Create Fantasy Maps with AI (Free and Easy) - Stable Diffusion + Photoshop Tutorial 2022

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hey welcome back I'm Albert and today I'm going to show you something really fun to do in stable diffusion namely make maps like this you can do anything you want anything your imagination comes up with I did something piratey today some islands in the ocean but you can use this method to make fantasy maps for um DND rounds for example or if you're writing a fantasy novel with this method you can do pretty much anything you set your mind to so without further Ado I'm going to show you exactly how that's done have fun now of course you're going to need an installation of stable diffusion I'm running it locally on my RTX 2070 super graphics card but you can also use one of the many online services like dream Studio whatever works for you because what I'm explaining here will work in any version of stable diffusion for a couple options just click the link in the description and find what works best now the most important part for making Maps is actually the prompt so slight variations in the prompt I found will give you drastically different results and I've figured out some tips that could work well for you now I'm just going to start entering those so um fantasy I guess because fantasy books and such have a lot of maps works well so I'm going to start with fantasy then parchment gives the background paper a really nice parchment texture right like a good beige color and aging so I put that in and next I'm going to enter map now sometimes even though I've entered map my results weren't Maps so I've decided to put that into parentheses and in my UI I can set in the settings that I want that to make the results more pronounced to pay more attention to that so if I check this checkbox use text and parentheses to make model pay more attention to text right that's going to work and brackets to make it pay less mention that's why there's a big difference there so once we've done that we enter what we want so today I want like a nice priority map of islands and ocean so I'm going to enter islands and I found that the word magical actually makes them nicer like a little more mystical a little more funky so I'm going to do magical Islands but if you want something else you can change that to wooded forest and trees or desert or mountain range right and next I want it to look kind of you know high quality so I'm going to do elegant and I want oceans right I want waves so I'm going to do ocean sea waves and now just some more description right cartography helps it look like a map it's going to tell the AI to release search its database for for maps and stuff make it vintage get the Aging better now for good shading I found that cross hatch works well right so cross hatch um is a type of it is a brand so if I do cross hatch shading it gives me this style that I like from old Maps right so that's what I wanted with that word and just because I'm doing a pirate map specifically I'm going to do seafaring and um pirate ships and now what we can also add is something like navigation right if we want that just give it more just scream map added until it understands now if you just click generate on this there is a pretty high chance that you would get a world map with a recognizable continents we don't want that right we don't want a new map of some magical Islands or whatever now if we're not using image to image and giving it the look of the map we want I'm going to show you that later we need to discourage it from using real maps and just you know drawing us the world again so that's what the negative prompt is for and I found that just entering that could help right just the continents America Europe Africa Asia Australia just tell it to stray away from any real maps and a lot of maps obviously have Wards which um AI image generators famously are not good at so I've also entered words text we don't want to frame around it either we don't want it hanging on a wall right So that obviously doesn't help all the time because it doesn't really know what words are but it does discourage it a tiny bit I've noticed and if we want you can also add like photographs so we don't have any photos or anything realistic in there we don't want to render that kind of thing now sampling steps 20 is good for gauging if our prompt is working well so we can leave it at that at first turn up the batch count a little bit and the sampling method Euler a is just fine we can stick with that and click generate all right so these are already some pretty great results we see some islands and ocean a totally messed up Compass these are pretty cool right so we are getting what we want they're not quite as colorful as I want so maybe we can change something in the prompt a little bit for that you know just adjust until you um you see what you like what I can also do right is just add some colorful into the prompt that might make it like a little too Whimsical we will see and just remove some stuff maybe from this so render for example could remove some colors we don't really need to detract it from that and just run it again maybe with higher sampling steps because it is already pretty close to what we want let's go 50. and see the colorful did actually work it didn't make it too colorful we have some pretty nice Islands here there are some ship rocks in here I suppose that's what the pirate ships did but all in all it's a pretty cool look I like the mountains I like all this this is a pretty neat one it has a lot of decoration here which is kind of neat if we could discern what it's supposed to be this one's more classic and this one has inverted the ocean and Islands which is always fun when that happens so this one is actually um the most detailed and I actually like this this decorative coat of arms here so if we could work on that that's kind of nice and um what I'm going to do now is I'm just gonna pick one of these and clean it up in image to image so let's take this prompt copy it and send to image to image or do it manually depending on what installation you have just put that in there and I just want some variations of this you know maybe we can make the islands more pronounced see what happens turn