CREATE-X Demo Day 2019 Livestream

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good evening everyone thank you two people here and thank you many people here thank you for coming I'm going to request everybody to try to take a seat as soon as possible so we're going to kick start the presentations my name is raghupathy Siva Kumar I'm the director of create X welcome to create X demo day 2019 this is a super exciting evening for us and our founders we have an amazing line-up of startups ready for you you're going to see hear and interact with an incredible group of founders that have worked really really hard this past summer and a lot of them have worked on this way past this last summer in order to take their company off their grounds this year we received over 350 applications from teams of students so these are 350 teams of students applying to get into the program asking us for help to launch their ventures if you do the math that's over a thousand students interested in launching their ventures through create X we took in 49 of these startups there was a pretty extensive selection process that lasted almost a full year we took 49 of them and 44 of those startups are graduating today just to give you some context about that number in year 144 was about the number of applications we received right and we've grown tremendously over the last five to six years one of the advantages of having done this now for six iterations is we've had the time and opportunity now to now observe what hard startups have done after they have left our program and they've done really really amazing things in terms of the impact that they've had alumni startups as an aggregate have generated tens of millions of dollars in revenue have raised tens of millions of dollars in investment most importantly have created dozens and dozens of jobs right here in Atlanta and the job creation specifically is of a lot of gratification for us because the name creatrix originated from a tag line that we used to have which is how do we help our students create their own job right that's really what we set out to do and now what we're realizing is our students when given the coaching and the resources cannot just create their own jobs but they can create a lot more for the society that they're a part of so we cannot be more proud about our startups than what we are today but we are aware of these what these alumni startups are doing the amazing successes they are having but we wanted you to also get some visibility into these alumni startups so we are doing something new this year we've invited a select group of alumni startups to come and be on stage and share with you where they are what future they have created for themselves over the last five to six years so for the rest of the evening you are going to hear from our regular start of these are the startups that have gone through our program this past summer but interspersed you're going to hear also from our alumni startups in terms of where they are and how much progress they've made so it's going to be really really exciting to hear from them as well none of this would be possible if it were not for a lot of people working hard and a lot of people supporting us both through philanthropy and giving us that time and guidance as we go along in the rest of the presentation we're going to acknowledge those people we'll give them a huge thanks but there is another important element to create X being successful and that is Institute leadership completely buying in into what this means to our students and committing both resources and funding in order to make create X happen and so everybody from president bud Peterson to our Provost dr. brass and our EVP are Howie Abdullah everybody is incredible and today it's my distinct pleasure to invite on stage our provost dr. Rafael bras to say a few words about what he thinks about create X good evening can you hear me well can you hear me back there yeah this wasn't working very well before so I'm glad you can hear me I mean let me do something first how many of you are just people from the community that want to see what's going on here all right how many of you see yourselves as investors okay how many of you are mentors how many of you are founders of companies you have to meet these people anyway it's a pleasure to be here and welcome you all to this startup launch launch startup demo day create X has been an extraordinary success needless to say but it doesn't come without a lot of effort to get to this point these founders the students and everybody else have to go through a process of learning making and then launching it just doesn't happen it's an iterative process that takes time and effort and they work very hard and those that have supported them work very hard we're very proud of Georgia Tech of our focus on innovation and creativity in the in the education of the future we have to constantly move away from the idea of yours lecturing but it's more about doing about getting your hands dirty and and the excitement of that creation that comes with that create X is one of the many programs that we have it's not the only one there are many Inventure prize that is sort of part of the create X sequence at the moment has been around for 11 years now and I've been very successful and like that there are many others and we are incredibly proud of that result we're also very proud of what we have done here in tech square what really would one will achieve is that all of you are successful in your companies and you keep them here start in tech square and stay there it is important for the economy of Atlanta and Georgia and for the institution for Georgia Tech it is our reason to be that's how we ultimately measure our success Tech Square is a the driver of the economy in Atlanta and I think I don't have to say that too loud here in the sense that is well known there are 35 major innovation centers there from large company there are hundreds of small to medium sized companies is just bubbling with activity and excitement and we at Georgia Tech have been an inherent part of it they are part of the community and of that ecosystem and live together with entrepreneurs our goal ultimately is to really become the number one entrepreneur intrapreneurial university in the country that translates to making sure that any student that wants to become an entrepreneur gets the opportunity to learn how to do it and actually do it we as I said earlier are in a good path and I hope that we will continue on that path and I do feel very confident that a few years from now we will have achieved that goal of making that opportunity available to any student that wants it but takes effort it takes time it takes a lot of money so that way will hopefully help on that if you as back in the programs there are many people who are already investing new mentors are over 65 mentors yeah if I recall correctly the individuals like Chris Klaus have been incredibly generous in his time and money the Markos Foundation the Harris Corporation all of them have been really really generous and you should thank them it is their effort that has resulted in 165 companies also 159 companies with present valuation of a hundred and fifty million dollars in just five years that is impressive no matter how you measure it and after today that number is going to above all right guys so once again thank you very much all of you for being here it is a proud moment for all of us enjoy it have fun that's never forget that and you have to have fun and let the show begin thank you [Applause] I want to invite on stage now a person who is very important to the successes that you're gonna see on stage today it's Rahul Saxena our Associate Director for launch he was the one who led the launch program during the summer and lot of what you're seeing as progress for these startups is by him driving and leading the rest of the coaches in getting these teams to where they are I've known drakul for over a decade and we are incredibly fortunate to have gotten him as our Associate Director for launch he's a former venture capitalist himself and has operated experience he served as a CEO for one of their portfolio companies so without further ado Rahul [Applause] thank you Siva and welcome to demo day startup launch is Georgia Tech's summer 12-week accelerator where we help student entrepreneurs bring products bring their ideas and prototypes into the market we guide these entrepreneurs through our coaches that we provide and help them with the goal of finding product market fit these students are going to be the scrappiest students who ever meet with just a $4,000 grand you're going to see how they were able to file patents be able to find customers go out find customer interviews generate revenues with just very little and what all of you should be thinking at the end of it is imagine what they could do with a real investment the program has been just extremely successful we I want to just take the time to thank a few key people in the process so we were lucky enough to have some great coaches to help us during the summer I want to make sure that we see from the from the venture lab side we've got Melissa Hefner and Keith McGregor we have on startup learn joy Harris rabito other coaches include Rio Perkins South radmann James Tubbs Steve Chen Dennis Raja thei civic Omar Karthik Romo Chandra and John lands oh he's take a second to think a huge thing - thanks to Johanna Oliva for pulling off this event Andrea Perkins for keeping the startup launch program in tune this whole summer ended esther davidson for the program coordination i want to thank our partners are provided in kind services so that week these entrepreneurs could be scrappy and put their four thousand dollars to further use with John Lanza at boolean gardener Richard Bartle Lanza at Bennett Thrasher and Joey Asher at speech works I've done it without them I'd also like to thank the support of Georgia Tech and the reach rich resources that it provides a lot of the reason that they can make their and their small four thousand dollar grant go far as for the spaces that are available the makerspace is the the faculty and staff who can provide in-kind marketing resources and everything that Georgia Tech Dean McLaughlin Dean a la vie have basically opened up for for these