Create MIND BENDING TRANSITIONS w Projection Mapping in BLENDER + Adobe Premiere !

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what's going on guys welcome back to another tutorial today we're going to be talking about this crazy trippy 3d perspective transition now a lot of you guys know me for my adobe premiere tutorials for my adobe after effects tutorials we have used some other softwares in the past today's video is going to also be using another software that we haven't talked about before we're going to be using blender which is a free 3d software so those who are scared about 3d don't be intimidated we're going to take you through the steps this isn't just an adobe channel this channel is dedicated to showing you guys how to create awesome videos no matter what it takes no matter what tool we're using when it comes to what we are making today you may have seen this from alfie dwyer aka zezima on instagram he makes some amazing transitions taking this concept but bringing it to a new level so to create this we're going to do something called projection mapping where essentially you're taking a 2d image and you're projecting it onto a 3d object it may sound complicated to a lot of you but trust me it's very easy and we're going to show you a bunch of tips and tricks along the way i also want to shout out thomas rabor i'm sorry if i'm pronouncing that incorrectly i originally tried pulling this off in cinema 4d but after stumbling across this tutorial in blender it made everything seem a lot more simple so if you're going to watch this video it's only fair you go and leave a like subscribe to him as well my video is going to be more step-by-step baby steps but i'm also going to show you a lot of different customization make sure you stay tuned for that all the links will be in the description other than that let's get right into this all right guys so quickly before we start quick word from the sponsor of today's video skillshare today's video is sponsored by skillshare what better way to start off the new year than by learning something new upgrading your skill set what i love about skillshare every time i come back on the website i'm always clicking on something i'm always taking away something and it's always getting my creative thinking flowing and moving me in the right direction skillshare is curated specifically for learning there's zero ads it's a great place to really dive into a specific community lately i've been watching this learn blender full course by joe bailey if you just look through all the different lessons 155 it's super in-depth a better way to get into it than by watching a little beginner introduction course if you guys are interested skillshare is very affordable less than ten dollars a month with an annual subscription the first 1000 people to use the link at the top of my description will get a free trial of skillshare premium membership i'm gonna do this in premiere to start once you file new sequence in adobe premiere or whatever video software you're using i went to settings and i made this sequence not 1920x1080 but 1080 by 1080 so we're working with that one to one square aspect ratio that's going to be useful when we hop into blender and start setting everything up so that it lines up properly essentially we just need a screenshot of the area where we want to create this transition so let's create the screenshots maybe right about here also you don't need any live footage or 3d rendered footage to pull this off if you want to just practice and try it out you could just grab some random images off google or any other photos that you may have it's all going to work the same you just need an image or a screenshot to get started in adobe premiere i can just click this button let's go ahead and create a new folder here i've already got it made it's projection transition i'm going to select this and i'm going to name this transition frame 1. click ok before you guys move the cursor make sure you click this add marker button just to add where you're pulling that frame from so you can come back and put the 3d animation in later now let's find the area where we'd like to transition into maybe the first frame of this little part here let's name this transition frame 2. next you're going to want to install blender the link will be down below just go ahead and click download all the prompt to install it and open it up so if you guys are completely new to blender what you need to know is in the top left here you can change between object and edit mode this is going to be very important moving forward so make sure you're paying attention to if i'm in object mode if i'm in edit mode also in the top right here you may want to switch these this is viewport shading this is rendered shading so for some reason you're not seeing any of your materials it may be just because you need to change your view in the top right up here above my head you have your little pan controls of course you can just use your mouse for that if you click this button it'll go into camera view another important thing you need to know for this if you select anything on the left here this is how you move rotate scale any object that you're working with so that's our absolute basics let's go ahead and start off by switching into edit mode there's different selection options in the top left let's go ahead and switch to face select we're going to select the faces of this cube and then just start deleting you can select it you can click x and you can select faces now you'll see this top is open select another faces and let's delete three of these so at this point if you want to do one quick little animation test just to try this out you can just keep these two faces here and it'll serve as sort of a background what i like to do is i like to delete all the faces off of here and just kind of build the world around it from scratch so we're just going to keep clicking to delete those now we're left with just this one little plane here select this plane we're going to go ahead and right click it and we're going to click subdivide so now that we've subdivided this you'll see we can select each of these different four corners you hold down shift select all of those you can right click and subdivide again this is going to determine how blocky the transition is going to be so i'm going to subdivide this one more time right click subdivide and that should be good enough we got a decent sized grid here if you do anything more than this then there's going to be a lot of clicking so this should be