Create TROPICAL + ARCTIC Scenes in Photoshop!

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in this video i'm going to show you how to create both tropical and arctic environments in photoshop we'll cover loads of tricks including light spills snow and ice overlays and some color grading thrown in two stick with me to the end on this one guys as it's chock full of tips so let's jump into the tutorial so as we're creating a tropical scene the main elements are going to be obviously the jungle and the trees and the the sunlight from the tropical tropical environment and then the jungle inspired color grid now one of the parts what people probably think about when compositing a jungle scene is the foliage in the trees and how do you cut it all out and put it all together well because these kind of images are quite busy and there's a lot going on them you can get away with quite a lot in cut outs you can cut out things roughly like this tree on the left hand side just there and then bring it in and because there's a lot going on in the the images you're putting together you can't really really tell so what i usually do is i'll go through and find probably three or four stock images of different jungles that i like and then i'll just blend them all together and start playing around and obviously because there's so much going on in this image i don't have a massive plan of how it's going to look but i know from experience when you're putting loads of kind of messy elements together this kind of blend a lot easier than say if you was trying to create a street scene so what i've done now is i've put a layer mask on and i'm just blending in and out the different layers to try and get a background jungle that works so i'm putting the model in here see to places see where she fits in the image and how the surrounding fits around her and as you can see the tree on the left i've just kind of roughly cut out with the lasso tool at the bottom the leaves are working at the top obviously because there's some light behind those leaves we may have to tidy them up but you don't want the tidy things but don't need tidying you don't want to give yourself more work only tiny things that actually stand out and need tied in so getting this thing together now i'm roughly putting it in and then just kind of experimenting and seeing what works and what doesn't work so the three elements uh is obviously the jungle the light and the color grade so once we've got this background jungle scene somewhere like where we want it again just pin in and out non-destructively on the layer mask i will then start adding light in but as you can see there's a lot going on in these jungle images so like i said it is very easy to get away with certain things so now we have this jungle scene somewhere like how we want it what we would want to do is now start playing around with the light obviously the the background layer of the other image had some light coming down so what we want to do now is on the blank layer just start painting in that light through the leaves because if you ever see a jungle movie or a jungle image you usually get these shafts of light coming through the leaves they're always coming downwards and it's a good way to separate your main character from the background but it's also good to create a very stylized image but what you want to make sure is as you can see we added a tiger in the background as well you want to make sure the light what you paint in is also affecting any elements what are in that light so at the moment what we're doing is adding a a curves adjustment and then just painting in another structure of the on a layer mask the light onto that tiger so it just blends in with the scene correctly it looks like the light is interacting with that tiger and it just looks a lot better and realistic so what we could do later on as well is we can when we come to styling we can add a lot more light leaks over these areas [Music] and then to enhance that light you can bring in light rear overlays so this is from the neo stock light effects pack and again we want the light to overlap certain things and blend in with the scene and what we want to do is put our up light overlay over the top of the all the other layers and then we can with a layer mask blend out those harsh edges and then it looks now like the light is interacting not only with the tie given the jungle but also the model which again is creating realism that's what would happen in real life you would have these little shafts of light and there would be areas what i kind of got bits of light on there is what darker areas were brighter the more imperfection you can put into an image the more real it seems as you can see there i just did use the curves adjustment just to play around with the uh the darks and lights of that light ray now again what we mentioned earlier third component to this tropical scene to the environment making it tropical is the colour grid and as you can see i've using a gradient map there i chose a dark green for the black i then created a midpoint and add a more saturated midtone green and then i had white for the highlights and i put that on and then i lowered the opacity and then i'm creating now another gradient map and i'm adding more greens into this one a little bit more saturated and some yellows into the highlights what that does now is it gives us the golden green feel so as you can see we've got a very nice green jungle feel but then with the lights and the light rays we've got this nice golden light coming through as well and then a third gradient map we are then just adding a little bit more of the golden feel to the image into the highlights so that's on top and then we lower that right down as you can see we've got now three different color um adjustment layers and it's all adding to this very tropical jungle color grid and my favorite selective color adding some darks into the shadows uh adding some reds into the dark sorry so you we go to selective color we change it to black we add a little bit of red in and it just gives you that painterly feel to the image so mix the painterly feel with the the color color grade the jungle color grade we get this golden tropical feel to our image and i think it really adds to the jungle feel it also stylizes it and makes it look a little bit painterly so now i'm just playing with the contrast a little bit as well because we want the the foreground to be darker than the background which is also giving us depth and it's again making the image feel quite painterly as you can tell we've got the little monkey in the top surrounded by those light glows it's all about creating that scene the realest realism of the scene if he was in a jungle and the light was coming from behind the foreground would be darker so let's move on now to creating the arctic scene in the arctic scene again we need to think when we've got this scene what can we add to the scene to make it feel more like a actual real environment and we can also play around with uh being a little bit more extreme with certain things so one thing about far is let's have icicles hanging from the laptop it's