Create + Build Your First Membership Site in 30 minutes

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welcome hello friends if we have not met yet my name is Andrea and Nordling I am a holistic nutritionist and online course creator but most recently I am a very profitable dual membership site owner meaning I have created two memberships one in the nutrition space and one in actually helping other practitioners to scale their practices with memberships which I feel very strongly about and I know that I'm pretty well qualified to do this training for you today because I have created two memberships myself and helped many others do the same so in the next 30 minutes and I'm looking at my clock so I'm challenging myself to keep this for 30 minutes or less I am going to show you how to actually set up your membership in the next 30 minutes and we're going to use my very very favorite most trusted love-affair product ever which is called kajabi kajabi is an all-in-one platform I'm going to tell you all about what that means in a second but I am going to direct you below this video to the button that's for you to get started with your free trial my hope is that you'll pause this video go start your free trial and then actually do this in real time along with me with this video so that you have your membership actually set up in the next 30 minutes in thank you for using my affiliate link I also am going to include for you access for free you'll get an email once you sign up for your free trial for my membership by Monday online course which is where I actually take you behind the scenes of both my memberships and show you exactly how they're laid out and structured and how everything fits together what themes to use how to customize it all that jazz okay because that's what I really wanted when I was getting started I just wanted to see like how how this was gonna all fit together I needed a visual on what it was gonna look like so I knew what I was even creating and I want to give that to you because I know that's really what I wanted this is in addition to the membership by Monday course you also get a link to book a zoom call with me a 30-minute zoom call to over your membership strategy and help answer any questions so that's a thank you for me to you for using my affiliate link which again is below this video and from kajabi you actually get an extra two week free trial for using that link normally they give you a 14-day free trial but through my affiliate link you get a 28 day free trial which means we are gonna get you paid for your membership before your first payment is due sound good okay so if you haven't already pause this go start your free trial and then meet me back here alright well the clock is ticking but we're gonna do it so today like I said we are going to actually outline the content for your membership so you know exactly what core content you're going to create and then get this bad boy made right I'm going through my notes if it looks like my reading it's because I am I don't want to forget anything I do want to touch a little bit on different platforms that I've used because I know that this is a big question I get a lot is there a lot of options okay and there are a ton of them I'm gonna tell you what I have used so far so in the beginning in my nutrition practice I created some online courses and I hosted them on teachable which is a free ish platform there are some paid versions but teachable also takes a cut of every purchase so you pay a fee for people to purchase on there it wasn't very customizable but it worked at the time my website was on Squarespace and my email list is on convertkit so imagine people coming to my website and subscribing to my email newsletter which was on convertkit and then hopefully buying something from a link in one of those emails that they would get post subscribing to buy something and teachable had to then give them access to that tagged them appropriately and get all the automations correct you can imagine that there were some breakdowns in all of these systems which cost me a lot of money and time because i didn't always know when things were broken so i had upgraded my online courses and changed them to a membership format which worked really well memberships are an amazing way to serve your health audience and when I did that I thought okay I'm gonna make this membership I'm gonna make it in my Squarespace size just so I actually made a new Squarespace website that was protected had member protected content with member space and that protected my membership content gave them a login but it was still hooked up to convertkit and we had a lot of issues when someone couldn't get into the website I was the IT department to try to troubleshoot that which was very frustrating so I tell you this because I was trying to keep things really reasonably priced and kind of bootstrap along the way what I ended up doing was costing myself ton of time that I could have been leveraging to go get more students to be honest so I don't want you to do the same thing when I realized that my Squarespace membership site wasn't working that well I decided to upgrade well it felt like an upgrade to a custom WordPress site which I hired a developer to do for me and it was beautiful but at the end of the day I couldn't change anything and I didn't know how to edit it and I didn't know how to make tweaks I had to go back to him for everything that I needed to change which was a disaster so when I found kajabi it was actually the third time I had moved my membership around and maybe the fourth time it felt like a lot felt like 500 and I was very excited because kajabi is an all-in-one platform so what that means is that it actually houses my online courses my email database with all of my auto my email sequences autoresponders Oh head sisters dream my landing page is my website my membership and all the recurring payments and all the checkout software and everybody actually getting paid happens in kajabi and they don't take a fee for any of that I host my webinars in there now and live zoom calls inside my membership basically everything is inside kajabi it all talks to each other since it's all built in there isn't missing any web web hooks or anything that get broken so all that to say full circle I just want to give you some context around the fact that sometimes you are gonna be way better off timewise and financially honestly to not pay for everything separately and just have it all in one okay now I see that I've wasted a lot of minutes talking about that so it's time to get into your actual membership content so I assume that you have started your kajabi free trial and you're looking at your screen right now and wondering what we're gonna do with this well my suggestion