just enough but once you're at this spot here i'm just going to move and get a nice little sideways perspective you can select each of these little subdivided parts here click e on your keyboard once you've selected them and that way you can extrude so with this extrude we're going to click i'm going to do that for each of these just selecting clicking e and raising them up if you want you can make it in some sort of defined pattern we'll go into that a little bit more when it comes to adding our image over top of this all right so once you've extruded those up a bit you should have something that looks like this now you'll see if i click in my mouse wheel and i just kind of pan the camera up it doesn't look like anything's extruded whenever we're looking down at this and this is the whole basis of how we're going to pull off this projection mapping effect we're going to project that screenshot that we took onto this image here and then we're going to create some camera movements so that we can turn like this another thing i should mention over here on the right all your options let's click output properties without anything selected and let's change the resolution from 1920 by 1080 to 1080 by 1080 so we're working with a square aspect ratio so now let's set up our camera by default you should already have a camera in here in the top right so let's go ahead and select that camera let's click on object properties where it says cube here let's just select this and let's change this from cube to camera but you'll see your location you have your rotation what we're going to do is we're going to set the locations to zero except for our z-axis that way we're just going to have a camera hovering over top of our little selection here speaking of which let's select that cube let's click s on our keyboard and drag out a little bit just to make that a bit bigger we can now click onto our camera view just to see what that's looking like but it's also on our right here select that camera again let's click on this green little object data properties the one that's a green camera we're going to change the type from perspective to orthographic and now you see it looks a lot more square now we can grab this orthographic scale and we can move this so that this camera view kind of gray outline is surrounding the white square that we see here and lining it up properly so again popping back into our camera view now we want to project an image onto here top right select your cube object these options here click this little red material properties option you'll see there's already a default material onto here so we can just edit this default material wherever it says surface let's go ahead and change this to diffuse bsfd wherever it says color let's click this little yellow dot here and we're going to go and add a image texture let's click this open button under image texture we're going to go and find the image that we saved from our video editing software so mine was called transition frame one open that up and again if you're not seeing any color on this make sure you are viewing it as shaded so clicking these options in the top right to cycle so let's click into our camera view you can tell that it's just not lined up properly here so let's go over to the uv editing tab and this is what that looks like let's pop into our camera view so we can see those two lined up next to each other so now what you need to do again make sure you are in edit mode if you're in object mode you won't be able to select the subdivisions so switch to edit mode holding down shift on your keyboard click and select all of these subdivisions you have to do it manually because again we're selecting these top parts so if you use some sort of selection tool you might select something that you don't want to select so holding down shift once you have those all selected go ahead and click u on your keyboard and you're going to want to click project from view and now you'll see all the squares on the left in the uv mapping section properly projected onto this surface so if we click out so we can see what that looks like in our viewport shading here's what that looks like looking good so this is the reason why i like setting up the uv mapping first before we start doing anything with the cameras before we start adding the second perspective at this point you can do a lot of customization for this effect you can choose different things in the scene here that you want to showcase in your transition and when i say showcase what i mean is we're going to take things that you want to pop that you want the viewer to see we're going to drag that closer to the camera by changing z distance so for example here for me i have this 3d character sitting right here let's kind of make him come a lot closer to the screen so let's pop out of our camera view so we can see the 3d cubes let's select the cubes wherever our 3d character is situated and let's subdivide these a little bit more so we're going to right click subdivide we'll do that with all the squares that our character is in now what we're going to do is we're going to take all the squares that our character is in and we're just going to make those a bit higher than the rest so i'm going to click e kind of pop those up and again make sure you're getting a nice little perspective in your viewport here if you're over top of this you can be making this a lot more taller than you think you are so just getting a nice little sideways perspective there you go you can see your 3d character is extruded a lot higher up than the other stuff in the scene all this background things in the scene so now when we go back to our camera view it still looks normal which is perfectly fine let's set up some camera movements so we can start seeing some perspective so to set this up what i'm going to do i'm going to pop back into object mode i'm going to click shift a on my keyboard that's going to give me this little add shortcut here i'm going to go ahead and add an empty i'm going to add a plain axis and what we're going to do now is we're going to link this plane access to the camera it's essentially the same thing in after effects as creating a null to control some 3d object or camera so you want to have this camera below our empty plane access in the hierarchy of the scene so i'll click and drag it below now what i'm going to do is select the camera holding down control select the empty here i'm going to hover over i'm gonna hover over my viewport and click control p to parent that let's just select object now