up the sampling steps to 50 again and just give me six different options of that the denoising strength I'm going to turn down a little because I do like the look of this a lot to 0.5 really really cool so now we have plenty of options to choose from this one doesn't really have very defined Islands so I don't love that this one is I like the Rocks some of the rocks are cool I'm going to take some of these rocks and um that's a cool idea that it turned that a coat of arms into a ship otherwise I just like the little boats so that's that's pretty cool that one's not not strong this coat of arms is really neat I don't know what it is but it's it has like it's like solid wood and whatever this is is also pretty neat so I'm going to mix a couple of these in Photoshop and try to get more detail out of those islands because after all it is a map you know we do want to have some islands in there so we open Photoshop make a file it's 512 by 512. you know the same size as these images we're just gonna zoom in a little bit and copy them out so first of all I I'm looking for a good frame generally what do I like out of these as a frame now this one is an actual frame this one has a nice look yeah okay I'm going to take this one for the frame General background right and the first thing I'm going to do is actually uh deal this Frame for the bottom as well so we have a nice Square just select that copy it and bring it down here we don't have to think too much after all it will be sent through stable again and I'm just gonna make a mask with this button and draw some black on it you know just mesh it melt it um mix it with the rest that's kind of cool and for the next one this doesn't have to be Photoshop but Photoshop has a couple tools that I like I'm going to select these parts that I'm gonna remove with a really neat AI feature that's built into Photoshop you can also do it with a clone tool because I'm just going to remove these right so I'm going to go to edit content aware fill I mean I asked you in a poll recently and 50 of you said you were using Photoshop so I feel safe enough using these tools you know it's rough but we don't need much more the rest is going to be fixed up pretty soon okay cool now we have a decent frame here next I'm going to steal a couple ships from here and the island is actually quite defined it's more defined than here so I'm going to copy that and paste it over top here again make a mask and this time I'm going to invert the mask Right image adjustments invert or just Ctrl I and we're going to paint white over it with a soft brush right turn the hardness way down so it's nice and mixed with the rest I think we may have to adjust the colors of this though because the ocean is a little Bluer in the other one oh there's a ship right there so that's pretty cool um yeah it doesn't really look like a don't love it so I'm gonna actually leave the rest of the island there and um I'm going to turn this opacity down a little oh actually you know what I'm going to paste it in again just to see what's there turn the opacity down so I'm going to want one of these ships there we go okay there's a boat that's kind of cool let's see where else are there boats I think we're good on the boats one nice little boat there that's nice okay and the rest of the islands see if those are any good yeah you know a couple rocks don't love that so those are fine now the next items the cool coat of arms actually that's another one oh what do we have now that's a mess we don't want that so um that one's kind of gamey I like that actually I'm going to take this one okay copy that one paste that in here and same procedure I don't like any of the rest really except maybe that so I'm going to mask it invert the mask Ctrl I and paint White over the coat of arms it's pretty cool what's that in the corner I have no idea that is a mess I don't like it good and let's see if any of them have a cool option for whatever object that is up there now despite some of these being cool this one has like a hand-drawn and Illustrated text which if obviously we can't read because it isn't really a text and I can't really fix that so I'm going to take this one which looks like we could also just write something in it with a normal font later so that one's actually in one that we already have so I'm just going to duplicate that we already have that copy in here so I'm going to give that a mask invert the mask and draw white in there cool okay that's pretty cool um and now I want to actually change the islands completely because they look a little weird I want to draw more Islands on here so I'm just going to make a new layer select the color of this island and now here's a neat trick right so if I want to change how the islands look I can really just draw them in make sure you use a hard brush let's do a hundred there and I want to just change the course of these islands make a bigger island here nice little Cove so obviously that looks terrible but it's going to be fixed by stable diffusion in just a second with this trick so I'm going to right click go to blending options activate stroke and then pick the color that in the rest of the map gives it a rim and now make it the same size so around one right and now that way stable will have an easier job recognizing it as what we want to be an island of course not quite there's one more step so we're going to make another layer over that just fill it with the color black just a true black and now we're going to do filter noise add noise and just give it color noise at around this level like 35 should be fine next you can make that overlay or screen or whatever let's do screen then hold alt and click on the layer so it's just on the island we just made right now play around with the blending mode a little so it just looks like you know your island with noise on it I would suggest screen you could also do overlay except that would make it a little too orange so screen is good you can just tell that there's noise on it and if you want you know you can add some more details if you have an imagination of where the Rocks could be and just try to suggest those here so if I want like a couple of these rocks that are here just on here on here maybe maybe a little mountain range of course we have no