Create Rubik's Cube In Blender | 3x3x3 Cube With Animation | Easy & Step-by-Step Guide For Modeling

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in this tutorial we will learn how to create a rubik's cube like this in blender this is not very difficult but still it can be fun and you can also rotate any layer like this in any direction as we do with a rubik's cube in real so let us start with a blank new file we will convert it step by step into a rubik's cube so select this default cube and go to the modifiers tab then add one bevel modifier change the bevel amount to 0.05 and change the number of segments to 10. this will add some roundness to the edges of this cube now apply this modifier then add one array modifier change this count value to 3 and we have to use a value of one in this factor x field then apply this modifier we'll get a set of three cubes like this now add another array modifier change this count value to three remove this factor x value and use 1 in the factor y field so we get a set of 9 cubes like this now apply this modifier then again add another array modifier change this count to three and instead of the factor x we have to now use the factor z field so we get a set of 27 cubes together like this let us also apply this modifier now for this entire object go to the object menu and under set origin select origin to geometry so we will get the origin of this entire set moved to its geometrical center then in the object properties we have to remove its location transformations as a result we'll get our cubes placed perfectly at the world origin next we have to set up some materials for this cube so turn on the rendered view mode and we can also enable the hdri lighting for a better lighting effect now go to the materials tab you will see one default material added by blender let us rename this material to say gray and we have to change this base color to some dark color we can change this value to 0.2 so we get some great color for its material but we have to also add few more colors like red yellow green and others so we have to make more entries into this materials list let's click on this plus button to create another entry here then create a new material let us rename this to red we have to then change this base color to the red color we can directly set this hue value to 1.0 for a perfect red likewise we have to add all the other colors one by one [Music] so we got total six different colored materials added into this materials list in addition to the default gray material let us now go to the edit mode we'll first apply the gray material for this entire object for its inside sections and then the individual colors can be applied for some specific parts of the cubes so turn on the face selection mode press a to select all the faces then select this grey color from this list and click on the assign button next we have to select these nine faces please do not use the box selection because we want to leave the bevels or the creases as it is then select the red color and click on assign we have to then repeat the same thing for all other sides of the cube [Music] so we are ready with all the materials applied to individual sides of the cube we are done with the materials we have to now separate out each individual cube from the whole set so press a again to select all the faces then go to the mesh menu and under the separate sub menu select the option called separate by loose parts we will get 26 new cubes created from the base cube so total there are 27 cubes cut out from this set now go back to the object mode while all these cubes are still selected together go to the object menu and under set origin select origin to 3d cursor so the origin for all the cubes will now be set at the world origin this will help us when we rotate any set of cubes around the center we can now hide the 3d cursor for a clean view and also the floor as well for this viewport the rubik's cube is now ready you can transform or rotate the cubes based on your model or your requirement you can either render a still frame or you can also animate them for a video output you have to create a set like this for all the cubes on one side you can then rotate them by some angle or you can also assign an empty as their parent and control its rotation via animation let us take an example we'll rotate the set of the cubes on this side of our rubik's cube first go to the add menu and from the empty group add any one empty object the empty is added in this list at the end right here now select the set of the cubes nine cubes that we want to rotate we have to then select the empty so press the ctrl key and select it from here then in the viewport press ctrl p and select object keep transform as a result the empty will now become the parent of these cubes that we have selected here then if we rotate this empty object all these cubes will rotate along with it in any direction so go to the object properties and change this x rotation angle you can see how the cubes are rotating together you can animate this by entering suitable keyframes that we did in our demo video last week let us rotate it by full 90 degrees we'll then say rotate the cubes on this top face we have to first clear the parent for this earlier set of cubes so select these cubes that are under the empty then in the viewport press alt p and select the option clear and keep transformation so the parent will be removed and the cubes will retain their current position we have to then select these top cubes you can select them one by one just to be on the safer side or you can also use a box select like this we have to then select the empty object so press the ctrl key and select the empty from here then in the viewport press ctrl p like before and select object keep transform as a result all these cubes will now come under the empty as we have parented the empty for these nine cubes we can then rotate these cubes easily by rotating the empty object around the z-axis so this way you can easily create rubik's cube in blender and rotate the sides you can also animate this action by inserting keyframes for this rotation if you wish it can be fun that's all for today i hope you like this tutorial thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to this channel
Channel: 5 Minutes Blender
Views: 12,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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