Create this COOL text effect in Camtasia 2020

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let's take a look at a little bit of a trick in camtasia 2020 i call it a center reveal if you've seen some of the techsmith tutorials you may have noticed this rather cool title intro where the text animates in from the center of the resulting phrase in this tutorial i'm going to show you how we can do this effect in camtasia 2020 using track mattes this is great for title text animations you can use it for single words multiple words or single line sentences let's get started here in camtasia 2020 i'm going to use a two word phrase as my sample and demo basically my name and kind of a cool little branding asset let's jump to the beginning of the project and i'll set this up a little bit i'm going to go to the annotations tab and on call outs i'm just going to add a text call out right click add to timeline at playhead now i want to kind of format this the way that i want so i'm going to double click and i think i'll use a chunkier font let's choose arial black i'm going to bump it up in size a bit and i'm also going to increase the width of this text box so that it's rather nice and wide and for maximum versatility i'm also going to uncheck the auto resize text if i want to reuse this later this will make things a little bit cleaner and easier to change the asset and use different text in the properties i'm also going to left justify this piece of text next with the asset selected on the timeline i'm going to ctrl c to copy and ctrl v to paste make a duplicate copy of this text box and on the top copy here i'm going to right justify it and i'm also going to grab it and just move it up above the lower text so i can line things up here in the next step i'm going to take this copy and i'm going to drag it to the right until it snaps into the center right here i'm going to grab the bottom copy and do the same thing only go to the right till it snaps and then grab the top guy again and bring it down into place now i'm basically ready to put the text that i want in these boxes so for the first part put my first name and on the second box my last name or your second part of the text and i think for this one i'll also double click just add a little splash of color here is the design element now of course here i could put space as you might normally do for a two-word phrase but again this is kind of a branding thing a design thing i'm going to leave the space out because that's the look that i'm going for i'll select them both and just kind of move it over towards the middle a little more and now we're ready to start working on our track mats and to do that i'm gonna use a little camtasia hack here on the bottom track i'm going to right click and insert a track above let's move this up a little bit i'm going to click on the bottom piece of text the playhead at the very beginning ctrl c to copy ctrl v to paste and that will put a duplicate copy of the text box on the track right above and what we're going to do is cover up this text with a rectangle call out so we could go to callouts here under shapes and drop one of these guys in but i actually have one in my favorites that i've made a yellow color just because it's easy to see and work with as a mask so here's the trick i'm going to grab this and i'm going to drag it down to the duplicate text box and watch what happens when i let go it assumes the same properties of size and shape as my text box that i copied if i just were to grab a shape and drop it you notice that well it's not the right size to properly cover the text which is what we want and i'd end up having to do all kinds of resizing and stuff this little hack makes that unnecessary and rather handy dandy so let's do that to the top copy here as well i don't have to insert a track in this case i'm just going to control c control v to paste and repeat that put another shape covering up that piece of text okay so this is basically what we have so far so these shapes are going to be our alpha mattes let's set those up on the top shape i'm going to right click on the track icon here and set the matte to alpha when i do that what happens is whatever is underneath the shape will be revealed well what's underneath the shape is the text and the background let's do the same thing on the second shape change that to alpha and now we're ready to start animating i'm going to move the playhead in probably towards the center somewhere i just want to have enough room for my animation to happen i'm going to click on the text box hold my control key and select both text boxes let's go to animations and i'm going to drop a custom animation so here at the playhead is basically where the animation stops or is finished so i'm going to move the playhead to the keyframe that is the beginning of the animation and let's click on this top one first now i'll just change the position properties of this by moving this to the right and notice what happens as i do that it starts to disappear because it's now outside of the mask shape and then i'm going to lock this shape track click on the second text animation and move this to the right if you don't lock the track sometimes you end up grabbing the shape instead and you'll host yourself up okay we can unlock that now and i'll hold my control key to select both the animations and then just pull them to the beginning or make them last as long as i want make that little adjustment i'm gonna go for about a second move the playhead to the beginning and now we can preview our awesome animation and one other trick we can do is i'm going to click on the text box here and on the animations tab i'm going to add a restore animation which is basically going to reverse the animation that we just did so it's going to make it disappear let's put that to the end and then repeat that process on the other piece of text and pull that in and preview now we can do a little bit of cleanup let's highlight and select the top two tracks which is our text and shape right click and group and turn off the track mat when we group them notice that the track mat still exists because it is incorporated inside of the group and let's do the same for the second piece right click group or control g right click and turn off the alpha matte drop this guy down a track and at this point basically we're finished since the assets are grouped we can of course select them both move them around if we want or something else that might be kind of interesting i'm going to click this one and just move it up and now i've kind of created an entirely different effect so trackmates are pretty awesome you can do some really wonderful animations and things with them i hope you found that useful hey lot naylor here thanks for watching leave your questions and comments below i answer all of them personally and if you like this kind of content consider subscribing and clicking the bell notification button so you don't miss anything thanks again and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Lon Naylor
Views: 3,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camtasia, lon naylor, lonnaylor, camtasia 2020, camtasia tutorial, camtasia text effects, camtasia track mattes, track matte, track matte tutorial, alpha matte
Id: uAdTNfwz6fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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