guarantee that this will actually show up where we're putting it but you know just make give it an easier time of recognizing that that's where we want an island to be good so that's that step and what we do now is we're going to save a copy of this make a folder called iterations because this will be several name it one save it as a jpeg now we're going to reimport that into stable use the same exact prompt same sampling steps same settings generally turn down the denoising strength to maybe 40 or even lower let's do 35 and generate and you can tell it did recognize that we wanted this to be an island of course it could use some more help but generally our mix worked really well I mean look at that style that is that is really cool it understood the frame pretty much all the stuff we wanted actually happened you can't tell that we content aware filled this away so I'd say that's a that's a success now let's keep going so now we're going to pick the one we like best and maybe some elements from the others just like we did I really like the illustration Style on this it's not you know as crisp as the rest it looks more real this one has a similar style so that's pretty neat this one's a little too simplistic and it kind of split apart our Island into different little Islands so don't love that and this one's just a worse version of the rest so I think pretty clearly this is our winner I'm going to copy that and of course we'll get around to fixing that island but generally we put that on top and it's 100 better than what we had previously right it's just great it did lose our little boat here so I am going to keep that I'm going to mask it and um later when we're refining individual Parts I can bring that boat back and make it more clear otherwise it did kind of lose that little green Island here so we can also remove that that's nice it might disappear again to the next step I don't know but otherwise um we can remove this quite easily you know just pick this copy go really quick and dirty that's what I love about this process you can just be so so flippant about what you do so transform flip horizontal see that joke I accidentally just made flip vertical go in there you know maybe just stretch it a little bit nobody cares and you know just mask away the corners make them nice and smooth now beware hard edges like this you really need to make sure your smoothing is good because um it will show up it's very sensitive stable diffusion is with hard edges like that but otherwise you know that's that's just fine and now we save this and we can go into details bring it back in and now we can you know turn the denoising strength down a little right just to 20 or possibly even lower only just to bring everything together and you can turn up the sampling steps you know just get some more detail in there like let's do 80 and a denoising strength of two and you can see of course it immediately fixed the frame it did add weird flowers to this little coat of arms so that's interesting it's a little Banner that's kind of fun I like that but every time because we set the denosing strength so low to point two it left the boat and it just fixed the the shading around it because it was a different color so that's pretty cool every time it's a boat that's just kind of a triangle but the Rocks up here are pretty good and this looks more threatening so I kind of like that now what I'm still not getting which we'll fix in the next step is this island that's um just not looking like the other Island so I'm not quite sure what we're gonna do about that but we'll see but otherwise this is pretty neat now I'm going to take this one which has the best paper and copy that just paste it right over quick and dirty you can also see it has a little more detail because we raise the steps it's like a little more clear everything it's kind of cool and um get that neat coat of arms that we had at the very end with the Rocks up there right the Rocks up there will fix um this problem so we're going to mask that invert the mask and just paint white on there just added some rocks so that's cool just going to use that to fix the corner and see a little bit if we can kind of make that more clear what's going on up there that's pretty cool now otherwise I think we're good I can see if this is any better yeah I like that more it has more definition the boat is also a little better I enjoy that and let's see if the island is any better it's just different okay that's good this island also has a little bit more rocks and details so I like that except for up there that's good generally good make the Rocks a little more pointy that's pretty cool and add some shading and detail there I like that Green Island there and those rocks are just fine cool and now we're going to iterate the island now what I'm thinking is if we can trick it to understand that this is really the exact same thing we can solve our issue so the way I'm going to do that is I am going to select our Island and select a little bit of this pattern here and try to paste that pattern Define this as a pattern in Photoshop and put it over the island let's see if I can even select our Island so in Photoshop I'm going to use the object selection tool if you don't have this you can select it any other way you want of course no problem there it just might take a little longer so I'm going to do object selection and just select this here another AI tool by the way so everybody complaining that AI is so new and it's going to wreck everything Photoshop has integrated AI tools all the time there's really no issue and see it's excellent so what we don't need of course is this stuff just going to remove that and this rock here and otherwise we have an excellent Island selected I'm just gonna you know make a new layer and uh mask it with this so that way we we have it saved somewhere right and now I'm going to select a small part of this island and see what we have so I'll just select a little square and then edit Define pattern go ok and now I'm going to paste that pattern so where we have the patterns is up here in Photoshop and you can see I have this here so now the pattern fill actually I did it over there I'm going to deselect right and now pattern fill in here and you know it's repetitive