you see this dashed line showing that they're parented together now if we select this empty plane axis we go down to our object properties this little yellow square you can now change this rotation you'll see it's now rotating both of those together so you've kind of set up this camera control on the axis so let's just set up a little keyframe we're in uv editing tab still let's click back to our normal layout tab now we have this timeline going on let's pop out of our camera view so starting at zero what i like to do is if you don't want an instant change you can maybe go forward like a few frames maybe five or ten frames so i'm going to start at frame 10 i'm going to select my empty plane axis here let's even just double click and i'll name this to camera control so grab camera control click on object properties i'm going to keyframe our rotation y so let's click this little dot right here to set up our first keyframe you should see that popped on your timeline drag a bit 40 frames and then we're going to go ahead and crank this up so i like to make this around 90. you can do negative 90 depending on what direction you're going so set that to 90 and to activate the keyframe you need to click back on this diamond and now that won't be red you'll see the keyframe on your timeline here and now if we click play you'll see the animation of the camera that we just created let's see what that looks like in camera view there you go and now you can see how we're starting to piece this together say for example you don't want to rotate to the right you want to rotate down or something that's all within that camera keyframe so so that's how you can control your camera and make different variations out of this transition because you can rotate it you can transform it in any different way across any different axis now what you can also do let's pop out of our camera you can select the actual camera object here in your scene you can go over to your object properties again and you can add a little bit of swivel so we'll start at our 10th keyframe we're going to do it across the z-axis here at our 10th frame we're going to go ahead and just click the keyframe button to start it at zero move to 50 where this stops and let's go ahead and make that 90 degree turn and click the keyframe to activate it so now if we press play we've created this camera swivel all right so you press play and once this transition ends you're just looking at this it just looks like a bunch of blocks so let's click off our camera view here what we're going to do is create a new cube so again making sure you're in object mode shift a let's go to mesh and add another cube let's click s and scale this up about the same size as our other guy and then let's grab this move tool here and let's grab this green axis and back that up so this is kind of how i build this 3d world just by adding more objects extruding them again merging them together and then projecting in that same view so if that sounds complicated to you let's take it step by step here's what this looks like in our camera view everything lines up properly you see there's some gap here so you may want to just grab this move it closer but again we're going to be extruding this so you don't want it to bleed over i'm going to go to edit mode again so click the drop down edit mode i'm making sure i'm in face select right clicking and i'm subdividing right clicking i'm subdividing again and let's even right click subdivide again so we're starting from step number one here we're just going to select the faces and extrude a bit so i'm just gonna speed run through here this way is a little bit more complicated but again i think it allows you to continue to build off of the transition and just add a lot more stuff down the road if you want to make longer animations so here's what that looks like let's go to camera view and starting at the beginning you want to make sure that none of these are bleeding into your initial scene object mode it back it up a little bit so that it's not in the scene that's perfect so here's what it looks like without our second image and let's see how it connects to be a full cube again once we get to our second keyframe position so looking great now we need to project onto this the only issue here is we have two different 3d objects that we are trying to project one image onto so instead of having these two as two separate things let's now connect these by merging them together so again in object mode holding down shift to select both of these two little extruded cubes with our mouse over top of the viewport we're gonna click control j to merge those together so now it's just cube number one right here and it may just be projecting this first image onto this cube so we're gonna fix that so in our camera view here and here's what this looks like let's drag into second position now in second position let's go up to the top left let's go to uv editing mode and we need to make a new material here we're going to select cube one i'm just going to name this so with this selected material properties down here here's the material we made we're going to create a new one so click this plus we're going to click new name this second image let's name this first image on second image we're going to go and change the surface again to diffuse click the yellow dot next to color change that to an image texture click open and let's load in our second screenshot we saved so in projection transition transition frame number two open that image so nothing changed so what we need to do is again holding shift select all of these faces and they may be a little bit smaller here because we've been extruding doing all that good stuff so make sure you zoom in and you really select all these little subdivided parts here it's a little bit annoying again but this is what you got to do once you've selected all those let's click second image let's click assign and we're going to click u on our keyboard again and then we're going to click project from view and there you go now you've projected our second image onto our second view so what we're gonna do let's click back into our layout tab and here's what that looks like and this is where you can start seeing the results looking really cool and that's how we can transform from one image into the next now if you see any issues here like for example there's this little part here which just isn't correct you can see it's still kind of left over from the last you're seeing that click over to our uv editing tab once more find the area in