kind of discuss how I decide things and what I want to do so I know that there's like every single if you come here you can see every single kind of different lot type in kind of in The Sims and I want to make sure I have at least one of every lot type or I like doing multifunctional Lots which I'll talk about in a bit I like having one of every single kind of thing so I try and like when I was planning everything out make sure I had written down at least one for everything in a sense or everything that I thought is important uh and then I also wanted to discuss how I plan out families and how I create this so this world is CC free but it is not pack limited I'm using any pack that I own and I own every single pack minus all the kits but I can go into Evergreen Harbor for example and I can show you here I've built these two apartments and I actually built them with my best friend but in here if we come into this one we can go here and these two sims are actually CC free Sims I created one and my best friend created one and I actually love so this is the girl I created and I think she is so freaking cute like are you kidding me she's adorable so I built their house and I tried add character where I build so like this girl who my best friend created loves painting and this girl so they're both uni girls so they're both in uni brester and then next door will be two Foxberry students who are guys and there's going to be like a bit of a love story but I love adding personality to all their builds that Mak sense and then kind of little Back stories like they weren't really friends until after but now they are kind of things and then for like I might pick their careers and I might sign them up to UNI stuff like that based on their personality and then I take it off once I've created them because I want every single Sim in my world to seem like they're real so they have real jobs real families real lives real personalities and I want that for every single Sim so I've actually deleted all Sims in my save file you don't have to do that but I've deleted all Sims in my save file from before from like EA so the Goths they're gone stuff like that they're gone and I'm restarting with my own Sim so you can see these are the two sims I've bought my sim sell with my best friend and then the uni girls are the two kinds of CC free Sims I've built so far but we of course need to populate everything another thing I wanted to talk about is what I'm doing is like the extreme version of a save file so basically I've bulldozed every lot deleted every Sim and I'm really starting from scratch to make it feel like a whole new game but you do not have to do this a lot of people like to just go and update Sims that kind of look ugly to them or update houses that they think look ugly so it still feels like the same Sims 4 it's just a bit of an updated version but personally I don't like safe files like that cuz I like creating a whole new game and Vibe and really letting your creativity Run free so I think the last thing I kind of want to talk about that might be applicable to you in save files it's something I really love doing and that is multifunctional lot so of course this is a thrift te which actually came as a Duo kind of lot type so it is just one lot it's a thrift and Bubble Tea Store lot but I did add a little study room but if we come down to this strip moall here this strip moall is multi-functional to the High Heavens like I love doing multifunctional Lots because we of course have only a specific amount of lots that work in this game so to do this I think it just adds so much more character and also a lot of times you don't just see freestanding stuff you see stuff in kind of strip M Vibes like this so at the moment it is a karaoke bar and we do have a karaoke bar down here so that is functional but we also have a cafe so all we have to do is we can switch it to Cafe and you will see it all makes sense because what I've done is I've made sure that every lot that I plan this to be kind of functionalize is functional I go and build the cafe with this lot type stuff like that and then we can see there's a bar up here functional then we can see there's a restaurant here so we go down we just find restaurant and it's functional stuff like that but I'll keep it as karaoke bar because that's the one that I think works the best but I love this lot because there's a bowling alley with an arcade a cinema a cafe a karaoke bar a bar a restaurant like it's just so functional for everything I think it really fits into the world nice and so the way that I like to do this is basically if you just bring your sim have free like kind of edit I believe it's like free edit world or something something a cheat that you can edit Lots when you're on them uh and then you just change it to whatever one you want it to be functional with and it should be fully okay obviously it would function much much nicer if multi functional Lots were available but unfortunately they're not so we just work with what we have that is kind of all guys I'm just trying to think so when you go into World you'll have to select a Sim you'll have to place them down and then you can just leave them by going you know I'll show you now here is how I would start a brand new save file I would go into new game and then I would just pick any random Sim like they literally do not matter do not put any time into them or if you want to you of course can but I personally do not put any time into them so I'm just going to click the tick and I'm just going to go straight into the game so you can pick whatever season you want I choose spring because I like I for me me Spring feels like the start of a new year like it feels fresh and then literally place your sim anywhere it does not matter because we don't need to worry about this I just place them wherever and I like to have planning done before jumping in because I notice a lot of people can see a save file and think it's so overwhelming like that's what gets them and they just think it's too overwhelming to continue so I just click just go to manage world and yeah I think people get really overwhelmed so having a planning like using my save file template stuff like that will be really useful to you and then yeah just do this and basically all you need to do is go into any lot so if you're like ew this house is so ugly click the build and then b a lot and now you are free to build on it so you might you know create some really cool fancy house probably bit more fancy than that and then click manage worlds when you're done so now you have your really fancy kind of lot how are you going to add Sims to it so if I just sorry if I pull this camera mode there you can actually see when I'm clicking so this is a build mode that you click to go and edit lots and then this is what you click to create a household to move in so you click it and then when you're in there you just create the Sim you really want so this one you might put some more effort into have a bit more planning and then you just click the play Tick and then you can move her into to her lot but you can see here that because this lot is so um nothing she has enough funds to move into here but say she wants to move into this one she's not really going to have enough money is she because that's $231,000 and she is 20,000 so here's a cheat that I recommend because of course you know not everyone wants to use money cheats but if you're creating families for save files trust me it'll be a whole lot easier if you just use the cheat so it's control shift C and then I just do free real estate on and then all of a sudden she can move into this crazy crazy house and now she is a resident of a $200,000 house and then you just like rinse and repeat you can create Community Lots you can create any of that kind of stuff um it's really easy so if you're trying to create like a library you click the build Button as you do when you're here you can click lot type and this is when you can make it a residential a cafe a bar so say I want it to be a national park all we have to do is do these requirements but if you have a lot that you really have something in specific but the requirements do not match up to what you want to build there's two ways around this you can either build a basement and then put all the requirements in there so they're hidden and no one uses them but they're still meeting the requirements or another thing you can do is if you don't want to cheat like that is you go to generic generic has absolutely no requirements and it functions for anything but keep in mind I don't believe that if it's like generic people will go to like the espresso machine and work there if it's generic but you can always hire someone but the way I use generic usually is if we go back to my save file if we go back to copper and then we click down here we click the build button that you have to click we can say this see this lot's actually generic and the reason it's generic is because when it's set as a PA we can see there's a few more requirements that I think are a bit silly to have as requirements and that's a bench a chest table and outside patio chairs that I just do not have but this is a small little playground so what I do is set it to generic my Sims can still come here other Sims can still come here might not function as well but it functions in the way I want cuz I have my little playground little kind of toilet area Grill area like it still functions how I want I just didn't want to add like a chest table to this part cuz it felt silly so that's when I mainly use generic when I don't really need it to function like Park I just wanted a small Park generics a great option for that but yeah that is all guys I really hope you enjoyed this video and I really hope it was useful to you I'm working so desperately hard right now to get Willow Creek to be finished to upload a version one of my saile we can see all these builds down here I'm really working on it but as you can see there's no Sims here yet none of the builds are play tested so we're slowly working on it guys but yeah thank you so so much for watching if this helped please leave a like And subscribe let me know if you have any more save file questions cuz I will answer them all in the comments and feel free to use my save file template uh but if you use it and like make videos about it just please give me some credit but yeah that is all so thank you so much for watching I will see you all tomorrow cuz I post Sims videos every single day okay bye
Channel: Mikayla Belle
Views: 1,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iNsbgdwE6O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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