students to be successful and make this a scale to the degree that we have we have launched 44 startups this summer which is just amazing at this point I want to go ahead take off the program and introduce our emcee for the evening he's a create axel um9 founder as has been successful on many different levels and a shortened amount of time and been to coached this summer to a lot of the teams here's South Rodman hello welcome to demo day this is awesome crowd if you guys are in the back there's some spots up here got some over there come on in come on in no one's moving come on in they were going there's like a whole row right here alright no come on out so we've got a fantastic lineup of some of the most creative and innovative early-stage startups in Atlanta and you guys are going to have a wonderful time tonight yeah you guys are too nice so as Siva mentioned we've divided our startups into five groups and in between each group during the break you're gonna hear a little bit from some of our alumni companies to see what they've been up to since they've graduated from the program so who's ready to get started no no no no no you guys can do better than that who is ready to get started all right please help me welcome our first team up countable hi I'm Alex co-founder of cattle bow technologies meet Kelly she's a co-owner a modern mystic shop an independent boutique and Ponseti market since its founding she's been looking for more ways to grow her business and cut down costs but she need the right data to make the right decisions that's where we came in accountable we've created a Wi-Fi sensor to provide food shopping data for all retailers now foot traffic data isn't a new solution it's been around for decades but previous solutions have been inaccurate difficult to install an even extremely invasive one recent solution facial recognition has already been banned in San Francisco our Wi-Fi technology overcomes all these challenges but how does it work well whenever your cellphone has Wi-Fi enabled it's constantly sending out signals to connect to new networks our sensors just count these signals and of course we do all this while maintaining your personal privacy your Wi-Fi signals don't contain any personal information and we don't need to use any third-party apps to collect them with this being said you might be wondering why school traffic data is so valuable well it allows retailers to see if their marketing efforts actually bring in more visitors and it allows them to optimize staffing schedules around peak times and load times but we don't stop at just foot traffic data we're like Google Analytics for the real world we can also show retailers whose unique in return and how long people spend at their stores this quantifies visitor engagement and when combined with their transaction data Cannibals reports allows them to see their sales efforts actually convert visitors that paying customers with all the data we provide we allow retailers to drive down labor costs and improve the conversion rates increasing the bottom line by tens and thousands of dollars each year now my team and I learn about the need for this data after interviewing retailers here in Owenton with years of experience working for various startups and even together on different past projects we figured we'd be the right team to tackle this challenge and together we've deployed in six retailers here in Atlanta so if your learning about making data count come talk to us we're currently looking for investors and more businesses to work with thank you hi I'm Thomas and my sophomore year of college I made one of the worst mistakes in my life I bought a jewel for those who don't know jewel is the most popular ISA guard on the market when I bought one I thought I was making a healthy lifestyle change I thought I could replace the occasional cigarette with something less harmful instead I became severely addicted to nicotine for nearly two years I went through a pot of eliquid per day that's the nicotine equivalent of a pack of cigarettes per day but unlike smoking cigarettes chewing pervaded every aspect of my life I would wake up in the morning and immediately reach for my jewel and I'd fall asleep at night still clutching it when I started I never thought I'd get addicted but somehow nicotine had taken complete control of my life but the saddest part was I wasn't alone all of my friends were going through the exact same thing in fact nearly 40 million Americans have a story a lot like mine which is why my team and I invented NYX tell people just like me and their nicotine addiction nick is an e-cigarette that bites your addiction for you by automatically tapering nicotine levels as you use it unlike patches or gum there's no user intervention required you never have to decide when you're ready to decrease your nicotine dose because NYX decides for you all you do is insert a NYX dual-chamber pod into the device and continue your regular usage there's no big jump in dosages no stair-stepping effect just a nice smooth transition to lower nicotine levels with our product you can mix the nicotine in as little as three weeks it really is that simple now like myself might is extremely passionate about ending America's nicotine addiction we've been working hard for months out of our Georgia Tech home to bring you the solution to your addiction but not only are they passionate our team of designers engineers and programmers have both the skills and the experience that changed the nicotine in a cigarette industry forever so whether you're interested in solving your own addiction or you're interested in investing in an addiction free future come talk to us at our booth or visit our website at quit with Nick's calm thank you [Applause] nearly 70 percent a frequent makeup users experience makeup related blemishes within a 24 hour span of initial application however scientific studies have proven that 3 out of 5 women will say there every morning makeup routine provides them confidence to leave the house in the morning so the problem comes when she's at the makeup counter she's trying to choose her next foundation shade and she has to make the unreasonable decision between her health and her confidence when in reality there's just one simple solution an amazing primer a primer is a serum that's applied to the face before any other makeup related materials I am jasmine Jones and my co-founder unique a kimono and I our second year dual degree chemical engineering majors at Spelman College collectively we decided to combine our chemical studies along with our passion and history for the cosmetics industry to develop our solution today we present to you our 98% natural face primer our primer serves as a barrier between the skin and makeup related materials as it prevents makeup related blemishes from forming on the skin it treats any pre-existing acne and it ensures longevity of makeup application while most importantly putting the health of our users skin first while many of our tops your competitors such as Maybelline NARS and Estee Lauder ensure longevity of makeup application in their primer solutions such solutions contain toxic and harmful chemicals as less than 5% of those materials have any skin protective factors whereas illa cosmetics our primer consists of materials such as deep sea salts beeswax and aloe all that combined to give that same longevity of makeup application well again putting the health of our users skin first the primer industry alone is a 210 million dollar industry with an expected a person increased by the year 2021 over the past few weeks we began to tap into that industry by selling 32 units of primer over a span of two weeks signing on 25 influencers and maintaining a 63% gross margin but most importantly we begin to end the era where makeup users have to make the unreasonable decision between their health and their confidence with our 98% natural face primer so if you want to join us and ending this era we ask you to go to our website and purchase your first bottle of illa cosmetics primer solution being just 50 miles from Gainesville Georgia the poultry capital of the world I know many people in this room have seen a chicken house before but for those who haven't there's 700 feet long 60 feet wide and they hold more than 40,000 Birds as a child I helped my father work 6 poultry houses an hour a day every day each house doing things the same way he's done for the last 30 years hi I'm Sam Hill co-founder of next century farms there are 70,000 poultry houses like my father's in America all relying on manual labor to complete every mundane and repetitive task sorting eggs collecting mortality checking feeding water all done by human every day half a billion dollars a year in labor next century Farms brings the 21st century to poultry farming by providing a portfolio of automation solutions we're a team of recent graduate and undergraduate students with software development and engineering backgrounds members of the team have grown up surrounded by industry a rare overlap of technical skills and poultry expertise we have previously developed a system capable of detecting dead birds in poultry houses utilizing machine vision and thermal imaging this cuts down the time it takes to find the three birds that die every day in half now we're developing a sensor package that's incremental II placed along the egg conveyor belt which ensures continuous air production and stops the belt before the eggs collide fall off the belt and break this is our launch pad for the market providing us with ten thousand houses the target and we know what we're developing next we have developed this system following gut and interviews with 80 farmers and with key advisory relationships with organizations and animal welfare and robotics if you're interested in deploying this technology into your farms or bringing Ag tech investment to Georgia come see us we love to talk chicken hi my name is Sam crane co-founder Po Laurie and we turned video streams into actionable data twelve months ago a facility in southeastern Turkey had a serious issue individuals were breaking onto the property to steal the hubcaps and brake lights up the trucks they were manufacturing they had security guards but security guards took ninety two minutes to do a full pass giving criminals ample time to get