question so it's right there just a really tiny part of the subdivision select it again click your second image under your material properties assign it click you and project from view so that's how you can fix any little issues that may be bleeding through just using those steps over and over so that's essentially everything you need to do to get started in this tutorial from there you just keep creating keyframes keep repeating those steps keep building upon it so for those of you who are just trying to get basic understanding of this this may be enough for you we're going to go ahead and we're going to render this out bring it back into our video editing software and then just piece those together so you can see how it works that'll finalize the basic tutorial included in this once i show you that i want to come back in here and i want to show you some crazy customization stuff some different things that you can do to add different effects going on here at different 3d elements you'll see on my right here there's a start and end point for your timeline so before we go and we render this out uh if you see if i click to my render viewport shading this is what it looks like not a lot of light going on in here so in my object mode i'm gonna click shift a i'm gonna go to light i'm gonna add a little sun that'll give me a bit more light see in my camera view this is very dark here let's just click on this little green ball the object data properties for our sun bump up the strength let's maybe change around the angle and try and smooth these out again making sure you're checking what that's looking like now we're ready to render this is about a 70 frame transition so we'll put our endpoint to 70. what you can do from here in the top there's this little plus sign click that we're going to go to video editing and we're going to go to rendering we can click output properties here kind of looks like the printer printing something out there's this little output tab so open that up we're going to go and change file formats to ffmpeg video and this is how you can just render a video straight out of blender which is an awesome feature i wish cinema 4d and other stuff had this so we're going to open up encoding we're going to you can click these little dots right here and let's just go to this preset h264 in mp4 so we're just going to export out an mp4 we're going to go to output quality i'll put that on lossless so best possible results here of course change your output here so click this little folder you want to find where you want to save this so in my folder i'll name this tutorial render one and click accept and then you just go up to render and you render the animation easy as that we can export this as an mp4 straight from blender and then we're gonna bring that back into premiere we'll set everything up and then we're going to hop back in and start our advanced customizing first what's called tutorial render drag that into our project bin so once we put that on our marker it should be lined up and here's what that looks like you can see so again you have this gray background that's kind of there for our transition there's two ways where you can combat this way number one is you can just take everything so select it all right click nest it and whenever it gets to this gray part you can just scale it up so you're not really seeing any of that so it should look like that or the second way is in blender whenever we're setting this up in an object mode just ctrl c ctrl v to duplicate this and then with your move tool you could just move it down and then even scale it up and just position it in a way where it covers up the background so that way when i drag a little bit all you're seeing in those edges are just the same color from our projected images another thing you guys can do in your camera you can go to object data properties and where you're seeing orthographic scale you can scale it in like that just to make sure you're not seeing any of those edges just keep in mind that if you are trying to make that looping animation where the footage starts again after this you're going to have to compensate for your scaling that you did in blender so you could re-render do that but anyways let's set it up so it starts right where we want it to so once this image connects control k and delete the excess of the clip and our next frame starts about here we don't need any of this let's grab this clip let's move it back so now what will happen we've created this seamless little transition where it starts on that frame is on our second frame and then continues playing out just like that and that's the main basis of how to create the transition so that's how you can get it to go from being normal footage transition in that 3d perspective play out and then you just keep repeating those steps where you take a screenshot you create the transition and you keep going all right guys so to create longer animations or transitions literally just rewind the video and repeat the steps that i showed you i sped this up because i was just repeating the steps the only other thing i'm doing different in this segment i'm creating different camera movements so instead of rotating 90 degrees on the y-axis the next animation i'll rotate 90 degrees on the x-axis that's how i'm able to get all these different camera angles that i'm switching in and out to as our animation progresses so there's one last thing i want to show you in blender it's one more customization thing so if we click off our camera view here this is the crazy little 3d uh world of cubes that we've been creating and projecting onto the only thing that's actually moving in the scene is the camera here everything else is static it doesn't have to be like that you can actually add some extrusion keyframes onto these different squares here these subdivisions and have them moving doing different things in the scene which will make it a lot more interactive now technically you can frame an extrusion we're gonna have to use something called shape keys so let's go ahead and set that up now so let's start off by adding in these shape keys we're gonna go into object mode so make sure this drop down menu says object mode select our giant crazy mess here and we're gonna go over to our object data properties to click this green triangle on the right we're going to go and click to add a shape key this is going to be our basis for the shape then we're going to add another one this is going to be what we're changing in the scene so we can even double click rename that too so