for you is to structure your membership in the easiest way possible yes there are infinite ways that you can get paid to do a membership and there's a ton of different ways that your members can plug in for content with you but this is the easiest way and the best way to get started honestly I want you to outline your core content so what that means it inside the the profitable practice inner circle my membership where I teach memberships we call this the progress path so if you are a member with me you know the progress path this is basically the one problem that you solve for your audience like their one deep core desire what do they really really want the transformation they're looking for and you break it down into three to five milestones like different different stages that they go through to get to their end result you know who your ideal member is better than I do so right now you're probably thinking okay what is the transformation they're looking for how do I break that down into stages with some tangible milestones honestly that's the core content of your membership I want to make it harder for you know I don't just kidding because it is that easy this core content are going to is what's going to basically be your outline of what you will teach in your membership and when you launch your beta you are going to get paid first of all from your founding members you're going to let them know that in the next few weeks they will actually get the first batch of content so you give yourself a buffer of a few weeks to create the first week's content and then you just drip it out as you go with those beta members and build out the content easy-peasy and don't get scared about this I promise it is the way to go because the worst thing you can do and ask me how I know this is to create a full fledged course and not have had anybody buy it yet and then market it and not have anybody buy not a good feeling okay the best way much much more simple and straightforward and honestly is going to give you a lot more confidence to sell it first then create the content okay you want to validate the people are actually gonna pay for this before you spend time creating it said if you already have a progress path made you already know what your stages are and what your core content is if not you want to break down that big transformation that you're helping people get into some tangible milestones and stages and then name them a cool name okay because basically what you're doing right now is you're creating your signature method you are taking and I'm assuming that you're not blatantly copying it from someone else make sure that this is your own but you're taking your spin on things your method the way that you do it that is your secret sauce basically and you are packaging it up in a new way naming it something cool so you know Andria's fabulous method or whatever it is and that's what you're going to build out basically inside your membership I'm gonna show you how to do that in a second but I just want to make sure that you're really clear on what your going to be doing you are kind of outlining at this point you're taking the three to five stages that they're gonna work through and what those milestones are naming them something cool and then when you launch the membership and you start actually teaching this content you're gonna make a few lessons to bring them through each of these stages I assume that it's gonna take you a few lessons usually it's not more than that but this is the foundational content that you want everyone in your membership to have access to because after you build this out once then it's gonna be available for members when they signup to go through as soon as they come into your membership then on a monthly basis depending on what kind of deliverables you want to have in your membership you are going to continually support them in implementing and troubleshooting and building community and lots of support around this core content and actually doing it and that's why memberships are so powerful honestly for health practitioners in particular because we know that our clients don't get things the first time you can tell them something can give them a protocol you can tell them why and we're guilty of this ourselves it's human nature you don't hear it necessarily the first time you don't implement it the first time repetition really is important here and that's why memberships you know I could go on forever but that's why memberships are so good for our particular industry okay so let me look if I know it's what am I forgetting to tell you basically these three to five stages with the milestones are what your entire membership content is going to be so you're like almost there you have it almost almost outlined now I'm going to show you how to put it in so let me open up my site now you are getting a peek at my kajabi partner site so this is actually a demo site that I have set up it is not my actual membership but remember if you have signed up through my kajabi Affiliate length to start your free trial you are going to get an automatic email with an invitation to this membership by Monday course where I do show you everything behind the scenes of my two memberships and how they're set up right now we are in the products tab so I've clicked products and it's showing all products this is where we're going to want to start and we will create a new product kajabi does an excellent job of giving us frameworks here so there's a lot that you can choose from depending on what you're trying to start right now we are going to generate a membership of course all right so once kajabi generates this membership product for us it's going to create it with some default settings that we can easily change but it does give you a really good framework to start with okay so this is the back end when you are looking at customizing anything in kajabi it looks like this isn't this awesome so if you didn't change anything on here that would be totally fine we're going to change a few things but just so you know everything on here is customizable but it's giving you a good framework if there's something that you don't want to see and you can just change it click on that lesson and you can rename it reorder it this is where you're actually going to change the content of these lessons when you're ready to build them out for good and drip out your content but for now remember we are just building out the framework so you have something to sell because you are going to be so smart and take all of my advice and pre sell this membership before you have the content actually made all right so this is us making everything laying it out and then I'm going to show you what it looks like from a user's perspective in a second the core