but it kind of gives stable the right little hint so I'm hoping that the repetitiveness won't really um happen in stable it'll just recognize okay I'm trying to get that same pattern there it really is a lot like I don't know praying praying to the AI Gods but usually my gut instincts have been right so next I'm going to just copy a couple elements with the Clone tool make sure you're sampling all layers I just want you know a little rock like this over here and rock like this over here maybe something like this on the coast over here and um just some more details you know something like this and maybe actually I want some ocean in there as well so it's not too late if you set the hardness up I can actually get some ocean in there if I just you know I'm just careful about it so you know just a little pond in there perhaps now I hope that wasn't a mistake actually if I do this on a new layer it can be a little more secure about it and do the same trick we had earlier right with the stroke so I'm going to give this a stroke which is the exact color of this Coast here and already I'm trusting a little more okay good so let's save this as another iteration and I'm thinking this will be our final iteration before I upscale let's hope and same settings as before maybe maybe a little higher because we're really mostly just going for the the island and I can already crop because I like the rest I'm really just going to crop hold shift while you're scaling down oops I'll shift while you're scaling down and just select your Island very cool this is pretty much what I'd hoped for now what I really like is that two of the options gave me a little Greenery so this one has some trees which I love it did turn this into a boat but you know I don't really mind that's okay in a big black rock that's a significant element on a map so that's pretty cool and it totally totally understood that I wanted a lake there so I I um I respect that now here this does possibly fit the style a little bit better so I don't know if that's something I want but I'm gonna go for the one I like first just from a gut feeling these trees I'm just going to copy and paste that and make sure it's the top layer turn the opacity down a little bit and as usual you know just do the classic thing now some of you may be thinking hey but Albert there are some plugins that work directly in Photoshop I haven't actually um found one that works locally well enough on my system and I really do like the control I have in here you know I'm I'm a guy of habit too so I might just totally be wrong about this but just the copying and really setting all these settings in here and then consciously picking something bringing it into Photoshop right I have all my options here and then just masking I don't really think a Photoshop plugin quite as they are now will save me a ton of time while also keeping that creativity that I like about it so not quite there yet but if you know of something that um doesn't have any of the issues I just talked about let me know of course I I want to try this out so we've brought it in I'm just gonna mask that real quick and it's promising you know I I like that I uh I do like the little boat down there it did change this island significantly so I think we're gonna have to remove that out of there but generally I'm pretty happy with that now it is a little softer somehow so I'm going to try to adjust maybe the colors a little bit just give it some curves or actually um the curves here and I'm gonna go for color so I'm going to set my curves this is a good little trick to adjust color to match something set it to one color go to channels set it to that color as well and now you see it in black and white and you can tell you know my my uh colors are a little different make sure your curves are just on the thing you want to edit and you can tell I just try to match it color by color go to green now it's a little brighter so I try to bring the contrast down these are just tiny little edits right I don't want to change it too much and blue you know it's a little crisper the other ones so I'm just going to try to up that contrast a little bit make it match now I hope it did something yes yes it did it's gonna try to adjust it a little by eye now and I'm just going to paint a little closer to the island to make sure my ocean still matches right there's a lot of ocean from this new island that just lost a little bit of clarity so I'm gonna go a little closer to it now one more important thing obviously this text is complete nonsense and AIS can't fix it so we're going to remove that and replace it with some actual text and you know I'm just going to remove these weird little swirls I don't love those so in a next step I like it as it is I'm gonna flatten this image right so I'm just going to bring everything together so I select all my layers merge layers and now I can do the next step so you know to remove these swirls I can just clone stamp over them make sure I have a softer brush than the one I've been using it's pretty easy I just kind of select a spot go over there go over there over there occasionally pick a new spot real easy I don't know what it tried stylistically there but did not work now of course I'm going to have to remove the text I'm going to use a mixture of Clone stamp and content aware fill to do that and you've seen me do that right so it's quite simple I'm going to use clone stamp for this just like I did with the swirls so that text is gone there's some text over here that says something like par Das I have no idea what that is don't need it just carefully pick the right color yep now this one this one's kind of annoying because um it kind of lightened the water as well it's like written it's like painted into it so I don't love that we might have to iterate again over that now these I might use content to wear fill so I just select that as closely to the text as possible because I do like the different shading right I do appreciate that that is a little lighter where the text is I just can't read the text because it's complete gibberish that should be fine because it's gonna upscale with AI anyway that's decent decent enough now this one same difference now these turned out pretty badly I'm going to blur this layer