Create Email Optin Subscribe Forms - Bloom Tutorial 2022

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The money is in the list. So let's create our  awesome list with this useful plugin from Elegant   Themes. Hey guys, its the WPress Doctor. If  you just log into your account on Elegant - Here you can download of course the  Divi theme, the builder plugin, the Extra theme   and Monarch and of course Bloom! So you're gonna  press 'download Bloom'. If you don't have a login   from Elegant Themes, you might not have a license.  If you follow the link in the description of this   video. I can get you on with 20% discount. That  is a lot. So let's get started! Login to your   WordPress dashboard. And we are going to add Bloom  to this website. It is my latest YouTube built   for websites you can learn exactly how I created  this. So login to your WordPress dashboard first,   and from your dashboard, you go to 'plugins' ->  'Add new'. We are going to press 'Upload Plugin'   and here you select the file we have  just downloaded from Elegant Themes and press   'Install now'. Now after that we press 'Activate  plugin'. And now Bloom has added a menu   right here. Click on this one. Welcome to Bloom  guys! This is actually a fairly empty screen Am   I right? Yes it is. You can create a new opt in  right here but before we go to create anything,   we need to connect our email marketing  software with Bloom. If you just go up here,   there are a few options. Let's all check  them out real quick. The 'Bloom settings'.   These are the only settings: 'Use Google Fonts'.  That's fine. If you go to this one. It's about   enabling updates. If you have your username and  API key from Elegant Themes in there and it works   and if you go up here you can see your  statistics from Bloom. Well of course we have   nothing yet because we've just installed  it. And if you now go to 'account',   here you could add your account. So we're  going to connect our email marketing software   with Bloom. So press on 'New Account' and select  your email provider you have. With this example   I'm using MailChimp but you can use anything you  have. If you have Get Response then just fill in   your account name and the API key or Active  Campaign or whatever just use what you have.   We're going to connect MailChimp. If you don't  know what this is, you can follow my tutorial   about "How to create a website 2021" and there I  show you exactly how to create a MailChimp email   account. It's completely free. So if you don't  have one, now is the time to start creating one.   And I'm pasting in my API key right there  and I press 'Authorize'. There is a list in   my MailChimp account its called WPress Doctor.  This is great. Now we have connected our email   provider with Bloom. Congratulations! The first  step has been taken. Let's click on this icon   and press 'New update'. Now we are going  to create different opt in forms for our   newsletter. Within Bloom you have  different types of opt in fields,   it is great. We have the pop up, we  have the fly-in, below posts, inline,   locked content and widget. Well let's just start  with the pop up because it is the most used and   I think the most irritating form of getting people  to sign up so click on pop up. First, we're going   to give it a name. Our new pop up form, select  your email provider we've just created MailChimp.   The account is the WPress Doctor and the list is  WPress Doctor. Now you can also see that you can   connect different email providers to Bloom so  it is very useful if you want another list or   another account for different campaigns. It is  really great. Press next 'Design your opt in'.   Within Bloom you can choose an amazing amount  of templates for our opt in forms. It is   really amazing. So just choose the one you like  best we can style it later on with the colors and   everything. So we're going to choose one we like.  I like this one because it has different colors   and we have a ribbon up there it is great. So  click on this one and then you scroll down and   then you press 'next customize'. Here we are going  to design our opt in form. Of course our title.   The 'Subscribe to our newsletter'. Well, I have  really a problem with the word newsletter. If   your website is not a newspaper agency, then you  don't have a 'news letter'. No you don't. These   are terms we use the 1998 in our online marketing.  No, you don't have a newsletter. If we're talking   about permission marketing, you have to give  something that people want to receive from you,   to get to know you. So what are we going to  do with this opt in form? We are not going   to ask people to "subscribe to our newsletter".  No we aren't going to give them the possibility to   get something for free. Now for every website that  is different as this is a WPress bike Doc - Full   service bike shop website, we need to give the  people something that they might be interested in   when visiting our website. So our title will be:  "10 tips to keep your bike from getting stolen".   If you now click on the Preview button, you  will see how your opt in form actually looks.   "10 tips to keep you back from getting stolen".  