in and get out as well they had CCTV but it wasn't economical to cover the entire area let alone look at all that video footage no they needed a solution that wasn't currently on the market and that's where we came in with our partners in Turkey we deployed six drones that to this day continuously look over the entire area now instead of 92 minutes it takes 8 minutes to do a single pass instead of listening to a security guard describe what's going on you get to see in real time and our AI appliance will help you catch whatever you might have missed so where po Lorie we turn video streams into actual data we do this through smart drone software and scaleable video analytics like I said before named Sam crane my co-founder is Kongo Saul we've worked together on numerous technical products most notably we developed the drone flight registration system that Georgia Tech Police Department uses today and there are time there we learned a ton about how we could help with physical security and subsequently we decided to found PO Lori now we don't think that industrial security is the only place we can help we're looking at pilots in agriculture defense and even Public Safety if you think we can help if you just want to learn more please come out by our booth or go to our website ww-why oh thank you so much and go jackets as Sam said PO lorry is doing some really cool stuff with drones and a I was joking I feel like the only thing missing is blockchain maybe that'll come next all right it's time for our first critics alumni company update so please welcome to the stage gimme vending I would compared to 2014 with only a couple teams this is so awesome everyone I'm Evan Jackie co-founder and chief customer officer of gimme we help convenience service and grocery delivery operators automate merchandising it's Jimmy's five-year anniversary next month and we first want to thank our earliest partners create X for the amazing opportunity and the help along the way when we got started with gimme we were helping vending operators manage their machine inventories and we did this by replacing old clunky handhelds running outdated software with our wireless hardware and our fast intuitive mobile app and one of our favorite deployments of this product was actually with the vending operator at Georgia Tech inside of every vending machine on campus is our hardware and if you see mark or Jeff servicing the vending machines they use our software to do that so you should definitely stop by say hey and check it out but even with all the accomplishments that I am so proud of our team for for the last five years we have faced some serious challenges along the way - for example in 20-17 we defended our hardware patent in federal court and we had a partnership with a public company who is now our largest competitor but in the last 12 months I'm sensing that we're really hitting our stride we launched an enterprise back-end software that takes us from an ad on mobile app to a must-have product suite and it leverages AI and machine learning to do that it helps vending operators and food service operators manage their entire product lifecycle now we're talking with one of the nation's largest independent food service operators to deploy that product suite our biggest grocery delivery customer is looking to expand with us to launch our AI driven inventory tools and soon we're building a product experience Center in Atlanta to further demonstrate our product suite as we continue to scale we're actively hiring and we're always looking to network and connect with you so please talk to Cory and I after this or connect with us on our website and for all the aspiring entrepreneurs in the room we cannot recommend create access the team and the program enough thank you all it's always so cool to see critics companies come back and see how much they've grown and our next team up will hopefully help your big corn Bitcoin portfolio grow too please welcome our next company rise hello everyone my name is a BAE and I'm a co-founder at Rhys this is my friend Ryan and he invests in Bitcoin but he is frustrated because he simply doesn't have the time to manage his own money in a market that's open 24/7 today it's easy to buy Bitcoin with apps such as coinbase but there is no accessible asset management solution once you have invested in this space investors face high volatility with prices ranging as high as twenty thousand and as low as three thousand dollars per Bitcoin in the last two years alone now for his traditional portfolio of stocks and bonds Ryan relies on a robo advisor to manage his investments but for Bitcoin Ryan is forced to manage his own money without proper guidance at Rhys we're a team of software and financial engineers with the mission to democratize access to the best financial products and we're starting off by simplifying investing in Bitcoin we've built a smart crypto investment advisory that analyzes real time market data to identify trends and make investment decisions our automated investment software integrates directly with coinbase and manages your Bitcoin portfolio so that you don't have to our interactive dashboard enables users to view their current investments past performance and portfolio history all in one place in real time now this is not just theoretical we've tested rise with private access to five users for two months and provided them with a 54 percent return on investment outperforming Bitcoin by 26 percent this month we launched Rises early access to the public and currently have 25 customers using rise to automate their investment in Bitcoin this is Ryan today and he is happy because he uses rise to invest in Bitcoin and if you want to be more like Ryan want to learn more about Bitcoin and learn more about rise come find us and we'll find a way to help you thank you [Applause] hi I'm Ashley Heyman with logistics trucking is a seven hundred billion dollar a year industry with 3.5 million drivers moving 70% of the nation's Freight it's a big industry with really big problems and communication is one of the biggest this truck were to break down right now and need to reschedule his delivery time with the warehouse we don't think that would be a simple thing to do right not at all this guy first had the trucker oh my god sorry trucker first has to call his dispatcher who then calls his vendor who calls a broker who calls the receiving warehouse who actually rescheduled this information has to travel back through four different companies sometimes four different time zones before reading reaching the trucker and what's that trucker doing this whole time he fixed his truck in 30 minutes and he's sitting idle in the warehouse is holding a lot burning fuel and waiting for a phone call it's insane and I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't experienced it myself I went on a ride-along with the trucker we spent five hours sitting in a holding lot waiting to for a load they'd only took 13 minutes to unload once we got to a door it's insane and the idle time and congestion associated with these breakdowns and communication add up to an astronomical 75 billion dollars a year it's a really big problem but logistics has the solution our decades of industry experience and over 400 interviews conducted on this topic have shown us that the answer is as obvious as it seems all parts of the supply chain need clear and instantaneous communication and we offer just that after some basic information verification this app runs in the background of a trucker smartphone constantly updating real-time etas and pushing that information to an easy-to-navigate dashboard available to all relevant parties clicking on the blue status link lets you reschedule a delivery time and push that in for me directly to the trucker eliminating the need for all of those phone calls that were previously necessary it is exactly that simple its 2019 and you all probably have an app on your phone that lets you track a nine dollar sandwich to your doorstep in a real time why can't you track a truck the same way with logistics you can please stop by our booth or visit our website for more [Applause] this is Larry Larry is Georgia Tech's parking officer he's probably given some of you a few tickets he might be giving one of you a ticket right now but you gotta laugh Larry because last year Larry alone generated one hundred and seventy thousand dollars to Georgia Tech and deferred illegal parking so the rest of us can find a parking space there are many many parking lots credited to our Georgia Tech and Larry's job is to monitor all of them some parking lots have more violations than others but because Larry doesn't know which parking lot has the most number of violations instead of going to the one that has the most he just cycles through campus over and over again hoping that I'll get enough when the day is done our system presents a Larry the number of violations in each parking lot and our system knows the number of violations in each lot so we our system also optimizes the route so that Larry can get the most number of violations in the shortest number of time how does this work our cameras set up in the parking lots can tell whether or not a parking spot is occupied or free and since our system knows how many people have paid for parking we can figure out the number of violations in each slot we're a team of electrical and computer engineering PhD masters and bachelors students with experience in computer vision we can reliably count the number of cars in each parking lot we already have our system set up in Georgia Tech and already have access to their Park mobile and party on data if parking is an issue where you work or live please come talk to us we would love to help you this is my friend Albina and her Airbnb property she calls the Stargazer she's been a host for years but recently she's been struggling to get bookings so she started to generate interest in her property leveraging Facebook and other social media outlets with that convenient book now button all of the traffic that she generates goes directly from Facebook to her Airbnb listing thousands of Airbnb hosts are leveraging social media and their own marketing channels to generate interest and traffic to their Airbnb listings there's just one problem when you go to Airbnb you're gonna look at