Create React Project with Vite for Beginners | Create React App is Finally Dead

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hello everyone in this video I'm going to teach you how to create a react project with Veet as you know create react app command has become less useful and it's kind of our update according to this documentation from a they say that this stock are owned so we have to find a new way to create react application so let's go to vid website search for veed and then go to feed over here and then click on get start this is how you can create a react project with veed okay let's get started you have to make sure that your computer has installed node.js okay make sure that you install node.js on your computer I won't teach you how to install node.js because it's pretty simple after you install node.js on your computer if you want to create a project on desktop you can press shift and make a right click and then click on open Powershell with window okay and then you go back to feed website and you just type this command on the terminal or you just copy it I will copy it to save time you can paste this over here you hit enter and this will tell you to put the project name I will name it react with a beat okay you can name is whatever you want and you can choose over here if you want vanilla project or you want view or you won't react in this case we are going to use react hit enter you can choose whether you want typescript project or JavaScript I will choose JavaScript over here and then it will tell you to enter the project you can type CD react with beat and then you have to type npm install over here but I won't type over here I will go to desktop I will see my project over here I will open this folder with Visual Studio code drag and drop in is to the icon over here okay let me open Terminal over here new terminal and then I will type npm install to install JavaScript package in the project after the installation is done you will see this folder node underscore modules okay The Next Step you have to do is to run this command npm brand Dev to open the application NTM run Dev and you will see that your application is running on localhost Port 5173 you can press Ctrl and click over here to open its own web browser this is your application you will see a beat icon over here and react icon over here if you want to stop the application you can press Ctrl C on keyboard to exit the application and when you refresh the application you will not get this page anymore all right this is all about this video If you like this video don't forget to click like subscribe and comment down below
Channel: Devtamin
Views: 10,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, code, coding, coding tutorial, programming tutorial, web development, react, react vitejs, react js with vite js, create a react app, create a react project, CRA, CRA is dead, Vite React, install react with vite, install react via vitejs, vite js react, vite react, easy install react with vite, vitejs, vite js, React, React and ViteJS, ViteJS and React
Id: 8vh5dmBaVQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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