That is great. We're going to change this   newsletter ribbon of course and we're going to  center this text in the middle because when you   look at your preview, this looks really great. And  then we have our Optin message. Now what are we   actually going to do is we're going to let people  dive into the funnel as we have created it,   as you now receive the 10 tips it is our way make  customers get used to us and they can trust us for   the information that we're giving them for free -  the present and really help them out from getting   their bike from stolen. So our opt in message  will not be "Join our mailing list to receive   the latest news". No, our opt in message will be  "With these tips. you will never be unpleasantly   surprised." Again. We're going to center this in  the center. Let's press on the Preview button.   And let's add an exclamation mark in there. It's  awesome. However, we still have this big ribbon   newsletter up there. I don't like that.  So I'm going to create something else.   If you now scroll down here you can find the  ribbon it's actually a image! At the 'image   orientation' uou can choose to change it above and  below right left. Well, I really liked the style   of this ribbon. So what we're going to do  is I'm going to use my Photoshop skills.   I'm just going to copy paste it  I'm going to create something else.   And the new ribbon I created is really interesting  to see it is: "Save yourself some pain". Now if we   press on the preview icon right here, now you  can see "Save yourself some pain - 10 tips to   keep your bike from getting stolen. With these  tips. You will never be unpleasantly surprised"   Isn't that interesting? If you're looking on  a bike webshop and you have a bike or you're   going to buy one or you just bought one. You're  looking for repairs. This is really interesting.   "Save yourself some pain" I don't want pain! Do  you want pain? No I don't want pain! 10 tips? They   are free? Of course! Let's download them. This  is great. So this opt in form to get the people   inside of our lead funnel will be great. Click  on this one and now we go down a bit and this is   the image loading animation of the image we just  created. Save yourself some pain on the ribbon.   So what you want here you can for example, use  Lightspeed and this is how it looks. You have all   kinds of different options to Zoom In and flip  it anything else. Just select someone that you   want to have so I'm going for the Lightspeed  option I think is really great. You really grab   somebody's attention while browsing the website.  We're going to close this. If you now scroll down,   you can change the opt in styling. You could  change the background color, the header font,   body font, text color... everything you can change  to make it fully compatible with your website.   Now we use on our website we use a lot of times  Oswald. So we're going to select this one and   let's see how it looks on this. Now it looks  exactly the same as my website itself. So this is   great. It all depends on if you use square corners  or rounded corners in your style for your website.   I just use squared. You can change the border  orientation if you want to have one border or full   or only the top or bottom. Lets see how  it looks like. If you only have top of   the bottom it looks like this. I like the top  and the bottom better because I like it more.   Our border style we have chosen this  one you can also choose other borders   and you can see how it looks well. I really like  this it gives me a bit of a holiday feeling so   I really like this you can always change it  of course. If you scroll down a bit then you   can change the form set up do you want the form  on the bottom or for example form on the right   here you go. Now the form is on the right but  I like it to be on the bottom because I want   people to read the text "Save yourself some  pain - What?" 10 tips from getting your bike.   Okay. So this is better. The name fields do  we want to have a name field? Well, I actually   do want to have a single name field because I  want people to send them personalized emails   and to do that I would like to have a name on my  list. It's very important for email marketing.   And the name text and the email text  you can customize it for sample like   'your name' and 'your email'. For example, your  name and your email and then it looks like this.   Well the subscribe button is actually not right  because they're not subscribing to anything.   They are just receiving tips. So this one  should be 'Download' because when you now   look at '10 tips to keep you back from getting  stolen your name, email and download'. This   is logical because now they receive a PDF file  or anything. I've created this in my MailChimp   that the first mail they received back then they  receive the 10 tips for their bike getting stolen.   So the right button will be 'Download '. As you  can see, this is not a normal newsletter sign   up opt in form tutorial, because I really don't  believe in asking people hey, would you sign up   for my newsletter? Because why should I? No I  don't want to sign up for your newsletter! But   if you bring content, if you bring value to the  market, now you have permission based marketing,   and now you can send them an email "Hey, thank you  very much. Here's your 10 tips. And by the way,   you will receive another email and if you  don't like it, you can just unsubscribe."   