photos reviews and see all your options which for Albina is all of her competition that would be when you generate traffic to Airbnb not only are you generating traffic to your own property you're generating traffic to all of your competition imagine if the Georgian Terrace with a similar Facebook page and the same exact book now button right across the street rather than taking you to their own website took you to Expedia com my name is Anthony Mastretta co founder and CEO of landing pad landing pad ensures that all of your marketing generated traffic for your vacation rental properties go exclusively to your properties we create custom booking websites with payment processing Calendar integrations and we even work with safely to offer insurance to all of our bookings to get started simply copy our Airbnb URL paste it into our website and we'll take care of the rest currently after three weeks since our launch we are officially post revenue my team has experience building software and we've even worked at a vacation rental startup based based right here in Atlanta Georgia so if you're interested in converting more of your marketing generated traffic for your vacation rental properties go to try landing pad comm or stop by our booth thank you [Applause] hello I'm Ashley Broderick co-founder of med-surg let me introduce Kate a recent college graduate pursuing her dream job as a marketing analyst for weeks Kate has been preparing for the biggest pitch of her life but as she stands up to present she looks down at her chair and realizes she leaps through her tampon she is mortified but kate is just one of 32 million women in the United States that struggle with tampon leakage as to Georgia Tech engineers who have personally experienced the humiliation of leaking through tampons we set out to design a better mental product this is med sir we are alleviating period leak anxiety through tampon innovation after speaking with over 500 women and Gynecologists we learned that 3 out of 4 women struggle with tampon leakage and these women would be willing to pay on average a 50% premium on their box of tampons if they were confident they didn't leak so this led us to design a leak safe disc that sits at the base of current tampon designs creating a seal that allows women to be confident throughout their cycles with our product an additional 20% of menses can be retained before leakage this is the difference in Kate confidently presenting her work and Kate not standing up at all to date we have two patents pending including patents on our leak safe seal with an anti leak string and an innovative applicator we have spoken with some of the largest manufacturers in the industry and learned that tampon leakage is also a problem they would like to solve so if you would like to join us and investing in the future of feminine health please stop by our booth thank you as our program has grown at critics we've really had to adapt this new challenge of how we filter out the startups that I'll apply and I think Highview is one of the best examples when they first came in have you told us they were trying to solve this problem of parking in Atlanta and we said yes that's a big problem and they were at first we're helping us find parking spots and then halfway through the summer they pivoted to helping find people who hadn't paid their parking ticket so we got to make sure that doesn't happen again all right next up is an alumni company stored so give it up for Sean everyone thanks for having me all I can say is three years ago we were on this stage we had nowhere close to the traction and the presentations of a bunch of these companies so huge hats off to you guys it's incredible we launched toward about three years ago out of create X and it was instrumental to our progress into getting off the ground the idea of talking to so many customers before you build anything idea of getting out to market was very new for us as students and it's something for extremely appreciated a appreciative of really our model and what we launched was with the mission to help companies move products more efficiently from origin to destination so we connected digital network of warehouses distribution centers trucks and all sorts of assets to help companies move products and optimize those products throughout the journey all the way from the manufacturing center to the time it gets the consumers house okay so we started about three years ago and today we're a team of just over 45 people right here in tech square and growing constantly we move over 35,000 pallets of goods every single month for over a dozen of the world's leading enterprise brands it raised about fifteen million dollars from leading venture capitalists including local Atlanta investors like Chris Klaus and Tom Noonan in the create X program all the way to some Silicon Valley funds like kleiner perkins Susa ventures and some others overall I always tell all founders who come to me and ask about create X that I could not recommend a program anymore I think it's been instrumental to our growth and we couldn't be more happy to have been a part of it thank you guys for those of you who might be wondering we didn't tell these founders to say that critics is amazing it really is that great of a program I promise all right if you're a musician or you know anyone who's a musician you might be interested in this next startup so on that note that wasn't funny I won't do it again sorry but give it up for tuti good evening everyone I'm Jasmine curry founder of tootsie a few years ago I started to put a violin it was not easy and if you have a child learning the East German you definitely know the struggle those of you who may not know a violinist must learn with a straight rest before they can play freely and naturally unfortunately students struggle with this because it is almost impossible to have instructors correcting them every time they play that's where tutti comes in as a violin player myself I along with my team of industrial designers want to help young musicians succeed our product the tutti wristband is a smart wearable device that brings awareness to an improper wrist position so that the students can correct it by themselves a mesh is the wrist angle and provides real-time feedback in the form of a gentle vibration you may want to ask why a wearable device are too talking to hundreds of violin teachers violin professors professional players parents or players students themselves you name it we notice a trend early players often develop improper wrist posture because they lack supervision during practice over time this can lead to of Chindi notes slowed progress frustration and potentially pain from tendonitis tutti is here to make a deal anymore efficient beneficial and enjoyable in the past three month our team has already gained paying customers and will have five schools purchasing classroom says this full stop by our booth and check out how we can make any music student realize their full potential thank you hi I'm Zach from the bored off team I want to tell you a story about a kite school in Brazil Virginie started kite on because kite surfing was her passion she loved the feeling of controlling the kite in the water and she wanted to teach others to feel the same kind of rush and freedom but running a water Sports Center is tedious it requires multiple hours per day to record search and calculate from hundreds of paper records Virginie was overwhelmed enter bored off we created software to help water sports centers with the struggles of their day-to-day management with bored off these centers can manage all of their schedules employees customers and finances in one place with a super simple and easy-to-use interface it eliminates the need for hours of tedious work saving both time and money so why did we do this several members of our team have enjoyed a variety of water sports growing up including some of us who have worked as kite surfing instructors while working as kite surfing instructors it was clear how inefficient many processes were at the center's and how technology could fix that with all of us being computer science students we believed that we could create that solution and we did at the end of June we released the first version of our product since then we have paying customers all around the world in fact we have 21 centers using our product in 13 different countries it is clear to us that Virginia Center is not alone and there's still many more centers we can help with their management problems with many countries beginning their seasons in September we're planning to rapidly expand our customer base in the coming months we're seeking strategic partnerships and investors that can help us realize this vision and transform the water sports industry come talk to us at our booth thank you my name is Theodore Amazonas I'm an industrial design major and a sophomore here at Georgia Tech from a young age I've always had a passion for creating weather I was drawing sculpting or collaging today I take that artwork and I apply it to second hand clothing I bought this jacket at a secondhand store for $3 at that same store I bought the National Geographic magazines I used to create this collage after printing the collage to vinyl I then embroider my own drawings onto the jacket and sell it for upwards of $500 my company is Smyrna were reemerged creative design and sustainable production let me take you through the process for one of my garments the collages first cut and paste by hand shown on the left I then digitally draw over the collage and embroider my drawings onto the back of the jacket just last month I lent this piece and other garments to a jazz band performing here in Atlanta to speakeasy and it is currently selling for seven hundred and twenty-five dollars on my website along with the garments that I upcycle I also apply my artwork to t-shirts sweatshirts and hoodies and today I'm happy to announce $1,500 in revenue proving that creative design and sustainable production do not have to be mutually exclusive in fashion if you believe in my vision I encourage you to find us online at Smyrna org or come find me here at my booth thank you [Applause] hello my name is Akhil Kulkarni and I'm one of the cofounders of ox box I want you all to imagine that you're at a party and you're having a great