actually and paint over it completely so that didn't quite work out I'm just going to select this color here and um paint right over it and give it some noise again with the same tricks so I'm just going to fill it with black add some noise screen and place it over there and that's a good color right there excellent so now we're completely text free and now we're going to put this through an upscaler that should also solve the rest of the problems that we have so I'm just going to save it again has iteration number four very few iterations for work like this usually so that's pretty cool and now we're going to go into extras so I am using the real ESR again to upscale this if you don't have it in your installation you can just find a different option to to upscale right there are plenty of even online AI upscalers that should do what this does so I'm going to resize it to the max like or around four this should be pretty quick and there we go now it's a little crispy but uh it's it's good for our next steps so we're going to make a new file that is four times as large so 20 48 by 2048 paste it in there excellent so now we're going to save this as our next iteration of course this image is going to be much bigger no problem no difference really and we're gonna go through it piece by piece to fix these uh artifacts that got a little weird these uh like the coat of arms and everything so we're going to bring that in here crop it as we learned and now we're going to adjust the prompt this is going to be a little difficult but because we have to describe what this is so I've been calling it a coat of arms and that should work because we just have to roughly describe it right we're going to put the denoising strength low enough that it shouldn't change it too much so fantasy parchment should be fine the fantasy parchment coat of arms let's do Royal coat of arms cut wood just kind of describe what it is cross hatch shading let's do hand drawn or a hand drawing of a fantasy coat of arms and leave words text frame and photograph we don't need the continents anymore that's not relevant and just see what happens wow I was actually not expecting it to do quite as well um it pretty much fixed exactly what we wanted so before if we look here it was kind of just a mess of different stuff right so like we don't know what this is it's just kind of weird and now it has clear carvings in it it looks more like wood but that's because I told it to and I like that this is still kind of a mess that one's cool that one's a mess that one's okay but it looks a little childish it's too simple and that one's also just a different look but I actually prefer this one this is um the most clear this is the most like something that someone would actually paint so we're going to copy that paste it in here and put it over adjust the size and that's the good part if we um you know send parts of an image through stable it's going to come out in a in a good resolution right this is 512 by 512 pixels so it comes out in the upscaled resolution already so the resolution we had for the whole image is now just for parts of it which it was obviously before too but um we didn't do very very many parts so this is the final little step here and now as usual we mask and just kind of roughly paint around it so the ocean texture is actually pretty neat too but I think in the rest of the image the ocean is fine we're not gonna go through that again step by step let's remove this little weirdness that it loves putting in there and then we pick out some other parts that didn't get upscaled so well because generally it looks okay depending on how much time we want to spend with this we can of course go through it step by step do every single Rock if we feel like it right but next I'm going to do this thing and I think we might be able to get away with using the same exact prompt because it is also kind of a coat of arms right I think if we just leave that it should be fine well current of arms let's um see if we can give it some more detail I mean there's like green stuff on it that doesn't make sense yet but it would be kind of cool if this was like I don't know if I'm I'm making a map from some kind of fantasy Empire that is exploring a tropical area then they might decorate their um their map title which is what I'm imagining here with some leaves or stuff right so I can do um coat of arms with leaves and fruit right let's let's see what happens if I do that do you know I can strike that point four was perfect just perfect and again wow Stables on point today this is really cool so I actually got my fruit here it did recognize some fruit in these rounded Corners here um got some leaves here I like that they don't look very tropical there's some fruit here generally this is really cool um it still looks a little I don't know if I love it quite yet I'm gonna run it through again but I'm gonna pick my favorite from these so let's do this one and do with leaves and not grapes here let's do um pomegranates with orchid leaves and pomegranates and flowers and see what happens that didn't work because it didn't see any pomegranates right it makes sense so I'm kind of bent on the fruit now so if you'll bear with me I'm going to copy this original image make a new Photoshop file perfect paste that in there and I'm going to draw some pomegranates in here where I want them so you know really just very basic I just pick a color color is kind of important right because it doesn't handle color changes in image to image too well and I'm going to put just some some pomegranates and fruit here make sure it's on a different layer because then you can do a little trick that I'm about to show you that's good and some orchid leaves so I'm just gonna go a little like light purple here do another layer and just put a couple flowers in there make it a little less symmetric too you know it's good and now if I put some blending options onto this these layers you know I can make them a little more 3D you know just some bevel and emboss just a little bit to give it something to work with because it really does need a little shading to work with usually give it some tip these are round so I'm gonna make sure to bevel them like this and again you know just give it some noise Make some