now what we're going to do is we're going to switch into edit mode in edit mode we're going to go ahead and grab some cubes that we want to be moving up and down so i'll click on this one i'll click e and i'll just move it up and don't worry it's going to go back to normal once we want it to we're just going to we're pretty much just setting the total height that we want it to go up to also do it with our character here we have him move up a bit so once you've done that let's go back into object mode and you'll see how everything sets back to normal so once we go into edit mode once we've added those shape keys we're essentially just making any changes that we want to create keyframes for so now what you can do is you can grab this value here and if you just crank that up you're gonna see how it's gonna move our extrusion up and down allows us now to keyframe these in certain positions so let's go into our camera view here and let's find a good spot where we can do this so maybe at this point when we start transforming we want to see our shape keys moving up so we'll go ahead and keyframe our value at this position so right next to value this little dot click it to make a keyframe and now let's maybe crank these up and again we grouped these all together if you wanted to have separate things moving in different ways you could just keep making more shape keys that way they're not all doing this the exact same thing you want you can have a little bit more randomization but this shows you the basis of what you can do with it let's bump these guys up make a keyframe and then let's get closer to where we're gonna be here and you'll see if we don't set it back to zero it's just gonna be all messed up so let's set it back up to zero here enter add that keyframe for any reason if for any reason these shape keys are in the way in edit mode just click over here on your object data properties again and just select the basis shape key so you can look at it in your normal mode and you'll see now we've created a keyframe where they're stretching out and then as we get closer to the end part they're going back to normal and connecting like we want so that's just a cool little trick so i think that should give you guys all the tools you need to really start getting into creating things like this creating these 3d environments you can click your plus go to video editing and rendering i've already got mine saved here so i'll go to rendering here back in our video editing software in adobe premiere i'm going to drag in i'm going to drag in tutorial render 2 that's what we just got from blender so you'll see we forgot to change this last texture here to be the end of our little walk cycle so let's just take one more screenshot this will be very easy to fix so we'll export this frame transition frame four i'll just quickly change this image and then re-render it out so we're gonna go to our uv editing so i think the best way to think of this these images are interchangeable but the project file containing all the different camera movements and the transitions can stay the same so you can easily swap out these images in seconds just by going to uv editing go to object properties go to edit mode and just select here make sure you're looking at your material properties here this little red sphere now you may think you may need to make a new material every time but you could always just scroll down here click this little folder you can just swap in a different image so if i just clicked frame 10 open image there you go you don't even have to do all the selections again click you in projective view it should already be projected to view so please don't waste time making all these new materials selecting them all projecting them all again really what you need are the different camera movements for the transitions so you could always save this project file and whenever you want to use one of these different transitions that you've made you could just swap in different images second thing that you need to know instead of having to re-render this entire thing every time say you want to just use one of these transitions like going from here to here what you would do was you would change this image let's go ahead and change this image to what we want it to be so we'll go back to uv editing mode find whatever material you need to swap out go ahead and again scroll down change it to whatever you want this looks perfect and back into layout so now we've changed both of the images here as you can see and let's go ahead and just render out this one segment because we're going to be cutting it up in our video editing software anyway so to do that whenever you click up in the top right whenever you go to render out your animation in your output properties here just go to dimensions and where it says frame start just make sure you know the set just make sure you know the section that you need to render out so if we go to layout mine was from frame 60 to frame 100 so i could just set that frame start 60 and 100 whenever i name this and render it out it'll just be that one section i can grab it and plop it right into premiere there you go now we have adjusted so here's the full playthrough of this effect number one and number two also another reminder you can always add post work onto this in adobe premiere adobe after effects just look through my channel find a bunch of different cool tutorials that you can mix and match with this you can also pick up some of my presets for premiere to add into this transition so i'm going to apply this glitch wave right effect and now as you can see just adding in a little bit of sauce onto there a little bit of shake so again just by using the power of some of those presets or some other editing techniques you guys may have up your sleeve you can really pimp this thing out as always guys leave a like if you did enjoy thank you so much for watching thank you so much for supporting and i'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Max Novak
Views: 73,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, projection mapping, transition, adobe, premiere, after effects, max novak, tutorial, alfie dwyer, ze.zima, animations, loops, 3d, c4d, octane, evee, trippy, psychedelic, deem dream, asap rocky, l$d, music video, adult swim, rick and morty, eric andre, instagram, how to, blender guru, uv mapping, cg matter, pwnisher, ian hubert, lazy tutorial, learn blender, vfx
Id: 3yJuTdFgrME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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