time and the music is really good but you want a certain song to be played so what do you do you go up to the host of the party and you ask them to play your song for you well as it turns out this can be incredibly burdensome for the host if everyone else also has a song request this is where ox box comes in ox box is a virtual jukebox that enables you and your friends to listen to music together in a collaborative setting so how does it work as soon as you download ox box off of the App Store you have two choices you can either open or join a channel if you choose to open a channel you have two choices sorry if you choose to open a channel all you need to do is link your Apple music or Spotify premium account and you're ready to go and once your channel is opened you can instantly share it with your friends with a QR code a channel ID or a link and when your friends join they can instantly start adding songs to the queue and interacting with them in real time the greatest part about this all is that the host of the party is the only one who needs to have a premium music account so what does this mean well if all of your friends have Spotify and you have Apple music or you don't have a music provider at all you can still enjoy all of the features of this app Shahar and I created ox box because we love listening to music with our college friends but we've had our fair share of fighting over the aux cord and we wanted a permanent solution so we put together our skills and we created ox box I want to leave you with two very important things the first is that we've spoken to hundreds of music lovers and party goers and we've gotten their unique feedback on what they would like to see in a platform like this and we've implemented those features so that we can guarantee you will have as personalized an experience as possible and the last thing certainly not least we are very proud to announce that we have over a thousand users in the App Store you know you want to step up your party game download ox box on the App Store now thank you very much hi I'm mark Connelly CEO and co-founder of precision neuro this is the handwriting of a patient with essential tremor after six months of deep brain stimulation or DBS therapy it looks like this that was six months six months of tremors of difficulty walking even violent spasms a precision neuro we want to turn that six months into one month deep brain stimulation is a life-changing treatment for over a hundred thousand patients with Parkinsons essential tremor and other movement disorders in the first part of this therapy neurosurgeons place electrodes inside the brain that can deliver a wide range of different stimulation patterns but that's just the first step the next challenge is finding the right stimulation pattern for that patient because when you use the right pattern the therapy works and patients are happy but until you find that pattern patients can suffer from debilitating symptoms and side effects and finding that pattern can take six months to even years so what are we gonna do about it throughout our PhDs my co-founder sang Park and I have spent a cumulative decade working on this problem on top of that our adviser and co-founder dr. Robert gross is the director of the largest functional neurosurgery program in the country so this is our domain you see in a standard clinical device there are over seven million different stimulation patterns a neurologist can try and they know when they found the right one the problem is finding it using state-of-the-art optimization approaches we've shown that we can drastically reduce the number of stimulation patterns a neurologist needs to try you for finding the right one for that patient we are currently partnering with neurologists and other medical professionals to seek federal funding so we can bring this technology the lab to the clinic and get these patients treated better and faster if you'd like to meet our team or learn more about how we are developing precision medicine for deep brain stimulation come stop by our booth or visit us at precision neuro comm thank you [Applause] how cool is that imagine being able to get 1 2 3 more lives of your years of your life back from that kind of technology alright so as you mentioned I'm also the co-founder of crescendo and thank you thank you and I don't know if any of you guys were here a couple years ago and I pitched but I'm very excited to see my logo up there because my slides are working this time which is quite a relief for me so crescendo is an interactive music training app that helps musicians get better by giving them real-time feedback kind of like Guitar Hero but for real instruments since we graduated from the program in 2017 we won the pitch competition at South by Southwest for the entertainment category we got to collaborate with the actual creators of the real Guitar Hero and we were selected as Apple's app of the day and over a hundred countries which broke everything and all of our servers it was an awesome day recently we started licensing our technology to other music apps to be able to reach even more musicians and I'm really proud that every day over 10 million musicians around the world use our technology to improve we've really enjoyed helping millions of middle school and high school students love music and our next startup is helping middle school middle school and high school students love stem so please welcome our next startup stimulation escape room imagine you're a high school student in your fourth period science class and you notice this door behind the periodic table that you've never seen before so you gather some friends together to investigate only to discover that you're crooked cafeteria lady has a secret underground lab where she's been putting plastic and toxins into the school lunch and then all of a sudden the door behind you shuts closed your your friends now have less than 45 minutes until lunch use your collective coating math and chemistry scrillz to escape the lab and save the school from a digestive disaster good evening I am Michael Washington and what I have just described to you all is one of our stimulation xscape rooms from youth in chemistry to analyze food composition to cracking codes with cryptography we are redefining the stem classrooms by creating stimulating experiences for middle and high school students to learn Team Bill and most importantly have fun with science technology engineering and mathematics but in true escape room style starting in seemingly ordinary scenarios students are instantly immersed into these challenging yet engaging STEM adventures with a curriculum that is aligned with Common Core math and next generation science standards and all of this is made possible by our team of STEM education experts and profits set designers who have several years of excellent room experience and that team is led by myself and my co-founder Yui and we are both PhD students studying in mathematics education and chemical engineering respectively and right now we have several schools in the Atlanta Georgia area and Ann Arbor Michigan area who's ready to have our escape rooms put into their classroom and we are also looking to enter into the virtual and augmented reality space for our escape also my co-founder and I come from humble beginnings in low income or under-resourced household or we had little to no access to quality stem experiences so we partner with nonprofits so that students in under-resourced or how I prefer to say underestimated communities all have access to quality stem experiences so if you're a parent educator investor or just an escape room enthusiast please stop by our booth to come help us stimulate some young minds thank you [Applause] hello everyone my name is Omar I'm a co-founder of your things IOT czar everywhere they're in our homes they're in our cars they're in our hospitals and their security is of a concern to each and every one of us did you know that the same device in a home in Atlanta can be less secure than if it was in a home in San Francisco did you know that two neighbors who have the same device can be exposed to different security risks based on how they've set it up IOT devices are complex they have many components they have a cloud components that they talk to i have mobile apps that integrate with and use and then there's the network protocols they use that they communicate across these different components your things is a comprehensive security assessment platform that not only an evaluate the device security but looks at the cloud security for the device the mobile apps used by the device and the network protocols used by these devices I'm a PhD students at one of the top security labs in the country the Astro Louis lab is a security group at Georgia Tech headed by Professor Manos and Tanaka keys today we've done over a thousand evaluations we found various bugs that affect all components of IOT devices not only that we've also found insecure practices that affect the consumers and end users of these devices so if you're a manufacturer a vendor a user of these devices come talk to us and see how your things can improve the security of your IOT platforms thank you hi I'm Alan from sonic instruments and about to show you something really cool now that was a real live demo meet Moe bent a revolutionary wireless MIDI controller thank you completely manufactured and designed by ourselves now what it just did was translating physical hand movements into digital controls music designed for musicians Moe bent has opened up a whole new dimension that has never existed before imagine going to a concert the DJ onstage lifts his arm and takes music away leaving a house of suspense and suddenly it's twice on his arm and trucks beat in a crowd just go crazy how cool is that Moe bent is intuitive to use responsive reliable and elegant it can power millions of musicians including DJ's keyboardist guitarist speed boxers and many more now how could we possibly know what musicians really want well because we're a team of musicians we're more than 15 years combined experience play music and we're great engineers at the same time we started our company after graduating from music technology major and our mission is to revolutionize music and art here are two worldwide Bbox champions who have used our