Create Minimalistic Animations (Dan Koe Style tutorial) - After Effects

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animations like this can look quite intimidating at first but they don't have to be hard and that's what I'm going to show you in this video but there's something really important before we begin there is this comment by dark ray brother I love the video and he's asking also can we have a tutorial on how to do animations like Denco the shorts well dark R that's what we're going to do in this video the animation style that I showed you is directly taken from Dan Co and especially is short he has this amazing like minimalistic style and we're going to do this in three easy steps one we're creating the elements two we're going to animate those elements and three is also the secret step and that's stylizing it all getting that Cool Glow really adding to the vibe of the whole animation thanks for all the comments that I got on my latest videos and now let's just jump into it we're going to create a new composition 4K is fine but we're going to change one thing and that's the aspect radio so we want it vertical cuz cuz it's a short so we're just going to copy this over and we're going to press in 216 and then paste the uh with we're going to change the duration to around 16 seconds and now we have a nice vertical composition now for the example I actually imported it so again all credits go to Denco what we see is a first a flashing Circle that turns into multiple circles it goes back to a small circle and then some icons around it now I want have time to put everything in this video so please if you see some specific effects or some specific things just let me know in the comments just the time code is fine but let's just get started so we're going to create the uh layers first we're going to create a new Circle so what you can do is go to the ellipse tool by holding uh holding down your mouse on the rectangle tool we're going to have a fill for the moment we're going to create it white and we're going to have a stroke we're going to make this white too and we'll make the stroke for example example like 15 I would say we always need to see a bit on what it would look like I think this should be fine but we can always change it later I'm just going to Center this by going to align and then aligning the layer now this is great for the first animation now before we duplicate this we need to make sure the Anchor Point is in the center going to do this by using the pen behind tool we can move this now and when we hold command we can Center it now we duplicate this layer we're going to scale it down I would say to uh like a small small circle we're going to turn the bottom one off and now we're going to open this layer and we're going to open the contents open the ellipse and then you'll see the fill we're going to turn the fill off this is great now what we see is that the stroke is a bit too small so we can always change the stroke with here so for example we change it to 20 or maybe a bit more maybe even 30 and we'll zoom out and I like this now we have one Circle all alone in our composition and we want to make it a happy place we want to make it more cozy and make him have more friends so we're going to duplicate this and this is a really boring job um so I'm going to skip most of the part but I'll show you how to do it so basically what you just do is press command on Mac or control D to duplicate it and now you just move it by holding shift and now you just do this a lot of times now if you made one row it is easier because then you can select the whole row and then duplicate it at once but you first have to get there and we're going to be there in three 2 one and there we go all of our circles now what we're going to do to make it a bit more clean in this composition we're going to select everything we're going to select everything layer and then prompose to make it a bit more clean and we'll call this we'll call this circles and there we go now this is just some simple icons to be honest with you I think this part is quite boring and I think it's way more cool to to go more in depth into this animation I think it's a really cool animation and I think you guys like this more so for that we're going to get the big bowl we can actually call this big bowl and then we're going to call this big space ball I really love our naming we're going to move this a bit to the to the back so at least it's like separated a bit and we can even cut this uh first big bowl off by holding all and then bracket to the right we're going to create a new layer layer new we're going to create a solid color doesn't matter now I've been playing a bit with these settings of particle worlds so you can just copy them over basically what I did is I created the particle world I changed the birth rate to 0.5 longevity to 20 and then for the particle I use a textured disc with the source layer big balll two now what is in this Source layer you might ask is just four bowls uh stacked on top of each other this is nothing special guys if you have any questions just let me know in the comments and now uh the birth to death I also changed to white and that's it so if I turn this off turn this on I'm going to scroll through it you see we have the effect that we need we can already put motion blur on this by activating motion blur and later on we're going to create the glow effect on it so it will look really good so if I turn off these circles and turn on our big space bow it will look a bit like this now it won't look perfect like exactly the same but Perfection is on the other side of progression at the end of the day I just want to show you the basics basically and to inspire you but also to create something for yourself it starts with copying others but at the end of the day you want to create your own style so actually it's always nice if it's not perfect and it's not exactly the same now we're going to go to our second step which is the animation part I'm really excited for this our first step is to animate this bowl into the screen we're going to uh just key frame the scale by pressing s for scale I think I'm going to make it a bit bit smaller something like this then I'm going to go a couple frames further something like this make it really big and then make it go small again we can probably even make this a bit quicker something like this and then we actually go to quite small something like this now we go into the contents we're going to go and open up the ellips and then we'll open up the fill now the fill has a transparency and that's great cuz we can key frame this basically making sure that after it's around