noise put these in a folder make sure the noise is just on them screen it let me turn down the screen a little bit good okay now we're going to open another iteration folder because I'm so obsessed with pomegranate suddenly and call this uh just the title board let's do that okay put that in here and now it should do it if I turn up the denoising thing to instead of 0.5 give it a little more freedom or kids not leaves with leaves and orchids pomegranates and flowers a lot of ands in there probably not the best idea but it'll it'll do its job I trust stable don't you love it when you do something really hacky and it works that's that's really neat I think it has a little too much freedom so I'm gonna run it through again but generally we're almost almost where I want it to be so I'm going to change pomegranates to fruits leaves orchids and fruits and flowers and then we'll go on to the next and so many great options to choose from everyone was better than the last so this is cool this is cool which one fits our style the best this is kind of fruity the the flowers lost a little bit so this one has an actual frame that's kind of cool this one has good shading I'm going to take this one and just run it through again for a little bit more detail denoising strength is is good where it is maybe turn it down a little so it doesn't change too much yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I think I'm gonna take these because the flowers are better this one here paste it in and then put some wood back because it messed up the metal so we go to our original map to stop messing about with pomegranates and um put that in there as per usual we mask make sure to make it soft because I did change that it did lose a lot of the ocean and the background because I didn't you know I focused my prompt on something else entirely so make sure you really cut it out well it does look very um clean now so I don't love that the style is pretty different I think we're going to do some post processing on this whole thing in the end really you know age it up again and as I said I'm going to bring this back now it's funny if you think about it because if someone Illustrated this they wouldn't you know make the wood look a little broken I think tell me tell me I'm wrong if you're a cartographer but um I don't know that's that's very much a a stable invention there I think but okay good now some final things I think I am gonna clean up this a little bit it did um the islands I mean did make those a little rough so I'm going to go back in here bring up an old Island my big one here crop n now it's going to be kind of tricky to do parts of it right because I want the island to look like one piece so I have to pick my prompts carefully um make sure it looks close enough to the old one so I'm going to go into my my output folder here or actually look at my old video huh um and and get my old prompt back so we do fantasy parchment map of magical islands and then it actually cut off a little bit at the end seafaring I think I had pirate ships um and colorful I remember we did that and this was just the old continents that really doesn't matter except like I can leave I can leave the negative prompt I had in there that's okay now let's do magical Islands that's fine turn down the denoising strength 0.3 might be a little too much actually let's do 25. and just magical Islands with rocks so it doesn't mess up my rocks pirate chips is in there okay let's see what happens okay pretty cool it actually um made the ship a little better too in most of these so I'm gonna go for land right now I'm looking for good land this is a really sad little island if you think about it doesn't have very much Greenery so let's pick the one with the most interesting Terrain this one has a couple interesting rocks up there and The Rock looks really good so I'm going to take this one and take a ship from elsewhere did it change my Island too much No No it didn't stable is is loyal skit leave that little part up there that's pretty cool yeah and see now it's much higher definition if you compare it to up there you know it looks much better and now I'm going to find my little boat I'm gonna do that in a separate step let's do the islands first just going to move it up do the same thing okay now it's important we don't switch up styles so let's find something that looks similar to this kind of bushy little bushes um if it did anything like that yeah kind of this actually that one's good too yeah this is the this is the one that's closest so I think we're best off you know for our our general image General quality of image to um stick with that and you know align it mask if you click alt on your mask you can see how it looks or alt click rather if you alt click your mask it's pretty good the ship is a little better now of course this is all a cartographer's total nightmare because a map would never be this um imprecise if you think about it so this is only for Fantasy purposes please don't try to make any actual maps with this technique maybe for a kid's birthday party let's do that which is actually a really cool use case imagine if um if you're your parent or Guardian made you a map of your home like this if you have a little yard or something and they use this technique to map it all out and make it look like a pirate pirate map I would love that imagine okay again we look for the bushy bushes that's pretty cool let's do this there's some kind of interesting Ridge or river here that's pretty neat put this here it's funny how my technique really is a lot of just pattern matching just looking at images and trying to figure out where they belong kindergarten trained me well okay and again happy little masks paint that over get back that good crispy ocean that we got from upscaling and things still a little off I think I may have stretched it a little bit or something I don't know What's Happening Here interesting yeah just made my edge here a little um funky but otherwise I'm just going to bring back my little ocean here make sure the ocean remains nicely colored okay and now just this little area here and up here cool now it really uh made it even more Barren this poor poor island that's kind of cool though like I can I can label this rock and make it something