products and we've already got four paying customers during our pre-order phase there are many more musicians just like them showing great interest towards our product every single day if you want to take music technology to the future come to our booth talk with us and check our website at Sonic - instruments Co thank you [Applause] picture your favorite bar has 5 p.m. on a Friday works just ended and happy hours just getting started for the next few hours the venue and it's for bartenders will serve over 150 cocktails an hour as customers start to line up outside during that time they'll go through 16 bottles of liquor wasting four of them here lies the crux of the problem hi bowl you bar venues fail to maximize profits due to a lack of throughput an unacceptable wastage in fact each year the industry loses 10 billion dollars to shrinkage and because the average trained bartender can only make up to two cocktails a minute venues can't maximize their number of cocktails sold on a nightly basis enter back bar solutions the world's first fully automated cocktail dispensing system that can make multiple cocktails consecutively without any staff interaction here's how it works first a waiter or waitress puts the cocktail order into a point-of-sale system just as he or she would do today second our machine receives the order drops a cup dispenses iced dispenses the cocktail and holds the cocktail in a waiting Bay finally the waitstaff picks up the cocktail garnishes and serves because our machine can make up to six cocktails a minute and pours liquor precisely to within one twentieth of an ounce venues can maximize their revenue every night while minimizing their loss we've come a pretty long way from that first gumball machine shave calculated sensor we've built for our apartment in fact we're in fact we're launching our products to our first customer next week at the Black Diamond lounge right here in Atlanta it's owner Devlin is excited about the potential of back bar to attract new customers while minimizing costs we're targeting a soft launch two independent locations and local franchises early next year if you or anyone you know knows someone who owns a venue that needs back bar come by our booth and sign up for a waitlist thank you imagine you have no writing experience and minimal resources and one day someone tells you that 500 words or less are going to determine the next four years of your life unfortunately this is no hypothetical but rather a situation that over three million high school seniors find themselves in each year about two years ago I was one of these high school seniors when the time came for me to write my college essay I wrote a boring vacuous essay about how Olympic weightlifting is a synonym for life I bet you're wondering how I got into this school me too now why are college essays like mine so boring and vacuous and devoid of character it really comes down to one word review your average high school senior will only show his or her essay to one trusted peer for review now if you were writing the most important essay of your life when she want to show it to as many unbiased reviewers as possible of course you would this is where Etta Craddock comes in we connect high school students to college to college students attending their dream school the college students can then review the high school students at essays in a crowdsourced manner meaning multiple reviewers for each essay now our platform is so simple so intuitive so easy to use we've even had UGA applicants successfully submit essays [Applause] so once the applicant has submitted what's what the applicant has submitted his essay we connect them to the right reviewers each reviewer will create their own tab and provide their own unique custom feedback the applicant can then easily navigate from tab to tab see each reviewers unique feedback and pick and choose what they want and don't want meet my team we are three Georgia Tech computer science majors with the pain of the college essay process still fresh in our hearts after two years we know our target market because pretty recently we were our target market we are super happy to announce that we have already improved over 500 essays of high school students just like me two years ago and that number is increasing each day we're also expanding to editing LinkedIn profiles resumes and even dating profiles so if you want to see what crowd-sourced content editing can do for you stop whatever nonsense you're doing right now and go to edit kradic com thank you I really want to be in that first meeting for someone who's getting help for their dating profile just to see what that first consultations like also how good of a word is vacuous sorry I'm still UGA still trying to get past that all right so our next alumni company is truepani truepani is working to address the nationwide lead crisis and other environmental issue environmental issues so give it up for Shannon thanks Seth my name is Jana and even check I'm the co-founder of Trapani an environmental engineer from Georgia Tech and a member of the 2016 create X class during our time at create X we were focused on developing a point of views water purification device for use in rural India after completing a pilot study we did a bit of a pivot to focus on domestic water quality and other and issues today we create smarter water and clean tech solutions for people places and businesses we've worked on multi-million dollar federally funded projects obtained dve status and scale Trapani from Georgia to Texas California Tennessee Connecticut and most recently Missouri helping tens of thousands breathe cleaner air and drink safer water with a special focus on the national-led crisis our journey hasn't been that of the traditional startup but with the tools and connections that we've developed through crea tex and georgia tech we've been able to make a positive social and economic impact in our community so thank you alright we're more than halfway done still running strong our next group we've got everything from eSports to farms and optometrists so give it up for our first team to kick us off inside optics hello I'm dr. Aaron Anton and I'm gonna tell you today how inside optics is eliminating blindness in America there are currently a hundred and thirty-two million Americans who could go blind as a result of diabetes and high blood pressure today the only thing standing between these patients and loss of their vision is an annual visit to their eye doctor the CDC estimates that 80% of all blindness is completely preventable if you go to an eye doctor once a year unfortunately that's like telling someone to go home and floss for most people aren't going to do it we've found that a majority of Americans will go to an annual care doctor for a primary visit but will not follow up with a specialist until there's a problem and by then it's usually too late at inside optics we're bridging this gap in order to bring this care so that we can catch the signs of avoidable blindness early we've we've built a platform that enables your primary care provider to record video of the back of your eye with his phone and then forward that over our HIPAA compliance server to a local ophthalmologist who can provide the diagnostic and follow-up instructions for you as a patient and this benefits everyone it creates new revenue streams for both of our users in a current framework that already exists and it helps these doctors provide care to patients that they haven't been able to before all while improving population health through preventative medicine we're already bringing these benefits to our first customers and we're looking to scale to your doctor's office today we do the heavy lifting with computer vision and machine learning we ensure that they captured the right content in the right place with the hardware that they already have so that they don't have to interrupt their current patient flow and we're not stopping with vision care this is a platform technology that we can apply to fields to solve problems in dermatology cardiology and even Otolaryngology with a team of experienced entrepreneurs and domain experts working in an incredibly collaborative space like Atlanta it's no wonder apptentive named us the number one app changing healthcare today so if you want your doctor to help us eliminate blindness in America come talk to us thank you [Applause] this is stacy stacy is a 3.9 GPA and she is captain of her soccer team she really wants to go to Georgia Tech her dream school she has a great and extracurricular activities to get in but there is only one problem she hasn't score high enough on her SAT Stacy doesn't know what to do every SAT tuning service is either too far away or too expensive unfortunately stacy isn't only too in that position many students cannot get to traditional chewing surfaces because of busy schedules working parents are living in remote locations traditional chewing services are failing these students that is why my sister and I create brain stream tutoring brain stirring tutoring eliminates the cost of travel barrier it's a traditional jury by providing an online group method during the online through session students are able to talk and get feedback with tutors and we only limit our sessions to five students to make sure that students can get the attention that they need my co-founder I have seen the impact that chewing can have that students I'm a recent Georgia Tech grad and certified Georgia Tech tutor my co-founder is the undergraduate student at Stanford University together we have over a thousand hours of tutoring experience currently we are looking for youth groups and other organizations to partner with and we have already partnered with Mal pizza Christian school and h2h Inc to name a few we are also looking for individuals to sign up to our tutoring sessions at brain stream cheering calm so if you want to know more about how branching Tunes making waves in the tuna industry please come talk to us thank you [Applause] in the United States there are over a million people that raise chickens as pets and they do so in their own backyards but one thing that these backyard chicken farmers have to watch out for are deadly diseases that can kill the chicks especially when they're young and their immune systems are weak although it's