So we're just pressing the cross. And now if  you just scroll down a little bit, you can add   some custom fields. And with custom fields you  can also select for example address, birthday,   phone numbers, and PIN codes, credit card  numbers, anything you want. You can add in this   field. I would suggest don't do that because  a lot of people will not leave their adress   behind because it's just too much. So be careful  with this custom fields. And we got the styling,   the form field orientation, you can stack or  do inline, we had it all as inline and now it's   stacked. I like the inline because it feels like  you have to fill out less to get what you want.   The rounded corners, you can of course  make it squared. I like to squared more   than rounded because now we have a one style  which is squared everywhere and that's great.   The background color you could actually create  this to look exactly the same as your website.   Now there is a problem with it however. If you  want to have it exactly the same as your website,   it just doesn't stand out from your website. So I  would recommend to keep it a very different color   and a very different pop in, a really different  thing from your website. But you might not want   it to make it too cheesy because of this colors  it remind you of the holidays. Well we are in a   holiday season so that's fine. But if you're not  in holiday seasons you might want to change it.   Alright you can change your background color,  your button color and your text color to light   and dark. And then we can also choose the edge  style. Here we go if you want this one, this   looks really great. Now you have a little  bit of arrow down there and I really like it.   This is even better. It's like a big  arrow pointing to your email adres.   And this one is also great if you have a coupon  with a discount. Sign up to get some discount,   or save yourself some money, receive your discount  code to sign up for new products or anything. Here   you can just use whatever you want. I like  this big one. And now you have a real arrow   pointing down to your email. So your eyes  are actually well see it's working already.   And now you have your form footer text. Here  you can create something like a disclaimer   or "When you download our 10 tips you agree to  receive email from us that you find very nice".   It is totally dependable on the rules of your  country. In Europe we have pretty strict rules.   So you really have to inform your clients about  how much your going to sent them, how much time,   when you're going to send it and everything  after that. However, if you're using the form   like we do, you can always inform them in  your next email when they download it. You   can always say "by downloading this PDF...."  Well there are different kinds of ways to,   you know, work around it. Alright, the success  message text, so we're going to leave the form   footer text empty for now. The success message  text is "You have successfully subscribed",   we're going to change that to: "You  download will be sent... Your 10 tips   will be sent to your mailbox in one minute." Here  you can add some custom CSS which is very useful   if you want to style it just a little bit more,  with the button and anything you want to make it   exactly like your website. But you want it  to stand out of course. Let's go to 'next,   display settings'. In display settings you can  see when and where your opt in form will show. So   do you want no animation just to pop it up? Or do  you want it to be fade in, slide right, slide up.   I want this time to let it fade in. We are going  to trigger a after time delay and let's make it 20   seconds. Well yes, let's make it 20 seconds. You  can also trigger it after inactivity. So let's do   that. And if someone is 10 seconds inactive and is  just opening your browser then they might not come   back or they are just doing something else. Then  they just show you a pop up it means they are not   scrolling on your website and clicking anything,  its just idle time. Alright at the bottom of the   post trigger it when it when you come down to the  bottom of your blog posts really interesting. Or   you can do it after commenting after scrolling.  And if you do after scrolling you can choose   how low do they have to go on the beach before  it has been triggered? Well, let's go with   80% Because when you're almost down there  and they're not 20 seconds on the way,   and they're not at the bottom, I want them still  to see it. And of course you get triggered after   purchase or you get triggered on a click with a  CSS selector. Alright, the next option is very   important: 'Display once per session'. I would  really recommend you do that. Because when they   visit your website and they click it and they  click on cross to close it they might not be   interested. So display once per session and  a session duration will be well let's do it   one day because if they come back tomorrow, they  might be interested because they're coming back to   your website. And when they are getting back. They  might be interested in these 10 tips. We don't   want to hide on mobile. We want to show it and  you can choose to either close it after subscribe.   