training is what you are going to rename with your signature method okay you are going to be way more creative with what you're going to call it and this is going to be your secret sauce your method your way of teaching things which is the core content that teaches all the foundational stuff in your membership then you're going to do a video all right so this is going to tell people how to access the content and what to do first inside here you will want to and kajabi is telling you exactly what to do see it's going to tell you to reiterate the benefits of being part of this monthly community you may want to add a video introducing yourself etc you seriously can't screw this up good job he's telling you exactly what to do and that's totally what you're going to put into this post it's going to be the next steps welcome and reassuring people that they're on the right track now if you do a video what you'll do is click video and then you're going to just upload it from your computer scratch that I'm not actually going to upload a video because rural internet speeds where I live you're not going to help us meet our 30-minute time limit if I do that anyway this is where you will actually upload your video which will then play anytime you have a video if you don't want to have a video in your lesson you can just upload a poster image here which is kind of like a thumbnail that will be used as a placeholder in place of the video when your members are looking at this post that would make much more sense in a minute when I show you what this looks like from a members perspective okay so going back into our main membership area we are going to work on renaming these core lessons these core lessons are going to actually be the milestones that you the stages and milestones that you already outlined and step one so this is going to be called stage one my stage one is called get confident you can see awesome name here you're going to make sure that that sounds great and we're going to do the same for stage 2 and stage 3 I'm going to assume that you have done your work on the three to three to five but we're gonna go with five it's over three part of me so this is going to be a stage two awesome content and these are categories you'll see second you Stage three cool now with this outlined you are going to have everything ready to create when you drip out your membership and you actually are doing this in real time if you didn't want to have all of these available maybe you want to do a full outline with every single lesson that you're going to do I'll show you how to do that in a second you can just set these to draft and then your members will not see this even listed in their available stuff okay so you can make everything in advance and then just check it to publish when you're ready that's totally appropriate I also want to show you how to do a subcategory so maybe for within your content you want to have like milestone stage here just giving an example you see how that showed up as a folder instead of a post and then you kind of want to have some then you want to move some of these lessons to go underneath that subcategory which is a great way to be able to organize your content you're going to want to use this making your your stages into subcategories and then the actual lessons that you're going to teach maybe two two three four depending on for each stage you will make as individual posts like this this is where you'll actually do a video of you explaining teaching the lesson in real time when you teach it or you can do it via text or what I like to do an exam then also have text as well within the lessons in kajabi you can upload anything that you are going to need to supplement that information within the lesson so that your students can get their downloads okay so they're going to find that all in one spot so easy and visually appealing I promise you are going to just love what this looks like which brings me to what this actually looks like depending on the theme that you're going to do is we're going to change this in a second everything here is customized is customizable this is what your membership is going to look like to your user your video or your thumbnail is going to go here anything that you teach them in text wise is here if you have any downloads they'll be in this section and you can change to match your branding any of these colors any of the font as well as if this with the breadcrumbs is even on here there's so many ways to customize it you get to put whatever navigation bar you would like your members to see whether you have a different one for members like I do versus people on my website anything anyway everything's totally customizable but for our purposes today what we want to do is we want to get your core content outlined and get you set up for payments so that you can sell your beta and then start building it up so we're not going to worry about all this right now so now I'm back inside our membership product and I want to do a little customization and show you what I think is the best theme for using for your membership everything is going to default to the premier theme which is the layout visually about what this looks like but you can change everything going to pick a theme the theme that I highly suggest use is momentum momentum install that theme which is for you to use is just a different layout that we're going to craft our membership experience around promise you're going to love it and then you have to come down here and activate so click on those three little dots and activate momentum theme so now when we preview it looks quite a bit different than the last screen I showed you right this is your membership dashboard and you're going to come in here as soon as we've got everything built out and you are going to customize this with your brand colors and with the exact verbage that you want it to have on here you can update this dashboard with all kinds of to do is here for your new members so they know how to navigate the site you can put videos in here which is what I do to give them a video tutorial on where everything is located and the membership and then I also have sidebar buttons you can see these are not filled out yet but I have buttons on the side here to each of my membership categories for live events Q&A calls we have a full blueprint course there's all kinds of stuff my members get and everything is linked on this side so they have really easy access to it again if you choose to start your kajabi trial through my link you're going to get the membership by Monday course where I walk you through exactly what my memberships look like and I'll show you all that what I want to point you towards I guess first and foremost is just that all of this content that we just