typically recommended to give the chickens antibiotics or medicated chick feed many backyard chicken farmers feel uncomfortable doing so and they prefer to do things in a more natural way war farm biotic and we're creating an all-natural alternative to antibiotics for pet chicks we're doing this by leveraging the benefits of phyto genex which are natural growth promoters uses feed additives that are made out of herbs spices or other plants our product herbs for chicks is made out of an art proprietary blend of some of these phyto genetic ingredients and with it back our chicken farmers can move away from using antibiotics and instead promote the health of their chicks more naturally these are the parents of one of our co-founders who have a chicken farm in Taiwan about a year ago their flock of over 8,000 chickens was under threat of being wiped out by a deadly and highly contagious disease called coccidiosis over 5,000 of their chickens were infected but by using an early version of our proprietary blend they were able to save over 90 percent of the infected chickens and in turn saved the family business with the success that we've seen with our product in Taiwan we're confident that it will be effective for backyard chicken farmers here in the US my name is miles and I'm a biomedical engineer here at Georgia Tech one of my other co-founders angel in studying business operations and this summer we've interviewed 120 chicken owners and feed store employees in Georgia to gain understanding of their problems in situation our other two co-founders george and johnson have PhDs in chemistry and they've been studying the science behind phyto genex to develop our product which is already being used by a few of these backyard chicken farmers we also expect to be selling in feed stores and online within the next couple of months again we're farm biotic and a view or some of you know raises chickens or if you're interested in learning more about what we're doing come to our booth to talk to us and check out our website at farm biotic net today eSports coaching is a billion dollar industry with millions of competitive players and fans many of us grew up playing games but for kids nowadays it's a real career option however unlike traditional sports there isn't a well-built pipeline to help gamers get from amateur to pro and like many amateurs it often takes a coach to get you to that next level I'm Eric Thompson I'm the CEO of wahoo GG and we're the eSports coaching marketplace that's helping gamers level up this is kyle gears Dorf last month he won three million dollars at the Fortnight World Cup that's a lot of money but it's far from an outlier the average Joe Pro eSports gamer makes between 3000 and 5000 dollars a month and that's not including money from streaming sponsorship or prizes this is all to illustrate that there is a tremendous financial incentive to getting good quickly and that's what we're helping gamers do at Waluigi G through our live classes one-on-one training and exclusive video content we're working with gamers who have a passion for coaching to develop curriculums for the top eSports titles speaking of coaches the image behind me is from one of the workshops we ran last month for Super Smash Brothers ultimate not only were we widely successful in rapidly accelerating the skill set of the kids that attended but we created some meaningful bonds between the gamers themselves parents and coaches our team is composed of eSports enthusiasts like myself and we're advised by experts and business owners in the emerging world of eSports we're looking for gamers and parents and gamers who have an interest in this idea of live coaching so if you're interested in joining the walamu GG community please come see us at our booth thank you [Applause] imagine yourself as a young hip-hop creative but you're frustrated and isolated you want to do one of the most basic underestimated things in the music industry networking but why is it so complicated messaging people on Instagram and Twitter makes you bitter and completely disfigured surfing through hours of content on YouTube and SoundCloud you feel drowned in the crowded background and lost in a social playground you are constrained and restricted to platforms not reflective of you but you can't act vindictive or conflicted you have to be realistic and committed but you still can't create that meaningful connection the one that inspires mental perspiration and internal contemplation and you just can't take it anymore but that's what 808 is for 808 is a social networking platform for underground hip-hop professionals giving them those personal and credible relationships are so skeletal to becoming successful in the music industry from engineers who know it's all about their ear to managers who know how to make an artists career our platform is meant for everyone far and near you can create a clear music portfolio one that is unforgettable you can see that someone else's experiences references skills and make a connection that's truly intentional my name is Abby and my team of the finest brew detect undergraduates embodies a musical identity carrying a mental attraction and an innate passion after talking to over 200 people during many sessions and meeting legends like Ludacris Sato Vince onion digital and getting their impressions we learned it's not what you know but who you know that drives your progression and triggers ascension after going to numerous studios and numerous events we were exposed to common sense learning it's those critical connections that transpire the lyrical and instrumental miracles it's those relationships you forge that help you reach the pinnacle so why not help a hip-hop creative grow because we all know your network is your net worth lastly we know it's what you crave we know it's the bomb check out our platform at the a wave calm I can't follow that that was let's give it up one more time for Ravi when he first came to us and said all right I'm gonna do this spoken word rap for my presentation we were thinking yeah but that was I think only he could have pulled that off all right we got one group of startups left we're almost there but first let's hear from one of our alumni companies that helps you understand what your car is trying to tell you give it up for John from fixed hey guys I'm John Gattuso from fix and we make a device that plugs into your car and helps you understand in simple understandable terms when you have a problem what what those mean and so every car since 1996 just under your steering wheel has this little port that our device plugs into we sell this product direct consumer and after graduating create X we we launched a Kickstarter program that allowed us to buy the first batches of hardware we spend a couple years refining the future set trying to figure out what customers actually wanted from our product but luckily two years ago we found a scalable customer acquisition channel we were able to sell directly to consumer and we in December we sold our millionth device and so a bunch of crazy people decided to pay us 60 bucks and a lot of them really liked it we have tens of thousands of five-star reviews out there and we're really proud to just create a product that solves a big need for people we're gonna continue building our whole goal is to complete this journey from the moment that a person has a problem with their car to the moment that it's solved and since we graduated we've been just constantly executing on that roadmap building features that help people understand what's going on with their car we couldn't have done it without create X and so for you guys that are sitting there just know that the road is long you have to be persistent and the problems don't get easier they just get bigger so I've learned a lot from John I think one of the most interesting things I learned from John's when they were first shipping a lot of their product they didn't have a manufacturing process down or fulfillment and they were tried to go to the post office and they kept telling them you can't bring like 5,000 units just any day and will ship them but he learned that apparently if you get get them on the dock of the post office they can't refuse you so not saying you should do that but work for them probably gonna get in trouble for that all right we got our final group of startups left you guys ready to hear it all right let's get this last group kicked off with swash candy hi I'm Manisha co-founder of swatch candy I was recently scrolling through my Instagram feed when I saw a picture of this beautiful lipstick so I decided to buy it online now this is the color that I was promised for $17 and this is the color that I got for $17 I know what you're thinking they didn't send me the wrong product this is the same exact lipstick but it looks completely different on me because of my skin tone and when you consider the cost of an average lipstick being 17 dollars it's not hard for me to end up with this small bag full of $500 worth of products that I never use and can't return swatch candy helps me make the right purchases for my skin tone we are a mobile app for makeup lovers to find the perfect color for their complexion by curating photos of real people showcasing the products this is done through swatches which are samples of makeup like lipstick or eyeshadow applied to the skin each swatch candy user will be able to see how a product looks on a skin tone similar to their own before deciding to make a purchase we know what each user looks like because when you first download the app you'll take a picture of your skin swatch candy has a searchable database of over 250 lipsticks and eye shadows being shown on at least 10 different skin tones per product all of our images are unretouched and color corrected to show up to a 98% accurate representation of the makeup being photographed swatch candies database was developed through proprietary technology by our talented team of three makeup lovers with backgrounds in computer science and industrial design from Georgia Tech this summer we talked to hundreds of other makeup lovers who are tired of wasting their time and money just like I am swatch candy is a solution that every makeup user has been looking for so if you never want to add other product to your makeup graveyard again download swatch