You can do that and then it just fades away but  I like to let them see the message which says   thank you, the 10 tips will be in your email  inbox in one minute. scroll down. Where do you   want to optin to show? Do you want to show it on  everything? Everywhere? That just means basically   on everyone accepts pages like whatever you want,  or do you want to have it select on the blog page   on every archives we have on all categories, and  all tags, all posts, all pages, and all projects,   but not on the homepage for example, or you can  do on everything except on home. I really do like   opt in forms on my homepage because when they are  on the homepage, they're just trying to see "What   is this website all about? Where's it going?" So  I would like to show it everywhere except for my   homepage. And you can of course exclude posts  within your website so that is very awesome. If   you want to have, for example, different opt in  forms on different categories on different posts.   You can all do it right there. Okay, let's  go to 'Next success action'. Success action   will be a success message or a redirect to URL.  Why would you redirect them to the URL? Well,   if they want to download for example, that 10  tips manually, they can do it using this way. Or   if you want to really measure your success with  Google Analytics because you are sending traffic   to your website and you're buying those ads.  Then you might want to know what is the return   on investment by measuring the URL that has  been clicked. Okay, this is it. I want to show   the success message, press save and exit and now  we have our active opt in. Congratulations! That   is your first opt in. Let's see how it works. I'm  going to open up my website in a private window.   So I'm not logged in. I can actually scroll down  to anything I want and there is actually no pop   up opt in right here. Let's go to a buy page and  see what happens after 20 seconds or when I scroll   down and I'm almost almost at 80%... Wow! "Save  yourself some pain. 10 tips to keep your bike from   getting stolen. With these tips you will never be  unpleasantly surprised" Hmm. That's interesting,   because I want to buy a real expensive ebike. So  I'm going to add in my name right there, WPress   Doctor and I'm and  I'm going to press Download. Your 10 tips   will be sent to your mailbox in one minute.  Isn't it awesome? I really like this one.   So let's close it. Alright, so it works! That's  great. Let's see what other opt ins we have, and   really quick create them so you can see how that  actually looks on the website. If we now refresh   this page, you will see that we have a conversion!  Of course because I have just converted myself.   Yes, we have one impression and we have one  conversion. So that's a 100% conversion rate!   Man I'm going to be rich! This is really  great. And now you can see the statistics   how many subscribers I have I already have three  subscribers. I don't know where those other two   came from. But I'm excited and I think its really  awesome. So let's go back to the home and we're   going to create a new opt in form. So if you want  to be lazy, then we can just copy paste this pop   up form to make it a flying form. How do you do  that? Well you press this duplicate button right   there. And then we can just choose the flying. So  now we have a pop up form copy, which is a fly-in   module. Isn't that awesome? And here you can just  start editing it by pressing on the settings. "Fly   in form", of course and everything is just exactly  the same isn't that great? So let's make this   inactive right here and we're going to see what  the fly in form actually does when I now open up   my website in a new window. And when we scroll  down we now get at 80% our... fly in optin. So   here it goes, its on the right side you can choose  right, left, center and it is down here and it is   a little bit smaller and it is in the corner. And  as you can see also there is no gradient above   my entire website. So it just stays there in the  right corner. You can actually ignore it and still   read the website. As with the other form, you  can't easily read the the website because it has   a gradient over it. So that's one big difference  of the opt in form. So choose whatever you want.   Well let's duplicate this one and we're  going to see what these 'Below posts' are.   We're going to make this inactive, the fly in form  inactive and we're going to change the fly in form   copy. We're going to call it the the below post  opt in. And of course we're going to just leave it   right there because we've all tuned it. So we're  going to post and we're going to see what it does   with my posts. We have two posts created so let's  open them in a new private window. well this post   is really simple and this is what it does. It just  adds it below your text on the left side. That is   simple just like that. And you need to tune it and  tweak it, but it works and it works really simple.   All right, let's duplicate this one and we're  going to do it inline. And I'm really curious   how this works. Just make this one inactive. And  we're going to change this one to inline opt in.   And now you can see an extra option which is  'Generate shortcode' and when you press this, you   get a shortcode you can copy this one, press OK  and you can add it anywhere on your posts or page,   to show your opt in form inline on your  website. This is very useful if you for example,   want to have it integrated like this in the  footer. I have done this with the Divi newsletter   module. But you can also use the Bloom opt  in version to use it down there. You have to   tweak it a lot and you have to style it so it gets  into the style of your website but it is possible.   