a frozen scene it adds to the kind of the character of the image so basically this was just a png that i brought in and then with a black and white adjustment layer i just desaturated the color a little bit and i added that from the laptop but we've got icicles are hanging from the laptop what we want to do then is we want to add a kind of frozen texture to the laptop as well so it looks like the whole laptop's for us and there's not just icicles hanging from a warm laptop so basically i've got this kind of eyes frozen texture online i've just brought in free transform i've distorted it and placed it over the kind of the back of the screen part of the laptop and then i have lowered the opacity and i have put it on a light and blend mode and then i have lowered the opacity and then because we've done the top part of the laptop what we want to do is we need to make sure the bottom is done as well so again going through the the same kind of um process as we did for the monitor we want to bring in the other texture we want to squash it down with free transform and just put it over the bottom of that laptop and then with a layer mask what we can do is we can um use the warp to blend it to the actual shape of the laptop and we can use a layer mask to paint in and out if it's going over certain edges so just using free transform now to do that and then putting that onto a linear dodge blend mode as you can see we get some of the detail of the laptop coming through now so we will with a layer mask erase the ice texture from those uh laptop parts are they where you plug the things in and i guess that's the the fan at the back so with under layer mask now i'm just deleting certain areas where the two textures were overlapping and then just keep taking a look at the image there's a little bit on the right hand side at the bottom what needs to be solved with a layer mask [Music] so again just using the warp now so if you want to get to warp you see it's ctrl t for free transform then you right click and you can select the warp free transform and then you can just change the uh pull the handles and whatever texture or whatever you've got selected so again now with the layer mask just softening some of those harsh edges on that texture erasing the texture from the fan and the usb hull and the apricot or whatever they're called and now again thinking about the scene what else can we add into things we want some snow obviously it's a snowy arctic place we want it to be cold so what we do is we bring in a snow overlay and then to add a little bit of movement and dynamic kind of feel to it we want to put a motion blur onto that so you go to filter blur motion blur choose a good angle and then just put your amount of blur and then we can get that motion filter and then also you can bring in a brush so we're now using the snow brush so if you play around with the snow brush you can pin it on wherever you want on a blank layer and try just experiment with different snow brushes obviously as well you won't probably want to paint away the snow a little bit from covering the guys face because that's going to be the focus of the image but don't be afraid to experiment with snow brushes and snow over layers sometimes you can get a really good feel but you will need to refine it with a layer mask and then using a snow brush i wanted to actually put some snowflakes what i've landed on him so the snow what the snowflakes what land on the person are going to be different to the snowflakes what are kind of blowing around in the air so with a snowflake brush i just wanted to paint some on his shoulders and maybe a little bit on top of his hat again if you if there was someone in a snowy environment the snow would be landing on them and settling on them so we need to get that in here to add to the realism and then you can as you can see just using the layer mask to paint away from his face because again if there's a person in the image the focal point of that image is their face and their eyes but i kept it on his beard because i guess if you've got a bead it would attract snow i don't know but um i guess it would it's kind of uh one of those things like this the snow seems to stick too close so i guess it would stick too beard also so what i'm doing now is i'm doing a little bit on his arms as well and just lowering the opacity on that snow and it just takes the brightness down a little bit and makes it blending with the same scene a bit more and now on a blank layer with a different snow brush like a thicker flakes and a brush i will start painting in the snow on the top of the laptop and then maybe some on his hat on his shoulders again this is going a little bit overboard making it a little bit more surreal but i think sometimes these little touches add and it all helps to build the scene of this arctic environment so just painting that on there now again this is just with a it's no brush you can download these online i'm not sure if i've actually created this one i'm not myself i might have done actually for a tutorial i'm just painting that on and then you can always if you want attach adjustment layer and change the kind of the tone or maybe even a little bit of the color but for now that's looking pretty good and then just like the tropical scene to finish off our arctic scene we want a nice color grade and again it's always the same process it's the gradient map maybe a couple of gradient maps and then a selective color to add some color into the into the shadows so what i wanted to do with this is go with a kind of cooler maybe purpley um our light blue color grade so we're going for this uh kind of cyan color here so we've got it in the mid tones and in the shadows and we're keeping the i'm going to add some yellow or gold into the highlights and then let's just bring that on and again this can be playing around as well a bit of experimentation i did like the warm tones in the sky but it was taken away from the arctic feel of the rest of the image so using a photo filter i added a ice blue to that and that is the final part to our arctic environment so just remember when you're creating environments you want to add color grades what work with that environment and you want to add characteristics from that environment into the image what are already there so i hope you enjoyed this and if you did be sure to check out my epic battle scene video where i create an environment and a war scene in it and thanks a lot guys i'll speak to you next time
Channel: Photo Manipulation
Views: 1,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop tutorial, photoshop walkthrough, photomanipulation in photoshop cc, photo manipulation tutorial, photo manipulation tips, photoshop manipulation, Adobe Photoshop CC, how to cut out leaves and bushes in photoshop, how to create snow in photoshop, how to create ice in photoshop, tropical scene photoshop tutorial, snow scene photoshop tutorial, adobe photoshop tutorial, photoshop tutorials, photoshop tutorial for beginners, snow effect photoshop tutorial
Id: -DRmKVO3t_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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