here it will become transparent now we'll move this a bit further and we're going to go to S for scale and actually I'm going to make this a bit bigger and then it's going to go big again and small again I'm going to press U to show all the key frames and I'm going to move this over H actually something like this and something like this I'm going to copy this key frame paste it over here paste it over here so basically there's a bit of a pause so it goes like pop pop pop pop then it goes big again and then it changes into this smaller ball and then into all these big balls or this whole grid of balls maybe we should call them circles is it maybe it's a better way to call them we go back to our composition so we make sure that after a while something like here I'm going to set a new key frame I'm going to scill it up a bit and then I'm going to scill it down to the same percentage that we we have our balls which is on top of my head 16% but we're going to have to check that we're going to see 16% great then we'll go to our circles layer we're going to move this over and we're going to change the big balll so it ends here and we're going to turn on the circles now you'll see this whole big layer of all these circles we're going to go into our circles layer and we're going to animate this and it's actually quite easy the middle bowl is our first bowl and we need to make sure that all the the ballls go into this bow so we're going to press P for this position and we're going to press P for this position so you'll see all these positions will be different which is great cuz we can key frame this what we can do is basically select all the layers except our first layer we're going to select them all by holding shift we're going to press P we're going to go in about maybe like 20 22 frames doesn't have to be perfect we're going to press the stopwatch we're going to go back to the beginning now we're going to copy over this position data so this is 1080 we're going to paste that here and it will paste everywhere now let's see this animation I think this looks really cool but there's one effect to help sell the effect so because they're transparent you'll see this cool effect actually I really like the effect but let's just uh select all the layers and you can change the fill to Black it will lag then it's time for a big stretch while it's waiting and and then we press okay now we'll preview our animation and it looks almost exactly the same as the uh original animation I think in our example it actually goes a bit quicker so we can still select the uh key frames bit quicker like this we go back to our layers and then we're just going to cut this off cuz we're going to skip this part and then the last part is with the big ball so we're going to turn the big ball on and we're going to turn the particles on we're going to move these I mean the big space Bowl I'm going to move this particle layer to the end something like here now there's a really cool like halo effect around it and it's really easy to do this effect what you can do is just duplicate this layer we're going to remove the fill so turn it off we're going to create the stroke to be around maybe like 50 I would say we're going to press on for scill we're going to scill it down a bit going to move it under the layer and we're going to scale it up after a while like for example here from here we'll move it up like here then we'll press t for the transparency or actually opacity we're going to key frame this too we're going to press U for all the key frames and we're going to go back to our first key frame we're going to set a key frame for the opacity going to move to the last key frame and we're going to basically make sure that it fades out now this is way too quick as you can see can move it a bit something like this and then it's like a smooth fade now we can even fade this layer in too something like this and then we'll go to the last step and in this step I'll show you the secret step or the secret trick that he uses in every video to make it uh really beautiful like create a nice Vibe and that's a glow and for the glow we use the glow effect so we're going to put the glow effect for example on our first animation on the big bowl and it's actually quite easy so there's already a small glow as you can see um we're going to change the glow colors to a B colors we're going to change the color B to White we're going to change the glow radius and we're going to change the glow intensity not too much I would say 1.5 something like that and that looks already really cool you could increase the uh glow intensity or even the radius a bit um I think in the effect it's it's quite heavy it's would be around 50 I would say and then later on on these bows you can just copy this glow over we can go to these circles and we can all just paste it on our comp I think that's the best option actually and then as you can see we can see the glow and here you need to adjust it too now uh why we need to adjust it is quite simple the glow looks different on depending on the size of the object so in this case because it's quite a small size we can even increase the glow intensity a bit but for example if we do this on the big balll and we're going to change the glow intensity it's going to look really harsh now this looks great and I've go ahead and and put this on the circle already the big space bowl and as you can see there's a glow effect on this too and on our last layer we're going to paste it to on our particles and again we probably need to change the radius a bit to I would say maybe 30 or maybe even 20 and maybe the glow intensity to I would say quite High actually I like the glow radius quite high too something like 50 now you will have something that will look like this please keep the comments coming cuz I love to hear your feedback but also if you see some cool creators that you want to have tutorials on do let me know cuz I love creating these videos for you guys don't forget to subscribe and then I'll see you next time bye
Channel: TomsProject
Views: 13,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minimal animation, minimal animation style, minimal after effects animation, minimal animation after effects, after effects minimal animation, after effects animation minimal, minimal animation tutorial, minimal animation after effects tutorial, dan koe, dan koe tutorial, dan koe style, dan koe animation, dan koe animation style, adobe after effects, create animations like dan koe, how to create animations like the dan koe, how to make animations like dan koe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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