significant there's letters in there I told you not to use words there's a little river I like this one this is the coolest the Ocean looks a little different though let's copy this one and see what happens see just compare it to what we had earlier you know it does give it a little bit of perspective but you know old-time cartographers didn't really care all that much about perspective they also had some artistic Merit unlike today's silly precise cartographers so um I appreciate that it gives it a little more Dynamic feel don't mind that at all and just mask it and now you see that the the island kind of goes that way so that's really cool now what do I do I am going to make this boat more clear because I really like it there it just um you know doesn't look clearly like a boat enough for me so I'm going to save this actually so I use the right image I'm gonna do six still only six iterations so that's really cool I'm gonna give it some more freedom um fantasy parchment map okay parchment illustration of a magical pirate ship in the ocean pirate ship in the ocean pirate sailing ship in the ocean sea waves cartography across Edge seafaring colorful okay good and let's give that some more detail you know Islands can get away with lower sampling but this is this is this is important I want this and the denoising strength you know go nuts stable um I like the direction but otherwise you know make make a cool sailboat I don't care now this one is cool that's the most pirate chippy of it but this one fits the style most I think this is the easiest to integrate so let's see if I can actually integrate this or if it looks too different I think I think we're in luck so let's do that and mask it in there did make the Rocks weird otherwise that's pretty cool okay that's pretty neat and now let's get on that compass rose I am I wonder where I'm gonna put it honestly there isn't that much space but if we want I can replace this rock here down here with the compass rose the way I'm going to do that though is I'm just gonna um go to text to image put the prompt in leave all that yeah I don't need the contents anymore and fantasy parchment Compass I'm not going to call it a compass rose because stable has problems with like phrases that were words that are comprised of separate words compass on a map on a map okay Let's do let's do 20 sampling steps just to see what it gets us interesting hmm okay well actually gonna go for a different approach I'm gonna go to image to image and actually give it one of our old images so go into your stable diffusion output folder wherever that may be and I'm going to image to image and find one of our old maps with a compass rose in it so actually text damage foreign and steal it right so these older ones have something of a compass rose boy there were some really cool options in there too um that one's kind of cool let's take that one and try to fix it right so I'm gonna take that one where did I want it I wanted that one yeah perfect good even the right corner and talent fantasy parchment compass rose okay yeah see what happens with a denoising strength of 0.5 I like how leaving the colorful made this one colorful there's some cool ones here we're going to fix one find one that kind of matches our style this is a kind of cool one this is a little too clean I think for the for our pirate who made the other ones so I'm going to copy this one put it in here see if it matches yeah kinda kinda you know we're not we're not burning knee here um was a painter too uh so we're gonna do this and select the subject of this in Photoshop or select it however you want and Hope Kinda Yeah okay good so we're going to mask that and put that in the corner here really just filling this map with all kinds of stuff okay and maybe give it a little bit of a drop shadow just a tiny bit make it match the other Shadows right so just to this okay and save this as an iteration you know and just have that integrated in there give it a little space around so you have room to mask and turn down the denoising strength a little we do like we do like our Compass so we don't want it changing around too much approachment compass rose on a map in the ocean okay everything is good nice it really integrated that well into the style I think um did mess up the corners a little bit but you know I'm gonna be happy with this I think yeah let's pick the first one that's kind of the the best one yeah I did the shading so much closer to the original I love that this is really cool I really got the colors and everything you know sometimes it does the colors well and sometimes it doesn't usually it doesn't so I'm always happy when I get what I want from stable just gotta be grateful to the AIS for understanding our wishes today some islands there it's kind of weird good and you know what now I'm just going to do this corner and then I'll be happy to add text and I'm going to show you how to do that there's not much of a trick to it but you just need to know some things parchment map look for little bushes and rocks again here's some rocks that's that's the right style uh even has a little Coastline still okay wonderful that looks good and align it mask do I like the rock more there that's fine it doesn't really matter that rock looks equally great in both iterations I think yeah that's just fine okay good now that we've fixed that I'm gonna add some text here this is this is it for now I'm gonna put a final little aging layer on top in the end but for now let's put some text in and for that I have picked out some fonts for you so I'm going to put the link to those in the description they're both free to use even commercially I think so that's pretty cool if for some reason you'd want to sell a map like this um one of them is a dine kernberg so I'm just gonna um oh it already gave me that huh uh write you some so this is kind of a fancy script font right that's kind of neat I like that I think it matches our map look um very well someone Inked over the illustration that our pirate made or you know a different option is um crimson hold on Crim sorry Chopin Shoppe script and it's this just a little thicker it's kind of similar to the other one so I actually like the thin one I don't want anybody reading my map too much this is