laid out is really easily accessible to the left on the sidebar in this theme in the momentum theme which is why I highly recommend starting your membership with the momentum theme because you can have everything in one page it's a very very seamless and easy user experience but really customizable and remember everything that we put over here we can change within this product on the back end so everything here we can unpublish delete changed the name move things around change the categories any possibilities are endless basically but that's where you change what is showing up over here and you go to customize inside here this is going to and this little customize button here is going to allow you to change what everything looks like so just want to show you how this actually goes you can change the navigation title which is a library that goes back to anything that they have access to within your membership the navigation here see how I could just change that so that nothing on here is showing the post is just showing the categories which if you have a ton of content in your membership is a good idea or there we go now all of a sudden we can see the actual lessons you can also change how this page is all and also you can just click on anything here and it'll bring up where to change it so anything you want to change the editor will come on on the left hand side super intuitive drag-and-drop but this is where you would actually change the way that you want this to look now when you set up your membership you are going to decide what fonts are your are your brand fonts what colors you use what all of the typography looks like you can certainly keep it as the default if you want to it looks great right out of the box but that's how you would definitely be able to change it so this is changing and customizing the product which is our membership you can also format the posts differently which are your lessons and how they are laid out so this is what they will look like hmm actually it's kind of hard for me to show you this here I'll go back to it and show you what they look like but this is where you will change how the lessons are laid out so if you don't want to have video if you don't want to have comments all of it is totally customizable and that's where you would do it I did want to show you what this looks like on the backend in the post so within the momentum theme now this is going to look different when I preview this we had a video it would be up here and then your text below it so it looks beautiful this is what it what your membership would actually look like to a student very intuitively laid out here on the left for them to navigate between the core content and then the specific lessons are going to have all the information that they need right there and again a video would go here if we had uploaded a video which looks beautiful right so now that you have your membership built out wireframe wise you kind of have the layout done it is time to get you paid just gonna remind you first we outlined your core content of your membership which is all you need to get started then we actually set that up and input it into the momentum theme inside kajabi in a product and now it is time to set up your payment gateways so that you can actually have a checkout page and process payments for this membership yeah we're almost there to get the ball rolling on that you're going to come down to settings and I just want to tell you that kajabi does an excellent job for your 28 day trial of sending you email tutorials every single day on how to do everything and customize everything that you see here on the left I'm just giving you the down-and-dirty 10% that you need to get going to get paid for your demo membership but don't worry every single feature is going to be very well explained so you'll get there for now we're going into settings and this is your master site settings you're going to want to spend a little bit of time in here and customize it so that it makes sense for your brand and so it makes sense for exactly how you want to use it but for just for right now only thing you need to worry about is your payment integrations which means setting up your PayPal account and stripe account you don't need to use both of them but it is a good idea if you have business accounts with both of these to be able to set them up and you do need business accounts which is easy and free to do so it might take you a little bit of time if you haven't done this already but it is time very well spent because people need a secure way to pay you and for the most part people trust PayPal or stripe stripe is where they actually will be able to put in their credit card without signing in to PayPal and give you their card details right on the spot so it's a good idea to do both of these if possible so I'll leave you to push pause and integrate your PayPal stripe if you have those set up otherwise make a mental note that that's on your to-do list for right after this video once you have your payment integration set up the last thing you need to do we are almost done is to create an offer so under products you can go to offers just really really fabulous because within kajabi you can have the same products and this is great for us membership site on theirs you can have same products packaged up in different offers so this is a way to create tiers within your membership it's a way to create beta pricing that is not going to transfer to your future pricing because you'll create two different offers around that anyway you'll this will make more sense to you once you dive into your own kajabi site but just trust me that having offers available is amazing amazing and now we're gonna create one which is how you actually get paid so here's what we do add new offer and you are going to name this for now it's going to be my awesome membership and the product that they're going to get with this offer is the membership by Monday course you really can't create offers until you have a product to include in the offer which is why we're doing this last and then although this is editable later you can add your price here but don't worry if you want to change that because you can always edit it and now we are creating our offer so within kajabi you can set an internal title so like I said you might have various offers that are yeah and you can have unlimited offers but you might have the same products included in different offers and you want to remember what they are this is where you would put that in your internal title if it's different than the title there because this public-facing title is what people are going to see on your kit on your checkout page here is the description where you will give them this membership is incredible it is going to