Create Studio Lighting in Houdini with Redshift

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hello everyone i'm ben and in this video we're going to be doing a studio lighting setup using redshift in houdini okay let's jump into it now just uh first things first once you've got redshift installed you may not have the tab here and if you do want it you can just click on the plus symbol say shelves and you should see redshift here all right just a little bit of info of which version of redshift i'm using this so here it is 3.0.16 okay let's get underway so here's my feature asteroid that i want to have in the studio setup and so i'm going to start by creating that studio setup by adding a box so in my object context i'm going to press tab and type the word box press enter enter again groovy box needs to be placed a little bit higher and much larger so i'm going to jump into the box and i want the the width to be 20 meters yeah because this asteroid is about 4.5 meters oops and so that's looking quite good then i just need to say hey this needs to be maybe 10 meters high 10 meters high good now i can't see my object so let's press w on the keyboard and you can see this box is only halfway up so i'm going to raise this box up to be half this value so i'll right click in my size y and say copy parameter come down to my center position for the y and say paste relative reference and i want to make sure that i divide that by 2 and then press enter there we go that's shifted up nicely and we'll adjust if i change the height of this box at all okay so with that done i'm just going to press w and i now want to have my select tool and just go ahead and select these faces that i want to remove all right select those ones holding shift and press delete all right blast node is created and now i've just got my stage basically but i need to round out this edge so i have a nice curvature between the wall and the floor so i'll come over here and i'll press tab and start typing poly bevel then i'll press shift enter lovely with this i'm going to crank up on my offsetting you can see the distance is set to zero so let's take that up and one well that looks like a pretty reasonable kind of realistic amount but i'm going to just overcrank that to three just go absolutely nuts with it all right coming down to the fillet or the fillet um dude let me know the comments which one it is for that one all right the divisions well let's just crank that up to 20. yeah it's looking really smooth cool all right so we've got our stage set and now it's just a matter of lighting it so i'm happy with my stage so i'll jump back to the obj context and i'll just rename this maybe stage excellent so next let's create a light and i'm going to be using an redshift area light so i'll click the light here click into the scene and change the translate to zero zero zero so it's at the origin and i want this to be all the way over here on the right so you can see on the x-axis i need to move it along minus 10 there we go it's at the edge and you can see that there's a little normal poking out there or the direction of the light denoting the direction of the light so i'm just going to rotate this round in this direction and so it looks like it's minus 90 on the y that i'm after beautiful now i'm going to scale this light up because i want to be larger and cast a big soft kind of range of light over this so what i'm going to do is switch to my light tab and come down to the area size and set this to 5 meters by 5 meters an absolutely huge flight it's a big asteroid very special studio here and start dragging this up but i know this is 5 on the height axis here the y axis so i can actually just set this on to the bottom of the stage by coming over to my transform and setting the translate of y to 2.5 yeah nice okay so with that done i'm just going to rename this light and call it light and right and i'll control c and control v and call this one left right light left there it is and so this left light just needs to have the translate mirrored effectively and the rotation set to 90. now we can see we have two lights and i just need to add a third one here and we'll be whizzing along to victory so select it ctrl c ctrl v so in this one i'm just going to set the translate for x to zero and i'm going to lift this one up quite a bit so i'll take it up to about 7.7 meters and i want to rotate it around like so so that the direction of the light is pointing down on my subject so i'm just going to set this z rotation to 90. okay now the other thing with this light is i'd like to be about twice as long so i'm going to go to my light and you can see that this is now the y-axis for this object so i'll come down and for my area size set the y to 10 meters absolutely magnificent now let's just see how this is all looking moment of truth let's uh i'm just going to press ctrl 1 inside of my obj context to set this view as a quick location to jump to later on and now that's done i'm going to come over here and hit my render view to see how this is looking uh and give it a second and all right so i didn't create a camera but thankfully uh redshift went and created one for me so now over under my camera i'm gonna switch to it so there it is camera one and you can see that i just have this lock icon on so i'm just going to make sure that is on and that's going to make sure that whenever i am looking through this camera and i move my view it's going to move the camera as i move the view all right beautiful except this needs some work there's far too much light okay let's reduce that amount of light i'm going to select my light right well i'm having a hard time saying that my light right and set the intensity multiplier instead of it being 100 to 2 and i'm going to give it a little bit of color this is i'm going to make this a warm light so i'm going to change the mode here of instead of color i just like using temperature so i'm going to set this to 3 000 kelvin so there we go we get a little bit of warmth in there now nice and i'll grab the light on the left and i'll set the light intensity multiplier down to two as well and this one as well i'll change the mode to temperature and say this is a rather energetic light 9000 kelvin okay so with those set obviously that top light let's just rename that one to overhead [Music] and drop this one down to maybe five that's looking much more reasonable now few things i'm not seeing too much in the way of bounce light here so i want to enable that by going and changing my my gi settings on my global illumination settings so i'm going to change context and go from my obj to my out context i'm in my out context and with this i'm going to select my redshift rop here jump over to redshift and global elimination and my primary gi engine set it to bruteforce and secondary gi engine set it to brute force now we're talking except it's a little bit too bright so i'll just go and say this cyclorama i'd like it to be a little less a little less white reflecting a little less light so i'm going to change my contacts to material context and press tab and type rs space material and i'll choose this rs material drop that down press f to frame up on it and here i'm just gonna come down and with the reflection i'll drop the weighting down to around about point three and take the roughness up to about point three so i don't get these mirror-like reflections all right now that i probably also want to drop this um diffuse lightness or in this case even bring it up a little bit and we'll see this once we actually apply it um to our cyclorama okay there it is about .75 that'll work quite nicely give us a name like cyclorama jump back to our object grab the stage come up to the render tab under material i'm going to choose my cyclorama and that's looking pretty good except one last thing i'd like to just reduce a little bit of the highlight clipping there so in my red redshift render view here i can come over to this gear and just turn on the photographic exposure and that should uh yeah i should soften that up a little bit okay i hope that helps and i'll see you in another video
Channel: Snaplaunch
Views: 3,742
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: houdini 18, virtual studio lighting, redshift renderer, lighting, tutorial
Id: -aH7ZzXGZ5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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