Why would you do that? Well, one of the  things which is very interesting is this,   you can actually do a A/B testing with these  forms. And that is really powerful. If your forms   are not converting, you can press A/B testing and  you can add a variant. And when you click on it,   now you can have your inline opt in variant A.  And you can now design it actually the same as   we did. But you can now create for example, and  now you can actually change it like 10 Golden tips   to keep your bike safe and you can change  anything you want. And when you press it on   is exactly the same or you could change  the colors you could change the images,   it is really great. Now what exactly does this  variants do? If you press on 'Start Test', it will   just show an even amount of opt in variants to  your visitors. So when your visitors are watching   your website then they might see option A. And  another visitor will see option B and another one   will see C and a new one will see A again and B  and C and all etc etc. That's the way how it goes.   And after a few while you will see a lot of  impressions over here a lot of conversions here   and the conversion rate of all your different  opt in forms. This is really powerful guys.   If you want to create your email marketing and  you want to do it the right way. This is a perfect   start. And it's already in your Elegant Themes  license so why not use it? If you then press   'End and pick winner' now they will calculate  the conversion rate for the variants and you   can choose your variant you want to have like this  one. And then this form will be your definite. And   you can of course do it again and go again with  your variants. This is... I'm really happy with   this. Another one which is very interesting is  'Locked content'. If you click on this one and   we're going to use it, press on the settings, this  is also really awesome. And I'm going to generate   a shortcode Why do you need to have a shortcode?  Well, if you can see that this content will be   locked if people do not sign up. So lets copy this  one, press OK. Okay, and let's make the tips for   cleaning bikes only possible when you have opt  in for our 10 tips. So the shortcode was this   [et_bloom_locked optin_id="5] and there is the  content. Alright let's give tip number one,   tip number two, tip number three. All right, so as  we now have loaded our website, you will see that   well I didn't customize this at all. So there  has to be something like 'If you want to see   this content, leave your email address right  here". And we're going to try it out. WPress   Doctor - because that's the  name of this thing and press download and then...   Hey here they are! This works really awesome. But  as I told you before you really have to style it   to make it look like this content has been hidden.  But it works and this is great. So if you want to   use it you can always use this one. You can also  change the 'Download your 10 tips', we can place a   button down here which says 'Download the 10 Tips'  and then they subscribe and then they can download   it right here. It is also all possible and it  works great. Alright, the last optin form that   we didn't show yet is the widget. So let's choose  widget. And let's see what that is. Well actually   it is just exactly the same but now you have a  widgit in place which you can use in your theme.   And the widget is actually pretty much useless  if you have Divi, I never use widgets in Divi.   But if you now go to 'appearance' and we go to  'widgets', you might have another theme then Divi   on your website and then Bloom is really really  useful. Because then you use a lot of widgets as   you can see I get the welcome because I never  use widgets. Just press this plus icon and you   can type in Bloom or you can scroll down and just  find it just click on it and here you go. Give it   a title, whatever you want. And you can choose  the right widget and now when you click outside   these boxes, you will see exactly our created opt  in form as a widget. So of course for a widget   you really have to make it a little bit smaller  and you have to change the layout of course, but   now you know how you can do it. So guys, that's  basically it. Remember the money is in the list.   Also remember that a client actually needs seven  to eight contact moments with you to trust you   get to know you before they buy something  from you. Alright, if you liked this video,   hit that like button so I know I was on  the right track. If you have questions,   please ask them in the comments below. I wish you  an awesome day and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: WPress Doctor
Views: 316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress doctor, wordpress, wordpress toturial, toturial, how to, websites, wordpress expert, Bloom, E-mail, E-mail option, Bloom tutorial, Bloom plugin, Elegant themes, E-mail opt-in, Email optim, Email optin form builder, wordpress doctor, wordpress, wordpress toturial, toturial, how to, websites, wordpress expert, Bloom, E-mail, E-mail option, Bloom tutorial, Bloom plugin, Elegant themes, E-mail opt-in, Email optim, Email optin form builder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.