Create this awesome organic turbulence effect - Cinema4D Redshift Tutorial

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today I'm going to show you how to create this awesome wavy effect in 60 seconds pop opens to number 4D alright first things first let's grab an emitter then under the emitter tab let's change the exercise to 1 and the Y size to 150. under the particle tab let's change the birth rate to 10 000 stop emission to one frame and the speed to something like 20. rotate the emitter 90 degrees so it's facing the right direction and hit play so what we just created is a burst of 10 000 particles that emit for one frame all right next we're going to add a tracer to give our particles a tail next side some turbulence and then increase the scale to something like 40. all right now we should have a really cool wavy effect now to add some geometry to our particles all we need is a redshift object tag first let's add one to our emitter select the redshift object tag and change the particle mode to sphere instances this will create spheres in the end of our waves let's add another tag to our Tracer object like so and set the mode to capsules now in your render view you should see something like this for the final step let's create a redshift material open your material under presets let's select copper and then drag that material onto your Tracer and emitter now all you have to do is hit play that's why
Channel: Jarred Anthony
Views: 30,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7PVxXgExeQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 57sec (57 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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