mostly decorative so I'm gonna go with this one so what do we call this I I was thinking this this part over here is like the the Royal Court of arms literally so it says like buy order of his majesty so-and-so and up here is the title right so these are um let's say uh the aisles the stable aisles we can just call them the stable aisles stable aisles kind of cool map of the stable aisles let's do map of the stable aisles excellent that's cool that really works and now do um the credit for the Cartographer so created by the Explorer um oh let's uh let's do captain d ues created by the Explorer Captain defuse by the order of his Island Majesty let's do that so you know we keep the colonialism to a minimum minimum we don't know this could be a local leader who ordered this cartography of his Island Majesty we don't name him because it's so obvious it's so obvious who it is because um of their significant achievements excellent and now we can name some areas so let's do that real quick I'm just going to copy my text this is a little Cove here so let's just go I have some some things here well I don't know what a lagoon is but this is the sapphire Lagoon let's um they couldn't really do that huh they couldn't really go for for dark girl I'm gonna need some reference so let's look at some um Maps Old Maps they uh they did just write into there yeah it's a little thicker font so I guess we could switch our font up um go to shopa make it a little thicker and there we go suddenly we can read it excellent this is uh desperation Isle because it's you know it's so just Clinging On My Little thread there so that's why it's called that and of course we need Blackbeard here somewhere Blackbeard's Bay although is this a lagoon this is a lagoon isn't it it's like a little island I'd have no idea um and Blackbeard's Bay is over here that's where he puts all his treasure there's a fly attacking me and at the very bottom just here let's put Canary cape Canary Cape excellent good so you know you can fill this out with anything you want this one seems significant so I would name that somehow and otherwise this is a pretty cool map so on a final little level we could you know edit the colors we could put a little color lookup table here or you know just just do what you would do with a photo right just edit it a little bit you can increase the contrast a little bit you could um so let's put all this in a folder or a smart object even know now that this is a smart object we can add some stuff right we can add a couple of filters you know if we want you know we could do really intense stuff just add like an oil paint filter on top of that which doesn't really make sense so I would just use that first very slight effect just a little um you know to bring everything together I don't want it to look like an oil painting obviously it's a little lighting I think you know adds to the crinkliness of the effect right so so of the paper right it will look like a photo of an actual map which is kind of cool you know unless you're going to print it out that could help the effect but of course do very very very little of this so 2.1 now I can't do that okay point one cleanliness of that you know what I'm going to do I'm going to duplicate this and add the effect to that because then we can control it a little bit you know kind of a large scale if we want you know just play around with some effects like this bristle detail seems to make it more intense so that's kind of cool right you can just turn the opacity down on that if you want just add a little bit you can also mask through it of course you know if you want your text to be more visible turn the opacity down on that of course so you can have the effect still readable you know that really adds a little bit of texture to it makes it look more like a map all kinds of stuff like that and now with the techniques you've learned here you can do all kinds of stuff right so I showed you briefly when I shaped this island how you can make your own Island um shape if you already have a plan if you're like writing a fantasy book or something and know what your land looks like you can just paint that right at the beginning what I would suggest though is that you still start with the text to image generated map because that will give you a general look for the map like I did right then you pick the color of what the land looks like in that generated map and paint it paint your shape into it you know remove whatever land masses you don't like in that generated image because if you start from zero I tried that for you and it's not as good as when you start with um with a pre-made text to image map right so I tried iterating a little bit for that and you know I started with something like this very simple map and it just didn't end up looking like a good map in the end so I'm going to show you what that looks like um here like it it just doesn't have as much detail as what we have here it looks like something like this kind of messed up not really great so with this method I think you'll get further even now if I wanted to have a totally different look I could just you know clone tool away this island and draw a new one in and then go back and iterate through that and make it look like this so I hope you have tons of fun this is really a fun use case of stable diffusion that I haven't seen many others try so um I hope I contributed something today and uh I hope you have tons of fun to make something even better in stable diffusion if you enjoyed this video I would love for you to leave a subscription and like this video comment with suggestions for future videos and um thank you so much for supporting me in the way you already have I've reached almost seven and a half thousand subscribers in just a couple weeks so I'm super super grateful for that I'm Albert bosazan and I hope to see you next time
Channel: Albert Bozesan
Views: 25,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai art, concept art, stable diffusion, midjourney, dalle, open source, artifical intelligence, fantasy, pirate, sea of thieves, maps, cartography, DND
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 10sec (3910 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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