candy now and if you're interested in knowing more please come talk to us later thank you this is a spinal needle it's a four inch needle that's inserted into the center of the spine during a procedure called a lumbar puncture which is used to diagnose and treat conditions like meningitis and cancer to perform a lumbar puncture physicians need to navigate this needle through an opening as small as a millimeter between vertebrae now the scary part if that wasn't it is that these procedures are initially performed without image guidance which means physicians cannot see where that needles going this can make the procedure extremely difficult and it's why 20% of lumbar punctures cannot be successfully completed in these cases patients are sent to the radiology department for yet another lumbar puncture this time under x-ray guidance this entire this entire process cost hospitals over four thousand dollars in non reimbursable expenses per case totaling over one and a half billion dollars of losses every year we at ethos have developed a needle guidance system that allows practitioners to perform these procedures without relying on radiology the hardware component of our system is a needle guide bracket that attaches to ultrasound probes and allows the practitioner to position and stabilize the needle throughout the procedure our software takes this standard ultrasound image and enhances it by displaying the needles trajectory on top of the image this enables the practitioner to first properly orient the needle toward the target and then insert with confidence now lumbar punctures are just the beginning blind needle navigation is a problem that exists in many other procedures for example the epidural for labor and delivery and steroid injections for pain management and together these procedures represent a three point eight billion dollar market in the US alone our team is composed of three engineers with previous industry and startup experience and were supported by a phenomenal advisory board with expertise spanning clinical practice medical device entrepreneurship health policy and more we're currently seeking investment to support regulatory testing so if you're interested in learning more or supporting us in our next steps of seeking FDA approval please visit visit us at our booth and join us in our journey to solve a true pain in the back thank you a hundred and sixty five billion dollars that is how much money the trucking industry spends on fuel every year and it's their largest expense and a main contributor to that cost is rear aerodynamic drag on the vehicle and yet few companies out there have even attempted to address this region and arguably none have done so effectively that is until today hi my name is Tyler boon CEO of aro dime technologies and together with my team we are solving this problem by developing the most aerodynamic trucking attachment that money can buy simulations of our device have revealed a significant reduction in drag force on the vehicle which showed major promise leading into the development of our prototype and with the help of our great friends over at Ron parks & Associates we were also able to perform road tests of our full-scale model in order to further improve our design so together these tests showed a 10% reduction in drag force on the vehicle which translates to three thousand dollars in savings per truck per year and a ten month return on investment but cost savings aside our device is also completely autonomous which means that when the truck reaches highway speeds our device deploys on its own creating an out of sight out of mind solution but above all we are proud to announce that we have received a letter of intent for the purchase of 28 devices from our first customer thank you but obviously this product didn't get here on its own it took a team of passionate and dedicated individuals with skillsets ranging from engineering to business working literally every day for the last eight months to make this happen and honestly I'm convinced that our group combined with this product will successfully disrupt one of the largest industries in the United States so at the end of the day our goal at Aerodyne is to create a new paradigm in trucking efficiency and if that resonates with you then we'd love for you to partner with us to help turn this dream into a reality thank you [Applause] hi my name is chase Brooks and I'm a co-founder of chef four out of every five restaurants fail in the first five years of opening what's the number one reason they failed poor inventory management last fall one of my clients called me up jamie news that no entrepreneur ever wants to hear he said hey chase I don't have the money to pay you and I'm going out of business after frantically combing through his records I learned he had no idea what was going on in his inventory and it was bleeding his company dry worse yet after talking to over 100 restaurants in the Atlanta area I learned they suffer from this exact same problem so how do they manage their inventory they rely on a complex process that looks like this if they get it right they spend four hours every single week manually entering data if they get it wrong they were schooling 50,000 or more every single year now there are over a half a million independent restaurant locations across the country suffering from this same problem every day known at the time or the resources to solve it themselves chef has developed an inventory management software that allows these independent restaurants to easily manage their inventory here's how it works first a general manager will count inventory and upload their invoices all from their phone then chef will forecast inventory they need for the following week and finally we'll compare supplier prices so they always get the best rate when they send out their purchase orders well just these three simple steps we're able to save independent restaurants up to 40 percent of their inventory costs now we're a team of two industrial engineers in two computer scientists with backgrounds in supply chain optimization data engineering and experience in the restaurant industry over the last eight months we've worked to learn the industry from the ground up we started off by cooking and cleaning dishes and now we're working with some of the most successful restaurant tours in the Atlanta area as a matter of fact we're rolling out our private beta to five locations across Atlanta and plan to release the full version later this year we're currently seeking additional restaurant partnerships as well as further funding so if you're interested in learning about Howard transforming independent restaurants please visit our website good evening everyone my name is endre and today we're gonna revisit something from our past high school now for many people it sucked we spent hours to sitting in a desk all day for years and for what we barely remember anything for my school anyways and let's be honest it didn't really prepare us for the real world that's why my team started Saurus schools an online project-based high school where students get to explore their interests and get valuable exposure to future careers and fields of study in our program we don't have any traditional lecture-based classes or block period schedules or courses instead in our programs students get the decide what they want to learn a student interested in computer science might work on a project where they learn how to build their own video game a student initiative writing might work on a project where they participate in National Novel Writing Month we put kids in the driver's seat of their own education every morning the students meet online over video to discuss their projects their goals and what they're working on for the day throughout the week the students meet with our staff an interdisciplinary team made up of project managers learning experts and counselors together they work with students to create their projects set goals and incorporate different acadec standards and content into their work we push students to challenge themselves and it take on rigorous projects so a student can graduate from our program just like any other high school but they do in a way that's much more useful more meaningful and honestly more fun our team has been working on this for quite some time now Garrett Wesley and I have all met studying at Georgia Tech and we've all started successful companies and nonprofits in our past but we're not alone of course we've also built an amazing team of advisers and educators in the past several months and in just the past few months alone we're post revenue and have enrolled eight students kay here actually is our very first enrolled student from Marietta Georgia but we also got students from other parts of Georgia from Florida from Rhode Island from Illinois and that's just the beginning we've also raised 150 thousand dollars from angel investors of experience in backing education companies together they're going to help us design a one-of-a-kind educational experience for your student so if you're a parent who's interested in a better way of learning for your student for high school come speak with our team at Sora schools thank you [Applause] alright let's give one more round of applause for all the startups you presented tonight [Applause] all right a few quick things as a wrap-up if your student and you want to be here next year applications are now open at create Xcode sector edu so we want to hear from you you know pitching your entire startup in two and a half minutes is really really difficult and these teams have worked incredibly hard to get their pitches in it down so I have one big favor to ask from you guys everyone here I want you to pick two startups that you're interested in either as potentially a customer or investor or partner and I want you to go talk to them and learn more about them as we go back to the demo pick back there all right thank you guys so much for having out coming out I hope you had a great evening and we'll see you back the demo pit [Applause]
Channel: CREATE-X at Georgia Tech
Views: 1,399
Rating: 4.3333335 out of 5
Id: nAO7fFGmqT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 15sec (5955 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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