change your life okay something inspirational that pertains to exactly what you're selling now we have an included product here but if there were a few different products that you were going to include in your membership then you would add them all here and that is going to package them all up together for one price and the terms that you select in this offer if you wanted to do an upsell you can absolutely do that there's two ways to do that within kajabi the upsell or the order bump and the order bump is on the checkout page the upsell is actually the page that you go to after confirming your order but both of them give you the opportunity to add on another product or service basically that wasn't included initially but they can add it on with one click and not have to enter in their credit card information again which is awesome so I see a lot of my members doing a one on one consult consultations as their upsell or as their order bump so in addition to their digital products in their membership they may charge a discounted price for a one-on-one session when their members get on-boarded which is awesome for any health and wellness membership a lot of times your members want more time with you so this is a great way to do that all right so we have everything set up here these are more customizations you can work with later but for right now I want to show you product access and since you are building out the beta of your membership you may decide to use this feature which is to set when the access date is going to begin and there's two ways to do this right here by putting the data in or just by unpublishing the content until you're ready to publish it in Havok alive either way it's going to be fine but this is one way to do it you can put in the date that your membership starts and until then they will have paid it will be sitting there ready to go but they won't have any content in it unlocked until this time and then I want to show you that you want to send a notification to your team and then add your email address in here and oops and then hit enter so it turns into this box okay if you don't do that you won't get automatic emails that you have a new member that has paid you and signed up and those are the best emails I don't want you to miss out on those so you need to put your email address in there to notify you okay perfect so this is now almost ready oh shoot okay it wants us to have stripe hid I'm going to actually I'm just going to show you what this looks like okay so for your membership you although you have the option of setting a one-time payment or free for that matter you going to want to do a recurring subscription and since we don't have our stripe or PayPal set up in this demo site it's not showing me the actual options you'll just have to trust me that right here it is very easy to set up the frequency and structure of those recurring payments so that's where you set the intervals for how often they pay if you're going to do okay and if you're going to do what I do which is an ongoing monthly membership and an ongoing annual membership option I have both you will set up two different offers one of them with the monthly and exactly how that's structured and then another offer that includes the same products but is the annual option and then they can choose between those so here you go you have now created an offer I feel like we're getting really close to that 30 minutes and so I'm starting to talk even faster want to show you the checkout page because this is what you actually want to spend a little time son-of-a-gun okay I'm gonna bring you to a different offer page hold on okay sorry about that I'm bringing you into the checkout page for my one of my memberships and this is what I want you to to customize for your checkout page so instead of selling your membership with a full sales page and a built out website although we can do all of that on kajabi and our websites are beautiful on Khadafi we are going with this lean and mean strategy to just get you a checkout page so that you can send this to your beta members and they can set up their payments now in in that page I show you that it didn't let us keep going which was kind of a bummer oops didn't want to do that where it wouldn't show me because stripe wasn't hooked up you would be able to add an image like I have here or you can take it out if you like and then give some details about your offer which I highly recommend doing just reminding them with bullet points about the benefits of your membership and what they're going to get I add a little testimonial snippet there from one of my members and this it everything is ready to go they're going to input their information and complete purchase and now you have sold your beta membership less than 30 minutes that was the goal for you to outline your the core content of your membership so you understand what that's even going to look like and then for us to actually build that out within kajabi set up a membership and build out that core content and make it pretty with the momentum theme that was our sub-2 sub-3 is to set you up for payments with stripe and PayPal and then edit your offer and check out page so you can send people to this page when you would just send them to this URL which would allow them to purchase beta access to your membership start their payments and then you will have communicated to them what date they are going to get the first installment of content and you will build it out as you go my friend you are now a membership site owner how exciting is this now as always I am happy to answer any questions on this so you can email me at hello at Andrea Nordling comm the best way to get a hold of me but my sincere hope is that I'm gonna get to chat with you one-on-one in a zoom session if you have taken the plunge and started your kajabi membership then again you will get as a thank-you you will get an email from me with access to the membership by Monday behind the scenes course with my memberships and that also includes a link to book a session for us to jump on zoom' and to strategize your membership together so with that I leave you to go make your membership beautiful and I hope we meet soon alright thanks my friend
Channel: Andrea Nordling NTP
Views: 8,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: online course, kajabi tutorials, kajabi membership, kajabi membership site examples, kajabi membership site demo, kajabi free trial, kajabi vs teachable, kajabi vs wordpress, online nutrition coach, online nutritionist, online membership business, starting a membership site, starting a membership based business, kajabi review 2019, wellness business ideas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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