Create new connection with new user in Oracle SQL Developer

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okay so you just finished installing Oracle database you want to start using Oracle developer I want to be clear that this is not a video about using Oracle SQL developer in general it just focuses on one thing and one thing only creating a clean connection that you can work with and when I say clean what I mean is a connection that doesn't show you all the system tables so that you can just focus on the tables that you create and can do the work you want I'll show you that in a moment to become clear what I mean okay so there's three general steps I'm going to go through to create a clean connection in Oracle SQL Developer first I'll show you how to create a connection with Oracle system user account once you have a fresh install next from within that system user connection that you've just created you can create a new user account with maximum privileges that can do whatever you want and then with that new user account you create a clean connection that is really the workspace within which you want to work okay so now let's get started so again you have to have Oracle database already installed and the Oracle service running and then you can go ahead and start Oracle SQL Developer so once it starts supped you see a window like this and then over here you on the over here on the left on top left you have here the connection is bugging the plus sign and so you want to create a new connection again your first we're going to create a connection with the Oracle system user account so you click new connection and get this view and call the connection whatever you want I can I like to call yourself with system in it here are called the new class the temp the 382 system and then you enter the user name you have to use system as a user name because this is based on the default system connection and you enter the password that you use when you install the Oracle database if you don't remember this password then there's no nothing can do except to uninstalled Oracle database and reinstall it with a password that you actually remember ok then normally want to say the password so you don't have to enter it again and you can click test if you want to make sure it works and I don't have saw that but here you see status success ID works so we can go ahead and connect you can click connect directly if you want also okay so now once you've created that on the left here you have the BTN three two system the connection that you just created and click the plus arrow so there you can see all the objects in there I'll go ahead and close this report window since we don't need that in here that X so if you see all these items on the Left what you're looking for is the other users item at the very bottom there and you want to create a user so to do that you right-click on other users and one of the options so to just barely see it here is create user once you click create user you can now create new user account and just call it launch now use tri-party for mine and you create a new password I recommend using the same password as the system password assuming that this is a computer that you are using on your own so that you don't have too many passwords to remember okay so you enter the new password and confirm the password now here you need to be very careful the first thing you do is you click apply and should get a message successfully process SQL command which tells you that your new user has been created next thing you want to do this is still part of cran the users that you want to grant this new user they're necessary privileges so these are granted roles and system privileges first you go to granted roles and you want to grant all again this is a local computer you're just using it for your own purposes and so you want to grant all privileges now note what happens here you click apply and when you click apply I'll be honest I'm not sure why the errors occur but they always do see in general this is because the brand new user I know that but then click OK and then you close it ok then now you've created a new user so under other users you can click this plus sign and expand let's scroll down to look for the user that you created there does tri-party or it's going to automatically capitalize and then now you right-click on that again and click Edit user so now you want to go back to granted roles because you want to grant the user all the roles and ok what I just did nothing was granted that's fine you'll have to do this multiple times I'm not sure exactly why it works this way but it's what you need to do so you click grant all apply so now we're successful is fine and then now you go to system privileges and you grant all again and you apply ok here we get an error message no problem click OK then click close and you go back and you verify it again ok so go back to the new user - free party oh right click Edit user and now look at the granted rules now you confirm that yes all the roles regret so that means anything you want to do is going to work don't worry about admin roles just the granted column is fine default is fine go to system privileges and some of them are granted others are not for the basic things that I need to do it's fine having some granted or find others I don't worry about it okay so so now I've created this user and then I can expand I can collapse all these to remove all this clutter and now my third step is I want to create a new user account but show you why you want to do that if you open this up again the plus sign and look at the tables the tablespace that you're working with with the system user there's a lot of default tables that are visible to the system user now if you want to create some tables of your own that work with it's going to be listed among all these and it's not going to be easy to see that's this what I call a not clean working environment so now we're creating a new connection that doesn't have all those listed tables to do that you create a new connection just like you did with the system user then this time you can call it again whatever you want I'll call it BGM through 82 just my regular one or and then you use the username that you just created so the connection name can be whatever you want it doesn't matter just a label but the user name is a user that you created just now in my case tree party oh and a password that you used again if you're using on your own you can just use the same passwords you don't remember multiple customers then you save the password and you connect and now on the top left are colopsis see you have the original one that was created between theater system the system user and then now the new one else created so the difference here is that with the system user as I showed you when you expand the tables you see all these tables but then with a with the new one with a new user account that's not a system user when you expand the tables you don't see any systems tables so if you create a new table of your own then it's going to be blank ok so I can demonstrate that with a sample table I'm just grabbing this sample here's a sample table that I'm creating I'm getting from pacing this and I got this from w3schools comm so when you create that you execute this code table purses created whenever you create a new table it doesn't show up here until you click refresh and there you see the person's table if on the other hand I was to do the same thing in the system account so here so this is a system window so here I go I create a person state on the system account and you have to wade through all of these look for it look for it refresh look for it and there it is sure enough but that's what I call a messy work environment so this is why I want to avoid and that's why working with a clean connection you create a table that's all it shows just as you expect
Channel: Chitu Okoli
Views: 591,242
Rating: 4.6906075 out of 5
Keywords: Oracle SQL Developer, Oracle Database (Software)
Id: 58V-w3buWm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2015
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